What is the Child Watch Visitation Program?

What is the Child Watch Visitation Program? What is the Child Watch Visitation Program?

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47,000 ChildrenLive in PovertyIn 1J18J1in JacKsooYi/1e:Jl,(J(J() c01ldreo were battered, abused, oeglected.l~lJ1J1 were sexuaUyassaulted.Toere were 7,(J()(}fuyeoUe del1oqueocy rekrrals.102clllidren CO.01011ttedsexualassault or battery.JlJI5 c1J.i1dreo were arrestedformurder, assaultora weapons offense.Barely50$oftlJe studeots woo coteredtlJe 10t1J grade 10 1J186graduated.142bab1es undertlJe ageof1 died.Oyer:J,(J(J() clllidreo were 00 a wa1tiog list fiJr day care.-14tKJJddsoeededres1deotialmeotaloealtIJ treatment butcouldootget1L55cases ofHIYpos1tiye col1dreo were treatedat 1I01ye.rs1ty HOSP1taL48

Percent"c:hildrenin poverty, 1989: 25.Q% (rank: 46)District of Columbia *Another child is born intopoverty every 4 hours and 41 minutes.All Races White Black Latinoauld population, 1990 NlDbu 117,092 17,472 93,978 7,254aukUm as a percent cistate Percent 193 9.7 23.5 22.2population, 1990Incidence of low birthweight, 1989 Percent 15.9 6.4 18.4 NA(as a percent ciall births) Rmk 51 43 43 NAPercent ofbabies born to mothers who Percalt 13.8 35 16.0 NAreceived late or no prenatal care, 1989 Rmk 50 23 35 NA(as a percent ciall births)Births to teens, 1989 P- 18.2 3.6 215 NA(as a percent ciall births) Rmk 48 1 13 NATotal unemployment rate, 1990 Percent 6.6 3.1 8.9 5.1Rmk 44 4 7 3Youth unemployment rate, 1990 P- 17.7 NA 22.2 NARmk 43 NA 2 NA• 22.9 District ciColumbia infants died for every 1,000 live binhs in 1989 (rank: 51) (change,198Q..1989: -8.4%).• 11.8 percent of the District ofCohnnbia's 3- to ~year-olds were enrolled in Head Start in FY 1990.• In 1990, one worker could care for 4 six·month-olds ina District ofColumbia thUd care center(recommended maximum: 3 (X 4).• 58.2 percent ofDistrict ofColumbia students who entered 9th grade in 1984 graduated in 1988(rank: 50).• 0Uldren were 48.6 percent ofDistrict ofColumbia Medicaid recipients but accoonted for only 10.2percent ofMedicaid spending in FY 1990.• TIle monthly AFDC benefit for a family ofthree in the Oistrict ofColumbia was $409 in 1991(rank: 18). Benefits declined by 13.7 percent between 1980 and 1991 (adjlBted for inflaticn) (rank:19).• QWd support was colleaed in 9.4 percent ofDistric:t ofColumbia c:a&eS in FY 1990 (rank: 48).• Renting a moderately priced two-bedroom apartment cost 94.9 percentof the income ofa personearning the minimum wage in the District ofColumbia in 1991 (rank: SO).• 2,313 District ofColumbia c:hildren were in{Olter c:are on the last day in FY 1990.• There were 8,501 reported cases ofchild abuIe md nqlea inI>istrict eXCcl'lmbja in 1990.Noie: The _ onfoster care and on c:hi1d abwse and nqka ClIMOt be~ ba&uten srara.*STATISTICS FOR YOUR STATE ARE AVAILABLE BY CALLING (202)662-3588.CHltOIEN'S DlFlNSE FUNDTHE STAn Of AMEIiCA'S CHltOIEN '99249

Percent"c:hildrenin poverty, 1989: 25.Q% (rank: 46)D<strong>is</strong>trict of Columbia *Ano<strong>the</strong>r child <strong>is</strong> born intopoverty every 4 hours and 41 minutes.All Races White Black Latinoauld population, 1990 NlDbu 117,092 17,472 93,978 7,254aukUm as a percent c<strong>is</strong>tate Percent 193 9.7 23.5 22.2population, 1990Incidence of low birthweight, 1989 Percent 15.9 6.4 18.4 NA(as a percent ciall births) Rmk 51 43 43 NAPercent ofbabies born to mo<strong>the</strong>rs who Percalt 13.8 35 16.0 NAreceived late or no prenatal care, 1989 Rmk 50 23 35 NA(as a percent ciall births)Births to teens, 1989 P- 18.2 3.6 215 NA(as a percent ciall births) Rmk 48 1 13 NATotal unemployment rate, 1990 Percent 6.6 3.1 8.9 5.1Rmk 44 4 7 3Youth unemployment rate, 1990 P- 17.7 NA 22.2 NARmk 43 NA 2 NA• 22.9 D<strong>is</strong>trict ciColumbia infants died for every 1,000 live binhs in 1989 (rank: 51) (change,198Q..1989: -8.4%).• 11.8 percent of <strong>the</strong> D<strong>is</strong>trict ofCohnnbia's 3- to ~year-olds were enrolled in Head Start in FY 1990.• In 1990, one worker could care for 4 six·month-olds ina D<strong>is</strong>trict ofColumbia thUd care center(recommended maximum: 3 (X 4).• 58.2 percent ofD<strong>is</strong>trict ofColumbia students who entered 9th grade in 1984 graduated in 1988(rank: 50).• 0Uldren were 48.6 percent ofD<strong>is</strong>trict ofColumbia Medicaid recipients but accoonted for only 10.2percent ofMedicaid spending in FY 1990.• TIle monthly AFDC benefit for a family ofthree in <strong>the</strong> O<strong>is</strong>trict ofColumbia was $409 in 1991(rank: 18). Benefits declined by 13.7 percent between 1980 and 1991 (adjlBted for inflaticn) (rank:19).• QWd support was colleaed in 9.4 percent ofD<strong>is</strong>tric:t ofColumbia c:a&eS in FY 1990 (rank: 48).• Renting a moderately priced two-bedroom apartment cost 94.9 percentof <strong>the</strong> income ofa personearning <strong>the</strong> minimum wage in <strong>the</strong> D<strong>is</strong>trict ofColumbia in 1991 (rank: SO).• 2,313 D<strong>is</strong>trict ofColumbia c:hildren were in{Olter c:are on <strong>the</strong> last day in FY 1990.• There were 8,501 reported cases ofchild abuIe md nqlea inI><strong>is</strong>trict eXCcl'lmbja in 1990.Noie: The _ onfoster care and on c:hi1d abwse and nqka ClIMOt be~ ba&uten srara.*STATISTICS FOR YOUR STATE ARE AVAILABLE BY CALLING (202)662-3588.CHltOIEN'S DlFlNSE FUNDTHE STAn Of AMEIiCA'S CHltOIEN '99249

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