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Sadržaj13 UVODNA RIJEÈ / INTRODUCTORY WORD20 TEMA BROJA / COVER STORYPoslovna arhitektura u službi zaposlenika /Business architecture in service of employees30 INVESTICIJE / INVESTMENTSPosao na višoj razini /A Business on a Higher Level36 AKTUALNO / EVENTS16 megalopolisa stanuje u Veneciji /The Sixteen Megalopolises reside in VeniceNovi Svjetionici Hrvatskog Jadrana /The New Lighthouses of the Croatian Adriatic42 VIJESTI / NEWS48 AVANTURA / ADVENTUREKorèula – uspavana ljepotica u kamenu /Korèula - a Sleeping Beauty on the Stone56 GASTRORibarske tajne “Uzorite” /Fishermen’s Secrets of “Uzorita“17

Contents62 MOTOCaterham CSR: Pakleni fosil /Caterham CSR: A Fossil From Hell69 FINE STVARI / LUXURIES70 DODIR UMJETNOSTI / TOUCH OF ARTOdijela s dušom na hrvatski naèin /Suits with a soul in the Croatian way76 DOM SNOVA / DREAM HOMESuptilna kolekcija /A Subtle Collection82 INTERIJERI / INTERIORSPo kreaciju u Kreativu /Get your creation in Kreativa88 KULTNI KOMAD / A PIECE OF CULTŽensko tijelo kao inspiracija /Woman’s Body as an Inspiration92 DEKORACIJE / DECORATIONSZelena oaza svježine /A Green Oasis of Freshness98 NEKRETNINE / REAL ESTATE19

Tema brojaPiše: Tanja Jakovèev<strong>POSLOVNA</strong> <strong>ARHITEKTURA</strong>u slubi zaposlenika20Trend potražnje za lokacijama poslovnih prostora uvelike se promijenio u posljednjihnekoliko godina, a zahtjevi urbanih cjelina, klijenata i samih najmoprimaca natjeralisu investitore da veću pažnju posvećuju vanjskom izgledu poslovne zgrade, njenomprostornom uređenju te dodatnim sadržajimaPiše: Ira Kneževiæ

Visoki neboderi postali suzaštini znak New Yorka/Highskyscrapers became a trademark of New YorkPosao se danas zasigurno više ne gleda samo krozprizmu našeg znanja. Nitko od nas neće obućiprve cipele koje nađe u hodniku i tako krenutina vrlo važan poslovni razgovor. Jedna od temakoja već godinama, kako kod nas tako i u svijetu, izazivabrojne rasprave, a vezano uz posao i prostor, je utječe lina naš sveukupan rad, odnosno, proizvod našeg rada,okruženje u kojem boravimo. Pri tom se ne misli na šefove,suradnike, klijente ili ljude koje svakodnevno susrećemoveć na pitanje arhitektonskog rješenja zgrade u kojoj seradi, njenog vanjskog izgleda, ali i prostornog uređenja.Za bilo koji posao, ističe Helena Knifić Schaps iz Hrvatskekomore arhitekata i inžinjera u graditeljstvu uredske poslovnezgrade grade se u sredinama u kojima se očekuje,ili već postoji, veći promet kapitala. Uglavnom se turadi o državnim i regionalnim središtima gdje su i središtabanaka te koja su dobro povezana s regijom i Europom.Upravo iz tih razloga, u Hrvatskoj je najveća koncentracijai potražnja za poslovnim prostoromima u Zagrebu. Uostalim dijelovima Hrvatske velikih poslovnih nekretninanema u tolikoj mjeri.Zagreb je danas, ističu u Komori, uglavnom mješovitazona sa stambenim dijelom i napuštenim industrijskimpogonima u širem centru što je i prepoznato kao idealanprostor za poslovne potrebe.Svaki investitor sam procjenjuje koja ga zona najviše21

