1951 North Gwillimbury - Council Minutes - Town of Georgina

1951 North Gwillimbury - Council Minutes - Town of Georgina 1951 North Gwillimbury - Council Minutes - Town of Georgina


RELHAVSN, Deeember 15th, 195L.Munlcin al Couneilmet at Belh.ven Hnll on pborre d-te. Allmembersoresent.Mlnutes of lnst meeting re-d moved. by R. J. Polloek, second.ed. by CecllProsser th't minutes be .d,.oted aE t,ebd..- lloyd. Sedore and. Anthur Dpwson prpropched. the Couneil wlth the pnooositionof mr'klng Pw"lk for: the children of School SeetLon #I elong the nonth sid.e ofpnesent rordwpy fnom the school, west to the nFvement. This matter $' Fs nefered,to the Roed Suoerintend.ent for further -ction with conserrt of Council if the6ame c ould be .ccomoibished without too much exoenge., Dr. King rnd Mn. Petersen of the County Heolth Unit consulteiLthe Councilwith r.es,ect to comrl"ints .but the stagnettw"ter t Jer:ey Ri.ver re: Sedore and.Andreoff nro"rerty. Mr. petersen e x '.'lptned the proceedirg.'s of the events conngeteclwlth the ePse sinee Sertember end rt oresent the m"in ouestionw-s ttwho isresponsible for the drrmlng bsck of woter,ttDr. King st.ted thpi if rroof wps obtnined th.t Mr. And.reoff wnsrEa responsible fon blocking drnin, the eouncil could puthorlze the orening ofd.n-in rnd eh"nge expense of spme to &[r, Andr"eoff.Dt'. Klng exllplned. to Councll very fu1ly the wonlr c'.nted on by theHe-lth Unit and vouehafed. for" the willingness of his staff to co-o.en-te withCouneil fon the betterment of the TownshlD -s p who1e. Dr. King alsosuggested that the Henlth Unit be eonsulted before lssuing boot[ licenses.Frpnk l'{ftchelI -.nrorched" the Council on the motter of recelving somepssistFnee until his unemrloSrment chenue rrFs reeeiverl.Perry Vtrinch Sn. inter-vlewed Council- regap6ing the insunonee on nerv shedthnt lrps nennly eomrlrtq:d. Estim-tr,:.4 value of some was set pt$25OO.OO.Ulm. Wineh "sked for further recom'rense for lnjury to hls sheer "-y d^ogs. Hestpted. the lpmhs nelrer d.id well .fterrvard. .nd" th"t the ev;es were not bneed,iig pS we11.Roy Pollock rerd p letter received from Miss Hild- Meyr.iek -s settlngDee. 21st for the fin'l of, th heerlng of the reront on the park Cornrnittee beforethe Municinnl Boord,The CounciL"'rnroved of Roy Pollock being the relresentptlve for theTownshi'r "t the -bove mentioned meetlng nd thpt he be re-imbursed nccord.ingJ-y.Il'1r. Doyle renorted thpt I{r. Vple understood. the henning of the equnllzntlonwFs over and he wns under the imoression th"t the former by-I"w would be sustained.Couneil suggested. thrt the Henlth Unit be -sked. to intenvievr the houseof Sweezy nnd see if something crbuld be done to remoee hln to some othen p1nce.Suggestion wps mpde by Council th^t ;.11 work$hore be puthorized by Ro"d. Sucenintendent.done on culventson Lpke},:EETTIdG ADJOIiRNED.RESO],IITTONSDloved. by W, A. ?'ingSecond.ed by R. J. PollockT}IAT the l,lunicipol Council nuthorize Edwprd" Andenson to trssesg nllbul1d.1ngs th^t nere missed. from the l-g52 Fs:-essmer,t"nd ^dd s^me to the s-idrol1rt'ld. ex'\enses for sAme be ..'resertcd to Council. CARRiED.

RELHAVSN, Deeember 15th, 195L.Munlcin al Couneilmet at Belh.ven Hnll on pborre d-te. Allmembersoresent.Mlnutes <strong>of</strong> lnst meeting re-d moved. by R. J. Polloek, second.ed. by CecllProsser th't minutes be .d,.oted aE t,ebd..- lloyd. Sedore and. Anthur Dpwson prpropched. the Couneil wlth the pnooosition<strong>of</strong> mr'klng Pw"lk for: the children <strong>of</strong> School SeetLon #I elong the nonth sid.e <strong>of</strong>pnesent rordwpy fnom the school, west to the nFvement. This matter $' Fs nefered,to the Roed Suoerintend.ent for further -ction with conserrt <strong>of</strong> <strong>Council</strong> if the6ame c ould be .ccomoibished without too much exoenge., Dr. King rnd Mn. Petersen <strong>of</strong> the County Heolth Unit consulteiLthe <strong>Council</strong>with r.es,ect to comrl"ints .but the stagnettw"ter t Jer:ey Ri.ver re: Sedore and.Andre<strong>of</strong>f nro"rerty. Mr. petersen e x '.'lptned the proceedirg.'s <strong>of</strong> the events conngeteclwlth the ePse sinee Sertember end rt oresent the m"in ouestionw-s ttwho isresponsible for the drrmlng bsck <strong>of</strong> woter,ttDr. King st.ted thpi if rro<strong>of</strong> wps obtnined th.t Mr. And.re<strong>of</strong>f wnsrEa responsible fon blocking drnin, the eouncil could puthorlze the orening <strong>of</strong>d.n-in rnd eh"nge expense <strong>of</strong> spme to &[r, Andr"e<strong>of</strong>f.Dt'. Klng exllplned. to Councll very fu1ly the wonlr c'.nted on by theHe-lth Unit and vouehafed. for" the willingness <strong>of</strong> his staff to co-o.en-te withCouneil fon the betterment <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Town</strong>shlD -s p who1e. Dr. King alsosuggested that the Henlth Unit be eonsulted before lssuing boot[ licenses.Frpnk l'{ftchelI -.nrorched" the <strong>Council</strong> on the motter <strong>of</strong> recelving somepssistFnee until his unemrloSrment chenue rrFs reeeiverl.Perry Vtrinch Sn. inter-vlewed <strong>Council</strong>- regap6ing the insunonee on nerv shedthnt lrps nennly eomrlrtq:d. Estim-tr,:.4 value <strong>of</strong> some was set pt$25OO.OO.Ulm. Wineh "sked for further recom'rense for lnjury to hls sheer "-y d^ogs. Hestpted. the lpmhs nelrer d.id well .fterrvard. .nd" th"t the ev;es were not bneed,iig pS we11.Roy Pollock rerd p letter received from Miss Hild- Meyr.iek -s settlngDee. 21st for the fin'l <strong>of</strong>, th heerlng <strong>of</strong> the reront on the park Cornrnittee beforethe Municinnl Boord,The CounciL"'rnroved <strong>of</strong> Roy Pollock being the relresentptlve for the<strong>Town</strong>shi'r "t the -bove mentioned meetlng nd thpt he be re-imbursed nccord.ingJ-y.Il'1r. Doyle renorted thpt I{r. Vple understood. the henning <strong>of</strong> the equnllzntlonwFs over and he wns under the imoression th"t the former by-I"w would be sustained.Couneil suggested. thrt the Henlth Unit be -sked. to intenvievr the house<strong>of</strong> Sweezy nnd see if something crbuld be done to remoee hln to some othen p1nce.Suggestion wps mpde by <strong>Council</strong> th^t ;.11 work$hore be puthorized by Ro"d. Sucenintendent.done on culventson Lpke},:EETTIdG ADJOIiRNED.RESO],IITTONSDloved. by W, A. ?'ingSecond.ed by R. J. PollockT}IAT the l,lunicipol <strong>Council</strong> nuthorize Edwprd" Andenson to trssesg nllbul1d.1ngs th^t nere missed. from the l-g52 Fs:-essmer,t"nd ^dd s^me to the s-idrol1rt'ld. ex'\enses for sAme be ..'resertcd to <strong>Council</strong>. CARRiED.

The follovring h111s were rnssed:Moved by C, D. poossenDec. 3 Fr*ncis l,tonton re tile dr in F.e:7 Cpn, Brnlr <strong>of</strong> Conrmeree r, I,,4ons7 See. Trec's, S. S. #37 Ele"nor_Thnyer Spl.pV15 Donrld Uameron Fol-iee serviceGr.nt ThomosonJaek Brinesr rr,nt for <strong>of</strong>flceShirley Sed"ore, b-1rnce re E. SedoreEd.vrnrd And.erson (.lunon )John L. Doyle Selecting Jurors!V. IJrviin Y/iobh Selectilg JurorsRoyd-en Connell St;.mnsHe.lth l]nit I3eJrns. <strong>of</strong> <strong>1951</strong>Vi11-ge <strong>of</strong> Sutton, Fire-F. l,lor:tonRord Vouche,,, /ltZDr. Vandervoont Dentrl Services$utton Printers (/.ssessment)Sutton ?rintens (tIonr,1ng Bo.rcl)Thos. r,Titillien & Co. Sup,rlieBl.I"tion-Wide Surr rliesPoliocks G"r-ge-oi1 re <strong>of</strong>fieeToror:to Stor fireBe11 Telephor,e service re : <strong>of</strong>ficeWrn. Abbs-g-nh geTomlinsor:fs Tr-1rs ot"t-eo t .nd. m1vj-n51 eh'insDn. Le royd, d.ent-1 se.-vi-cesS,nt. Cl-uS D^r, cie:It{orrisonts We r Re: poliee ordcrl,lurriei'r I World. Su .l,iesNewm- r-'.et Er--Voters ListFlint T-xi Serr'1ee r(,;Rise]-:roughZurieh Insur ncellcConlley d: Son re: II.11Ag-rts Dr.ugs re: Lcrb.rd fc ],,lortorrSutton Lec'ionH-r'vey T-y1or re: i,!rg:€eJohn Rhlnd Dentrl- ServiceVill ge <strong>of</strong> Sutton re: Ret-ineir !,eeDt5. Aotirur .Parry, Dent'1 SerrricesR. Bocgr List <strong>of</strong> SplesCo. <strong>of</strong> York Hospit-J-iz'.tionDenby Suprlies Votens LlstSutton Printers Sup.fiesP lennlng Bo-rd G"vin LiortcnSutton Renorten printii:gDr. l,{qhon Re : RisbroriphD, A. FIrig, i.;itche1l, Jns. i.-ill, r.tl[m. Hi11, Po]ice ServiceRobt. llicholson re: !'ox borusJrs, Cole Re: Fox bonusJ, l,lil1er, Fox BonusWm. Lockington re Fbx b6@tfGr.nt Thorn .son Poliee €x .etrsr:rslrTrs. Joel iiedo.,-' re: E. Sedorr.lrvrrn !'lli-nelr b.L.ROe otr s-].nyJohn L. Doyle" i?eeveRo;r ;. P o1'ocl . Dertty-R errel.I,lrn. A Iiing. Cou,ici-l--l orCh.s. R;eh-nrJsoir" Cou,-.ci,l.1orCeeil pr.69sr;"-, Counei_11Oli",s.P. Col1ii,s re 'Cout <strong>of</strong> Revi,sinnFned Peel re Court <strong>of</strong> RevisionGeO. L rngnt ?-,i Court sf i?evi.eioi,.^,11 StilesJohn Kingr Te Count <strong>of</strong> Revj"sionEl"renee Critt"nden r.e Court <strong>of</strong> RevisionWm. Hi11, Police s'err"ricesSeconded. by W. A. Klngzao\. 7tloo0. oo&00.00'70. 00100, oo75 . OAE5 '' ooJ. OO2. OOE. 0c2. OO5. oo9I2.673r , ao2216.1980. ooq7 ?trJJ ' / Jw. 2334.1+5t/I hL7 . 25R trNJ ' ivt5. 10IrO. OO47 . 7067 . 5050. oO50. 0O,r2h. 3 B'7EnI . -'J3h. rot-L2B. 007r . 25r 6 nci*LJ vJt7 . 50Rn nnJv a e vJO0, 0oE0. o0tr 1A-/ a L \ ''220 . 62'l lrtr1-J . I )-7r:.h.L . 95Zn A^J v a\JJB. 27L2. OO26. 627I . 8O2 . 75z . (,2 . 75eJ5I o 1,117. roL66. 60350 , OO350. 0e_350. 0oZ RN-' v .AA3t o. oo56. OA6:: ' oo63 . oo5: . co63 . oo63 . oo1.O. O0,.,:i:tiil

_,, _*__"|qr.!,:,t:i{De c . I BDe e .I Ll,au272B29Sec . fre rs,, 2It ItrtItS. S. #t Tnustee Levpr3nrt55Tre"sut?er Co. <strong>of</strong> yoy'kn Co. p lr.:Grpnt Thorn son, Jrnlnce <strong>of</strong> selsryArt Klng, Tru-nt OfficerEd.w.rd. And.erson, AssessorH. E, P. C. Community H-11Reeelver Ger:e:r 1 <strong>of</strong> C.;-,-d_. per.sion FundFrrr:eis Sedore Ch. ritylr1rs, H. Collins, ner infonm-tioi:TreFsurer, Nevrm. !.et-Sutton High SchoolSec. Tres. S. S. #l+ Trustee Rptel,irs. H. Collins fnform.tionChas. Dicl

i{iiS1\'ICK, Novenrber 3}th, 195:..<strong>Council</strong> met in <strong>Town</strong>shin <strong>of</strong>fice on above drte. Allmembers tresent. Tenders forolovring were oBened nnd. the follorving urere submitted":1st. Tnternptionel Tp-etor rvltln \?-ft. Fngle |frde s'nd. exnerienced oner.tor.Frice iUO.OO ner hour v.rhile v,rorking ,'nd. :1i75,00'rer v"'eek vrhile ld1e.2nd. I9I+9 Internntionsl 6 ton t ruck, rrlow ond vsing. Pr j"ce {}6. OO len hour whilennd. :|5. :O rer dny v,rhile idle.snowworkingResolutisn easscd accertlng the Tender <strong>of</strong> Floyd Pneston st '36.00 oer hour.Letter <strong>of</strong> l[rs. Mpce ]e Fnarveretl explrlnlng ttrocedure ln order to obtFln helD fron Tovnshlp.IVEETIl{G ADJOURNED.Moved by ChaB. Rlcbsr,dEonSeconded by R. J. PolloctTHAT the Munlclpal <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>North</strong> clr1I]lmbury eccept the Terder <strong>of</strong> EloytlPneston fo!' enow ploughlng on the ro'as <strong>of</strong> Tn'onshlo for <strong>1951</strong> end 1952 for tb pnlce<strong>of</strong> $6.00 oer dFy vhiLe 1dle Fnd J5.00 oer hour while worklng. When anov olough hasworked less then 5 hours per d'y he recieves en Fdditlonnl j6.OO per dey stenfl-by tine.CTi.RRIED.l,{oved. by W. A. KingSgcond.ed by R. J. Po]loekTHAT Ol-arence Crittenden be arpointed. as a member <strong>of</strong> Court <strong>of</strong> Revislon in llelFneeman Pollock who.has resigned owing to 1llness and. Alvin Rye and. Charles Rickardgonbe appolnted to intenvlew Mr. Clarenee Qrittend.en and if he refused, to have I{r. Geo.Ifhlte be appolnteil as a mameber.CARRIED.<strong>of</strong>ESWICK, k.ceniber 3rd,r.951.<strong>Council</strong> met in <strong>Town</strong>shir <strong>of</strong>ficerFllmembens presd.nt,Mrs. Link d.iscussrd the mptten Fg'in <strong>of</strong> ooerhing nocds pt Roches Point nnd. claims thstthe by-l-w <strong>of</strong> 1BJ2 was never registered, Ifr. King malnteined. that thls dlscussion wFaout <strong>of</strong> order es the mqtten vrps referned. to the Plnnning Bo"r"d end they have not had ttmeto relor"t brck to <strong>Council</strong> end that Some nro<strong>of</strong> ns to why the road.s should. be opened.be 'oresented to <strong>Council</strong> before Fny more petion could be tpken.Perey Mahoney lnterviewed. Councll es to the insu:-c,nce <strong>of</strong> assessments and othen va1uablepapers. $[ntter ]eft over unt11 15th.Frentlis ii,{orton apnroeched the Couneil-requesting that some work be done to improve thehill south <strong>of</strong> his house, ll{r. Alvin Rye wps lnstnueted to eontraet Mn. Brqee, Englnqen,about the matter. and" obtain hls edviee.Dbnation for Santa Claus Parade be forward"ed to Sutton $5O.OO,The bill <strong>of</strong> Mns. Joel Ssdone for cpre <strong>of</strong> hlns. Enmraline Sedone be refenned to Mn. HllLwlth tnstr.uctlons that only 31.00 per day will be pald. by Tounrship and. that s ome s tepsshould. be taken to nemove l\{rs. Sed.ore to a rest home.It was d.ecided. to nroclaim Dec. 26th Boxing d.ayas a eivic troliday nnd. gmae be announced.in papen.MEETING A-DIIOIIRNEDRESOLUT]ONS:Moveil by R. J. PolloekSecond.ed. by C. D. ProsserTHAT the Muntciral <strong>Council</strong> do hepeby authonize the H.E.P.C. <strong>of</strong> Sutton anea tomaintain the Flashen light on Keswick cornen and Bssume resronslbillty fon same.CARRTED.Moved by Chas. RichandsonSueonded by R, J. PolloekTHAT the 26th dry <strong>of</strong> Deceniber I95l he declared p elvic holiday by the MunlclpalQ'ouneil <strong>of</strong> <strong>North</strong> Gwlllimburya pnd all oersons wlthin the rmrnieloality govern themselvesaecondingly.CARRfED.KLISWICK, Dscember 5th, <strong>1951</strong>.Counell met in <strong>Town</strong>ship <strong>of</strong>fice pnd allmernbers Dresent.Mr. Mogg reported. on Droceedings <strong>of</strong> the Enualization ftleeting held in Countythpt dey endsteted thst he wns wj.l11nt to renresent the <strong>Town</strong>shi'r at 0ountyToronto in conjunction with oun solieiton, It{r'. Vple'The reeve and' p"onty Reeve were instructert to lntervlew Mr. Vple Fsservices <strong>of</strong> fuIr. Mogg. n{EETTNG ADJOiIRNED.Butld{ngCount lnt o the

,,- *-* *' " - "-*t4t$II..,l'.?, ,iiKIISWICK, November 19th,I95I'.,1IMeeting <strong>of</strong> l,luniclpal <strong>Council</strong> wps held in Towiishin <strong>of</strong>fiee on above d.ate. Allmembensrresent. The mptter <strong>of</strong> nrnointing n member to tnke the plaee <strong>of</strong> Bnuee Llel'{lllan on thebopnd <strong>of</strong> Court <strong>of</strong> Ancepl.ft w-s flnplly deeid.ed" to arroint John King in lieu <strong>of</strong> Mr'. ltrcmillan and thatpllmembere be naid. the sum <strong>of</strong> i37.00 oer dey. The dates <strong>of</strong> Court <strong>of</strong> Revislon weredet as follows, Dec.' 3rd, l+th, 5th.The mptter <strong>of</strong> nurchesing n rinno fon Community Centre was diseussed. pnit finalJiydeclded to hnve the Ootimlst tuy their" ov'in if necess$ry.The rroblem <strong>of</strong> introducing n by-lnv,' for o'3eretlng sound trucks beto the dlscnetion <strong>of</strong> the next Couneil,leftoverIfr, H111 be "uthorizedto eheck on nedlnrsseiling' within oun boundaries.Prooerty in front <strong>of</strong> Noel Vldal be searchedat the Lighthouse.nnd al-so in front<strong>of</strong> Len Emith[16ved by R. J. Pollocki,iESTTNG ADJOIIRNED.Seconded by C. D. ProsserT}IAT the resolution cassed. on Lugust 6th, l-95l-, artrointing five mernbens fonCount <strong>of</strong> Revision be changed and the name <strong>of</strong> Bruce lu,{cMillan be struck <strong>of</strong>f and thename <strong>of</strong> John Ki_ng be insented to take his pl-ace.CARRTED.L{oved by W. A. KingSeconded by C. D, ProssenTIIAT the dates for hepring pnneels fon the 1952 assessment no11 be Deceniben3rd, &th, 6th, Thnt the cfrenk be instructed to notify each aooellant ps to when hlsao'penl mny be befone the Countr pJso notify epch r:ember <strong>of</strong> the Court <strong>of</strong> Revision <strong>of</strong>above dntesrCARRfED.

