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Stakeholder complaints(Total numbers)2015103.11 | 3.12HR13SO15001 02 03 04 05YearSTAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT for 2005focused on the use of the Socio-EconomicAssessment Toolbox (SEAT). Each collierywas required to identify its stakeholders and engagethem in appropriate ways. Communities were engagedin a series of public meetings during which theaspirations and needs of these communities wereidentified. In instances where there were queriesraised by the stakeholders, the collieries committedto deliver feedback on the resolution of these. Thequeries raised and the responses to date are beingpublished in the SEAT documents in 2006.All operating sites have community engagementplans in place and the quality of these is beingimproved through the application of SEAT. Twocollieries, Goedehoop and New Denmark, havecompleted their SEAT assessments, with the balanceof the collieries to complete theirs in 2006.ComplaintsEach of the collieries has a complaints procedurewhich enables members of the community andother interested and affected parties to lodge theirgrievances with the operations. The trend between2001 and 2003 indicated an increase in thenumber of complaints. This was attributed to animprovement in collieries’ communications with thecommunities. During 2004, no complaints wererecorded. This sudden change has been attributedto the implementation of SEAT. Communities wereactively engaged in dialogue in a systematic andformal manner and complaints were recorded in theSEAT as ‘key issues raised by stakeholders’. During2005, one complaint was recorded. Examples ofthe issues raised during the collieries’ dialoguewith communities are shown below.Examples of issues raised during SEAT dialogueIssues raised Management responses ActionsOperations should create jobs and provide Our procurement policies are in line with Where we are not complying or helping smallopportunities for small businesses. creating these opportunities. <strong>Anglo</strong> Zimele businesses to enter our market, we encourageplays a significant role in developing communities to challenge our policies.SMMEs.The operation has left mine dumps that We are required by law and by our We will adhere to the rehabilitation plan.are still burning in some areas, as well commitment to ISO 14001 to rehabilitateas sinkholes.any land that we have mined out orotherwise polluted. As part of ourenvironmental management plan,rehabilitation programmes have been putin place for all the dumps and sinkholes.The operations have created a dependency Life-skills programmes are being Management will help in developing life skills.syndrome. As a result, people like to blame implemented to help people obtainand criticise and expect to always receive. independence through the communitydevelopment projects.Mining operations could be polluting the Ground water and contamination levels Mines will continue to monitor underground waterunderground water and contaminating the are monitored on a monthly basis to and contamination levels.river water.prevent pollution.35

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