Tema brojaPoslovno-shopping zona La Defense postala je nezaobilaznaturistička destinacija/Pariza Business-shopping zone LaDefense became a real tourist destination in ParisVipov poslovni kompleks na Žitnjaku/Vipnet’s business complex on Žitnjak22zanima, upravo iz tih razloga prometne povezanosti,komunalne opremljenosti, vrijednosti zemljišta u toj zoniili njenom imidžu. Također, pri gradnji poslovnih zgradatraži se najbolja lokacija koja će omogućiti najveću iskoristivostparcele, po mogućnosti s uglednim susjedima(brand traži brand).U konzalting tvrtki Spliller Farmer, ekskluzivnom partneruvodeće svjetske kuće za nekretnine sCushman&WahefieldHealey&Baker, ističu kako će do kraja ove godinesamo u Zagrebu niknuti čak 200 tisuća četvornih metaranovih poslovnih prostora. Do kraja ovog kvartala pojavitće se dodatnih 30 tisuća četvornih metara. U isto vrijemetrenutna potražnja u Zagrebu iznosi između 70 i 80tisuća četvornih metara prostora. Pretpostavlja se da ćeza popunjenje svih tih prostora trebati nekoliko godina,no u obzir se mora uzeti i tzv. “hidenn demand“. To značida u Zagrebu postoji veliki broj tvrtki koje mijenjaju svojeuredske prostorije kada im se za to ukaže povoljna prilika.A u Zagrebu je stanje trenutno upravo takvo. Zbogtoga, ističe Franolić iz Spiller Farmera, cijene u Zagrebutrenutno idu u prilog najmoprimaca.Prije nekoliko godina, 2002. i 2003. godine, najam u Zagrebukretao se oko 20 do 25 € po četvornom metruza mjesec dana. Danas je stanje, zbog velike izradnje,nešto drugačije. Cijene za poslovne prostore kreću seizmeđu 13 do 16 € po četvornom metru za mjesec dana.Na tu se cijenu, kao i ranijih godina, dodaju servisni troškovikoji iznose između 1 i 3,50 €, no oni ne uključuju struju,vodu i telefon.Trend potražnje za lokocijama poslovnih prostora takođerse promijenio u posljednjih nekoliko godina. U Spiller

Farmeru ističu kako je centar postao potpuno neinteresantanza poslovne korisnike. Jedina je iznimka neboderna Trgu Bana Jelačića koji se preuređuje. Zbog toga seveliki broj poslovnih korisnika seli van centra Zagreba. Jošjedan adut poslovnih ureda van centra i šireg dijela Zagrebaje i nedostatak parkirnih mjesta. U Radničkoj cestii Vukovarskoj za mjesec dana za jedno parkirno mjestoizdvoji se između 80 i 180 €.Predio Žitnjaka nikada prije nije bio na glasu kao značajnoposlovno odredište, no izgradnjom Vipnetovogposlovnog kompleksa i to se počinje mijenjati. Dolaskomznačajnih poslovnih subjekata na to će područje početidolaziti i drugi značajni brendovi.Najbolji primjer kako se postepeno povećava vrijednosti ugled zone je Buzin. Prije samo nekoliko godina, ističui u Komori, to je područje bilo jeftino, neatraktivno. NoPrimjer 1:Vipnet je krajem lipnja otvorio novi poslovni kompleks naŽitnjaku koji su nazvali tzv. inteligentnom zgradom budućida posjeduje automatizirani kontrolni sustav koji omogućujeznačajne uštede energije i smanjenje troškova.Ukupna površina novog kompleksa ima preko 17 tisućačetvornih metara te se sastoji od dvije novezgrade. Glavna zgrada sa sedam katova i dva podzemnakata ima više od 10 tisuća četvornih metara,dok zgrada za rekreaciju ima preko 2 tisuće četvornihmetara. U podzemnoj garaži i unutar kompleksa imamjesta za oko 450 automobila.dolaskom prvih poslovnih korisnika, blizina aerodroma temagistralnih puteva stvorila je od Buzina pravo poslovnocarstvo. Svoje urede tamo sada ima i Američka ambasadauz sva važnija imena auto industrije.Cijene poslovnih prostora u Buzinu iste su kao i u centruZagreba te se kreću od 12 do 16 € po četvornom metruza mjesec dana.Što se tiče ostalih dijelova Hrvatske, većih investicijanema budući da trenutno niti ne postoji velika potražnja.U Stiller Bakeru ističu da su jedina iznimka gradoviSplit i Dubrovnik gdje nedostaje novoizgrađenih, modernihposlovnih prostora.Uloga arhitektaZadaće arhitekata daleko su iznad samog projektiranjai nadzora gradnje. Posebna pažnja daje se suradnjiZaposlenici u novoj zgradi imaju na raspolaganju radniprostor s najmodernijom opremom i standardima,no u novosagrađenom kompleksu imaju i mnoge drugesadržaje; restorane, vrtić za djecu, fitness, bazen,sauna i masaža. Dječji vrtić koji se nalazi u sklopu ovogposlovnog centra prvi je korporativni vrtić u Hrvatskoj,a trenutno ima 50 djece.Budući da je ova moderna zgrada sagrađena na Žitnjaku,inače industrijskom dijelu Zagreba, najbolji jepokazatelj inovativnosti i mogućnosti razvoja dijelovagrada koji su do sada bili zapušteni.23