-. :,il..i ,. . : :;;;L.,:t,'; niLi&lBELHAVEN, November 5th, rg5r,,Il{uniclnal Couneil w s held. inthe Conrnunity Hpl-Lon abovd date,ALl menibens present,Moved. by R. J. Polloekmeeting be ed.apted. as rend.and- second.ed. by Cecl1 Prosser thpt the mlnutes <strong>of</strong> the lagtCARRIED.&1r. Len Smith d.iscussed the nroblem <strong>of</strong> higher business assessment statlngthnt he should. not be ehnrged. ful1 value when only used. in suiltrner months. AIsothought it unfeir to eharge him for a d.qnce hall license and Belhaven Ha11 not charged..The Couneil referr,ed him to lv{n. l,{ogg.Mrs. Geo. Link spoke to the Couneil on the question <strong>of</strong> opening the nopd.s atRoches Polnt, strting th"t they ehod.ld neven h.ve been closed as it could not bedone 1eg^11y.be<strong>of</strong>The sub-divlsion nl-pn 's nrolosed. by Don Christian being rart 22-23e Gorll 7,edpnted. Fs nresented to Couneil by Geo. Lpmontr chpirmnn <strong>of</strong> the Plenning Bopnd.lIrs. l;icC1e1l;.n -resented" n -,etition signed by p nurnlcer <strong>of</strong> r.tepeyers southLoekenbies eorner renuesting winter g-rb-ge colleetion,I,{r. trltn. King and. Ch-s. Riehrrdson !*/ere n'rnointed to meet H'='rold. Smithpnd.obtpin more d^et iLs ln connection wtth the eolleetion,I[r. lvl-therrus a .Dpooched the Counei]- vrith reference to stones belng plaeed 1n fnont<strong>of</strong> lv:rs. C. Ross. The mptter rrps referred. to Alvin Rye, ro"d. suoerintend.ent.The nrooosed sub-division <strong>of</strong> l,{prritt Istrte, rprt 13, eon. 3, be approveal by<strong>Council</strong>.The vrrongfully d.eeded land <strong>of</strong> i{rs. Young et 'r"fil-1or',' Bepchr partthe Radial line be tr.nsferred" to <strong>Town</strong>shi.':,11r conr 9, onTpxi l-icense be issued. to E. Pennyend- <strong>of</strong> Rainbov'r Gerd.ens pnovidinginsur.ance to o"erate a taxi senvice.he has pnopenThere r,vps some discussion over thenubl-ic snerking in our schools and, 1t wassuggested- that a reoresentatlve be epnointecl from our Couneil along wlth the Trusteos .and"*Teachers to nromote further intenest nnd- al-so p shield be ilonnted. to the best:teontestpnt.A by-lai,v w"s intnoduced" settingfor t he year I95I.Councll advertiseout the snccipl r:.tes levied egainst taxpayensfon Tend-ens fon snow-rloughing for the ye-r l95L-1952.Wnlloee Donnell sooke to the <strong>Council</strong> r,rith reg'rdsvpepnt 1ots.to the hlgh pssessment <strong>of</strong>Fr-nlr l,lprritt informed. <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> buckthorn on To',,rnshlo <strong>Town</strong>llne between Georglnaand <strong>North</strong> Gwillj.mbury, IiEETING ADJOURNED.I,Ioved by r.ry. A. i{ingl]econded by Chns. Rlchard.sonTHAT the l,,iunleiral Councll do hereby croly to the Hydno Electric Power Cormnisslonto l1.ce two more roles for extr^ lighting <strong>of</strong> psrdw:.y i.n connection withthe <strong>North</strong>Gwillimbr:ry l{emori''l Csntre. CARRIED.Moved by W. A. 1{ingSeeonded by Chss. Richnrd.sontnqf the it{unlcinnl Counci} instruet the clenk to advertise fon tenders fon 6notr lnloughing ln the Tournshi'r <strong>of</strong> lilorth Glvillimbury for t he yeFr L95L-I952. Tendens to appearlin Gornmereipl News pnd aonlleations be submltted. to c1enk <strong>of</strong> <strong>Town</strong>shin on or befone lNov. 3I/5L. Dsties commence Dec. 75/5f. A11 enuinment must be insoected and pnffe4 ,by nodd superlntendent.CARRIED.Moved. by Chas. Rieh.rrdsonSeconded. by R, J. Polloe.kttnt the [0uyrtef,paIr:Oerenefl, otepro'sdic<strong>of</strong> the p]hn-presented by Chatrtnan <strong>of</strong> tbelocal planning boand, Geo. Lamont, <strong>of</strong> Don Christianti sub-divlsion part 22, and' 2J, cOBr rCARRIED.7

-Moved by c. D. Prossenseconded by R. J. pollockTHAT the <strong>Council</strong> agrees to have the mntter <strong>of</strong> the netitlon pnesented by Mrs.Mc0lelland. negard.ing the collection <strong>of</strong> winter gerlege south <strong>of</strong> Lockerblers Cornerto the souther extent <strong>of</strong> Youngfs Hnrbour be nresented. to oun present collecton, Mr.Hanold Smith. That MF. 'llli?n. Klng and. Ches. Riehordson represent the Councll on thtsCARRTED.Moved. by R. J. PellockTHAT the matter <strong>of</strong> the opening <strong>of</strong>loeal Planning Board and. also thpt theSecond.ed by C. D., Pnosserroads at Roches Point be ne$enned totheed.viee <strong>of</strong> our soliciton be obtalned..CARRIED.mattetMoved. by W. A. KtngtiH3n:orr , "ff otf:"i"iil, i nl 5: v <strong>of</strong> L ' Hanslen' t;Lffi,ffi-"::33:Second.ed by C; D. Prossenc on ' ?' b" stFucMoved. by C. D. PnossenSeeond.ed. by Chas. RicharrclsonTHAT the lglunicipa.l Counell apnrove <strong>of</strong> l,tr. Wrlten Evpns obtelni.ng a permlt tobulld. a boet house in front <strong>of</strong> his rrorerty, plan Jl , and. snld boathouse shall not bemore thpn thnee feet pbove ro'.d 1eve1, plso no nontlon <strong>of</strong> spid boathouse be uged. psresid.ence.CARRTED.Moved by C. D. PnosserSeeond.ed by lV. A, KlngTHAT the Munleirpl Cor-rneil p.ree to the rro'rosnl <strong>of</strong> the City <strong>of</strong> Toror.to tnpnefenlng,a certotn rortion <strong>of</strong> "oropenty d.escnibed in cleed <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Young, part 11, eon. 9t and. gamebe glven to <strong>Town</strong>shlo.CARRIED.Moved by W. A. KingSeeonded. by Chas. Rlchprd.eonTHAT the l/l11nlcirel Councll e dfnt the sub-divislon, <strong>of</strong> 1l+r con. 3 <strong>of</strong> tiftn. Mamltt iEst. nrovlding"11 r"ules -nd rr.6tu1.ti3ns reg-r-ding Srme be signed- by sub-d.ivlden. 'C^RRrED.JMovecLby C. D. PnosserSecond.ed by R, J, PollockTHAT the Councll Fssume the expenses <strong>of</strong> Belh'.ven HaJl, for the punpose <strong>of</strong> hoLclinga publlc sne"king contest pmong the rlublic sbbools <strong>of</strong> Nor.th Gwilllmbury on Nov. 2nd..CARR IED.Moved. by Ii[. A, KlngSecond.ed. by C. D. PnossenTHAT the Munleipal <strong>Council</strong> do hereby accent theyearr L952 as pr.esented by our assessor, H. G. Mogg lnby Oouncll extend.tng time for JO d.ays.completed essesgment for tbeeccordanee to by-law passed.CARRTED.

KESYTTICKT Oetober, 13th, J-95J..Couneilmet in <strong>Town</strong>shio <strong>of</strong>flee on pbo're dpte. Allmember:s pnesent except Ceeil ProsserTend.ers for the colLectlon <strong>of</strong> gerbage 1n Keswlck .reF vlere ooened. snd thefollowing wene nevlewed.;RogerLaRr:e submitted. tender for {}BOO.OOHprblcl Smibh tt rr rr'| ,$75o.ooBruce Gloven ft rt' tt{F9OO.OOThe lowest tender, namely l{anold. Smith, wpd eceepted fon t he sume <strong>of</strong> $75O.OOThe matter <strong>of</strong> ehanglng the detes <strong>of</strong> nomination end eleetlon were d.iseussed. and.owing to the faet that the last Frlday was on Novernber JOth ltwas decided to set thed.ay fon election as <strong>of</strong> lulonday, Deeember 10th nnd p by-:lpvr be intnoduced by Clenkchan$lng date <strong>of</strong> same.Afterto the extentRESOLUTIONSss.ome investigation it wes deeid.ed. to apply for Ineapaeitation<strong>of</strong> {t25.OO oer month for Bent Owen.MEETING ADJOURNED.AllowanceMoved bJrllY. A. KingSecond.ed. by R. J. PolloeltfI{AT the tenden <strong>of</strong> Har^old. Smith for the c olleetion <strong>of</strong> genbage fon cleflned aneaanound Keswlek distnlct as submltted. to <strong>Council</strong> forthe sum <strong>of</strong> $75O,00 be aceepted.nnovlded. thpt he contcts the other Dro-renty owners regard.ing the eollectlon <strong>of</strong> theinganbnge Fs specified in advertisement. The eol]eetion shaLl be on eaeh Mond.ay Bnovldeclthe wepther is suitpble and if not the collection shal1 be on the followlng day,CARRIED.Moved. by R. J.PollockSeeonded by Chas. Richar"dson.i.t,lTHAT the Muniel a1 Counell <strong>of</strong> <strong>North</strong> Gwillimbuny do heneby authonlze the clenkto rrelFre Fnd lntroduce a by-lnw setting the nominatlon d.ny for the nomlnatlng <strong>of</strong>Cpndltptes on the SOth d.ey <strong>of</strong> Novermber pnd El.ectionDay shall be on the lOth day <strong>of</strong>Decemben.CARRIED.Moved by Ches, Rlchard.sonSeconded. by CD. PnosserI - vSee. Tpeps. S.S. #7 pt levyilrf fr#4Royd.en Connell U,E. I. stampsRellef VouchierRec, Gen. <strong>of</strong> Canada, lensionsE. Thayer, salanyJack Balnes, rent re <strong>of</strong>ficeGrant Thompson, salanyRoyd.en Oonne11, stampsImn. Hi1t, saldny,Mr . Mggg r.e : assessmentInsunanee re : nlnkShinley $!il.one Nunslng E. SedoneZuirlch Accldent & Liabl11tyTelephone re : <strong>of</strong>flcel[m. Abbsr F€ : garbageThunston, mowlng at I\{emortal C"ntrePollockrs gerage re: sefe unloidingR. L, Boag, list <strong>of</strong> sales$tandprd. Iube C'o. re chahsDouglas Cboper, valuaton re !Tm, TlinehMuniclpal $ronld reC stationeny$utton Reporter ad.vertisingSutton Prlnterst ?a Bullding rermitsH. Stmuson, re: gerbage dlsoospl2 Stop-Fire ref1l1sVlllpge <strong>of</strong> Sutton fire flghtingThos. lfhi11len, gafe and stntloneryWm. ti[1nch, sheen elalmRopd vouehen #1oMrs. Evelyn Spmis re: Taxi senvieeNorman Doyle , trlp t o TonontoErwln l4rtnch, mileage to TonontoliTtt. Hillr Fo]lce exDensesi!35O.OO,illro0. o0j': 3Ii.'683O7.LO35 . Og68.3725.AO55.6011.0087i'931000.00542 . 5030,0034 . 1 A11.15106. 0010.008.005. 10550.O02.OO'l+, W1,58J.3.752t . 8512.OO29 . 501011,5545. 001BJO. 84lr . 505. OO6 . 3 A8t.73

Grant Thompson, noliee exlensesEnwinWineh, pt. slLbnyTreasuren, pthletic Pssoc.R. J, Dowling, r,efund. on oilAnilrew Tnnnehill, nefund. on o11Albert [{eElhone, refund. on o11Ethel Zurbnigg, refund. on oilFred trerry, refund. on o11Cpn. Bnnk <strong>of</strong> Cornnerce, Mem. Centr"eRellef Rects.l&ln, Hi11, pt snlePXRoger LaRuer F€ ganbage contnpctHarny D-visr r€ gnrbege contr"ctElepnon Thpyen salnryRoyden Conne11, stamos for <strong>of</strong>ficeDoneld Camenon, pt payment on salnryYork County Hosp. re: Her"b Sed.oreKen Davies, re: Mrs. RisebnoughticketEleanor. Thayer, pt salnnyRoyden Connell, stamps ne AssessorDavid. D"vid.son, stamps re assessol'A. Wallnek, stamps re assessorGpnnt Thompsonr Ft salarYt1kn. Hill pt salaryW. EnwinWlnchr pt salary3 . 85200.00425. OOrI . 523 . 841. BO6 , zu3 .36Llanl*28. 60225. 6075.OO2500, O01700. 0070.0010,00100. 0020 . QQ2.6568.374o,oo4o.oo40.ootr tr An)J . vv87 , 93rg7 . 83

aFtacBEI,IIAVEN, october 1st, <strong>1951</strong>.trdunlclnFl councll met ln Belhaven com'nunity.Hal1. AlLmernlere gresent. trllbutea<strong>of</strong> lFet meeting r:e"d rnd. dlEcusEeit. Movett by ChDs. Rlchardson Fnd second.etl by fti. dKing thFt the minutes be Fdooted. CAREIED.The groblen <strong>of</strong> st8gaont wFter: on D:.operty <strong>of</strong> louls Ar)dle<strong>of</strong>f nealr Jaraey Rll/e:rrvFs dlscusBed Fnd it w"6 decld.ed thFt the Health <strong>of</strong>ficer be inst:'ucted to notlfy theowner <strong>of</strong> laaal to Drovide dr.ainpge for thl3 wFte!: Ft F aet date.Royden Connell aDd BJrlon Cu.nningham presented to the Councll a statenent <strong>of</strong>expensos f,roro the AthLetlo Asqociftion <strong>of</strong> the Menonial Conrm]nlty Centre. thsy aLsoappeaLetl to CourclLfon danatlon to the Dnesent exrrenae.The troposltton <strong>of</strong> ileepenirg the ve1l at the r'lnk }vas bnought before tb.e Coulclland autho:.ity vas glven the present goyer:nlng boFrd to oroceeil rlth necesssr.y stepg toobtaln r4or€ nater by deepenlng we1l.Clark Martin and tLoyd Pollock fntervlewed tbe Councll r'€garaling the ostter <strong>of</strong>pluchaslng more property for the ColErunity Centre.It wEs adTised. to rne€t nrMr'. Serrick end aee what lropositlon could be a]pranged,as to the pur:chsse <strong>of</strong> F centaln portlon <strong>of</strong> hl8 lpnd lylng [ext to the arena. r. ItrartL!6tFted. that the 1p-ntl oxned by Mr. Regner' lying to the nor.th <strong>of</strong>, the arena nFs avallabLosnd <strong>of</strong>fer was msde to Mr. Regner vho Fcsepted same and the landl nor was belng heLd fo!the ToxErshl. to teke over. MFtter left over fori fur.ther dct8lls <strong>of</strong> sarre.The hospitFl b111 <strong>of</strong> the lste ld". Leeke6 wFs DregenteA End rnoveal that Bame be palg.A letter from tle Orchard BeFch AssoelEtlon w's repal before the Councll drd. theclerk wFa ordered to Fnswer sFne glvlng dFte <strong>of</strong> election Fnil exDtralning vhy no changecouLd be mFale Ft Dresent as new leglslFtlon 1lrouLd h.ve to be nFBsed to gnhnt the change<strong>of</strong> electlon dpte, pLso thrt the DFr.king ]Fws cLong the LFke Shore Bd. rriU be morea+ rl -+ 1 rr anf ^h^a^A letter fr.oEl Kesrvlck BeFch AssoclEtlon wFs .reEenteal ssklng for garbFge col-leetlmFnd better po11ce orotection eo Fs to onevent € repetltlon <strong>of</strong> formgn breFk-lns.It vFB declded to rdvertlse for tenders for wlntcF gFrbage collectlon forKes$'lck are6 as far south Fs Lockerblers Cor:ner.Refruials for overehFrge on oL1 w"e Fsseed on the Dr.operties mentioned lnreaolutlon.By-law d.esignstlng all <strong>of</strong> <strong>North</strong> cwllllmbury ae belng ulder. sub-d.lviElon contlolIras paeaed.gheep clalm <strong>of</strong> Win. Illnch vss pas6ed,The npter-pi.ghta <strong>of</strong> lt . Pugsley ln fnont <strong>of</strong> plalr LB9, con, 9 vere d.Lsqusaetl andthe Reeve ras lnstructed to re?opt to Mr'. ,tgsley the decision <strong>of</strong> Oor]rlc11.FrFnk lualrl3ltt lnter.vieveal the CouJlcll pertFinlng to the destructlon <strong>of</strong> buck-on hlghways.thornthe Couacll declded. to hFve lh. Et11 inresttgate the k1l1lng <strong>of</strong> lLoyd. Pollockrseheep and find out lf pos€lb1e vho owned the dog thet kllLed then.RESOLUTIONS :I\,{EETING ADJOURNED.Moved by W. A. Iilng Ssconded. by R.t. P611ockTHAI the municinal Couneil d.o hereby euthorlze the Registnan, R. L. Boag, torefirse the reglstr.Ftion <strong>of</strong> nny 1ot other then stated on registered. plsn exceot t he samebe rpssed anrl signed by ehiirmFn <strong>of</strong> the Plnnning Bopnd. 0ARru6n.Moved byEi;i.\A. KingS6cond.ed. by O. D. Pr.osserTHA? the Municiral <strong>Council</strong> Fssume the now nresent debt <strong>of</strong> the <strong>North</strong> GwlllinburyMemonlnl Centne Boand nt the C nrd.ain Bank <strong>of</strong> Commeree, pnd also guarantee a firnthenered.it <strong>of</strong> {N5oo.ooCARRTED.Moved. by Chas. Richard.sonTIiAT the i{uniei.alin the Keswick Frea a,s setSecond.ed by R, J. Pollock<strong>Council</strong> advertise for tenclens fon the colleetions ef garbageout in the area d.efined by schedule ancLtenders to be opened.

