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2.203.7 | 3.20LA7Work-related accidents(per 200,000 man hours) fatal injuries(Number of fatal injuries)654321002 03 04 05YearLTIFRTRCFR02 03 04 05YearLeft: Analysis reveals that themost injuries suffered were asa result of materials handling.Here Alf van Straaten andRajeen Singh practice saferigging procedures at Isibonelocolliery.Above right: New Denmark’ssafety mascot, Smarty, drawsattention to an incentivised‘stop card’ system – a card isshown to a worker notworking safely.OUR PERFORMANCE IN 2005 showed adisappointing reversal in the trend thatwe had planned to continue from 2004.During 2005, there were five fatalities and 49 losttimeinjuries at the <strong>Anglo</strong> Coal South African collieries.It is with great sadness that we report the loss ofthese friends and colleagues.The LTIFR trend was disappointing, with the rateon a plateau of 0.32 compared with 0.29 for 2004.Other indicators deteriorated noticeably, with theseverity rate in 2005 increasing 52% from theprevious year, and the number of lost-time injuriesincreasing 26%, from 39 in 2004 to 49 in 2005.Along with <strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong> plc, we areimplementing the <strong>Anglo</strong> Safety Way, a comprehensiveand systematic review of our approach to safetythat focuses on training, non-negotiable safetystandards, a zero harm culture and, most importantly,leadership at all levels.Safety managementDuring 2005, <strong>Anglo</strong> Coal South Africa made thedecision to implement the safety managementsystem embodied in OHSAS 18001. Both Goedehoopand Kriel collieries were awarded OHSAS 18001certification in 2005. We believe that the soundfoundation provided by this system must beenhanced by actions and a culture change thatencourages people to live and act safely at all times.Using principles of continuous improvementand OTTO (zero tolerance towards unsafe workingpractices and target zero for fatal injuries), we haveformulated a safety improvement plan which will berolled out in 2006. This plan incorporates threeprinciples which will become entrenched in the mannerin which <strong>Anglo</strong> Coal conducts its business, specifically:oooa ‘zero harm culture’ – we believe that allinjuries are preventable;a learning organisation – a culture will bedeveloped that is honest about mistakes andlessons to be learned from these mistakes toavoid repeat incidents; andsimple, non-negotiable safety standards andrules.In the quest for zero harm, sound visible feltleadership principles and living the values of YeboSiyaphambili are now a condition of employment in<strong>Anglo</strong> Coal South Africa.The <strong>Anglo</strong> Safety Way:the supporting frameworkThe 12 safety management standards developed by<strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong> plc, known as The <strong>Anglo</strong> SafetyWay, will be implemented. The 12 standards thathave been developed around the Plan-Do-Check-Actmethodology are:1. Policy and Demonstrated ManagementCommitment2. Risk and Change Management3. Legal and Other Requirements4. Targets, Objectives and PerformanceManagement5. Training, Awareness and Competence13

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