Poslovna zgrada u Poljskoj - Warshaw tower/Business buinding in Poland - Warshaw TowerCover story<strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ARCHITECTURE</strong>in service to employeesTrend of demand for business premises are greatly altered during the last few years,and requirements of urban communities, clients and very leaseholders pushed theinvestors to pay more attention to appearance of business buildings, their zoningand additional facilitiesWritten by: Ira Kneževiæ25

Cover storyImpresivan pogled na Pariški La Defense/An impressive view on Parisien La DefenseWorking is not any more understood only througha prism of knowledge. None would puton the first shoes he founds in a hallwayand head on for important business meeting.One of topics that already for years, here as wellas abroad causes numerous discussions regarding workand space, is how the space in which we dwell influencesour whole working experience, that is a product ofour work. This is not about bosses, colleagues, clients orpeople we daily meet, but a question of architectonicdesign of a building in which we work, its external appearance,even its zoning design.Mrs. Helena Knifić Schaps from the Croatian Chamber ofArchitects and Civil Engineers, points out that business buildingsare usually built up in areas where significant financialexchange is expected or already exists. Mostly it isabout state or regional towns where centres of banks aresettled and that are well connected with a region andEurope. These are the main reasons why in Croatia thegreatest concentration and demand for business premisesis in Zagreb. There are no large business real propertiesin other parts of the country, not in such measure.Zagreb is today, as it was stressed in the Chamber, mostlymixed zone with dwelling areas and abandoned industrialfacilities in broader centre, which is recognizedas an ideal space for business needs.Every investor alone estimates which zone he is the mostinterested in, due to reasons of traffic connection, infrastructuralequipment, value of land in the zone or itsimage. Also, for a business building construction the bestlocation is one that enables the highest feasibility of thelot, and if possible distinguished neighbourhood too. (Abrand is calling for a brand).26The consulting company Spiller Farmer, a partner ofworld leading real estate agency Cushman&WahefieldHealeyn&Baker, points out that even 200 thousands squaremetres of business premises will spring in Zagrebuntil the end of this very year. Furthermore, until the endof this quarter additional 30 thousands square metreswill appear. In the same time, a demand in Zagreb isbetween 70 to 80 thousands square metres of premises.It is supposed that supply of all those premises will takeseveral years, but here we should take into considerationso called “hidden demand“, which means that inZagreb numerous companies used to change their officeswhenever a good chance occurs. This is what isexactly happening in Zagreb and is the main reasonwhy prices, at the moment, are much favourable forleaseholders, stresses Mr. Franolić from Spiller FarmerCompany.Several years ago, precisely in 2002 and 2003, a leasingin Zagreb was about 20 to 25 euros a square metre permonth. Nowadays situation is, due to a huge construction,different. Prices for business premises are between13 to 16 euros a square metre per month. The price isadditionally burden by maintenance costs of 1 and 3.50euros excluding electric power, water supply and phonebills.Trend of demand for business premises locations is greatlyaltered during the last few years. In Spiller FarmerCompany, they say that a town centre became completelydull for business clients. The only exception fromthe rule is the skyscraper on the Square of ban Jelacic,which is under reconstruction. Therefore a great numberof clients are moving from the centre to Zagreb’s suburb.Additional argument of business offices away from

Example 1:At the end of June, Vipnet opened a new businesscomplex on Žitnjak, which they called to be an intelligentbuilding, due to its automatic control system,which enables savings of energy and lessening ofcosts.Total surface of the new complex is 17,000 squaremetres and is consisted of two new buildings. Themain building has seven floors and two undergroundfloors, and more than 10,000 square metres, while thebuilding for recreation has over 2,000 square metres.In underground garage, there are parking lots for approximately450 automobiles.Within the new building employees on their dispositionhave besides a working area with the hi-techequipment and standards, many other facilities likerestaurants, kindergarten, fitness, swimming pool, saunaand massage. This is the first corporative kindergartenwithin the business complex in Croatia and atthe moment has fifty children.As this modern edifice is built up on Žitnjak, otherwisean industrial zone of Zagreb, this is the best indicatorof innovative and possible development of evensuch parts of town that has been neglected eversince.Vipovim zaposlenicima na raspolaganju su različitisadržaji/Vipnet’s employees have various facilitiesat their disposition27