-2-Octoben 1Jth and. authorlzed Roser LpRue to make9th. (Tuesdey).L{oved. by VY. A. Kingen edditional collection on OctobenCARRTED.Second.ed by C. D. PnosserTHAT the <strong>Council</strong> instnuctregrrd^ing the 'rure hse <strong>of</strong> nronertysnme to November: meeting.l,{oved. by R. J. Polloekthe Reeve nnd Deority Reeve to lnter"view Mr, Serrlck"dj'cent to the Cormnunity Csntre, Kesvrick, and. nepontCARRfED.Sscond.ed. by I[. A. KingTI{AT the tfuniciral Counell grpnt a r.efund on the followlng oropertles. JohnH. Sed.or,ee Lot 18, trlgn 22, refund- on house being bunned..R. J. Dowlingr lot 19, plen 1-3O 7I.52And.nevr Tannahill, Iot 53, plnn 1J0 3.Bl+Albent &ieElhbne, 1ot 7, plan 3291.BOEthel Zunnblr"gg, lot 9 t pt 20 , 22, pI , 1306 . 2l'.Fred Penny, lot 41, plan 180 3.36L, ilIi11lfront, f949 aryePrs, 1ot 3 6pl-a.n 32OC-ARRIED.Moved. by R. J, PolloekSeconded b}' Clas. RichardsonTHAT the lfunieira.l Counoll <strong>of</strong> Nonth Gv,rillimbuny d,o her,eby authonize the cler.kto pr.epere and- lntr.od.uce n by-law setting the nominf;Ltion clay fon the nomlnatlng <strong>of</strong>cand.ldates on the JOth day <strong>of</strong> Novemben nnd. electionday*ra}] be onthe 10th d.ay <strong>of</strong>DecembenCARRItrD.l,{oved. by W, A. KingSseonded by R. J. PollockTIIAT the tender <strong>of</strong> Herold Smlth for the eolleetion <strong>of</strong> garbage for d.efined areapnound. I(eswlck distriet ps submitted. to <strong>Council</strong> for the sr_rm <strong>of</strong> :,\75O.OO be accepted.onovided thpt he cont"cts the othen rro'''erty or',mers p€ge'd-ing the colleetion <strong>of</strong>.thelngnnbnge rs soecified i-n er1vertisement. The collection shpl-l be on e'ch M,..nday ,rrovided.the wenther is suft"bJe and if not the collection shpLl be onthe follwing day.CARRTE D.I\loved by W. A. IingSeconded by C. D. ProsserTEAT the Couneil oetition t he Hydro Electrie Power Conrmission for' bxtension<strong>of</strong> lights on the rallviay night-<strong>of</strong>-vtrpV crovided there is no ndditionnl costs forlnstE'lntion, Line to nun south fnom Keswick rond three poles soutb.CARRISD.- oi

*a-:zt *KJSWTCIi, Sept . l8th, <strong>1951</strong>.L{eetlng <strong>of</strong> l,{uniciral <strong>Council</strong>- 1"/'s held in Tor+'nshirr <strong>of</strong>flce. Allmemberslresent .The mntter <strong>of</strong> Hodgins dlviding the surrosed rprks ealled" A. B. C. into privatelots v,r"s discussed pnd. it w's suggested. thnt a by-lew be cassed forbidding the changtng<strong>of</strong> pny <strong>of</strong> these Blocks for rrivate use, Cha 'ter 21t3, See. 386 -58- (B) (C).lThe 1oce1 Planning Boer"d should be lprr.o"ehed regerd.ing the matter <strong>of</strong> nrotectlngpnoperty owners in sub-d-ivlsions from hpving blocks d.eslgnated. As such being sold nsrrivpte l-ots.;Mr. Coons, Tororto surveiror, ndd.rr:ssed- th.e meetlng imnressing the fpct that asur.vey would be to . dv.ntcgs <strong>of</strong> pl]"nd" th"t the County ond. g;over.nrnent would at lepstDPy one h.lf.The eo',:nci1 re/"uested th:.t o re,ort <strong>of</strong> the rlnogre.ss <strong>of</strong> nssessment by Mr. Moggbe '''resented to Councll end thpt the Fssessment <strong>of</strong> Sneke fsland be fonwerded. tn ttmefor tex b111 to send or:t thi.s ye''r,Some <strong>of</strong> the comrlnlnts over gerbnge collections were d.iseussed pnd decided. thata new system <strong>of</strong> collectlon would be to rdvnntp€re for pll-It wos the ooinion <strong>of</strong> Couneil thet the signs in front <strong>of</strong> lighthouse were onr:ub}lc onorerty rnd. should. be removed. It was d"eeid.ed. thnt the noadway in front <strong>of</strong>Paredise Beaeh should be nnotected by rr,rall <strong>of</strong> stones while the water wps low thls fa1L.The Councll d.ecld.ed. to have Mr. Jos. Vale seprch the t ltles <strong>of</strong> the Droperty <strong>of</strong>Mr, Smith and. Mr. D,rnean, pt 1ot t6, eon. 9, Pfan lBB.The Reeve and el-erk wene euthorized to r ttend. meeting inCounty Office fon thepuroose <strong>of</strong> intenvlewing County Cornmittee regFrd-ing a grant fon the re-surveylng <strong>of</strong><strong>Town</strong>ship ,rrnopenties.MIETfNG ADJOURNED.l:RESOLUTIONS :Moved by Chas. Riehendson Second.ed by R, J. PolloekIr:l{fHAT the lJlunici 'al Couneil do heneby a ccept the <strong>of</strong>fer <strong>of</strong> Mc0oll Fnontenac <strong>of</strong>$75.00 for the tpnk end $20.00 forthe pump, now instelled nt the <strong>Town</strong>shlc garagetBelheven.CARRISD.Moved. by W. A-. KtngSeeonded by C. D. FnossenTHAf the Llunlcipal <strong>Council</strong> would lit.s to l:e infonmed ^s to the rnogress belngh.de regFrcling the nsseissment <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Town</strong>shin "ndwluld li're the assessment <strong>of</strong> Snake$slpnd. io be iorwprd.ed Fs soon es nosslble in onden thst the nnonerty owners enn recelvep tnx bill for the V€pr <strong>of</strong> <strong>1951</strong> Fs 'rnomised. CARRIED.Moved by W, A. KingSeconded by R. J. PollockTtiAT the Muniel.al Counell <strong>of</strong> Nonth Gsillimbur.y gnrnt unto H.G. Xogg our presentassessol3 for the <strong>Town</strong>shir nne xtension <strong>of</strong> time 6f thirtyd. nys to belFnee the ro11 owlng'to the fpet that p lprge ner-cent"ge <strong>of</strong> the rotenpyers rrre non-Ptssidents pnd. lt wFgimpossible to eonteet {hem s11 d.uring the time orovld.ed. byt he Statutes.CARR I ED .

-'!'t1KESMCK, Sept, l+th, J.95I ,The Muntetpbl Gouhell met ln the BeJ.haven Oommunity Ha1l on above date. Allmernbers nres nt .<strong>Minutes</strong> <strong>of</strong> lFst meeting wene nend and. adooted. b]' motion <strong>of</strong> Wn. A. Klng andR. F, Pollock,lJlt's. Fnrre11, owner <strong>of</strong> ononerty et fsland Grove, explalnecl to Councll that hennssessment had been nalsed lpst yeer" without Fny relsoil Fs no expense hed been puton eottage to wonnant sFme. <strong>Council</strong> agreed to lower pmount by $5OO.O0 and dlffenensebe refund.ed. to woner.l,iin. Peten A. Bowen <strong>of</strong> Crescent Be"ch nresented nn neeount <strong>of</strong> wonk done onBe-ch rln: fnont <strong>of</strong> his oronenty in whieh stone had. been nloeed along water'fs ed.ge torroteet rondway. Bill wps given to ropd- sunenintend.ent for investigatlon.Iltn, Drggan on behnLf <strong>of</strong> pssoeiation intenviewed the Coune 11 with refer.enceto Mr, Hod.gins selllng pant <strong>of</strong> the tank for grivete 1ots. This pank wps suDposed.to be public to n1I residents within the sub-division. The matter wes refenreil tosollcitor, Mr. Vale,The a rpeaf <strong>of</strong> Mr. R. lflillia"ms, pt 9t con. 3, wFs conslilered. and deelcled. taxesshould be adjusted accord.lng to pmount set out ln apreeL.The hospltal bill <strong>of</strong> L{r. Dsle Sed.ore wps refused. by CouneiJ.The ai::pee1 n6gninst the former. oetition <strong>of</strong> lvlr. Kayfetz for restricted area wasFiled for future reference.Mr. M.gB interviewed the Counei] concernlng the Fssessment <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Town</strong>shin snclnequested tha{ an extension <strong>of</strong> tlme for. neturn <strong>of</strong> ro11 be grnnted. if necessary.ehargemovedtheinmatteradvieeA letter fr"om $utton <strong>Council</strong>uas repd. <strong>of</strong>fening their. po11ce statlonfnee <strong>of</strong>to Tovirnship <strong>of</strong> Nonth Gwlllinrbuny to be used at any time necesssry. Counellthat a letter <strong>of</strong> appreciatlon be wnitten to Sutton Councll thanking them fonfon thein <strong>of</strong>fen <strong>of</strong> i,rse <strong>of</strong> thein pollee station.A letter f?om Department <strong>of</strong> lands and. forests was read statlng that the<strong>of</strong> ownership <strong>of</strong> water rights infnont <strong>of</strong> Pla.n 188 was belng lnvestlgated andwouli[ be forward.ed 1aten.d. letter from L[n. SJrmonds wns nend. and. d.lscussed. by Councl] and ileclslon wasmsd.e that the matter <strong>of</strong> assessment be '[eft to ou:: present assessotr, Mr. Mogg.A letter from Willovr Beaeh Associatlonw as repd. before Counell approvlng <strong>of</strong> thelr:aetlon in tnking down the fence in fnont <strong>of</strong> Holbornrs property and. stateil that theAssocaition wes bncking the Couneil ln thelr petlon.The nequest <strong>of</strong> Mn, Fowlston <strong>of</strong> Miami Beech to the Counell asking them t<strong>of</strong>orbld e cottege 12 x 2Or belng built was refused ps no buildlng by-1nw hpd. beenenforced. by Couneil.The mptter <strong>of</strong> And.re<strong>of</strong>f ancLtlilerdun filling 1n the vrpter eourse bpck <strong>of</strong> OlaytonSedorets wps referred to Deot. <strong>of</strong> trublie Health.The ne^uest for locpl inrpnovement <strong>of</strong> Flan 32]- was referbed b'ek to the sull-d.lvlslfor furthen prDnovnl.The Cor:ncildeeid.ed. thpt p letter <strong>of</strong> nppneeietlon be sent to one Lloyd lYooclfor hls services rendered. while worki"ng for Tournshi.:,The <strong>Council</strong> anrointed the following to act as members <strong>of</strong> t he Conrnunity Memor'lal,csntne for the Jreprs L95l-\952. Reeve e,nd Deputy Rseve, f,loyd Polloek, Geonge llthttetRoyden Connell, lr{ps, Jes. Clppkr Celrk Mertin,IvIEETII{G ADJOURNED.i,l,'!ii iIottIMoved. by Chas. Rickerd-sonSecond.ed by W. A. KingTHAT the road. superintendent be instrueted to me'sure noadway in fnont <strong>of</strong>Plan 188 from centre to weter hlghmank pnd. if meFsurement proves that the slgns irowerected are on the fownship propenty. Authorlty be given to d.estroy slgns whichm adethis a private be ch, al]ovr the tnxpayers on the subd.ivision 1BB, c0n. 9, to usethis bepeh.CARRTED. )Moved. by Chas, Rieha.rdxonTHA? the amount <strong>of</strong> {lff.Z8nefirnded. to Thos, l,{eConv6ry. This[loved by R. J. Pol-lockSscond.ed. by R. J.charged for oil on lotsamount being wrongfullySsconded. by Clas.Polloek14, 36, a.nd Jf plan I3Qt beassessed.. CARRED.Richard.sonTI{AT tire LTunieinal Cotlneil <strong>of</strong> the Tolvnshir <strong>of</strong> l{or:th Gwillimbur"y do henebypetition the Dert, <strong>of</strong> Hlghways for interim peJn'nent <strong>of</strong> the stptutory grpnt under l{ighwayImnrovement A"t on rood exnend.iturcs <strong>of</strong> :')42tO53rOO made d.r.rring the penlod <strong>of</strong> Jan. lsttL95I to Aug. 3l-st, !95I. CARRfID.

-2-Moved by W. A. KingSeeonded by R. J. P611ockTI-LAT tl.re l',funiclnal Couneil does not plprove <strong>of</strong> any ehange being med.e ln the nowr.eglstered plnn <strong>of</strong> 238, eon. 2, belonglng to Hodgins, Bloek C end Block B be reserved.rls e publle nprLi for the .ro.erty owners on s-ld bench and be sold ps orivate lots orany oortion there<strong>of</strong>.CARRT!]D.l,loved by Ches. Ri-cherclson'-I^an'-darl 'nrrvuvvluus ,J.y tQ. J gOllOek.THAT the clenk be instr.ucted- to vlrite the Dent. <strong>of</strong> Publle Heplth aughorlzingthe wpter course back <strong>of</strong> Cleybon Sedorets be otened pnd s sultpbte d.rpinage be glvento tiir pF€Fr0 Ar?i? I3 D.llioved by W, A. ,T.'ingSecond.ed- by Chrs.Riehand-son?HAT the metnbers <strong>of</strong> Board for l,-emorlal Cornmunity Csntre at Keswiek forthe ."re-r J-95I end L952, 1953, b€ Fs fo11ows.BegV6:,r i:.;, ..,1, I -i. i.r::t,-Dsputy ReeveL. B. PollockGsO, lffhiteClank l,{art lnMnF Jas. ClankRoyden Connell.CAR.RIED.-o

n /llt d"/-{"r

,9.:rlt,!iltt::.tqg,,i*l..1A ;Igi.d:q.3\... I\ieeting <strong>of</strong> l\{unicioal <strong>Council</strong> metwere both absent .\I{arny Dnvis Ilt/Fs nuestioned- pboutas .to the collection <strong>of</strong> gerbnge e nd. finsAn enti-nolse by-1Ftrri vrt-s DFssed.unneeesspry Fdvertislng <strong>of</strong> ice pnrl" otherthe use <strong>of</strong> loud. sne-kers.I("3SWfCK, August J-7t}r, I95I .in Tonnship-<strong>of</strong>fice,Mr,. Doyle Fnd Mr. Pnossenthe eomn]rints rreeived from dlfferent taxpayenswFrned" to-rick up all g'rbpge in future.1st, 2nd, pnd- jnd re"dirrg or"ohihitlng thecommodities. A by-1nw be drafted- to lieenseiII\ ,A by-I-lv to license pIl bopts for hire within the muniein"lltyws nassed thelst, 2nd. end Jrd re-d"irg. Orvners <strong>of</strong> bo.ts must .'-odLtee s' lieerse fnom the Land,s pndForcsts Deot. if such is nenuired by Tovlr:shi_o,St'nley Soxon inter"viewed- the <strong>Council</strong> eoncerning the $lontts Deys Aug. 3L and.Sent. 1st. Some nssist-nce v'r-s p"r-nted, for the Dur'rose od deconating the streets butthe mptter w-s neferned. bpck to the business men <strong>of</strong> the town.to do the plenning.The letter from solicitor. <strong>of</strong> M1$s Lillian Holbor.n eoncerning the fence ln front<strong>of</strong> her nnooertJr w-s rerd pnd" lrir. V le wps nuthor'lzed, to rinsvrer sFme.The m-tter <strong>of</strong> ol'rnenshir <strong>of</strong> the different ::o-ds on sub-d.ivlsion wns cllscussedlend the couneil referred the decision to l{n. Rye and our Engineer, Mf. Brucer who wassunposed to inspect these ropd.s and. glve p renort . ,i'j'tiET Il.rG ADJOURI]fD.RESOLUl ]IONS:Moved byChas. Richar.dsonSecond.ed. by W. .A. King,THAT the l<strong>of</strong>11nicinal <strong>Council</strong> instruct the clerk to intnoduce a by-1aw to assumethe maintenpnce <strong>of</strong> all ro- d.s on sub-division p nd. 1epd.1ng to Bame as descr.ibeit onSechedule A.CARRIED.l,{oved by W. A. KlngTHAT tbe l,tuntcipalr11loutl sre-kens used witSecrbnd.ed byChas. Rieher"clsonCo rncil suthorize the clenk to introduce-inthe bounds <strong>of</strong> the Muniei'rallty.CARRTSD.a by-1aw to llcensei..IrriI.-lri,i.. -aIi{:i

-.ril:l,IKEStr',rfCKe August 7th, 195I.Mrrnlelpal Counell met in the <strong>Town</strong>ship <strong>of</strong>fice,Prosser.A1lmernbens onesent except Cecl1RepresentBtives <strong>of</strong> Kings s ub-d.ivision waited on Couneil opposlng the restrletedar9? being fonmed 1n theln sub-divlsion. l,{etter wFs left over. fon investtgation by Elm.Hi11.A letter fnom the lewyer <strong>of</strong> &ilss Llllien Holborn rrFs rresented to CounciLand thomptten w.s referred. to oun xolieitor, ldr, vole fon"p reply.- The question <strong>of</strong> obtpinlng chnirs fon Keswick end Belheven Hpl1s was d.iscueeedpnd 100 chalrs were order,ed, 50 crreins for each hh1L.Letters foom [tlr. Knyfetz were repd. pnd the mptter <strong>of</strong> the fenee eneeted on LakeShore ln fnont <strong>of</strong> his rlnce wRs left in the hands <strong>of</strong> Reeve and. d.enuty to intenvlew Mr.Vsle ln resrect to this metten.Gevin_Morton presented p letter to <strong>Council</strong> asking fon some actlon be tpken 1nthe etptter p d-n"fting p buildlng by-1aw ln the <strong>Town</strong>ship. The CounciLd.eeid.ed. to waltsee the result <strong>of</strong> <strong>Georgina</strong> nessing s-me by-lq!v.and.It was suggested" that estimates be obt,,inedsurveying eertpln deflned areas.from land surveyor as to the cost <strong>of</strong>tetter from Sutton AgnlcuLtrual Soclety ecklng for aome extra help ftrom ou.rpollce ifotr the extrA deys <strong>of</strong> the sholr.A reeoLution rYcB passed to lntnoduce an antl-nolsebe drafted by Jos. V,le.by-1Fw 1n the <strong>Town</strong>shlp anal €ugThe q uestlon <strong>of</strong> the roPds in Purdyts sub-division belng nepFlred by Totrnshlp rasdlscus.edanilw's r€ferued to $p. Rye End-Itu. pollock to lntor;lerithe rat6piyCns -:ln dlvlaion and flnd out what iiae vrFnted..ifhe proposition <strong>of</strong> the County Councit purchestng Twp. parkwas d.Lscussed. at aone :]'ength antl '!Yas ].eft 1n handB <strong>of</strong> coun;y councl]. eomnlittee to-see what <strong>of</strong>fer rou]'d be mat1e.RESOLUIrO!{SrMEETING ADJOURNED.Moyed by Chps. RicherdsonS.conded by R. J- p^llockThe <strong>Council</strong> instruct our aolicito"r., t:r. JoE. V416 t6dr"ft 6 by-lpw prohlbltlngthe bpo-dc"sting_-<strong>of</strong> Fdvertlslng thour'hout ihe different sub-dlvlslons nnd alio onthoroughfcrea.ITbta 1a known Fs Fn anti-noi6e by-1F'Iq. c/.I?nI!D:lloved- b]t R. J Po11oc]c secor:cled_ ]:y ch.s, RicherdsonTAAT the <strong>Council</strong>lnstruct the clerk to slri: e <strong>of</strong>f the texes <strong>of</strong> Sam Weisburqfor <strong>1951</strong> on 'rt".-_)t- con. 9, known -s lleffring"oi'r6rssessed in the nlohabet, ps *i+Zteamounting to ii6500 Fssessment. C/,RRIED.I'llov ed by R: J. PollockSeconded. by W, A. T'ingTHAT the <strong>Council</strong> instruct the clenk to order 100 #18 iesting chairs, !O for heCorronunity Centre at Keswiek and !O cheirs for the Community Ha-1l at Bel-haven. Chalnsto be ordered fnom stendprcl Tube and T.r. Ltil. cirRRrED.Idoved by W. A.. LingSeeoirded by Chas, RichpndsonTiiAT 1,1r. Roy rDollock , d.er:uty reeve a.ct ps reeve i.n the ebsence <strong>of</strong> our nres ntreever Norman pnd loyle, shhl1 have pll -r owers to cerFy 6n t he business <strong>of</strong> <strong>Town</strong>ship whilel'[r. Doyle is absent.C/iRRIED.--

