What is the Child Watch Visitation Program?

What is the Child Watch Visitation Program? What is the Child Watch Visitation Program?

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Site DescriptionsSite Visit:Contlcts:Parents orWatts Center'Sweet Alice" Harris. Eltecutive Director10828 Lou Dillon AvenueLos Angeles. CA 90059(213) 566-7556Maudine Clark. Program DirectorDescription ofSite:Parents of Watts was founded in 1979 by Ms. Alice Harris to decreasetensions between ethnic groups. Today it serves a variely of unmel needs inthe Willowbrook area of Los Angeles as a "multi-purpose" community centerwith six main programs in five facilities. Parents ofWatts has silt paid stiffmembers along with approximately thirty volunleers.It is localed in an area of concentraled poveny which includes the NickersonGardens. Imperial Couns. Hacienega and lordan Down housing projects.Watts is home to 26.000 residents of which 55% are African American and40% Latino.Descriplion of Programs: Transitional Home for New Mothers Having been a teenage mOlher herself.Alice is concerned with the well being of girls and young women wilhchildren. The Diane Feinstein Home for Young Mothers. established byParents ofWatts. offers shelter for ten young women until they can obtainsecure. permanent housing. The program provides not only sheller. but alsoparenting classes to ensure the delivery of healthy babies and reduce the risk ofchild abuse. Other pregnant leens find communily organizations throughAlice's help. which "adopl" them until childbinh.EduCitional Progr.lms Funded by the Los Angeles School dislrict. lhelordan-Locke Adult School provides classes in parenting. Sp:mish. English as asecond language. and preparatory lessons to obtain a General EducalionDegree.Youth-At-Risk Program Youlh are encouraged to continue lheir educalionthrough tutoring. scholarships. field lrips and summer jail progr.lms. Thepanicipanls have displayed a near perfecl graduation rale.College Preparatory Home The College Preparalory Home is open to eightstudents from lhe Youlh-At-Risk Program who want to continue theireducation beyond high school. Basic shelter and a supponive environment isprovided to studenlS while they attend a junior college. Eligible sludenls arehelped to seck attendance and residence at :l full-lime university.24 Hour Crisis Center Any community resident wilh an urgent need iswelcomed at Parents of Watts. The center offers immediale assisl:lI1ce aswell as continuing counseling services. Parents IIf Watts is the only crisiscenter serving the W:lllS area.Emergency Food and Shelter Four facilities with a total of fony Ileds offeremergency food and sheller to families. baltered men and women and thementally ill.The Visitation Project58

JUNIOR LEAGUE OF TEXARKANA, INC.Children's Dental ClinicMission StatementThe purpose of the Children's DentalClinic is to provide basic dental care tochildren, ages six through twelve years;registered in Texarkana, Texas andArkansas, public schools; who, thoughthey do not qualify for or receive state orfederal assistance, or private insurancebenefits, are unable to receive privatedental care. A child eligible for clinicservices must be referred by schoolnurses of the district in which he or sheis enrolled in school. School districtsserved by the clinic are TISD, TAISD,PGISD, and LEISD. There is no chargefor appointments.••••• ft .When the Clinic Is OpenThe clinic is in session September(after Labor Day) through May , andfollows the school calendar of the areaschools. The clinic is open Thursdayevenings. from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.patients from the clinic who haveagreed to provide their services at nocharge. Dental hygienists areavailable, and a comprehensive dentalhealth curriculum is taught to eachpatient and parent.Location••• * •••••••••The clinic is located at 313 W. Broad. Itconsists of two operatories, onehygiene/exam room, one sterilizationroom, classroom space, and storage.Staffing of Clini~._-_ .... _....Local dentists are providing dentalservices in the clinic, and on a referralbasis when necessary. Jr. League ofTexarkana volunteers provide supportservices and funding.•••••••••••••• ••••••••••••Scope of CareProvidedProject ImpactBasic care to be offered at this clinicincludes: fillings, extractions, hygiene.Pulpotomies and stainless crowns areoptional with each participating dentist.Patients requiring specialized treatmentare referred to dentists acceptingSince its inception (October, 1990),the clinic has provided dental servicesto several hundred Texarkana children,the actual cost value of such serviceswell exceeding $30,000.00.18 EAST BROAD TEXARKANA, ARKANSAS 75502PHONE 5011772-994859

Site DescriptionsSite V<strong>is</strong>it:Contlcts:Parents orWatts Center'Sweet Alice" Harr<strong>is</strong>. Eltecutive Director10828 Lou Dillon AvenueLos Angeles. CA 90059(213) 566-7556Maudine Clark. <strong>Program</strong> DirectorDescription ofSite:Parents of Watts was founded in 1979 by Ms. Alice Harr<strong>is</strong> to decreasetensions between ethnic groups. Today it serves a variely of unmel needs in<strong>the</strong> Willowbrook area of Los Angeles as a "multi-purpose" community centerwith six main programs in five facilities. Parents ofWatts has silt paid stiffmembers along with approximately thirty volunleers.It <strong>is</strong> localed in an area of concentraled poveny which includes <strong>the</strong> NickersonGardens. Imperial Couns. Hacienega and lordan Down housing projects.Watts <strong>is</strong> home to 26.000 residents of which 55% are African American and40% Latino.Descriplion of <strong>Program</strong>s: Transitional Home for New Mo<strong>the</strong>rs Having been a teenage mOlher herself.Alice <strong>is</strong> concerned with <strong>the</strong> well being of girls and young women wilhchildren. The Diane Feinstein Home for Young Mo<strong>the</strong>rs. establ<strong>is</strong>hed byParents ofWatts. offers shelter for ten young women until <strong>the</strong>y can obtainsecure. permanent housing. The program provides not only sheller. but alsoparenting classes to ensure <strong>the</strong> delivery of healthy babies and reduce <strong>the</strong> r<strong>is</strong>k ofchild abuse. O<strong>the</strong>r pregnant leens find communily organizations throughAlice's help. which "adopl" <strong>the</strong>m until childbinh.EduCitional Progr.lms Funded by <strong>the</strong> Los Angeles School d<strong>is</strong>lrict. lhelordan-Locke Adult School provides classes in parenting. Sp:m<strong>is</strong>h. Engl<strong>is</strong>h as asecond language. and preparatory lessons to obtain a General EducalionDegree.Youth-At-R<strong>is</strong>k <strong>Program</strong> Youlh are encouraged to continue lheir educalionthrough tutoring. scholarships. field lrips and summer jail progr.lms. Thepanicipanls have d<strong>is</strong>played a near perfecl graduation rale.College Preparatory Home The College Preparalory Home <strong>is</strong> open to eightstudents from lhe Youlh-At-R<strong>is</strong>k <strong>Program</strong> who want to continue <strong>the</strong>ireducation beyond high school. Basic shelter and a supponive environment <strong>is</strong>provided to studenlS while <strong>the</strong>y attend a junior college. Eligible sludenls arehelped to seck attendance and residence at :l full-lime university.24 Hour Cr<strong>is</strong><strong>is</strong> Center Any community resident wilh an urgent need <strong>is</strong>welcomed at Parents of Watts. The center offers immediale ass<strong>is</strong>l:lI1ce aswell as continuing counseling services. Parents IIf Watts <strong>is</strong> <strong>the</strong> only cr<strong>is</strong><strong>is</strong>center serving <strong>the</strong> W:lllS area.Emergency Food and Shelter Four facilities with a total of fony Ileds offeremergency food and sheller to families. baltered men and women and <strong>the</strong>mentally ill.The V<strong>is</strong>itation Project58

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