Vipassana Meditation : Lectures On Insight Meditation by Venerable

Vipassana Meditation : Lectures On Insight Meditation by Venerable

Vipassana Meditation : Lectures On Insight Meditation by Venerable


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Chapter TwoPreliminary Instructions For MeditatorsIn the teachings of the Buddha, there are three kinds of training: -1. Training in moral conduct (síla)2. Training in concentration (samádhi), and3. Training in wisdom, insight or enlightenment (paññá)When we practice moral conduct, it means having restraint in speech andactions, i.e. observing at least five precepts or eight precepts as laymen, and forthe Sangha (community of monks), the 227 precepts rules of training knownas the Patimokkha. When we abstain from unwholesome actions and speech,we observe these precepts completely. When we observe the five precepts, wehave to abstain from killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, telling lies and usingany kind of intoxicant.The first precept, abstention from killing, means refraining fromunwholesome actions. The second precepts, abstention from stealing andillegal possession of things not given <strong>by</strong> the owner, means refraining fromunwholesome actions. It is the same with the third and fifth precepts, i.e.abstention from sexual misconduct and intoxicants. The fourth precept,abstention from telling lies is refraining from false and unwholesome speech.Therefore, if we refrain from unwholesome speech and actions, our síla is fullyobserved.During a meditation retreat, you have to observe the eight precepts so thatyou can have more time to devote to meditation.The sixth precept means abstention from taking food after noon (untildawn the next morning). Although you must refrain from taking any kind offood during these hours, you can take honey and certain kinds of fruit juicesuch as orange and lemon juices.To observe the second precept, you must refrain from dancing, singing,playing and listening to music and adorning yourself with anything which willbe beautify yourself such as using flowers, perfumes and so on.The eighth precept is abstention from high and luxurious beds. The third ofthe eight precepts refers to abstention from any kind of sexual contact, and notjust from sexual misconduct. By refraining from these activities, your speechand actions are pure. These are the eight precepts you will have to observeduring your retreat.Observing eight precepts means purification of moral conduct - Silavisuddhi.Sila-visuddhi is a prerequisite for a meditator to make progress in11

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