BELHAVEN, August 6th,I95L.Munririlpal C,ouncil met in Belhaven Community Hal1.Cecil Pnosser,Allmenrbers pr"esent exeept:oDelegation fnom llti]low Beeeh walted. on Couneil negrrding the nopds on t he McNellsub-division pnd" the m"tten df ownershin wtr$ discussed- pnrLwos ftnally left to Mr. Ryepnd the Englneer to deelde on the rerl owner.R"nresentptives fro.m Glenwood Berehrecruested the Courcil to grant a permit toenect o c6mmunity eentne for t he rurnose 0f h;'ving d"nces prd recneption for those lntheir pssoctption,Mr, Kayfetz lnfonmed the Cor.rncil thpt the netitlon slgned. by the rntepeyers wpsfor the nurpose <strong>of</strong> forming F r.estrlctEd preo from the 4th coneessionenst to Tnlvettslpnd. pnd confonm wlth t he snme rules ps those <strong>of</strong> Islend Grove prearSt"nldy Bruels nsked <strong>Council</strong> t o renpir rond.s on Plan 137 end es some wor"k hpd.been done on eertcin ones he thought the Couneilwps res.onsible for the maintenance <strong>of</strong>seme. He stpted. that a resolution wps opssed. some tlme Fge adopting the east noail tnsub-d.ivisi.on,Percy Ivlahoney spoke to <strong>Council</strong> coneerning the mattert,<strong>of</strong> elvil d.efence anil thoughtsome preparation should be maile for a case <strong>of</strong> emergeney.Petltlon fnom rntepayers on naatal Llne running south from Keswlek asklng forstneet lights wos lresented to Couneil and matter wps left over tio find mone about eost<strong>of</strong> s ame .A copy <strong>of</strong> Mr. V.lefs ]etter negerding the Douglas cabln was voted to be for"ward.ed.to Mn, Hor:ning the or"esid.ent <strong>of</strong> Assoctntion.Balfoun Be a.ch Associatlon p sks Oouncll t o .rnohibit the s peed.ing on Radlal Roailthnough the Bepch prooenty n s Chtldnenrs olayground was on east sid.e <strong>of</strong> Radial Line antlthey thossb0 the roadwayseven-l times a" fuy.A letter from Mr. Redditt we,s fepd to <strong>Council</strong> Fsking fort some assistance ln thennyment <strong>of</strong> bank loan fon rlnl< but thts decided.ly r.efused 's lf,o lndebtedness was supposedbo be on rink whent nken over by <strong>Council</strong>.Mr. Mogg inter.viewed the <strong>Council</strong> negardint 6he assessment <strong>of</strong>nsneke Island whlehwFs nennly eomrteted pnd suggested. that pn outsid.e Count <strong>of</strong> Revlslon be formed. to clectd.eon disnutes if nny.A letter from l\ln. Gl1son w s Pendbefore councilregnrding the road 1n front <strong>of</strong>Er,stbourne ondre^uesting th.t renFirs be m;''d-e.TiTNOTT'TC ADJOURNED.jri't\ii,r'II:.jjRE9QL9rroNS:Moved by -THAT W. A. KtngSscond-ed" by Ch.s. Richandsonthe <strong>Council</strong> instruct the eleit to i.nform the L{anager <strong>of</strong> Bank <strong>of</strong> Cornvnerce thatthe Counell took over the control <strong>of</strong> lvlemonial Centre fr"ee <strong>of</strong> d.ebt <strong>of</strong> any klnd and atpresent pre not t aking any *t ion regnrdln? - the pnying <strong>of</strong> any indebtedness ineurre itprevious to that time;tlnRtPn.-1rMoted by -THAT W. A. King ' Sec onded by R. J. Pollockthe C6unc11 lnstruct Our present F6sessor', lli. Uogg, to orotect the iltelesta.<strong>of</strong> the Torenship <strong>of</strong> <strong>North</strong> Gwllllnbury r egardlnt the bualneEs assessnent <strong>of</strong> County belng theld. at IAq"CARRIES.Moved by if. A, flng Secondeal by R. J. Pollock iTHAT the MunlclrFl <strong>Council</strong> Futhorlze the gq€&k to laaue I bulldlng pernlt totbe tG].enr'ood Beac}LAssoc1at1on fo!' the purpogde<strong>of</strong> enecting s coEmun1ty Ha11. Pern1t lsEu9dlln accordance v{tthreguLettDns al]d reatnictlone on sFid beFcb. CAXRIED.;Moved by -THAT R. J. Pollock gegondeit bycha8. Richardson. ethe ltunicipaf, Oouncl.lf evours the pnoiosttton D:'esented ty-Mr. Mogg to apDolrrt;a Count <strong>of</strong> Revielon- comirdeed <strong>of</strong> member.s outf*e; the ptesent courxcll anil tlle names suggest-lealwere ss follors: Fr;d. Peel, Freempn Pollock, Bruce Mcl!:1118n, A1lan StlLes' GeorgeLamont. Ihese nemlers aretodeel wlth the eop;"Ls <strong>of</strong> Snp[e falsnd Fa rel18s 811 apDaal8 .!.ecelvetl ln 1952 FesessmentB. CARRIED. :

,l ; . ]a-a*BJL}LA\EN, July 2nd., <strong>1951</strong>.Sleeting <strong>of</strong> the Munieipal Counell was he1d. in Belhpven Hall. A1l membors pnesent.<strong>Minutes</strong> <strong>of</strong> last meetlng wene nend and. moved. by $Im. King and seeond.ed. by Chas. Rlehand.sonthat the minutes be adopted. as rend., CARRIED.l{r'. Itaworth <strong>of</strong> Fr..nk1ln Beecb, Plan 188, lntet?vieretl the Councll aatllaltltb€conplalnt agelnst Mr. Drncan, omer <strong>of</strong> 3rankf,ln lodge who posted 81gnB a1o!g Lake ghor:efor.tlddtng cottege owner.s on rear lots uslng the berch ln tuont <strong>of</strong> bls prolsrty, Lot 5,4 and f1ve, Ple-n 188.A letter frorn JoB. v'1e encloslng r co-y <strong>of</strong> LFke shone Roatl Burvey <strong>of</strong> Alaal &aucyIYss re6d Fna matter r8s referred. to Sept <strong>of</strong> Lands & ForeEtB renuesttng that no app]'loantlapplylng for veter rlghts be grFnted sane.Mr. Fa'iycett gcve F very corttipl lnvitFti.on to the Councll to Fttend an AaEoclatl@neetlng et lal3nd. Or.ove chu!'ch on SFturilFy ntght, Jul.y 7th.Ee Flso stFt.d thtt he FFs not tFking sldes wlth €ny rFte-peyer end he wFa lnfpvour <strong>of</strong> the Councll reverting b^ck to the originel by-lFw <strong>of</strong> the re6trlctedareF anaenforclng a"me.Mn. Sni.th, otmer <strong>of</strong> Lighthouse neFr' lbrnklin Berch copLLrnented the Councll 6the splendltt co-orerstion <strong>of</strong> the rollce ln mFlltFlnlng 1aw Fnd onflen.A letter fr:om Mlss Lltllan UnperB vFs reFel requestlng theoouncll to roDt pet!'pFrt <strong>of</strong> the lwp Pprk for the .ur.pose <strong>of</strong> erectlng I refreslment booth to serve thoseitei.ttng the park. After sorne dlscussion the request wFs refuaed Fntl councll tt€clatJeal tonot f,et anyone erect Fny connerclal bullaltng on pFrk thiB ye.tr.PermlsBiontrFs granted to the Reeve and Deptty to atproFch tho Oounty regarallDgtbe DulchAse <strong>of</strong>, Twp par,k for s county pank.I,he cou]3cll approved the appllcFtion <strong>of</strong> D Dernit to *In..rtred,8etto tsutldt)€rbgat.lt!8house in froat <strong>of</strong> hfs-iroperty on lian fo5., A letten frcml,[rs. Johnston was reed. clalming dema.ges to her can whlleon Lake Shone Road, while under eonstruetion. Letten to be Fnswered ref\rsingfor d.amage .A letter ft,on HFrIry Uorne was t'e'd ln vhlch he compllmenteal tbe Councll onftprovlng l,eke Shore nd. , riirti.: suggesteatrthst eelbi1l aet!fl, tDaffoelbe roYerteA to tbe RailialRall.way.fhe l.o€pit8l biU <strong>of</strong> Mre. ELtzabeth Ryarlv€s sccepteal.Th€ Councll accepted the appllcation<strong>of</strong> hls Droperty.tnaveJ,3.lngany clalm<strong>of</strong> D. Ir. Heegle to bul1d a toathouae ln froltAs no vord hFs been recelved fnom Mr'. R, Morton regPrdLng tlte Marm Cemeter.y thematter: wFa left ovet' untlLaome pction w"s trken rs to who w a the DPesent ovner.The Mid.tlleton cp6e 'wFs dlcsussed Fnd. Jo6. vrleat 'ccout foP aame vDa passeal.DPvid DFvidson w.s BpDolnted by the Councll to !'eDr"esent the Tormshlp as a noEbc!on the Sutton Ceoetery BoPrd..A netltton wps r,ecelveal from tbe rateoFye!,s <strong>of</strong> Pl€n 176 !'e.uestl.ag that tb€ roaal1D their Eubttlvialon be lmrnoved by Tsmshlp eni the cost <strong>of</strong> e"rne be chargeal to l.atepayolrs<strong>of</strong> dlvision Fe locFI lmorovement.Ilartry Dovle be lnstructed to gpthe!: gPt'trage in Plan ll5 as ratepeyers coqiatnodthat th€Lr ganbege had been m163ed.HontonAbed.ebenture fon 10 ye-rs fon t he rurpose <strong>of</strong> tlIe d.rainage in the ferrn <strong>of</strong> Fnanelspresented. to the Provlneial Tre.surer for a'lproval.,.1:l,_l'.,..,.it:..):'.it*.-- -. . *- :;a=.-*lcrift:

-2-RESOLUTIONS :l,,loved by Chps. Richard-sonSeeonded" 1:y R. J. Poll-ockTH/'T the clerk be instrueted. to vrrite the d"ept, <strong>of</strong> Land.s and Forests negard.in$ thematter <strong>of</strong> otrnrrershir <strong>of</strong> stni"o <strong>of</strong> lpnd. between r"opch'/ay and. rvRter-ts ed.ge in fnont <strong>of</strong> subdivision,Plan 1BB, con, 9. No ]icense he grantecl to any aprliesnt 6',p1ylng for watertights in above Fre'r. CARRfID.I,{oved by Chs. Richard.sonSeeond-ed by C. D. Pnosser{THAT topiesand. hovtt vurapoed tocopy sent to thosehnve some cooi-es.<strong>of</strong> just vrhat grrbpge meFns and how it should be plpced- for colfeeti.onbe nrinted. nnd r co?V <strong>of</strong> ench .oiven to eaeh collector and. also aeomllrining <strong>of</strong> g nbgg:e eollection. E.ch member <strong>of</strong> <strong>Council</strong> should plsocAiRrSD.IJoved by C. D. ProsserSeconded- by R. J, PollockTHAT the lviunieiral Councll n ':nrove <strong>of</strong> l,{r, Weise p"olying for a lieense to build.a nrivote bopt house in front bf lot 5, rlpn 309, subject to tlre ponroval <strong>of</strong>therreteoayerSon ndjngsnl nro'rerties, Build"ing not to exceed J ft. in height pbove the nordway.CA.I?1?IED.Moved. by C. D. ProsserSeconded by W. A, KingTiiAT the tFxes <strong>of</strong> Gpvin ftlortontpxes were rpid. twiee.emounting toC.ARRITD.t35.21+ foryean 1949 be refund.ed esMoved. by C. D. ProsserSeconded by Chas. RichprdsonTHAT the secretery lviiss Elepnor Thayer be given p raise <strong>of</strong> i55.pO "ler week forthe balanee <strong>of</strong> yepr I95l for senviees rend"ened in Twp. <strong>of</strong>fice. CARRIEp.-o

7"Ittlb.-€Jul5r 2nd-, I95L.Rlr9oLuTIONs:MO\fED BY Chns. Riehard.sonSeconded by W. A. KingTIIAT no aoplientions be eonsidenecl tothe <strong>Town</strong>shlp par"k for the yerr 195I.operate F commel:eia1 businegs fromCARRIfD.E qI,{oved by R. J.PollockSecond.ed by C. D. PnosserTiIAT a s ign be placed at the end <strong>of</strong> the 5th concession Lpke Shore Road.stating t hn t the stone et Willow Beaeh be designated. ps thetr5th Coneessiorrrf.Also similar s igns for epch eoncessloh be placed on Lake Shore as Jrd, 4tht5th.CARRIED.lrloved by TI.A, KingSecond.ed by Chns. Richqrd.sonTIIAT the lette:r rcceived. fr.om solicitor, Jos. Vale reg^p61ng the mntten <strong>of</strong>oosting sign, in fnont cf lots, 3rL.r5, plon 188, cl"iming the Rretr between thenoed.way ond. wrterrs ed.p'e to be ---:r'ivrte nnonentJr. This be hand.ed. to oulleonsteble, Iltrn. Hill pnd puthori.ze him use cliscretion in taking d-outn signs.CARRIED.iiioved by lV. A. ILingTIIAT the Reeve pnd denr:tyreg.rds to nurchasing thepnd. pccommod-"tionIiioved. by Chns. RichardsonSeconded by Chrs. Riehnrd.sonbe instructed to interview the CouRtS <strong>Council</strong> ln<strong>Town</strong>shin oprk to imnrove sFme for oublic senvieeCARRIED.Second.ed by W. A. KingTHAf the epclleatlon fon ten ye.,r debenture lonn <strong>of</strong> :1}2OOO.OO be pnesented tothe Pnovlneial Treasury for their ,qo.rovFl pnd be chnrged in ttrxes on oropenty<strong>of</strong> Franeis l,lonton Lot 16, eon. 3, Arnounts to be in equal payments and eharged fntaxes e,nd the rend be held as oe;rment until seme is peid.CARRTED.lIoved. by W. A, KingSeconded. by C. D. ProssenTHAT the amount <strong>of</strong> jlfO.6Z taxes <strong>of</strong> Henry S"d"one, Plan JL3t 2t aeres be struek<strong>of</strong>f es above is wnongfully a.ssessedin 195Q. C.I:RRIED.l',!oved. by Chas. Riehand.sonSecond.ed. by R, J. PollockTHAT the netition signed by the nntepayers <strong>of</strong> Plan 176 anil submitted to theCouneil requesting that the Couneil maintpin the noodwey in fnont <strong>of</strong> thelnpronertles, be refemed. to the rood. suoerintendent nnd authorize him to grpvelpnd gnsde spid" noadwey rnd cherge s4me to the rete'oeyens <strong>of</strong> sald subdivlsiont.CARR]]D.i,loved by C. D. ProssenSeconded by Chas, RicliardsonTTIAT the lfunleinal Councll prrointed D. D-vidson o s F reDresentetive <strong>of</strong> <strong>North</strong><strong>Gwillimbury</strong> to net Fs e menrber <strong>of</strong> the Cemetery Board <strong>of</strong> .$utton lfest Corporotion. CA.i?Rf3D.i'Toved by R. J. PolloekSecond,ed. by Chns. Richnrd"son-oTHAT the p.l'llicption to ereet pnd mrint"ln p ol.iv"te bonthouse in front <strong>of</strong>1ot 3, trlen 1214,;: owned by D. F. Hengle be occerted orovided the build.ing iloesnot exe ed. 3 ft. cbov€ rood.w'y -lso the FDpror'.1 <strong>of</strong> ad.jnced.t rnteonyers mustbe obtpined..CARRIED.

