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pdf [ 1.1MB ] - Anglo American

pdf [ 1.1MB ] - Anglo American


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Hope Dump rehabilitation: Goedehoop collieryThe No 5 seam coal discard dump (1965-1983) atthe Hope section of Goedehoop colliery underwentrehabilitation as part of the ISO 14001 and EMPRcommitments of the colliery. The impact of thedump on water and soil qualities was notacceptable and therefore the rehabilitation wasinitiated and completed at a cost of R22.3 million.The rehabilitation of the dump will promote theestablishment of a natural wetland to aidbiodiversity on the Highveld plateau.One family had settled informally on the oldHope dump and was relocated. Management andunions co-operated in moving these people, aftereducating them on the dangers of living on thedump and the need for the area to be rehabilitated.Once the family understood the reason for thedestruction of their dwelling, they accepted a newhouse nearby to which the whole family relocated.Before and after the restorationof the Hope discard dump atGoedehoop. This wetland now hasclean water and lush vegetation.Many species of wildlife arereturning to their original habitat.30

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