Robert Clifford Gunning - Princeton University

Robert Clifford Gunning - Princeton University Robert Clifford Gunning - Princeton University
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Robert Clifford GunningBibliography1. General factors of automorphy, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A.,41 (1955), 496-498.2. (with S. Bochner) Existence of functionally independent automorphic functions, ProceedingsNational Academy of Sciences, U.S.A., 41 (1955), 746-752.3. The structure of factors of automorphy, American Journal of Mathematics, 78 (1956),357-382.4. Indices of rank and of singularity of Abelian varieties, Proceedings of the National Academyof Sciences, 43 (1957), 167-169.5. Multipliers on complex homogeneous spaces, Proceedings of the American MathematicalSociety, 8 (1957), 394-396.6. Multipliers on complex homogeneous spaces, II, Seminars on analytic functions, Institutefor Advanced Study, 1 (1957), 103-110.7. On Vitali’s theorem for complex spaces with singularities, Journal of Mathematics andMechanics, 8 (1959), 133-142.8. Factors of automorphy and other formal cohomology groups for Lie groups, Annals ofMathematics, 69 (1959), 314-326.9. Homogeneous symplectic multipliers, Illinois Journal of Mathematics, 4 (1960), 575-583.10. The Eichler cohomology groups and automorphic forms, Transactions of the AmericanMath. Society, 100 (1961), 44-63.11. On Cartan’s theorems A and B in several complex variables, Annali di Mat., 55 (1961),1-12.12. Lectures on modular forms, Annals of Mathematics Studies, 48 (1962), Princeton UniversityPress, 96 pages.13. (with S. Bochner) Infinite linear pseudogroups of transformations, Annals of Mathematics(1962), 93-104.14. Generalized symplectic differential forms and differential operators, Journal of Mathematicsand Mechanics, 11 (1962), 703-724.15. Differential operators preserving relations of automorphy, Transactions of the AmericanMathematical Society, 108 (1963), 326-352.

<strong>Robert</strong> <strong>Clifford</strong> <strong>Gunning</strong>Bibliography1. General factors of automorphy, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A.,41 (1955), 496-498.2. (with S. Bochner) Existence of functionally independent automorphic functions, ProceedingsNational Academy of Sciences, U.S.A., 41 (1955), 746-752.3. The structure of factors of automorphy, American Journal of Mathematics, 78 (1956),357-382.4. Indices of rank and of singularity of Abelian varieties, Proceedings of the National Academyof Sciences, 43 (1957), 167-169.5. Multipliers on complex homogeneous spaces, Proceedings of the American MathematicalSociety, 8 (1957), 394-396.6. Multipliers on complex homogeneous spaces, II, Seminars on analytic functions, Institutefor Advanced Study, 1 (1957), 103-110.7. On Vitali’s theorem for complex spaces with singularities, Journal of Mathematics andMechanics, 8 (1959), 133-142.8. Factors of automorphy and other formal cohomology groups for Lie groups, Annals ofMathematics, 69 (1959), 314-326.9. Homogeneous symplectic multipliers, Illinois Journal of Mathematics, 4 (1960), 575-583.10. The Eichler cohomology groups and automorphic forms, Transactions of the AmericanMath. Society, 100 (1961), 44-63.11. On Cartan’s theorems A and B in several complex variables, Annali di Mat., 55 (1961),1-12.12. Lectures on modular forms, Annals of Mathematics Studies, 48 (1962), <strong>Princeton</strong> <strong>University</strong>Press, 96 pages.13. (with S. Bochner) Infinite linear pseudogroups of transformations, Annals of Mathematics(1962), 93-104.14. Generalized symplectic differential forms and differential operators, Journal of Mathematicsand Mechanics, 11 (1962), 703-724.15. Differential operators preserving relations of automorphy, Transactions of the AmericanMathematical Society, 108 (1963), 326-352.