July 10th, I95I .l',{eetlng <strong>of</strong> the Munlcipal Couneil was held in Tvrp. <strong>of</strong>fice. A11 members present.irfr. Comeron and. 1,4n. blcthevrs interviewed the CounciLregardlng the matten<strong>of</strong> 1\1n. Janston.liIl,Ivir, Cnmeron Spve LnstFnces where lvlr. Jenston had caused. ctisturbances untllneanly monning. It was the olinion <strong>of</strong> the Couneil tha.t Mr. Janston wFs ongovernment property and" the Dept. <strong>of</strong> Lpnd"s nnd Fonests should tnke action.inconvict ing him,Councll d,ecided thpt they should" hpve a by-law drefted to contnol the nentals<strong>of</strong> p11 bo^ts used for commercipl pu.r"ose.Stnnley Bruels discussed. pt some length the metter <strong>of</strong> the Counell beingresnonslble for the natrrmerrt <strong>of</strong> his bi]1 to Jos, V'.le fon lnw eosts ln eonnectionv,rith court -ction eoneerning the ni-ghts <strong>of</strong> ov,'nershin <strong>of</strong> ronds in h1ssubdivision. This mntter v,'ps to be di.scussed. by the <strong>Council</strong> in rrivate and thedecision be glven to S1-r1ey Burels ln nrlting.'Fho ninlrls <strong>of</strong> Lillipn Holborn for erecting r wire fence in front <strong>of</strong> henr f 6rroronerty on Loke Shore side <strong>of</strong> roedvrFy E'-s discussed with our solicitor Mr.Jos. V"1e nnd it wps flnrlly decided to .Fss F resolution authonizing the .removFl <strong>of</strong> fence. The Couneil deeided that extrp oolicing shoirld. be gtventhis district on week end as it hpd been made a ''ubli-e beaeh.The proposition <strong>of</strong>finally decld.ed to usethe neeuinements <strong>of</strong> thead.ooting p building by-Invr wps reviewed and" it wasthe old by-law as a bese and dn"ft a. by-law to meetTov,rnshlp.RESOLI]TTONS:&Ioved. by R. J. PollockSeconded by Chas. Richard.sonTiiAT this couneil take the attituile thBt the sand'y bench ln ffr"ont <strong>of</strong>lots 7-9 both inclusive in the 9th coneession <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Town</strong>ship <strong>of</strong> <strong>North</strong>Gwillimbur.y as a publie bepch.Ancl pny fences ereeted theneon he fonthwith nemoved by the Tournshlp<strong>of</strong>fieials.And" thpt tr{n. Jos. Vale bennd inform iren <strong>of</strong> tne Cbuncilfsinstructed to interview IrIiss lillian Holbonnettitude. CARRfED,IvToved. by R. J, PollockSeeond.ed by Chas. RichandsonTFIAT ttr.e i,funiclrpl Corrncil clneft n by-law to eontrol the rentel <strong>of</strong> allbo.ts for commenciel .urloses within the Tor.r;shil area. CARRIED.-o

lJuly L7th, I95I.I',{eeting <strong>of</strong> the l,'lunicipa} uounci-i viras hel-d- in Tvn. <strong>of</strong>fi.ceu'j-ilr rl]- i'te:nbers pFeserrtraHr. Ltogg d.lseussed the question <strong>of</strong> nssessment and nointed out to the Counellthe diffenenee in pssessing under his system pnd- thet <strong>of</strong> County assessort&ip. SSrmonds.CA"RRIED.The <strong>Council</strong> finally decided to ncss p resolution authorlzing Mr. Mogg tonssess the Tov,rnshl'r, v,'he'eby the best ecru"lizstian for n1l lrooerty ownengwould" be obtpinecl.l,fiss Lillinn Holborn o'crened the question <strong>of</strong> ovnershin <strong>of</strong> land nonth <strong>of</strong>nopdwoy ln fnont <strong>of</strong> ?ren ,lnonerty rnd d.isruted the nights <strong>of</strong> the Counell lnputhorizlng the removnl <strong>of</strong> her fence.il,{r, Frank },{pruitt spoke to the Couneil in the rnatter <strong>of</strong> spreying for polsonivy end. suggested that F cpmpFign be ]ounched by the <strong>Town</strong>ship to erad.icatethis weed..The matter <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fering our <strong>Town</strong>shlrr rark for sale to t he Countywas reviewedand. the Reeve end Denuty tvere given nermission to nc.roach the County andsee to whpt extent they v,'ere i nt erested,After e lengthly disoussion on the riglrts <strong>of</strong> 1,,1n. l.ayfetz erectlng a fenee lnfron <strong>of</strong> hls nroperty next to lake on Plan 189, a resolution was "rassed autbrolzlnghim to remove same.R5$OLUTIONS:Floved. by W. A, King Seeond.ed by R. J. Pollock ,TIIAT ou:r Fssessor, Iv{n. H, G. }logg be instructed. to e arcy on t he assesslng<strong>of</strong> prope rt ie s <strong>of</strong> Nort h Gwi 1l- imbury in such a manne r a s t o e oup 1 ize the pnopent lesRs to the best method.s availnble.CARRfED.hloved by C. D. ProsserSeconded by R. J. PollockTHAT the Couneil authonize the r.opcl supenintendent to spray the brushelong the rond on nrivate ororerty at cost price provlded the owner cut thebrush before snraying.CARRIED.hloved by rI/, A. I{ing$econded by Chas. Rlchard.sonTEAT the <strong>Council</strong>:;isin f'=vour <strong>of</strong> the fence ln :front <strong>of</strong> the ''rrolePty <strong>of</strong>l.{ur"ney t

.-?{q]KESWICK, June l+tn, I95L.&leeting <strong>of</strong> the <strong>North</strong> Gv;illimbuny Couneil vras held in Belhpven Hall on abovedpte, all members -rresent. l,{oved by IVtn. A. King pnd seeond.ed. by Chas.Riehpnd.son that tlre minutes be nd.ophed. es neod.CARRIED.Jpek ilicNeil diseussed with the Couneil the rroblem': <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Town</strong>shlpessuming the rond"s on his sub-d"ivision. The matten was feft over fon furtheninve stigat i on.Ilprold VanWyck interviewed. the <strong>Council</strong> regnrding the enre <strong>of</strong> youngcheoss'nts being ol-'ced in the Towr:shir by Govennnent pnd it vres d.eclileit toaceeDt ttro pens <strong>of</strong> blnds to be ol.ced" one on ench side <strong>of</strong> <strong>Town</strong>ship.By-law vres oessed. lst end 2nd reading only to debenture ii10r000.00 <strong>of</strong>roed expenditure over a oeriod <strong>of</strong> tvro JreFrrsfRemington Whlte Fe-oD€ned, the etrse <strong>of</strong> Janson operetlng c'blns end. nentlngboats in restricted. aree. l,{r", liiathevrs -nd. lilr, Ctrmeron were present and quoted.instances vrhere considerable d"istnubanee wns eeused by Janson having partiesat all hours <strong>of</strong> nlght. The feellng <strong>of</strong> the Counci] \rrps that Mr. Janson mustabide bJ' the ne.c'ulation <strong>of</strong> the Tor.:'nship.l,,{rs. L{id,d,leton presented e letterGrove Assoeiaticn regarrling the signing<strong>of</strong> iliuniciirnl Boerd, This matter rns tol[p. Iiarry Silvenberg requested. theCon. 9 .from l,{r. Favrcett, president <strong>of</strong> Is}and.<strong>of</strong> n retition filed- at the Depantmentbe referr"ed. to the Board. for. appnov'1.<strong>Council</strong> to impnove roadway on Plan 176,L{r. R. fr"elend reouested lermission to build- e boot-house in front <strong>of</strong> hisproperty, I-ot l+, pl. 124, eon, 3. Gr^nted-.The mptter: <strong>of</strong> }Inryis Wight reeeiving relief for e bon steylng at his homeyms r"eferred bock to elenk to obtrin some infonmatlonfrom clerk <strong>of</strong> Etoblcole.The Couneil decided to bqy t1y'6. Sedore ts gr-vel oit for *1'2OO.OO and. haveFn egreement d.r"wn to rureh.se s.me.RESOLIITIOIiIS:l{oved. by W. A. KingSecond.ed by R. J. PollockTHAt whenees by nrovisions <strong>of</strong> tire Tile lpr'lnr.g€ Aet, R.S.0. I95O, Chapten392, F coDy <strong>of</strong> by-law for t he nurDose <strong>of</strong> borrovring money f,or tile drainegenlong wlth affidsvits by lieeve .nd" Clerl';be d-eposited with Trersurer <strong>of</strong>Province <strong>of</strong> Ontari.o.tse it therefore nesolved. tlrat n coFJr <strong>of</strong> spid" d.ocuments be forwerded toPnovineial Tre;-surer <strong>of</strong> Ontario for eprr"synf <strong>of</strong> srme end. n sking -.rermlsslon to'aeply fon lopn for tile d-rninnge rurposes. C-A.i?RItrD.lfoved by l{. A, I,,ingSpeonded by R. J, Pollock?HAT the l,lunicioal Couneil grnnt the request <strong>of</strong> the Crestwood PnopentyOvrnerts Associstion to form Fll fnconporatlon on a'registered. plnn f151ntheTovrnshln <strong>of</strong> Nonth Grryillimbuny. The Tov,riship h;=s no fecilitles for supplylngwater" to nssocletion. CARRfED. ':}lloved. by R. J. Pollock Second,ed by Chas. RlehardsonTHAT the lJunicieal'<strong>Council</strong> grant the request <strong>of</strong> Violet Hawkes and Geo.Hewkes to a^p1y for a lieense to the Dent. <strong>of</strong> Lands and Forests to obtaln awater lot in front <strong>of</strong> hen rnoperty fon t he nuroose <strong>of</strong> erecting a cLoek on Lot 6,Plpn 267, also a bopt house vrhich is not to exeeed J ft. above the roedway,l,{oved. by W. A. I{ingSecond.ed by Chns, RichandsonTflAT the llunici.oa]" Counci] instruct the elerk to dnnft an Fgr.eement betweent"he <strong>Town</strong>shlp nnd Tkn. Sedore for th.e rurnose <strong>of</strong> his gr"vel nlt for the suln <strong>of</strong>{f1, 2OO. OO.CARRTED:L4oved by W. A. Ei.ngSecond.ed by C. D. Pr"ossenTHAT the LhnictraL<strong>Council</strong> authorize therrised. fnom the rnesent nrice <strong>of</strong> 65d per hourrnyaent <strong>of</strong> dey lebore?s to beto Bgd Der hour. CARRIED.

il{oved by R. J. PollockSecond.ed bY Chas, RichardsonTHAT the Munlcilal Couneil gnpnt the re.ruest Of Mrs, Bnder tO a1p1yfor nn enlrlieetion for F lieense to mnintnln a dock ln front <strong>of</strong> hen Dropertylot 16, enrl" pant lot l+tr, registened plnn 1,89t con, 9. CARRTED.Ifloved. by Chns, Richnrd,sonSecond.ed by C. E. Prosser^TIIAT the Couneil Srnnt the 'rermission to Dfr. Lloyil R. frel'nd to eDB]-yfo:: p llcense to build a boet house 1n front <strong>of</strong> nr"ooenty Lot 4, Plen 1,24tCon. l+, Nonth GwillinaboFx. Boathouse not to exeeed ln height 3 feet. aboueroad.way.CARRTXD.-O.-lI

Moved. by W. A. KlngSuconded by R, J. PollcickTHAT the followingaceounts be pald.l!Tm. Abbsr F€ garbegePollockre ganage o11 fon <strong>of</strong>fleeDr. J, Rhlnd c[enta]- senvieesThos. trhtlIlen dtatlonenyNewmnrket Ern pnlntlng tendersWalter Sed,ore wood for SweezleReglstr"y OffleeDr, LenroyilBell felerhonetnpnsfensd.entnl sersleds<strong>of</strong>fieeN, Qpyle nhone e-I1sAg-r Dnugsre B. Lenoard.R, L. Chadwlck painting sign$utton Repor.ter eilvertislngShlnley Seclone nunslngH. Stmoson, o11 .for. ganbage clumpF. Bunnows clockDr. TuehtleZunieh fns,Trersurer,Mng. Q . Ssd.oneco. <strong>of</strong> Yonk, Hosp.lllm. H111 police nevolverMm. Bnowne fox bountyLeslie Mi1lenEnvln WinehRoad Vouchen # 5E. Thayer, salnnyJaek Batnes <strong>of</strong>flcefox bountymonthly salanyrent32,OO12.0056.OO295.0910.0011.0O4,6870.00g. 15.856 . 639.001l+,6030.002l.oo8.2522, 5023.1+5r37.7535,OO9.0015,00200.003473 . 8250.oo25.OACARRIgD J. L. Doyle.

l,{ay Lst, L951.lrh:.nieipal Cotr:rcil net ln <strong>of</strong>fiee a.t Keswie, all-menbers preseit.The tenders for gravel hauling were opened. and presented. as folLows:SoLtonConst:mctltrnCo..EauLine, fron llowaship ltt at 94f p6f, cltr Jrard. for 5000 yard.s, aa;there ln fovnshlp aed.irected by Supt.I{aultng 3000 yard.s from West pit ae dlrectect by Supt' Sty' per cu. lrard.i{aullne from E"st plt 88/ per cu. yard as directed, by Srrlt. W. M<strong>of</strong>f,att.B.A.31vthCo.EauJ-ing anJnvhere ae directed., 8000 cy. yards tot p$f por Gllr 5rard.SpencerVernonHauLing froa tho. plt an3ruhere as d.lrected by Supt. for 981 Pet cy. Jrard.Ear*,lup to clistance <strong>of</strong> J nlLes for 80y' per cy. yard and" lf p€r nils over 8 stlesoSF,vlrelaaclItraultne anSrr*here la <strong>Town</strong>s$p 5000 yard.s at 79i perHauling a4n'rhere in ?ownship J000 yrarcls frou WestHauling aa;rnhere ln lownship 3000 5irard.s froro Fa,stdF. yar'l fron Tqr. pltpit at 80y' per cu. Yardptt at 90rl per cu. yard.The question <strong>of</strong> garbage colleetion ras discussed. at some length aad waEfiaalJ.y passed by notion <strong>of</strong> lib. Ktng and seconded by Chas, Richartlson tbat there be flvetlivisions inetead <strong>of</strong> nine as previous, as the tnrck owners couLcl affortl to have betterequipnent and. york woul-d. be d.one nore sattsfactorlly, also an alteraative teniter fortwo d.ivisions.RXSOII}TIONS:Moved by R. J. PoLlockSeconcled. by 6tas . Bleha,rdsonfEAS the l,iuaieipal Conncil <strong>of</strong> tb.e <strong>Town</strong>ship <strong>of</strong> <strong>North</strong> GtvllLlnbury accept theTeniler <strong>of</strong> Bay lreLand. to sccavate , baul and. d"eliver 5000 cu. yard.s a^aSrwhere in treTornship at the rate <strong>of</strong> ?9i per cu. yard and 80y' per cu. yard for J000 cu. yarcls fronMiller Sedore ptt or 90d per cu, Srard for 3000 drr. fard.s froo W; Sed.ore ptt.C33RITD.Moved. by R. J. PollockSeconded by Cbas. EichardsoaTEAT the clerk <strong>of</strong> the Mrrnicilnlity <strong>of</strong> Sorth Owilltnbury b6 instnrctecl to rtiteto the {yd.ro Slectric Power Conm, at Strtton authorizing then to renove byttro pole at thelntersectloa <strong>of</strong> the former Bad.ial Line and. Varney Road. CARRIID.Moved by Ch*s. BichardsonSecond.ed by W. A. KingTEAT the lt{untcipa}Cor:nciL<strong>of</strong> the Torrnshirr <strong>of</strong> }Iorth GnlLlinbury accept the planthe proposed. sub-d.ivision, pt lot lJ, con. 2, as drawn by Ross Sturdy subJect to he regulationsas defined. tn the uestionaire subnLtted. by the Planning Board.. CAPPTID.<strong>of</strong>Moved. by Chas. Richard.sonSecond.ed by R. J. PollockfEAT the clerk be instnrcted. to publish in the Servnarket Sra and. &r.tton Reportera notlce that anyone drrnping garbage on llownship Roadside or dltches t*llLbe prosecuteil btrrOrd.er <strong>of</strong> CouaciL. .tsn. HilL, constable, h,as been authorized. to proeecute an5roae foundilumplag garbage on said. road.sid.es.0ARBIED.Moved. by R. J. PoLLockSecond.ed by W. A. KiagTEAT tend.ers for the collection <strong>of</strong> garbage be published for J cllvislons incluclingforner d.ivisioas L & 2, as one and. 3 & 4 as 2nd d.ivisionsr So. 5 as jrd. iivieion. .Aleotend.ers for fo:mer d.ivisions, L12r3r4r5, as a group untler 5r7r8, & 9 as a grouprCA3RITD.Moved. by C. D. ProsserSecond.ed by B. J, Pol-loekfHA[ tend.ers for garbage sba11 be receivetl by the clerk up to aacl lnclutllngthe 19th tlay <strong>of</strong> May, rtrtll 6 orcloek p.m. <strong>1951</strong>. I{oticeg for tend.ers forgrbage bepublished. in }Tewmarket 3ra snd Sutton Reporter also hand btl1s <strong>of</strong> the descrlptioa <strong>of</strong>d.ivlsions be av&ilable at the clerkrs <strong>of</strong>fice. AIso notices posted Ln Kesulck aailSo1haven.CA.8RIED.Moved by R. J. PoLlockSecond.ed. by Chas. RlchsrdsoafEA[ thefotes <strong>of</strong> collections for garbage be as fo].lowsllstcoLLection Monc[a5r, ]hy 28th.June, Mond.ay 4, L1, 18, antl 2J, and. I'rid.ay 29tia. 0a July, I\resclay 4th, aad. Frid.ay 5th.0n each Monday aad. tr'rlday foI i.owing.One coLlectlon on fuesday 4tn ana each foLlowing Mond,ay during the nonth <strong>of</strong> Septenber.One col-Lection on Monday Oct. lste TOIAI COIIiECfION')F 2qca.a,RIm.

KESwrCll, May 7th, I95\.Munieipal <strong>Council</strong>met ln the Belheven Hall. A11 rnembens present, L{lnutes <strong>of</strong>last meeting wene Fend. and moved. by tllf. A. Iting and seconcled. by R. J. Pollockthnt minutes be adonted as reod. CARRIED.Dp. Rhind, dentlst from Jncksonrs Point lnterviewed the Councll in regandeto problem <strong>of</strong> dentp] senvice to prll school ehildned and advised. that moreattention be given this lmlontpnt matter, oiso psked. for raise <strong>of</strong> $t.OO per horilrmaking a change <strong>of</strong> ilf.Oo 'rrer hour for serviees,L{rs. },iid.dleton v/Fs rresent ivhen the decision <strong>of</strong> the Juilge regorcllng her casGwes diseussed. Mrs, n{lddleton wns not convictr:d <strong>of</strong> any fnfr"etions <strong>of</strong> the lasbut Mr. Inlddleton wFs fined i110.OO nnd costs <strong>of</strong> Count and. ereh oanty eoncerned,nay their own wltnesses nnd" levlyers.<strong>Council</strong> decided thpt p netition must eome from the nateDayers <strong>of</strong> fslandGpove Associatioh signed. by the President rnd Secretany <strong>of</strong> same before anyfirrther aetion in the snso could. be d.erlt vrith by the Councll.lr1rs. W1ll1ams nresented. a petition to the Counei] <strong>of</strong> a number <strong>of</strong> natepayerson epst sid.e <strong>of</strong> "rpvement esklng for gnplnp-s colleetion from Lockenbies Cornen toSundale fnn Just north <strong>of</strong> side roed. This be lncluded ln the summer sehedule <strong>of</strong>gnrbcge collections pnd plso in the winter collection with Keswick.Frpncis l1orton asked the <strong>Council</strong> to nccept the responsibility <strong>of</strong> cleantngup cemeteny knovln as the ttMann Cemeterytt. This matter T[Fs held. overa untllfurther advice coule be obtnined. Fs to just rryhat their obllgatlons coneerntngth*s project were.Iui". SteFrman presented. nrlees on weerl end. brush spnry'l,,lr, Llethews intenvlewed the Coneil regnrding the matter <strong>of</strong> I{r. Jansenopenating boets for hlre from his bont house.The cleim <strong>of</strong> G::ant Thomnson f6p flr$rge to his ctr wFs referred to theinsurnnce co. who insured" the ropd.s.By-lnw eopointing Jns.for yeFr <strong>1951</strong> was Dassed..Sinelpir as weed inspeetor et salrry <strong>of</strong> :$t75'00By-lFw rnssr:d to chrnge wordin"' <strong>of</strong> former by-.1nw <strong>of</strong> road sunerintend'entto"e-b. 76 ner mile c"r exrenses to o mnximtrn <strong>of</strong> .#3OO.OO.Fn-nk Llnrritt pnd ir{r. Buehanpn d.iscussed the nroblem <strong>of</strong> levylng on t8xpFyerato rpise money for Fed.eretion ,rgr:ieultr:re. Cottneil decid.ed e g'r,-nt be glvenfor srmg.The re^uest <strong>of</strong> tr. E, Fox to fopm r le1rrl ol tr-fr.pg, ed.ge tn front <strong>of</strong> tttsnronertY wps gr-ntetL.]diss Lillinn f-i'lborn ,rresentetl- p letter to <strong>Council</strong> r€-uesting that someactlon be tpken immeAiately to rrevent the w"shin,!' pli'qn <strong>of</strong> the r-od nlong1 pke shore .The nenuest for relief for albert Crowd-er !r/:'s not grnnted. -A1so theamount <strong>of</strong> rellef glven Hildr Sar'grent be left the s.me unless special foold' wagadvised by "d.oetorrs orders.The rroblem <strong>of</strong> lfrs. l,{csaclrern yr.s r'' viev;ed rrid- no re}ief trps grnnted eslong as she vras rble to 'lrorrid.e for fpmily frorn tire j.ncomecG her nnesent Job.l*{eetinp. to be l're1d on T.irV llth to stnike Tor',,nship rotes_for-tpxeS.'*eetingto te he1d. on }l1ey 21st, to o.'len tend-ers forg'nbage for 195Lo

