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pdf [ 1.1MB ] - Anglo American

pdf [ 1.1MB ] - Anglo American


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‘Speakup’ campaign – Building a culture of transparency and accountabilityOther numbers to reach us:0800 203 571 (South Africa)+27 31 508 6408 (International)<strong>Anglo</strong> Coal participates inthe <strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong> plcwhistle-blowing programmecalled Speakup. Speakup isan independently managedfacility which provides aglobal channel for reportingunethical or unsafepractices. The idea is toprovide confidential meansof communicating anypractice contrary to thegroup’s business principles,such as criminal offences,unreliable accounting, noncompliancewith regulations,and safety, health andenvironmental transgressions.No employees willbe prejudiced for raising, ingood faith, violations of thegroup’s business principles,or any legal or ethicalconcern.programme has rolled out and more employees areexposed to the diversity training, the staff turnoverhas reduced. At Goedehoop colliery, the turnoverdropped by some 39% in 2005 and the target isto reduce the loss by a further 15% during 2006.Union coverage<strong>Anglo</strong> Coal South Africa has recognised three tradeunions: the National Union of Mine Workers, UnitedAssociation of South Africa and Solidarity. Theseunions represent 81% of the workforce.Disciplinary and grievanceproceduresMain areas of studyMining 35%Engineering 29%Geology 14%Metallurgy 14%Commerce 8%TrainingThe average time spent on training during 2005increased by 25%. Training represented 9% of thewage bill. The number of historically disadvantagedSouth Africans granted university and techniconscholarships increased by 4% to 69%. Of the totalnumber of scholarships granted for study attechnicons, 91% were awarded to historicallydisadvantaged students. Nearly 18% morescholarships to universities were granted in 2005compared with 2004. Of the 120 scholarshipsprovided, the main areas of study are reflected inthe pie chart on the left.All the <strong>Anglo</strong> Coal South Africa training anddevelopment sites retained their ISO 9001:2000certification during 2005.Staff retentionAs a result of our higher production needs and despitethe number of employees and core contractors havingincreased over the past three years, a skills shortageremains. The collieries are working to retain skills andto reduce staff turnover. As the Yebo Siyaphambili<strong>Anglo</strong> Coal South Africa has a policy on disciplinarycode and procedures that provides mechanisms forthe company to correct behaviour as well asperformance. Where attempts to achieve this fail,or where the seriousness of an offence warrants it,a formal disciplinary procedure can be invoked. Theprocedure details various categories of offences andthe possible corrective actions available to addressthem. The number of internal hearings during 2005declined to 1,534 from 1,843 during 2004.All employees have the right to appeal againstany decision which involves an entry on theirdisciplinary record and which may affect theiremployment relationship. Provision is also made,in terms of the Labour Relations Act, to resort toexternal recourse such as the labour court and theCommission for Conciliation, Mediation andArbitration. During 2005, there were 12 appealscompared with 33 cases during 2004.<strong>Anglo</strong> Coal South Africa employees, customersand suppliers are encouraged to report any dishonest,fraudulent or inappropriate activity in the workplaceusing a confidential whistle-blowing hotline serviceknown as Speakup, administered by Deloitte.Complainants can e-mail, fax, use freepost or atoll free telephone number to make a report.The complainant’s identity is always protected.23

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