Vipassana Meditation : Lectures On Insight Meditation by Venerable

Vipassana Meditation : Lectures On Insight Meditation by Venerable

Vipassana Meditation : Lectures On Insight Meditation by Venerable


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Appendix <strong>On</strong>e<strong>Meditation</strong> GuidelinesMoral ConductPurification of moral conduct is a prerequisite for a meditator to achieveprogress in his practice. <strong>On</strong>ly then will he be free from a guilty conscience andbe detached and able to concentrate easily. In a meditation retreat, themeditators are required to observe the eight precepts: -1. I undertake the precept to abstain from killing.2. I undertake the precept to abstain from taking things not given.3. I undertake the precept to abstain from in-celibacy.4. I undertake the precept to abstain from false speech.5. I undertake the precept to abstain from taking distilled and fermentedliquors and intoxicants.6. I undertake the precept to abstain from taking food at an improper time.7. I undertake the precept to abstain from dancing, singing, music and andunseemly shows, from the use of garlands, perfumes, and unguents, and fromthings that tend to beautify and adorn (the person).8. I undertake the precept to abstain from using high and luxurious seats andbeds.The Meaning of <strong>Vipassana</strong>If a yogi does not understand the purpose of <strong>Vipassana</strong> medication, he willnot try to discover something <strong>by</strong> his noting of mental and physical processes.<strong>Vipassana</strong> is a compound of two words: vi - and passana. Vi meansvarious, i.e. the three characteristics (transiency, un-satisfactoriness, non-self).Passana means right understanding or realization <strong>by</strong> means of mindfulness ofmentality and physicality. <strong>Vipassana</strong> therefore means the direct realization ofthe three characteristics of mentality and physicality.48

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