it,3RESOLUTION$ :Moved. by R. J. PolloekSeconded by W. .A. KingTHAT the elenk be instructed to lvr.ite the Depentment <strong>of</strong> Lands cndForests infonming them th"t the bort house <strong>of</strong> lvin. Janson is st1ll stand.ing aridno rctlon has been tpken in reE-rd to the nernovo 1 <strong>of</strong> s ame .CAP.RI3D.&loved" by C, D. ProsserTIiAT the cler.k be instnrcted to vrritethe instpllption <strong>of</strong> sign rvnrning motoristsnnd p s1o'r,"ler rete <strong>of</strong> speed. be infor-ced..itToved by Chas. RichardsonSeeond.eit by Chas. Richandsonthe County Rond Engineer reouestlng<strong>of</strong> F school Pretr neFr Jensey SehoolCARRTED.Seeoncled. by IY. A, KlngTIIAT the L{unfteioel Councll sr.i:t theto reser\re July 7th for t.re -rurnose <strong>of</strong> t.prrenuest <strong>of</strong> the Yonk County HospltaLdry to n;'ise funds for Hospltpl.c,1 i?Rr '-D.l,ioved by Chas. RichrrdsonSeeoncled by R. J. PolloekTI{AT the FreF from L6elrenblers Corner: to Sunclple fnn be lnclucled in thesummer contract for eollection <strong>of</strong> 5irpb.ge on erst sid.e <strong>of</strong> highvray all cottFgesnrep be included, nlso thai collection be includecl in t he }leswlck eontraet forwinter c ollection.c,^RRJ;:D.infuloved. by Ches. Richprd"sonSeconciecl by R. J. PollockTIltrT t?re i,lunicirol <strong>Council</strong>.<strong>of</strong> l.lorth Gv"ilLi:rbury d.o hereby ngree to aceeptthe netition 'tZ.5O <strong>of</strong> the'j3.OOundersigned tnr.rek drives <strong>of</strong> iiorth Grl,'ill1mbury to nalse therate from to pen hour for l';rorlc lerforrr:ed- forthe <strong>Town</strong>shlp.CARi?I':D.i{oved. by W. A. KingSeeonrlecl bJt C. D. P.rossenTlilrT the clerk be instructed- to r.efer the metter <strong>of</strong> the Cnestvrood PnopertyOwners Assoeintlon asking the To'nnshi. to grant ,rermission to f,Onm a soctalclub on Flan 3I5t eon. 2, befone our solicltor, Jos. Vole, CARRfED.l',loved by Chas. RieherdsonSecond.ed by R. J. FollockTIIAT the clerk be instrrrcted to edver.tise for tend-ers tosupnly ,theTorornshin vrith weed. snrFy and. brush sprpy for Tor.rnshlo ropd.s slde in ConmerclalNews, ttr{o lnsentions.CARRfiID.l',[oved. by Tf. ! . KingijeconCed. by C. D. ProsserTI{AT the Liunieirral <strong>Council</strong> retuest thnt pn insoector fnom the GuelphOnterlo Col1ep1e renresent tlr.e Tor';nshir reg-rdin5' the inspection <strong>of</strong> tlle d.nalagggwhen inst-l1erl, -lso 6 sDecipl insnector be re^rlesterLfor the tlle nlre d.yinstnlled on rrosertS' 6l Frncis i.1orton. CLRRI-lD.r"^'irod hrr ilijrrv Av vu vJ 1r lt-ino. n. I r 116Seeoncl-ed by C. D. ProsserTiti\f ttre police <strong>of</strong>ficer, ii!'m. Hill, be gi-ven nermission to ?urchese Dec€sgeryclothi.ng ''nd" bpd.ges for the constoblesr Don Cinenon end Gr.nt Thompsontpnd Wm, ili1l pnd lresent bill to <strong>Council</strong>. CARIII';ID.irroved by R. J, Po]loek Seconcled. by Chas. Rieha.rd.son .TiiAT the llunieionl <strong>Council</strong> authorize tire roar-l superintend.ent to ond.en signsto be erected on thr rend.sibde in front <strong>of</strong> i,,rs. l,ie.L.eents, lnns. l,Ii]lerrs and. Mrg.lYestrs. Signs are Fs follor{s: lio r.rklng pnd- i{o rarlcing on this sid.e.CTRRI:D.

Totpl Assessment $3 , 899, 465. 00KESWfCK, May Il+th, I95L.Counellmet in Keswtek Office for unDose <strong>of</strong> stn1.,._ing the t"x rntes fonl95lr nnd the followlng budget w-s formed fon ppnerrl torrnshlo pnrposes.Reeve & Counc i11orsI{unicinpl B1dgs.Snl,pntesPrinting, Fd.v. Post-gefnt. Bpnk Ch"ngesGr-nts & DonptionsDe n t e 1Fire ProtectionPollceLive 51 oek & DogsFox Bount yIpsurenCe & B6nclsPrnkAud.ltUnemcloyment fns.ElectlonsLeg=1SafeOffice Equlpment & RentMl sc .Mogg AssessmentRoad.s & BnldgesGarbageRevenug1500.001500, O0lr0OO. 0O1600.002000.001700. 00 ---------Donetiong fon 14612OOO. 0OSutton Horse Show1000, OO Fed. <strong>of</strong> Agrdculbture5000.00 York C. Plow Assoe.400.00 Athletie Assoc.200.00 Spnt* Claus P"nad.e115. O0 Musiepl Fest lval50O.OONewm' nket flosp.23O , OA Sutton H.,sP.100. OO Sutton Legion200.00200.00600.ool+50. 00:too.00go00.o014000. 00?6o.oo45845 . oo3OO. OO25O . OO50.00850.0050.0O25.OO100.0050.OOJ5.OO1.700.00Dog t axFlnesLlcenses nnd permitsHosp. nefund.sRev. from gnnderProv, subsldy700.00L000. 00650.ooI+75. OO900.0013s60.00 '6875.OOless45845.00Ji876.0039970.OO@OIIIq|YLE\tr5/ro mi1lsRelief,ch.r"ity & Ensp.14/Io mlllsRo.ds & Br.td.ges4l/LO millsGenen:'l Sshool RnteI5/La mi1lsSec. Educ ption55/to mlllsHeplth Unit1ml11Genennl <strong>Town</strong>shl"g10mi1lsTotal Municlral Levy 30 miils-oRsSOLUTIOI{SE-ved-by W; A. KingSeeonded by Oha.s. RlchandsonTHAT the MunlclpaLCouncll <strong>of</strong> the Tor,imshlp <strong>of</strong> Nonth Wtntlllmbury applyto the Distniet .Engineer fon eopnoval <strong>of</strong> e supolementary by-law for en addttriionalraise <strong>of</strong> S2'4O0.OO to our Dresent by-lew fon the :rurpose <strong>of</strong> purehaslngtwo extnn gnrvel pits for. <strong>Town</strong>ship Dut3coses. CARRIED.Moved. by I[. A. KlngSecond.ed. bV R. 3'- PolloekTHAT the Munlclral Councll d.o hereby apply to the -eppntment <strong>of</strong> theIllunielcal Board renueeting their ncnrov.l <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Town</strong>ship issulng a d.ebentune<strong>of</strong> $fZ'4OO.OO fon the Dur.lose <strong>of</strong> re-surf.etng a. contion <strong>of</strong> the Lake Shore RoodBnd also for the ounohnse <strong>of</strong> " sr.vel oit within the Munleloality.CARRTED.

KES'IfICK, MaY 21st, L951.Munteipal Counell met in the Keswlck Offiee to rreceive the Tend.ers for thecollecilon <strong>of</strong> garbage fon the year 3g5I. The followlng tenders were examined':1 .Roger. I,aRueMlller $"d.one$ 9oo. oog25.OO{2.3.l+.trlr2r3,CarI And.ersonHarolil SmlthI{anny Da vi silanold. SmtthHnrrJf DavisBruee GlovenIlnrold SrnlthRoge r Le RueHq r"Iy Davl s825.OO12OO.O09Oo. oo950,009OO. oOL000,oo2500.002200.oouoo.ooEESOLUTIONS:Moved. by R. J. P<strong>of</strong>lockSeconcleiLby Chas. Richard'sonTHAT the Mrr:ricinal Couneil <strong>of</strong> <strong>North</strong> Gwlllimbury acceot the tend.en <strong>of</strong>Harny Dovis to Jollect and deliver to the <strong>Town</strong>shi-p Drmp fnom the1l}-gilbageDivision No. 4 & 5 ns deser'lbed by <strong>Council</strong> for the sum <strong>of</strong> $t70-0.00. Ibnem,oloyecl to be coire'nea by Workmen-ts Compensntion tnd truck to be eovened. fonpuirril liablllty. OARRTED.Moved by R. J. Pobloek Seconded. bY Clras. Rlehand.sonTIIAf the ldr:nlcipal Couneil <strong>of</strong> Nonth Gwlllimbury trccent the t ender <strong>of</strong>Rogen LaRue to eolleit andl d.eliven ts <strong>Town</strong>shtp hrmp allp anbage fnom propentiesas desenibed J-n N6. 1, 2) 3, as a group fon the sum <strong>of</strong> S25OO.OO'Iden exployedto be eovered' nv - frirnirenls- comoensition and' tnuck to be eovered' fon oubllcltability.CARRIED.Moved. by R. J, PollockSeconcled bY W. A. Klng3HAT the I'{unictnal Couneil lnstruct the elerk to rnenare a bY-Law for theDurDose <strong>of</strong> issuing p d.ebenture <strong>of</strong> $torOOO.O0<strong>of</strong> the oresent alProved amount <strong>of</strong>Jtl+8rOOO,0O by the Deop,ntment <strong>of</strong> highwoys for re-surfoej-ng. Debenture to beissued for p -eriocl <strong>of</strong> two yerrs.CARRTED.

IXLHAVXI{, APril2nd', L95I.Meetlng <strong>of</strong> the Municipal Councll ras held ln Belhaven 8a11. All nenbers present.Mlnutes <strong>of</strong> last neeting were read and. moved by Cbas. Richard.son and seconded by R. J. Poll-ocktbat ninutes be ad.opted.Reeve Doyle gave a report on the neeting heLd ln Toronto regardlng the natter <strong>of</strong>equalization ancl from the feeLing <strong>of</strong> the neetlng and dltscussions that took place, he felt thatonr llownship was quite in ord.er lnrtal

April2nd., L952LMovtd" by [. J. Pollock Seconded by t{. y'.. tring.?EAT the lfi:nieipal CouuciL<strong>of</strong> <strong>North</strong> GryiLlinbury refer hhe natter <strong>of</strong> the nou presentexpenses ($500.00) back to the board. <strong>of</strong> the l{orth Guil}lnbury MomoriaLCentreeand. if theycannot pay sa'ne the l,ftrnicipal CounclLwlLl gr:arantee to the Bank <strong>of</strong> Comnerce the pa5rnent <strong>of</strong> theseerpenses.caIRIsD.Moved. by B. J. PollockSeconded by Chas. Rlchard.sonTEAT the CLerk be lnstructed. to ad.vertlse for Tend.ers for oil- to be used on the<strong>Town</strong>sbip roads a,s dust Layer anrd. also for the pur?ose <strong>of</strong> resurfaelng. Tenders for sa,nae areelosed on Mond.ay, LSth <strong>of</strong> ApriJ-.CARRIID.l,{oved by R. J. PolLoekSeeond.ed. by l{. A. KingTiiAT the l{unicipal Cor:nciLset the rate <strong>of</strong> ?i per utle for any cat Esed outsid.ethe Torrnship in the tnterest <strong>of</strong> Muaieipal- Affairs and. any nember <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Council</strong>- other than anenployee <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Town</strong>ship be trmid. the rate <strong>of</strong> $j.00 per day for attend.ing such neetings.CARRITD.Moved. by I{. A. KingSecond.ed by R. J. Pollock.TSAT the ltuntctt>al Cor:ncil <strong>of</strong> <strong>North</strong> Gwil.limbury request the Departnent <strong>of</strong> le,nd.salad. Sorests when granting the lease for dock limit the water rtghts to the vid.th <strong>of</strong> satdd.ock and. etrso forbitl the erection <strong>of</strong> any fence betryeen the waterts ed.ge and tha road.CAIiRIED.Uoved by lI. A. Kingseconded by R. J. polloekTIIAT the clerk be lnstructed. to write to the l,{ulicipal- 3oard. roquesting that theSchool Section #1 be pernitted. to use the prenlum <strong>of</strong> debenture soLd. for constnrctionpurposesrc3RRrm.Moved. by R. J. pollockSecond.ed. by Chae. Rlchard.sonIIIAT the elerk be tnstrr:.cted. to fiLl ia applieation forms applylng for a Llcensefor a cloek to be naintained. at the oot <strong>of</strong> the fourth concession and. also at the end <strong>of</strong>PopJ.ar Boad on PLan 189, concession 9, reke simcoe.caRRrrD.

april 15th, 195t.Meeting <strong>of</strong> <strong>North</strong> GwlLlinbury CorinciLwes held at Selhavea EaIl on above d-ater allnembers present.Miautes <strong>of</strong> AprlJ. Znd neeting were readCecll Prosser the ninutes be gdoptetl as read.and moved. by R. J' .PoLlobk and second.ed byCANRITD.Teaders for oil contracts were opened. anrl the following anounts were submitted.:Miller Paving ltd.. Tar Prfuae2l+.85 per gal.lar Mulch25. 9 per ga1.Srrel Paving Co. far Prine25 per ga1 .farl{uiL0h -26. 2 per gaI.Itftrnicipal- Spraylng lar Prime25 per gal .far]tu1-chSeanlsh Constm.ctlon Tar Prlne[ar ]tuLeh26. I per gal.25,15 Per ga1.26, 2 per ga1.fender <strong>of</strong> Mll].er Pavin€ for supplylng oil- on roads was accepted.. By Iaw passed.to appoint Road Su1:erlntend.ent an increase <strong>of</strong> sal-ary to $21200,00 per year a.na $3OO.OOfor car nileage.Sond for Clerk and. froasurer lras f,ransfemed fron Mr. PeeLto Sruin Winch.By-l-aw passed. to appolnt members to PLanning Board. as follows:One year from Countll: John L. Doyle, Ix-<strong>of</strong>flcio, B. J. PoLLock, Un. KtngOne year ters - Non-Menber <strong>of</strong> CowrclL- Gavin Mortonfwo year ferm - lfon-Member <strong>of</strong> Cowrctl - Frank WtlJ.oughbyThree year Term - Ross Sturdy amd Geo. Le,uont.Resolution passed to have the by-laws ITo. 1L95 re: Tile Dralnage Act published lnSutton Reporter for three consecutive weeks.lhe bttl <strong>of</strong> Shlrley May Sed.ore for six weeks in Esopital be aecepted.nad.e.The rellef biLl <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Ruth ironnell be lnvestfgated before any f'urther pa]@ents areClerk, Corrnty <strong>of</strong> Tork be instnrcted. thot l,fr:nicipal- CounciLspecial Licenses to gun owners for the purposes <strong>of</strong> shooting srnalLsunmet uonthg .is aot in favour <strong>of</strong> granttnggsne anaLbirds duriagseIllhe uatter <strong>of</strong> Don Christiaa erecting a real Sstate 0fficelots be referred. to Jos. Tale.on his owa property toDlseussion over the outsid.e butchers being pernitted. to sell neat ln this area antlthe use <strong>of</strong> loud speakers aunounclng their presence in;,,-rea resulted th ler..avlng natter forlega1 ad.vice at next neetlng.Mr. W. Richmond. criticized the present assessor over the forns being sent out toproperty hol"ders asking for inforration regard.lng the value <strong>of</strong> land anct bulld.ings. Ee askedfor someoae to be sent to help him fill in hls forns for same.Mr. F. ldarritt and. Jas. Stnc]air interviewed. the CounciLat length regartlint thenatter <strong>of</strong> weed control. It wa.s srrggesterl that a notice <strong>of</strong> the tine when weed.s should becut should. be printed in paper and warn property ovrners to cut their own weed.s.RXSOIUTIONSoMoved. by W. A. KtngSecond.ed. bX R. J. PoLLockTEAT the proposed sub-tlivision <strong>of</strong> lot 1-J, concession 2, <strong>North</strong> Greitllnbury belongingto Mrs. I{oel ViAaf be accepted according to regulations deftned by the Planning DevelopnentSoard and the owner signing an agreenent wlth the <strong>Town</strong>shlp <strong>of</strong> <strong>North</strong> Gvilliabury to fulfllrequiremeats.C33RI3D.Moved by B. J. PoLLockSecond.ed by W. A. KingTEAT the c&&rk be tnstmcted. to draft a new by-law appointing a weed. tnspector forthe township <strong>of</strong> Sorth Gryilltnbur.3r at the sr:m <strong>of</strong> $175.00 per annurn. CA3RIXD.Moved by R. J. PoLlockSeconded by Chas. Bicha,rdsonTIIAT the proposed. plan <strong>of</strong> sub-division <strong>of</strong> pt. 131 cor. 3, as surveyed. by Boss Sturclyaad subnittecl to Cor:nsil for approval accord.ing to trestionaire as laid. clonn by the Planninga.ncl Developneat 3oard. be accepted. a.nd. passed.. CARRIED.

Moved. by Chas . Ricba,rd.eonApriJ. 16th, I95L.Second.ed. by C. D. ProsserIEAT the Bornsbip Corrnet]- <strong>of</strong> Sorth C'ulllinbury accept the tender for Tar Prlneand Tar ldaLch as stated tn tender <strong>of</strong> MiLLer pavlng <strong>of</strong> 24.896 per ga1 for Tar prlme and25 .9f for Tar }{ulch. CA3RIED.Moved. by R. J. PoLlockSeconded, by Chas. BichardeontIiAT the a,greenent between the SaLvatlon Army and. the Eownship <strong>of</strong> fforth GwilJ.inburybe accepted as d.esignated. excepting clause So. 1 regard.ing the ftLl satd. park nhich vasstnrck <strong>of</strong>f by orrer <strong>of</strong> Corlrcil.CARRID.Moved. by fr. A. KingSeeond.ed by Chss. IllchardsonTEAT the clerk be lnstructed to hsve the by-larn# 1195 be 1mbllshed ln thel-ocal newspaper, the Sutton Reporter, for three eonsecutlve weeks and notice <strong>of</strong> sanebe attached thereunto.CAIRIID.

