What is the Child Watch Visitation Program?

What is the Child Watch Visitation Program? What is the Child Watch Visitation Program?

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220/0 of Milwaukee'schildren live in poverty.•".,:' .. .'..The collaborators of Child WatchMilwaukee request your presence for2very important mornings.Milwaukee's nearnorth side has aninfant mortality ratemore than twice thenational average.~,'""June 4, 8:00am-Noon.Please join us for thought provokingtours of Sinai Samaritan'sNeonatal Intensive Care Unit andBoarder Baby Nursery as well asPenfield Children's Center.19% of all Milwaukeebirthsare to teens.June 18, 8:00am-Noon.Silver Spring Neighborhood Center andIsaac Coggs Community Health Center.R.S.V.P. by May 27, 1992Transportation will be provided to andfrom the sites. For more information.please contact Marcia Coles:964-7088.• -. -~.~. d,, , .'.../,'..~ :,-......:- 1. ,;:". f'. ~:~.-t~':'~ .. . '~~:'I~ ", •••. ~.....,::From 1990 to 1991the number of childrenrequiring an earlyintervention programbecause of prenataldrug or alcohol abusehas increased 400%.. ~~. ,~~ , .:..•. ;~..... ~ ',. .»••" .' J..:- ~ -:- .'.' '-:. '. ':." ':' .-',:' ' ..... ~- ",- .', ..'~' -:,~~~.~:.,100

7.;\ Planned~ ~ ~ ParenthoodWORLD POpuu.no:-.:. LOS A.\;GELESA JOINT VENTUREadolescent ~pregnancy ~ChildWatchI.\I~ "~~t!:t.'" l"lu~:::September 17, 1992«TITLE» «FIRSTNAME» «LASTNAME»«ORGANIZATION)~«ADDRESS»«CITY»Dear «TITLE» «LASTNAME»:"No broad-based movement in this country can succeed without a moral framework andwithout the suppon ofchurches and other religious organizations," said Marian WrightEdelman, president of the Children's Defense Fund. "A national moral witness for childrenreinforces the scriptural call to act on behalf of our most vulnerable children and sends astrong signal that we've got to take action now."In response to Ms. Edelman's challenge, we invite you to join us Thursday, October 15, in ahalf day program which personalizes the reality of growing up in our world today.Being a teenager is far riskier today than it was when most of us grew up. Too many of ouryoung people are growing up poor and unhealthy in our cities, at risk of drug or alcoholdependency, or of becoming pregnant long before they are ready to become parents.The program, which is pan of a national effort designed by the Children's Defense Fund, wiilprovide you with up to date information about teen pregnancy and parenting, with particularattention to the role of poverty and the extreme pressures of life in our cities. We will dispelthe myth that "nothing works" by visiting programs that are working, despite financial andother constraints. You will talk with the experts and hear from the teens themselves abouttheir lives. You wiII explore with others specific ways in which you and your congregationscan make a difference in the lives of these young people.The half day program will be held Thursday, October 15, from 8:00 until 1:30. Lunch willbe served. We will meet at the Watts Health Foundation, 10300 South Compton Avenue(comer of 103rd), Los Angeles. From The Health Foundation you will be taken by vans tosee three additional programs that serve teens: Jordan High School's School Based Clinicand Child Care Programs, Parent of Watts, and Riley Junior High School's Pregnant MinorProgram.n 10 3rt! 5t rL't'1 Prllnll!n.llk 5uill' B·:; 5.1111.1 \ h,"i,.l. Colli turn i.1 '/(l4(1!(.\ 101 :\9::;.()\l4S f.,\ X ,-110l .,4VI'i:!1I101

7.;\ Planned~ ~ ~ ParenthoodWORLD POpuu.no:-.:. LOS A.\;GELESA JOINT VENTUREadolescent ~pregnancy ~<strong>Child</strong><strong>Watch</strong>I.\I~ "~~t!:t.'" l"lu~:::September 17, 1992«TITLE» «FIRSTNAME» «LASTNAME»«ORGANIZATION)~«ADDRESS»«CITY»Dear «TITLE» «LASTNAME»:"No broad-based movement in th<strong>is</strong> country can succeed without a moral framework andwithout <strong>the</strong> suppon ofchurches and o<strong>the</strong>r religious organizations," said Marian WrightEdelman, president of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Child</strong>ren's Defense Fund. "A national moral witness for childrenreinforces <strong>the</strong> scriptural call to act on behalf of our most vulnerable children and sends astrong signal that we've got to take action now."In response to Ms. Edelman's challenge, we invite you to join us Thursday, October 15, in ahalf day program which personalizes <strong>the</strong> reality of growing up in our world today.Being a teenager <strong>is</strong> far r<strong>is</strong>kier today than it was when most of us grew up. Too many of ouryoung people are growing up poor and unhealthy in our cities, at r<strong>is</strong>k of drug or alcoholdependency, or of becoming pregnant long before <strong>the</strong>y are ready to become parents.The program, which <strong>is</strong> pan of a national effort designed by <strong>the</strong> <strong>Child</strong>ren's Defense Fund, wiilprovide you with up to date information about teen pregnancy and parenting, with particularattention to <strong>the</strong> role of poverty and <strong>the</strong> extreme pressures of life in our cities. We will d<strong>is</strong>pel<strong>the</strong> myth that "nothing works" by v<strong>is</strong>iting programs that are working, despite financial ando<strong>the</strong>r constraints. You will talk with <strong>the</strong> experts and hear from <strong>the</strong> teens <strong>the</strong>mselves about<strong>the</strong>ir lives. You wiII explore with o<strong>the</strong>rs specific ways in which you and your congregationscan make a difference in <strong>the</strong> lives of <strong>the</strong>se young people.The half day program will be held Thursday, October 15, from 8:00 until 1:30. Lunch willbe served. We will meet at <strong>the</strong> Watts Health Foundation, 10300 South Compton Avenue(comer of 103rd), Los Angeles. From The Health Foundation you will be taken by vans tosee three additional programs that serve teens: Jordan High School's School Based Clinicand <strong>Child</strong> Care <strong>Program</strong>s, Parent of Watts, and Riley Junior High School's Pregnant Minor<strong>Program</strong>.n 10 3rt! 5t rL't'1 Prllnll!n.llk 5uill' B·:; 5.1111.1 \ h,"i,.l. Colli turn i.1 '/(l4(1!(.\ 101 :\9::;.()\l4S f.,\ X ,-110l .,4VI'i:!1I101

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