Vipassana Meditation : Lectures On Insight Meditation by Venerable

Vipassana Meditation : Lectures On Insight Meditation by Venerable

Vipassana Meditation : Lectures On Insight Meditation by Venerable


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PrefaceSudassam vajjamannesamAttano pana duddasamEasily seen are others' faultsHard indeed to see are one's ownThe statement is also very relevant for meditators (yogi). A yogi may keepmaking the same mistakes and yet and remain blind to them, until someonesharp and experienced enough comes along and points them out. Again, aftersome time, we may forget and need to be reminded.<strong>On</strong> the 30th March to 8th April 1983, we were very fortunate to have avery experienced <strong>Vipassana</strong> master to hold a retreat at the Malaysian Buddhist<strong>Meditation</strong> Center, Penang, to guide, teach, correct and remind us regarding<strong>Vipassana</strong> meditation. We all have benefited greatly <strong>by</strong> his precise instructions,strict discipline and encouraging words.We have here a compilation of them for the benefit of all Seekers ofUttermost security from bounds. They are the evening lectures delivered <strong>by</strong> theSayadaw U Janakabhivamsa for the yogis' benefit. Some are instructions takenmainly from the interviews between the Sayadaw and the yogis. They havebeen arranged according to their various items to be made into acomprehensive booklet. Some statements are applicable only to thosesituations concerned and should not be taken too generally.Special thanks to the Sayadaw for allowing us to print this book and proofreading it himself.We are also grateful to all who have helped to make this book possible.<strong>Venerable</strong> SujivaAcknowledgmentIt is my great pleasure that we can publish this new edition of <strong>Vipassana</strong><strong>Meditation</strong>, which so far has been printed three times in Malaysia andMyanmar. We are deeply grateful to the <strong>Venerable</strong> Bhikkhu Sujiva for histireless efforts to compile and edit my lectures and instructions given for thebenefits of yogis in the retreat I conducted in Penang, Malaysia in April 1983.This new edition was made during my Dhamma-tour in the West in 1992.Bhikkhu Pesala of the Burmese Vihara, London, rendered me invaluableassistance in this respect. Royce Wiles, my student in medication, has polishedthe language in the manuscript that was entered onto computer <strong>by</strong> UDhammasubha, a Malaysian bhikkhu, Maung Aung Gyi and Maung Zaw MyintOo. I thank them all a great deal.Ashin JanakabhivamsaChanmyay Sayadaw2

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