BllEAVSIl, lbrch Jth, I95t.<strong>Minutes</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Council</strong> neeting heId. at SeJ.he,ven EaLlOwtng to sickness, Deputy Reeve R. J. Eolleck r*4s absent.read. and. by notion were ad.opted..Monda;r, March stl., L951.Mturtes <strong>of</strong> previous meetlng weretr'ra.ncis A. Morton presented. an{rplieation to thethe cost <strong>of</strong> tlle dralnage accord.ing to the regulatlons setCor:.ncil for a loan to help pyout ln the act.Mr. ItllLson spoke to the eouneil regard.ing the eost <strong>of</strong> supplying naterlals for subway re:Don Christian property and. gave an approximate estiaate <strong>of</strong> $L1000.00, labour extra,.Mr. 0rSrien appealed. to the <strong>Council</strong> for a grant to the futton lreglon.BaLph Eenry presented plan <strong>of</strong> sub-clivision and sane wasi ;'.d.opted. accoriling to ruleslaid. out by Planning and. Developnent Board. Mr. Eenry reserrrlng coannerclal rlghts oa lot ILf, and 18.asststantMr. Mogg requested. a by-law be d.rafted appointing Bobert Sdward. Arderson a.sassessor for the Eownship.Reningtoa White spoke to the <strong>Council</strong> at sonoe J-eagth regard.ing the Mid.d.leton caseand. appealed. very strongly to the <strong>Council</strong> to have the by-law a.nend.ed. so as not to have thesepeople ileprived. <strong>of</strong> their means <strong>of</strong> naldng a livlng. fhe Counctl d.ecicled. to refer the matter toour soLlcttor ancl. accept hls Jud.gaent as to anyr,rction being taken before the d.ecision <strong>of</strong> theJud.ge was given.,Mr. Ross Sturdy lntenriewed. the <strong>Council</strong>regardlng the rrrles and. authority <strong>of</strong> Planatng3oard..Remtngton White spoke sgaln regardtng the llcense <strong>of</strong> the d.ock in front <strong>of</strong> Poplar Boadland urged. tbe couacil to take a d.enocratic view <strong>of</strong> the matter a"nd. apply for license <strong>of</strong> EarneoResolution assed. asking clerk to write to Land.s and Dorests Dept. enclosing duplieate<strong>of</strong> resolution passed by Cou:rcil last August.A, Pollock asked. the Couaoil to purchase chairs for Memorial Conuunlty Hall as thechalrs now being used. belonged. to Publlc School.fhe natter <strong>of</strong> purchasing tanks from Mc0o].1-Frontenac be referred back to InperlalOil Co. asking for a lower price <strong>of</strong> a-oprortiaoatel.y $?5.00.froqtthe['be account <strong>of</strong> Oeo. Milllng for x-ray was referred baek to the hospital.I4tnd.a Blake account be referred. to Er. Mahon for verification <strong>of</strong> sa,ne.llhetr'rabk Marrttt d.lscussed the proposition <strong>of</strong> obtaini;rg a soil nap <strong>of</strong> Sorth Gtrllltnburyd.epartnentr?he matter <strong>of</strong> Mrs. krd.eers taxes $e re referred to clerk for lnvestlgatlon.The assessing <strong>of</strong> Snake fsLanil was d.iscussed. as word. had been received. fron J. Vale(sollcitor) that this was posslble,It nas d.ecitled. to purchase sign fron T. Johnson and ha,ve Collier re-palnt sa.me for<strong>Town</strong>shlp <strong>of</strong>flce.RSSoIUT r oNSMoved by Chas. Ricbe,rdsonSeconded. by W. A. King$HAT the I'tuai.cttrnlCounciL<strong>of</strong> the Torunship <strong>of</strong> Sorth Glrilllnburg authortze the clerkto d neft a byJ"aw naJrlng the lownshlp <strong>of</strong> <strong>North</strong> Gwl3-linabury into a Planning area aceorrling tothe P&annhg Act.CA.BRIXD.Moved by Cha,s. RlchartleonSecontled by T. A. KlngSEAT the folLorning ratopayers be appointecl as members <strong>of</strong> EIhe Sorth $riL1lnburyPla.nnlng area for one year: Reeve <strong>of</strong> <strong>North</strong> Gvlll intnrry, Deputy Beeve <strong>of</strong> Sorth Gvtllinbuf,for two years: Gavln [orton, Frank Wtl].owbby, for three years: Ross Sturdy, Geo. Ianont. CA3BIEDMoved. by W. A. KingSeeoaded by C. D. ProsserTSAT the Corrncil <strong>of</strong> l{orth. fuil1, trrurchase the barn <strong>of</strong> $ornan Mltchell- for township purlposes. CA"EBMoveal bX W. A. KlngSeccnd.ed. by C. D. ProsserfIiAT the clerk write Jos. Vale esking for advise in taking any stetps regard.lng tbeMid.d.Leton case before the d.ecislon <strong>of</strong> the Juclge. CARRIED.Moved. by C. D. ProsserSeeonded. by Chas. BichardsontSAf the CouaciLdopt the ppoposedd plan <strong>of</strong> subtlivision presented by RaLph Eeary aecord.ingto specifications <strong>of</strong> PLanaing 3oard.. CA3BIED.Moved by W. A. KingSecond.ed by C. D. ProsserfHAt the clerk <strong>of</strong> the [ownshlp counci]. write for prices regard.ing sultable chairs toequip the Sorth GrriLlinbury Menorial 8a11.CAfiRfED.

lo the Eonourable,Attorney-General,Po.rlla.ment Bul1d.lngs,TOROSTO, Ontario.hlhereas tn the Sowuship <strong>of</strong> <strong>North</strong> Gwlllinbury the probl'en<strong>of</strong> assesslng the Vtllage <strong>of</strong> Kes'rick ls very d.lfftcult owing to thedescrl.ption <strong>of</strong> the lots beiag obtatned from Tormship J.ots 1J antl L4,concession 2 and 3.Whereas the oroperty bordering on the leke Shore Boad' on<strong>Town</strong>shlp lots 1/, 18 and. J.t, concession 2, have had. the descrlptioa<strong>of</strong> d.eed.s eonfuserl by addlng ad.jacent land. to present owned property.Whereas part <strong>of</strong> Sownshlp lot', 9 and. 1-0, concesslon ), havlng beensold. in smal1 acreages for resid.ential pulposes the descrlptions indeeds are very diffieult to d.istinguish for assessment purposesrWhereers provlsioa is nad.e for flnanciill asslstance as directed bythe Attorney Gsasrsl, Chapter 336, Sae. 92, R.S.g, L95O.Therefore be lt resolved that the ltfu.lricipal Councll <strong>of</strong> thefownship <strong>of</strong> <strong>North</strong> Gvllltnbury d"o bereby epply to the Attornoy-GeneralrsDepartment for financial assistence in preparing registered. plaus <strong>of</strong> theabove d.escribed. areiis.This resoLutton27th d.ay <strong>of</strong> l,largrh,was passed unanimously by the <strong>Council</strong> thisBSEV3 :DXPUTY RT3i,,T:COUNCILIORS :John L. DoyleB. J. PollockW. A. XlngC. D. ProsserChas. Richard.son!trIW*e t

Meirch 27th, ].95J..A neeting <strong>of</strong> the Bor,rashlpCouncll was held on above d.ate in the fownsbip <strong>of</strong>ficeat Keswlck. R. J. PoJ.lock, Deputy Reeve, nas absent il s he tras attend.ing a special ueettng tni;Torontor[b.os. Wbillier, presented. the ad.vantages <strong>of</strong> a larger safe to conpLy with therequlrenents <strong>of</strong>rnore space in ord.er to safely fi.le theassessment record.s notr betng nde bythe assessor, l4r, Mogg.As Dr' Learoytl ba.s nore schooJ. puplls requiring d.entaLcare than he can acoommodate, tt wasd.ecid.ecl to transfer sehooLsections 5, 6r,7 to Dr. Rhind. at Jackeonls Polnt.After diseusslng the uatter <strong>of</strong> annexlng a portloa <strong>of</strong> School Sectlon no. 3 with lhe vtlLage <strong>of</strong>Suttoo, lt wo.s decid.ed. to not take any more a.etion urrtll the trro school sectlons involved come toa better a€reenent.Ihe natier concernlng the paSment <strong>of</strong> the heating systen in the Menorial Eall rasleft to the d.i scretloo <strong>of</strong> our solicitor, Mr. Jos. Vale.BSSOIUfIO}TS:Moyed. by C. D. ProsEerSeconded by lf. A. .KingTI{A[ the Municlpal <strong>Council</strong><strong>of</strong> Sorth Gwitltntury Inrrchase a larger safe frouThos. uhiLLier and Co. #3360, insid.e Beasurements, 60n high, n Lbn uid.e, lpn (Leep.Also filtng ca1:lnet <strong>of</strong> four d.rawers ad. the old. safe be exchanged. ',for payment <strong>of</strong>, $U5.OO a:ril thebalance <strong>of</strong> $6OO.O0 be paicl on ileLlver1r <strong>of</strong> i:aid. safe.CSRRIuD,Moved. by W. A. KingSeconcled. by cbas . RtcbardeonlEAf the Munieipal. <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong> lVortb Gwillinbury pay Mr. Mogg $Lr000.00 clue Aprillstand when an agreeueat ts signed-, glving the tor'rnehip fu3-l possession <strong>of</strong> the machine he lspurehasing 6or his sork in assessing township iad. receipt shouingp,Sment <strong>of</strong> sa,me, the tornshipgtlnaneee l"Ir. Mogg $11000.00 duo hin l{ay lst,CARRIED.o

BET,ttd',itN, tr1eb. 5th, L951.Couacil uet at SeLhaven on Monday, tr'eb. Jth, 195J . All nenbers were present.<strong>Minutes</strong> <strong>of</strong> previous meetings were read. and. by motlon ad.opted.Mr. Clark Martin and Mr. U. !t. Connell spoke to the CounciLsollcittng a donatioa<strong>of</strong> $1000.00 for Nortb. Gwil1tmbury Athletic Association. fhey reviewed. LtJ0 work <strong>of</strong> theAssociatton and. stated, theqctra money was need.ediMrs. Link and Mr. and Mrs. Jaaston appeaLed. to the Councll for approval <strong>of</strong> arenewal <strong>of</strong> l'{r. Janston License <strong>of</strong> occupation for his boathouse, whlch had been caacelLett bythe Departnent <strong>of</strong> Land.s and. tr'orests. Mr. Janston stated he intencled to costinue wlth hisboat bustness.Messrs. Matthews and Caneron were present and. renewed. thelr objections to Uf,. Jantstonbeing alLowed. to carry on either boat or r.:abin buslness at hls prentses.IslandMr. !,Iay spoke to the Courrcll obJacting to al-leged breaehes <strong>of</strong> the restrictlons atGrove.Mr. MiilLer Sed.ore brought up the matter <strong>of</strong> an error in the assessnent <strong>of</strong> lheSed.ore propertles. Se lras told. to take this up with the Assessor.Mr. K. McAuley and Mr. Bye spoke to the <strong>Council</strong>- regarding the supply <strong>of</strong> Dlesel OiLfor the townshtp. Mc0olLFrontensc contract havlng been cancelled, the fuel ras nor betngsupplied. by Imperial 0i1 who were r*ilJ.ing to prrchase the pump and. tank now on the property.The road. enployees asked. the <strong>Council</strong> to consider an increase in wages. Shis resLeft over for a special' meetlng to be held later.Letter from lork Cowrty Eealth Unit stated. that efforts were belng mad.e to work outsome arre.ngements for eare <strong>of</strong> child.rei attend.lng the Unlon School. flhe EeaLth Unit aLsorequested. pa;nnent <strong>of</strong> a part <strong>of</strong> <strong>1951</strong> levy.I{otice <strong>of</strong> Good, Road.s Conventionatd. the Rural Mr::riclrraltties Conventj.on were received.Menbership fees for both were approved.,also nroteMr. J. Vale wrote regarding eqnalization <strong>of</strong> sssessnent and enclosed his account -regard.tng Snake IsLand.A letter fron the Departnent <strong>of</strong> PJ.sruring and. Developnent explalned the procedure forcreating a Planning Area.3'n appeal for a doaatlon was recelved from the Sal-vatlon Arny.Mr. Lud.gate wrote regard"ing Wire tr'ence 3onus. llhls was Left over for a Later neetl.ng.Mr. tr'rancts Morton nacLe applicationfor a l,oan und.er the Dratnage Act.The EoLlantl Vall-ey Conservation Authority requested. the Tounship to appoint arepresentative to attend a neeting to be he1d. ln the near fbture,Mr. Remington Uhite wrote regard.ing case <strong>of</strong> ldld.dLetons at Island. Grove.approval .Pl-an for a proposed. sub-tlivisionfor Mr. Ralph Henry was subnitted. for Cou:rcllrsfhe Salvatlon Army fonrard.ed. lease in d.upl.icate for eignattue,ollhere flas some discussion regardlng the cuttlng <strong>of</strong> trees on the roadsld.e and notifylngowners <strong>of</strong> ad.joining properties. Surday hockey praetise at the Areea ancl appointments to theCommunity Centre 3oard.RESOLUTIO}TSMoved by C. D, ProsserSeconded by B. J. PolLockTHAT a by-Law be prepared. to amend. the Wlre Fence 3onus. By-lav incressing thebonus per rod to Ftfty cents. CA3RII,D.Moved. by C. D. ProsserSecond.ed. by Ch6,s. Riehs,rdsoa1IIAT the Xoad Superlntend.ent ad.vise the Clerk <strong>of</strong> cases vbere there are trees on theroad. aLlowance'which he consid.ers dangerous and that notice <strong>of</strong> ,sane be sent 0o owners <strong>of</strong> thead"joining property requesting their consent to removal <strong>of</strong> the treos.CA.RRIED .Moved by 8. .J. PoLLockSecond.ed. by U. A. KlngTI{AT the <strong>Town</strong>ship <strong>of</strong> l{orth Gwlllimbury be d.efined as a Planning Are&.

!hI,HATEI{, Ifeb. 5th, L951.Moved. by C. D. ProsserSecond.ed. by W. A. KingTHAE subseriptions to the ltr:aicipal !/orLd be ordered for nenbers <strong>of</strong> the Councll aaclthe CLerk and Ro*d. Superintend.ent.CARRI$D.Moved. by chas. Rlchard.sonseconded by B. J. PolLoekTIIAT a set <strong>of</strong> the revlsed. Stat'utes <strong>of</strong> Ontario be ordered fron lhos. Ifhillier & Co.for the CLerkts 0fftce. CARRIXD.Moved. by cbas. Richardsonseconded by R. .J. PolLockTEAT a by-law ba p:reparetl to provid.e that bullcling pernlts be lssued frontheClerkrs <strong>of</strong>fice and sigped. by the Clerk, that the by-J.au appointtng a brrildlng inspec0or berepealed..TIIAI the police be instmcted to eheck up on all bui].d.tngs belng erected. to seethat butLd.ing peruits are obtalned.. CARRIED.Moved. by W. A. KingSecond.ed. by R. J. PollockTEAT the Salvatlon jnry lease be referred to Mr. C1ark Martta regard.int sonead.justnent wlth regard. to what the Lease ealLs for ln the way <strong>of</strong> fll.Itng and graveL1"1ng aLlthe property.CARRIID.Moved by W. -. Ktrrg Seconded. by C. D. proseerTEAT the C1erk be requested. to eonsult Mr. Val-e regarcllng Mr. Framcis MortonrsappLicatton for a loan <strong>of</strong> $21000.00 under the Drainage Act.THA? he proceed. accorcllng to Mr. Valets instnrctions and. ad.vise the <strong>Council</strong> flrrther lfnecessary.caRRrxD.Moved by W. A. KingSecond.ed. by Chas. Riche,rdsoaTIIAT nr. Ral-ph Henry be consultod. regard.ing all questlons raised. by the Departnent<strong>of</strong> Planning and. DeveJ-opnent concerning his plan and. the natter r eported. back to Counctl.CARRIEX.Moved by H. A. KingSecond.ed. by C. .D, ProsserlilAT wh.eress this CounclLhave during the past years at the request <strong>of</strong> severalassociatlons requested. your Department to tlecLare d.ifferent areas restricted -3I If fHFRFII'ORX resolved that this <strong>Council</strong>. unLess ordered to d.o otherulese by your dep,artaentwtl consider no complaints regard.iag hhe breaking <strong>of</strong> said by-laws unless signect by theSecretary and. presicl.ent <strong>of</strong> the Assoeiation affected, and that any*pense lnsurred. be a directcharge on the said. Association.CARRIII).Moved. by Chas. Richard.sonseconded. by B. J. poLlockfilAf Mr. lfiLllan A. King be appointed as thts <strong>Town</strong>shipts representatlve to actln matters concerning the HoLland. Valley Conservatlon Authority and rtttend any meetingsealled regard.lng s&ne. CiRRISI.Moved. by c. D. ProsEerSecond.ed by chas. BlchardsonTIIAT the amor::rt <strong>of</strong> $ 608.50 be paid, to York Coun0y Healtb Unit to cover Januer1rand' trebruary portion <strong>of</strong> the torvnshlp assess&ent fdr Eealth tlnit Assessneat.CA.RRIED.Iloved by R. J. Pol.locksecond.ed. by c. D. ProsserTI{AT the menbers <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Council</strong>, the Road. Sunerintned.ent and. the CLerk be appolntetlas de3.egates to tbe Goocl Road.s Conventlon on Feb. 21st and. 22nd.. lllbat Delegates attend.lngbe al.lowed ten doLlars per d.qy for attend.ancee CARRID.-oMoved. by C. D. ProsserSecond.ed bf, lf. A. KingTHAf the Reeve and Deputy Reeve be appolnted as menbers representing the Corraoll onthe Conuunity Centre 3oard. CA.RRIID.Moved. by C. D. FrosserSecond.ed. by W. A. KingTEAf the <strong>Council</strong> ?prove naklng a contract wtth Imperial. 0i1 Co. Lts. for lbesupply <strong>of</strong> Dlesel X'ue]. OiLand that the presnnt pr:rnp and tank be purchased. fron the Mc0olltr'rontenac Co. if a satisfaeQory price can be .a,rranged. CABRID.Moved. by C. D. Prosserseconded by Chas. BichardsonTIIAT the Clerk write the property owners adjoining the end. <strong>of</strong> Poplar Avenuerequesting their consent to the <strong>Town</strong>ship being granted. a License 6f oecupation for areuovable d.ock. C.AX3'ItrD.