<strong>Robert</strong> <strong>Clifford</strong> <strong>Gunning</strong> 216. Connections for a class of pseudogroup structures, Proceedings of the Conference onComplex Analysis, Minneapolis, 1964, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1965, 186-194.17. (with H. Rossi) Analytic functions of several complex variables, Prentice-Hall, EnglewoodCliffs, NJ, 1965, 317 pages, Russian Translation, Mir, Moscow, 1969, 395 pages.18. Lectures on Riemann surfaces, <strong>Princeton</strong> Mathematical Notes 2, <strong>Princeton</strong> <strong>University</strong>Press, 1966, 254 pages. German translation: Bibliographisches Institut, Mannhein, 1972,276 pages.19. Special coordinate coverings of Riemann surfaces, Mathematische Annalen, 170 (1967),67-86.20. Lectures on vector bundles over Riemann surfaces, <strong>Princeton</strong> Math. Notes 6, <strong>Princeton</strong><strong>University</strong> Press, 1967, 243 pages.21. (with Raghavan Narasimhan) Immersion of open Riemann surfaces, Mathematische Annalen,174 (1967), 103-108.22. Some non-Abelian problems on compact Riemann surfaces, Proceedings of the Conferenceon complex analysis, Rice <strong>University</strong>, 1967, Rice <strong>University</strong> Studies, 54 (1968), 39-48.23. Lectures on Complex analytic varieties: The local parametrization theorem, <strong>Princeton</strong>Mathematical Notes 10, <strong>Princeton</strong> <strong>University</strong> Press, 1970, 165 pages.24. Quadratic periods of hyperelliptic Abelian integrals, Problems in Analysis, <strong>Princeton</strong> <strong>University</strong>Press, 1970, 239-247.25. Analytic structures on the space of flat vector bundles over a compact Riemann surface,Several Complex Variables, II, Maryland, 1970, Springer-Verlag, 1971, 47-62.26. Local moduli for complex analytic vector bundles, Mathematische Annalen, 195 (1971),51-78.27. Some multivariable problems arising from Riemann surfaces, Actes, Congres Intern.Math., 2 (1970), 625-626.28. Complex analytic varieties, Lectures in theoretical physics, New York: Gordon andBreach, 1972, 253-285.29. Lectures on Riemann surfaces: Jacobi varieties, Mathematical Notes 12, <strong>Princeton</strong> <strong>University</strong>Press, 1972, 189 pages.30. Some special complex vector bundles over Jacobi varieties, Inventiones Mathematicae, 22(1973), 187-210.31. Lectures on complex analytic varieties: Finite analytic mappings, Mathematical Notes14, <strong>Princeton</strong> <strong>University</strong> Press, 1974, 163 pages.

<strong>Robert</strong> <strong>Clifford</strong> <strong>Gunning</strong> 332. Rieman surfaces and generalized theta functions, Springer-Verlag, Berlin and New York,1976, 165 pages.33. Complex numbers and complex variables, McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology(1977), 174-176.34. On the divisor order of vector bundles of rank two on a Riemann surface, Bulletin Inst.Math. Academia Sinica, 6 (1978), 295-303.35. On the uniformization of complex manifolds: the role of connections, Math. Notes 22,<strong>Princeton</strong> <strong>University</strong> Press, 1978, 141 pages.36. Mathematics, A <strong>Princeton</strong> Companion, A. Leitch, ed., <strong>Princeton</strong> <strong>University</strong> Press, 1978,316-319.37. Affine and projective structures on Riemann surfaces, Riemann surfaces and related topics:Proceedings of the 1978 Stony Brook Conference, Annals of Math. Studies, 97(1980), 225-244.38. On the period classes of Prym differentials, II, J. fur die reine und angew. Math., 319(1980), 153-171.39. On projective covariant differentiation, E.B. Christoffel, The influence of his work onmathematics and the physical sciences, Basel: Birkhauser Verlag, 1981, 584-591.40. Complex numbers and complex variables, McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology(1982), 466-471.41. Review of “Families of meromorphic functions on compact Riemann surfaces”: by M.Namba, Bulletin of the American Math. Society, 4 (1981), 353-357.42. On generalized theta functions, American Journal of Mathematics, 104 (1982), 183-208.43. Some curves in abelian varieties, Inventiones Mathematicae, 66 (1982), 377-389.44. An identity for Abelian integrals, Global analysis – Analysis on Manifolds, Teubner Textezur Math., 571, Teubner, Leipzig (1983), 126-130.45. Riemann surfaces and their associated Wirtinger varieties, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 11(1984), 287-316.46. Some identities for Abelian integrals, Amer. Jour. Math., 108 (1986), 39-74.47. On theta functions for Jacobi varieties, Algebraic Geometry, Bowdoin 1985, “Proc. Symposiain Pure Math., 46, part 1”, Amer. Math. Soc. (1986), 89-98.48. Analytic identities for theta functions, Theta Functions, Bowdoin 1987, “Proc. Symposiain Pure Math., 49, part 1”, Amer. Math. Soc. (1989), 503-516.

<strong>Robert</strong> <strong>Clifford</strong> <strong>Gunning</strong> 449. Holomorphic Functions of Several Variables, Wadsworth and Brooks/Cole Pacific Grove,California, 1990 Vol. I (Function Theory), 203 pp.; Vol. II (Local Theory), 218 pp.; Vol.III (Homological Theory), 194 pp.50. The Collected Papers of Salomon Bochner (editor), Amer. Math. Soc. (1991): Vol. I(762 pp.), Vol. II (790 pp.), Vol. III (732 pp.), Vol. IV (446 pp.).51. Maximal Sequences of Compact Riemann Surfaces, in Contemporary Mathematics, Vol.251, (2000), 277-293.52. Introduction to “Mathematics”, photographs by Mariana Cook, <strong>Princeton</strong> <strong>University</strong>Press, (2009), pp. 8-9.53. The Millenium Prize Problems, book review, Notices of the American MathematicalSociety, vol. 56 (2009), pp. 1438-1439.54. (with Hugo Rossi) Book Reissue: Analytic Functions of Several Complex Variables,AMS Chelsea Publishing, AMS, Providence, RI. (2009).55. Some Intrinsic Construction on Compact Riemann Surfaces, accepted to appear in thevolume “From Fourier Analysis and Number Theory to Radon Transforms andGeometry,” Springer Developments in Mathematics Series, 2012.October 17, 2011:fw

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