User Manual DATA-VIEW DATA-EDIT 1.0 - ETIS plus

User Manual DATA-VIEW DATA-EDIT 1.0 - ETIS plus User Manual DATA-VIEW DATA-EDIT 1.0 - ETIS plus


DATA-VIEW & DATA-EDIT User ManualIn the table of Figure 3-9, there is one dimension (Level 3 ETIS zone) and 4parameters (Campsites, Dwellings, Hotels and Others). In the table changes canbe made to the data of existing records. New records can be added, as long asexisting dimension elements are used; this can be easily controlled since all validdimension elements are available from a pull down list as shown in Figure 3- Text formatThe check-out / export of a text file (.txt, actually comma separated) is alwaysperformed as a compressed file (zip format). To use the file, it must be unzippedand is recommended to be opened in a plain text editor such as the Textpadapplication. Alternatively it could be opened in Excel but with the risk of the filebeing too large and thus losing data. This process was described in section 2.4.2.After the initial download, the text data file can be adjusted manually by theuser, but the exact same structure must remain to be accepted upon check-in.The additional definition files are provided more as a reference. Alternatively theuser can replace the full data file by a file of his creation, as long as the exactsame structure and format is used.Notes on userfile creationWhen the user is creating his own version of the text data file(which should be done based on the structure provided by thedownloaded data file) the following should be considered: The file needs to have the exact same structure (columns,data type) as the checked-out data file; The values in the text file need to be comma (“,”)separated; The file name must not start with “_“(underscore).The text file that is downloaded or checked-out conforms to the wiki definition( of the comma separatedformat, which means: The fields in the file are separated by a comma (this is mandatory); Double quotes (“ ”) are used as encapsulator and can be used to enclosethe values of any field; in the export this is used for any textual field; The double quotes are required when a field contains commas or quotes.Any embedded quotes must be represented as double quotes.Checking in the file (see also section 3.6) can be done through the upload of the(adjusted) text data file in one of the following two ways: By providing the (not compressed) text data file. This will be astraightforward but slower process than the next: By providing a compressed text file (with .zip or .rar extension); it issufficient to provide the file containing the data. The text data file canhave any name, but cannot start with “_” (underscore), because suchfiles (like the definition files) are ignored.The text format provides an additional option when checking in the data, which isto perform a bulk update whereby removing all previous data (although theAugust 22, 2012 26

DATA-VIEW & DATA-EDIT User Manualhistory of changes to the table is saved) and inserting the new data directly. Thisprocess is quicker than just checking in because not all individual records haveto be checked and updated.The bulk update can only be applied if the checked out data selection can bereplaced entirely and when full records (so all parameters) are checked out. Inthe metadata window in Figure 3-10 a bulk update check box is available at theright bottom which can be selected when such a bulk update is required. Whenuploading a file containing over a million records, the bulk update is actuallymandatory by the system: the bulk update box will be checked and ‘greyed out’meaning the selection cannot be changed.Figure 3-10: Upload of text file with bulk update optionThe bulk update is a form of checking in data, but not all individual changes willbe visible through the change history. In the Display Changes (also see section3.6.3) the bulk update will be mentioned, but no further details will be recorded(both for the overview of the check-in as for the individual cell changes).3.5.3 Excel 2007 formatFor the Excel (.xlsx) format, Excel 2007 or newer is preferred to be used. Excel2003 can also handle the files, as will be shown later in this chapter. An Excel2003 representation of the Excel 2007 export format is shown of theEmployment table in Figure 3-11: the .xlsx file is converted so that Excel 2003 isable to work with the file. The figure shows the sheet Employment_ETIS3containing the data table. The other sheets contain the definitions of thedimensions and elements (__Dimensions), the parameters (__Parameters) andthe table (__Tables). These definition sheets are not to be changed in any way.August 22, 2012 27

<strong>DATA</strong>-<strong>VIEW</strong> & <strong>DATA</strong>-<strong>EDIT</strong> <strong>User</strong> <strong>Manual</strong>history of changes to the table is saved) and inserting the new data directly. Thisprocess is quicker than just checking in because not all individual records haveto be checked and updated.The bulk update can only be applied if the checked out data selection can bereplaced entirely and when full records (so all parameters) are checked out. Inthe metadata window in Figure 3-10 a bulk update check box is available at theright bottom which can be selected when such a bulk update is required. Whenuploading a file containing over a million records, the bulk update is actuallymandatory by the system: the bulk update box will be checked and ‘greyed out’meaning the selection cannot be changed.Figure 3-10: Upload of text file with bulk update optionThe bulk update is a form of checking in data, but not all individual changes willbe visible through the change history. In the Display Changes (also see section3.6.3) the bulk update will be mentioned, but no further details will be recorded(both for the overview of the check-in as for the individual cell changes).3.5.3 Excel 2007 formatFor the Excel (.xlsx) format, Excel 2007 or newer is preferred to be used. Excel2003 can also handle the files, as will be shown later in this chapter. An Excel2003 representation of the Excel 2007 export format is shown of theEmployment table in Figure 3-11: the .xlsx file is converted so that Excel 2003 isable to work with the file. The figure shows the sheet Employment_<strong>ETIS</strong>3containing the data table. The other sheets contain the definitions of thedimensions and elements (__Dimensions), the parameters (__Parameters) andthe table (__Tables). These definition sheets are not to be changed in any way.August 22, 2012 27

Hooray! Your file is uploaded and ready to be published.

Saved successfully!

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