B!illAltN,Feb . 5th.Moved.by I,l. A. KingTEAT the Courclltime on Sundays.Moved by ltl. A. KlngcLo notSecond.ed by Chas . Bichardsonapprove <strong>of</strong> any hockey practise by locaLtea,ms at 'anyCARRIED .Seconded by R. J. PollockTiiA.T nr. Jos. VaIe be instrrreted" to aet tor the Founship in the netter <strong>of</strong> ta"king upwith the Departnent <strong>of</strong> Ind.lan Affairs the status <strong>of</strong> Snake Island and ascertain whether thisrn:nicipallty has the right to assess and tax properties on the island..C.A.RRIED.Moved by W. A. KingfI{Af the Counellrdo not lntend. to takeRemington Whlters letter <strong>of</strong> ]'eb. 2nd u:rtil it lscase comirg up for trial on Sabruary 9th.Second.ed by C. D. Prosserany Eetion regard.ing requests nad.e ln Ur.}nor*n wha,t action the Court takes tn theCAXRISD.By-law # tZO5 to provide for &e forrowing <strong>of</strong> up to $ 201000.00 fron the Sank<strong>of</strong> Nova Scotia was passed.o

H.0C!$S POtlc$, februarv 13th, <strong>1951</strong>.t-{<strong>Council</strong> met at the reevers residence on the evening <strong>of</strong> 3eb. 13th.nembers were present .CounclL.Mr. J. y. T,udgate lras present to take up the road. appropnl,ation by-lau slth tbeMr. Don Chrlstlan dlscussed. the type <strong>of</strong> roads he proposed constmctlng tn hisnew sub-dlvision with l,tr. lurLgate and" the Oor:ncil-, also the natter <strong>of</strong> a tunnel under thelake shore road.. Be proposed. having the cost <strong>of</strong> the tr:nnel taken care <strong>of</strong> as a locallnprovenent and. the cost Levted. against the indlvidr:al property orners in the sub-divisioa.Ee slso nentioned the natter <strong>of</strong> iiprovenents and. d.evelopnent <strong>of</strong> the township park andsr:ggested tbat the Cour:ciLshouLd. appoint a Park Commissl.oner.Road e4renditures for L95L, and particularJ.y resurfaclng <strong>of</strong> a portion <strong>of</strong> thelake shore road uls taken up with tlr. trd.gate, aLso the ne,tter <strong>of</strong> wid'ening the fornert.T.C, right <strong>of</strong> way and brittges oa ss.o€rIt was finall.y d.ecld.ed. to flx the amor:nt <strong>of</strong> appropriation at $481000.00 for thefoilikowlng puqposes: Const::uction, $20r000,00. l,taintenance, $2Jr000.00. Sritlges a,ncl'Culverts, $21500.00. MisceLlaneous, $21500.00.ALlthe natter <strong>of</strong> road euployees wages was discussed. anddealt wlth by resolution35r-Laws rrere passedto appoint Mr..R. Ei1Lrellef <strong>of</strong>fieerTo appoint Donald. Cameron::ia part tine constabLe.fo appoint Oaant lhompson a f\rLl tine constabLeto auihorlze the Reeve andlClerk to sign lease for parking lot rented fron hhe SalvatlonArmy.!o appoint Hn. R. HilLas ehtef constableTo provicle d.entaLcare for school trnrpils.To appolnt W. Xrwin l{inch as clerk, treasurer, a,nd tax collectorrMoved. by C. Bichard.sonSeCond.etl by S. A. Klag.THA!-!!re clerk forrrard the petition for statutory grant onapenditureroads aurfng/8ft8"y"u." 1950 to the Depi. <strong>of</strong> Highwayt6At*Im.Iloved by !tr. A. EingSeconcled. by R. J' PollockSHAT wages for road. enp3.oyees be flxed as follows:For Norns Kay 8J f per hor. for 44 !r. ueek.Robt Nicholson8J f pet hor. for H+ hr. week.Arthur Klng BJS per }lt. for ltlt hor. week.E\"art Yan No::nan )O $ per hr. for ly'l h3. week.lEAf this increase be mad.e retroactive to Feb. 1st, ]95l-, and' tha,t thetownship pa;y sAfi <strong>of</strong> the premiun fdr sichuess and. hospitaltzatlon insr:ra^nce, ba,lance tobe deducted. fron ernployees pay once a month.o

KESIIICK, January 15th' L951.Meeting <strong>of</strong> <strong>North</strong> GwilLinbur? <strong>Council</strong> helct at the hone <strong>of</strong> Detrnrty ReeveRoy Pol3.ock at 3 p.m. on above date. All nenbers present.Moved by Chas. Richard.sonSecond.ed by CeciS- ProsserTIJAT we rent tuo ront roous in the build.ing owned by Jack Sainespreviously occupied as a butcher shop for the sura <strong>of</strong> $3OO per Se&to Rooms to be heatecland. staff to have the use <strong>of</strong> wash room.Moved byW. A. KingSecond.ed. by CeclJ- ProsserTs6T a letter be sent to Mr. PeeI eqrressing our regret that he could' nots,.e his wey elear to move to our new location and contiaue as our township cl-erk atpresent rate <strong>of</strong> salary. CAXRIED.Moved. by Chas. Richard.sonSecond.ed. by Ceeil ProsserTEAT we appolnt Erwin Winch as cLerk <strong>of</strong> Sorth Gwillinbr:ry at salary <strong>of</strong>$?5oo ;oo ye raannrun .CARREID.Moved by Roy Poll-ockSecended by Chas . RlcbardsonTEAt ilh. Etng interviewfor the year L95L.Mrs. Collins regard.lng contract with the <strong>Town</strong>shipMeeting ad.journed. on nontion <strong>of</strong> W. King. Second.ed. by Cecll- Prosser.(sgd.)R. PoLlock.Acting Sec.

Janua.ry L0th, <strong>1951</strong>.- Cor:neil net at tb.e Reevers resictene oa the evening <strong>of</strong> iFnuary LOth, L95L.A1L nenbers were preseat.Ehe Reeve antl C].erk reported. having taken the bylaw and contract with lrtr. Moggpassed. on Jan. 4th, to Mr. VaIe for bis optnion. After goiry into the natter carefuLlyl'Ir. Yal-e tlid. <strong>of</strong> approye the arrangements as he haat th ilr-t'+!? tloubts as to nhether atownship <strong>of</strong>ficer shouLd. be enployed. by contract.I"tr' Tale d.rafted a bylaw to appolnt Mr. Mogg as afrsessment eomlisionerwith the tenos and provislons <strong>of</strong> the contrect inclutLed. ln the byIaw. Ee d.rafteranother byLaw to revoke bylaw I{o. 1199 passed. on Janua,ry &th for enplo;rnent <strong>of</strong> Mr. Moggas Chief Assessor uad.er contraet and. drafted. a ihrther bylaw authorizing the Reeve ancl Clerkto slgn an agreement with t'{r. Mogg which cLarified. his duties but d.ld. not, in l{r. Yales6pinlon, prejutLice the township tn any vay even if the <strong>Council</strong>ts power to enter lnto sueh an r3Iag::::::::::::::::reetrbnt was op€n to question. These bylaws had been discusseal vith Mr. Mogg rho hadaccepted- them as satisfactory.ByLaw No. 1202 appointing Mr. H. G. Mogg assessnent comaiesioner to carry out acomplete l€-&sses$nent <strong>of</strong> the nnrnicilnlity and setting out the d.uties to be perforned.,together wtth terrns <strong>of</strong> pa;ruent, \ra.s passed. three reading;s.Bylaw I,Io. 1203 revo!:ing bylaw no. 1199 and. the eontraet attached to come was passed.three readings .3yl-aw ldo. I20il authorizing the Re.ve a^nd CLerk to sign an a€reeaent withif. Hoggwas passed. three read.ings.Pollce matters were then taken up. Mr. Don Canneron, Mr. Grant fhmpsea;,.and }!|b. R. HilLwere present. 3o11ouing considerable d.iscussion a rrangenentg werenad.e to enpl.oy Don Cameron as a part tiue constable at $Z0O per year, cond.itions and.terss <strong>of</strong> paSment to be set forth in the bylaw appointing hin to the <strong>of</strong>ftce.Agreenbat was nad.e to employ Grant fhompson &s a frrl]. tlne eonstable at a ,salarlr <strong>of</strong> $1900.00 per year, eond.itions and. terms <strong>of</strong> payaent to be set forth in thebylaw appointlng bin to the <strong>of</strong>flce. Pension arrangeneats to be set up for Mr. llhompsonwho was also entitled. to share ln the sichess and hospitaLlnsurance pl-an fortownshlp enployees tf he wished.. Mr. Etrompson is to arrange to attend. the police sehoolfor a course in poLlce work.R.ESOIUTIOSS :Moved. by &. J. PolLocksecond.ed. by chas. Rlehard.sonTIIAT the b111 before the CorraciLbe not read a second tine tomomolr, but tbatRule 30 <strong>of</strong> bylaro L14Ip be suspend.ed. ancl that the b111 be read. a seeond. and. thtrdl timeforthwtth. StIl referred- to herewith is bylaw number IZOZ,Adopted Jan.J.0th, 195L.Moved. by R. J. PollockSecond.ed. ty Chas. RichardsonCEAT the btl-Lbefore the Councll be notread. a second tl.ne tonaorrow, but that rnrile30 <strong>of</strong> bylaw 1!14 be suspend.ed andthat the bill be read a second and third tine forthwith.3iL1 refemed to herewitb is bylaw u:nber !?03. Adopted. Jan. LOth , rgSL.Moved,.by R. J. PoLLockSecond.ed by Chas . R:lchardsonTHAE the biLLbefore the Counetl be not read a seconcl. tine touorrow, but thatnrl-e 30 <strong>of</strong> byLaw Ll4ll be suspend.ed. and that the biLl be reail a second. and. third. tlneforthwith. 3iL1 referred. to herewith is bylaw No. 1201. Ad.opted. Jan. L0tb , t9SL.oMoved. by R. J. PolLock?I{A[ the bylaw enpS_oying the road.at $2400.00 per ye&rrMoved. by W. .A. KingSecouded by lf. A. Kin€superintedd.ent be a,mended. to flx his salartrrCAXRITD.Second.ed. by 3'. J. PollockIHAT nlner Peters be paicl the sumwith street llghts ln 1950.<strong>of</strong> $ te.50 for ertra erpense and troubLeCARRItrD.

January /rth, 195I.Co'.ineil- net at the resid.ence <strong>of</strong> Mr. Charles Richard.son on the evening <strong>of</strong> January 4th,ALl- membersrdere present, aLso Mr. H. G. Mogg.195L..Principalbusinesswas the f,o-a,ssessnent <strong>of</strong> the lr{unicipaS.ity.AppLications <strong>of</strong> Je,nes Clark and. Percy Richrnond. for theit,ssessaent work werereyiewed. and an application from Mr. Al-Len Eod.gins for work as an asststant rvas read.Tollowing d.iseusston with Mr. Mogg he agreed" to uatlertake the work for $151595.00. Eepresented. a fornq <strong>of</strong> contraet setting forth the d.utles to be $erforaed. aad the tttms <strong>of</strong>pa;naent .It was moved by Mr. 1,I. A. King, seconded by l,{r. R. J. PolLockEHAf the Councll agree to the passing <strong>of</strong> a by-Iaw forthwith to enploy Mr. H. G.Mogg as ehief assessor for the year 1tJL.SubJect to the provision that is be subnottted. to the <strong>Town</strong>ship solicitor for his0,K. byLaw aumber 1L$! was passed three read.ings. fhis by-law authorized. the Reeveand.Clerk to siga a contrac t wi th ,' j r . Mogg covering the wo rk <strong>of</strong> re-as s e g snent .3y1aw No. L201 was passed. three read.ings authorizing the borrowing <strong>of</strong> up toS551000.00 fron the Canad.ian Sank <strong>of</strong> Commerce at Keswick during ihe current.year.The Cor:acil took up the natter <strong>of</strong> engagiag an assistant cLerk.It was noved by Mr. Rlchard.son, seconded by Mr. Ktng that the following ddvertiseaentbe inserted. in the nert two issues <strong>of</strong> the local- papersrApplicatlonswilLbe received. by the und.ersigaed up to and incLud.lng tbe $th tlay <strong>of</strong>X'ebruary L)JL for the posltion <strong>of</strong> assistant eLerk (nal-e) for the township <strong>of</strong>fice. Applieantmust be between the age <strong>of</strong> 2l and. 35 and. state quaLifications and. mperience if any wheaappLying. trRTSOLUTIOI,TSMoved by Chas. RichardsonSeconded bY W. A. .EingTIIA? the bill before the Councll be not read a second" tlne tomorrow, but thatRule 30 <strong>of</strong> By 1aw 1144 be suspentled" and that the bl1l be read a second antl third. tiueforthwlth. SiLLrreferred to is bylaw I{o. 1L99.Aclopted Jailrary [t]n, l95L Ssd: J. L. Doyle Reeve.Moved. by H, A. KlngSecoad.ecl by C. D. ProsserTHAT the <strong>Council</strong> approve the proposeil plan <strong>of</strong> a subd.ivision <strong>of</strong> part <strong>of</strong> lots 26 antl2f, concesslon 3, on the folLowing cond.ltiona;That a 1 foot xese?ve be pJ.aced on the end. <strong>of</strong> the roaeway which opens on to the nnrnlclpal park.Tbat Mr,,Chrtstian furnith an uadertaking that the road.s d.ed.icatecl in the plan w111- beconstructed. and fiaished to a' standa,rd. which wil1 be approved. by the Department <strong>of</strong> fiighways.lhat the <strong>Town</strong>ship bylaw estabLishing a restricted. resid.ential area will be respected. witbregard to this pJ.an. C.A.RRIED.o

}hLHAV!N, Janr:ary Znd., <strong>1951</strong>.Tbe inaugural neeting <strong>of</strong> ihe CouacLLeLeeted for l.95Lras heLd. at Selhavenoa Mond.ay, JanuaJry znd.. trLl- nenbers <strong>of</strong> the CounciLwere present.Reeve, J. L. Doyle, Deputy Beeve, R, J. Poll-ock, <strong>Council</strong>lors, If. A. King, CectlProsser, and. C. Elchardson. Proceed.ings were opened. with read.ing fronfte Scrlpturesand. prayer by the Rev. ,Mr. Canpbell.Srief ad.dresses were nad.e by menrbers <strong>of</strong> the Cou-ncil and. by Mr. CLark Martin uhowas present.l4rs. Link spoke to the Cor:-rrctLwith regard. to assessnent and on bebalf on Mr.Janson, naking an appeal to the Corrncll to approve renewal <strong>of</strong> his llcense <strong>of</strong> oceupatlon.Mr. P. l,Iahoney made a proposal to the <strong>Council</strong> for hospltal and. ned.lcal Lnsurance fora group <strong>of</strong> townsbip enployees. flre natter uas generaLly approved. and. !tr. lt{alroneyuas advised. to take it up wlth employees.Ehe foll.owing comuaicitions were read -tr*ron the Salvation Arqr regard.ing no parking on roadwa,sy near their canprFron York County Health Unit re: Anos SweezLeAppJ.lcations for positlon <strong>of</strong> Assessor from Jas. Clark and. Percy Richnond..AppJ-ications for positlon <strong>of</strong> Constable fron H. G. Sgnks a,nd. Grant f?ronpsonApplicatlon frorn X. Peters for naintenalce <strong>of</strong> Keswick Street llghts.Fron Dept <strong>of</strong> land.s and. Forests re; dock at endl<strong>of</strong> Poplar Road.PLan <strong>of</strong> proposed. subd.i\,1ision lras submitted. by Don Christian.Dircusston took pJ.ace on such matters as arrargements to establish aPlanning Area in ord.er that a locaLappeal board coul-d. be set up3 the matter <strong>of</strong>lnoculation and other servtces for child.ren attend.ing the Union School uho cbould.not be treated. at the schooL. fhe matter <strong>of</strong> re-assessment <strong>of</strong> the Torrnship and. l{r. Moggrsproposal to do the work for $ L?r400.00. Appoiatment <strong>of</strong> Relief <strong>of</strong>ficer3 regard.ingMcEachern fa.nily.RSSOI-UTIONSMoved. by R. J. PoLLockSeconded. by W. A. KiagIHAT the Counct] approve the appJ.ication <strong>of</strong> l'{r. Cl-ark },lartin for a license <strong>of</strong>occupation for a water 1ot in front <strong>of</strong> Lot 1/, Con. 2, fot uses as shown on plan attached..CARRIXD.Moved" by R. J. PoLloekSeconded. by R. J. PolLockTEAT &lmer Peters be given the contract for care <strong>of</strong> Kesuick Street Ltghts for<strong>1951</strong>_ at a salary <strong>of</strong> $125.00 CSRRIFjD.Moved. by W. A. KingSeeond.ed. by R. J. PollockTIIAT arrangenents be road.e to have the Departuent <strong>of</strong> PLanning and. Developnentact in the uatter <strong>of</strong> establishing a planning area inthe nnurteipal.lty, that the d.epartnentbe asked. to act ln this natter as soon as nossibLe. CA.RRIED.Moved. by W. A. KingSeconded by C. D. ProsserTEAT the Counctl are agreeable to co-operating with the tormship enployees ln thenatter <strong>of</strong> group insurance aceord.ing to the plan presented. by l,Ir. Mahoneylca3Rtrgs.-oMoved. by W. A. KingSecond.ed by Chas. IlichardsonfHAT the CounciLae agreeabLe to having frarklng prohiblted. on the sid.e road.ad.Joinlng the Salvation Army Canp between the first gatewery on the right haad sid.e fron thebeach a"nd. the lake shore roerd..CARRIID.Moved. by R. J. PolloekSecond.ed. by Cha.,,. ItichardsonTI{AT Wm. R. Eill be appdinted. relief <strong>of</strong>ficer to take eare <strong>of</strong> investigations at aaa1ary <strong>of</strong> $J"0.0O per uronth.CARRIS.Moved. by W. A. KingSecond.ed. by Chas. Richa,rd.sonTIIAf the Director <strong>of</strong> turtk York County Eealth Unit be requested to look lnto theease <strong>of</strong> chll'd.rea fron lforth Ovil1inEury who e re attending the Union school.-;at SrownhiLla.nd. are getting the beneflt <strong>of</strong> lleatth Unit servies. that he be asked. if they ca,naot beattend.ed. to in the shcool what arrengenents should. be maEe to have thea looked. afterin sone other pLace.CARRIID.

!II,HA!bN' Jan. 2nd., 195L.Moved" by C. D. ProsserSecond.ed. by Chas. RicharclsonTIIAT the <strong>Council</strong> are agreeabLe to acceptance <strong>of</strong> responsibility <strong>of</strong> ltcense<strong>of</strong> occupatLon on the lake shore road opposite Poplar avenue in PIan 189 for thepurpose <strong>of</strong> a removeable d.ock, This Lleense the CounciLbelleve is now helil by Sa,utrelCornblun.CARRItrD.Moved. by W. A. KingTEAT Mr. Noble l,fr:aro be appointed. asthe York County Health Uait 3oard..Moved. by C. D. ProsserII{AT the Reeve issue his order on thethat the SeaI <strong>of</strong> the Corporation be attacheel tol{i.8..'Conrrell postage stampsH. Col-Lins - salaryCouaty <strong>of</strong> York - hospital-izationlfu. Abbs, - garbage d.urnpShlrley Sed.ore Mrs. Es. SedoreJufue T. E. Barton, - re: voterts l-istLoad. Voucher No . 1Df,. J. Dhind., d.ental servicesItu. B. giLl police dutyWm. R. Eilln - *ile*ge aod ur;r"n"""Fred" Peel saLaryGrant llhompson, pollceKing Builders SuppLies - re: aren&H. Collins, saLaryR. J. Polloek, re Oram Sed.ore chtl_d.Elmer Peters - Acct. Keswick street lightsRec. Gen. <strong>of</strong> Canada lncome tax d.eductionsM, R. Connell, - postage sta,mpsSeeond.ed. by Chas. Richard.sonthe Bounshipls representative for <strong>1951</strong>CARRIID.Seeoncled. by R. J. PoLlockTreasurer for the foJ.J-owing anor:nts and.this resolution:14.0050.00tu+.7532.0O31.0010.00548.0424.0a9A.oO16.39rt6.6723 .ao3.9067.90L0.0025 .oo24 . 2018.00

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