Vipassana Meditation : Lectures On Insight Meditation by Venerable

Vipassana Meditation : Lectures On Insight Meditation by Venerable

Vipassana Meditation : Lectures On Insight Meditation by Venerable


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vision of the right course of practice - patipada-nanadassana-visuddhi. Whenyou reach that stage, you have attained Anuloma-nana (knowledge ofadaptation) because your experience is in conformity with the lower stages ofinsight knowledge and with the higher stages of insight.Knowledge of MaturityIf we continue with our practice, we will come to the borderline in a shorttime. In two or three thought moments we have reached the line and stand onit. The border here means the border between an ordinary person (puthujjana)and a Noble <strong>On</strong>e (ariya). When you are on the boundary, do you want to goahead or go back? If you want to go back, your attentions towards the past,but if you want to go ahead your attention is ahead. Ahead is the cessation ofcompounded things, i.e. the cessation of all kinds of mentality (nama) andphysicality (rupa). If you want to proceed, standing on the boundary orborder, you look ahead as well as behind. Then you will know, "If I go ahead,all kinds of suffering will cease to exist. So should I go ahead?" You will thinkabout it. The answer is yes, because you have been suffering for many aeons(kappas). The word 'kappa' means countless numbers of existences. When youare at the boundary, you will reflect on your past experiences, "I have beensuffering for countless existences in this cycle of dukkha. I've had enough ofthis I must put an end to this suffering."Your attention is then towards the cessation of suffering. That borderlineknowledge is known as Gotrabhu-nana. 'Gotra' means Puthujjana ordescendants. <strong>On</strong> this border, descendants of a Puthujjana are cut off totally.Then there is no more Puthujjana. <strong>On</strong>ce you pass that borderline, you becomea Noble <strong>On</strong>e (Ariya) because you have cut off the Puthujjana lineage.<strong>Venerable</strong> Nyanaponika Thera translates it as maturity knowledge orknowledge of maturity because the meditator's knowledge is mature enough toattain the path. Actually, we can translate it literally as the knowledge, whichhas cut off the Puthujjana lineage. When the Puthujjana lineage has been cutoff, the meditator has attained Sotapatti-magga nana - he becomes a Noble<strong>On</strong>e, an Ariya.Immediately after the borderline knowledge of maturity, there is PathKnowledge (Magga-nana), which realizes the Four Noble Truths thoroughly:1. Dukkha-sacca The Truth of Suffering2. Samudaya-sacca The Truth of the Cause of Suffering3. Nirodha-sacca The Truth of the Cessation of Suffering4. Magga-saccaThe Truth of the Way Leading to the Cessation of Suffering36

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