Cover storyPoslovni centar Nile House u Češkoj/Business center Nile House in Czech Republiccentre and town area is lacking in available parking lots.In Radnička and Vukovarska Street for one parking lotshould be paid between 80 to 180 euros a month.Žitnjak area has never been a significant business destinationuntil a construction of Vipnet’s business complexchanged it. An arrival of significant business subjects willattract other brands to come.Buzin is good example how the zone reputation increasesstep by step. Only few years ago, as they say in theChamber, that area was not only cheap but unattractive.But, arrival of the first business users and its adjacentto the airport and highways make out of Buzin a realbusiness empire. American Embassy has its offices there28along with all other important names from automobileindustry. Prices of business premises in Buzin are thesame as well those in the very centre of Zagreb and arebetween 12 to 16 euros a square metre per month.For other parts of Croatia there are no significant investmentstaking place due to a lack in demand. In StillerBaker Company, they point out that towns Split and Dubrovnikare exceptions because there is a lack of newlybuilt, modern business facilities.Architects have tasks that are much, much more thanmere designing and construction supervision. A particularattention is paid to cooperation with authorisedservices as well as to environment protection, bearing

Buzin je u zadnjih par godina postao pravo poslovnocarstvo/Buzin has in past few years become a realbusiness empireCover storyon mind that social and technical development alwaysmeans new challenges. One of more important challengesof the present is architecture as a mean of formingan image of business buildings.The roll of an architectAn architect is, before all, a mediator between an investorand executor on the one hand, and an investorand public on the other, and his task makes one unity,beginning with finding a location, through designingand supervision of construction as well as a supervisionof execution.They, in the Croatian Chamber of Architects and CivilEngineers, say that demands of urban communities arebeing increased due to a faster development in thebusiness world. Today, new business buildings have tomeet very high requirements. Besides exterior appearancethat should conform with other edifices unless isbuilding outside the town, architects should perform atask in both senses, technical and economical designof edifices.Of course, one should not forget environment protection.A scope of vegetation should be measured andconformedto the size of building, and if it’s going to bebuilt within town settlement, citizen’s initiatives should beinformed on the project.Mrs. Helena Knifić Schaps from the Croatian Chamberof Architects and Civil Engineers says that more andmore buildings are being built for renting, and with majorshare of foreign capital. Technical equipment andaesthetic value of majority (not of all, still) is on enviablelevel. A trend of facades in dark window-panes or blackgranite is more often. As they from the Chamber think,authorised services should pay more attention to aestheticvalue of newly constructed business complexes.In the world, buildings of higher aesthetic and constructivevalue, on right locations and with hi-tech equipmentare subjected to the greater demand, especially ifsigned by some well known architect’s name; in Croatiathis is still not a case. They, in the Chamber, hope that investorswill soon recognize a role of quality design madeby top architect. For now, business buildings are, as allothers, for broader public an anonymous, recognizedonly within a circle of experts.Example 2:At the moment in Zagreb, there is one multifunctionalbusiness centre under construction, on the junctionof Slavonska Avenue and Marohnićeva Street. It isabout Hypo Alpe Adria centre, which by its modernarchitecture meets requirements for high functionalityand standard. The complex, which completion isexpected sometimes this year, and total investmentis around 93 million euros, will contain all offices ofHypo Alpe Adria Group, but a part of premises will berented to partners and clients. Rental fee is 16 euros asquare metre per month.This is an excellent way of paying off of invested moneybecause in Croatia majority of companies doesnot want to buy business premises but is renting offices.Net floor area is 70,000 square metres.29

InvesticijePosao na višoj raziniZagrebtower je primjer poslovnog tornja sagrađenog po najvišim europskim standardimate predstavlja multifunkcionalni objekt koji će svojom kvalitetom zadovoljitii nazahtjevnije najmoprimcePiše: Sreæko HorvatUnazad posljednjih nekoliko godina glavni gradHrvatske zadesio je trend gradnje neboderai tornjeva. Nakon izgradnje Ciboninog tornjakrajem 80-ih godina zavladala je tišina u gradnjii tek je početkom 2000. godine, počevši s gradnjomHOTO-towera na Savskoj cesti, došlo do ponovne izgradnjeposlovnih nebodera. Već izgrađeni Eurotower na30novoprozvanoj Sveučilišnoj Aleji ili Almeria na križanjuHeinzelove i Vukovarske samo su neki od njih. Nedalekood zadnje spomenutog, u završnoj fazi izgradnje je iZagrebtower.Premda je pitanje GUP-a (generalnog urbanističkogplana) grada Zagreba još uvijek problematično i podložnoraspravi, čini se da će se budući zagrebački City

Zagrebtower ima 22 kata idevetokatno krilo, a sama je zgradaosim za poslovne prostore otvorenai za kafiće, restorane i trgovine/TheZagrebtower is a building of 22 floorsand nine-floor wing, planned tohave, besides business facilities, alsocafé bars, restaurants and shopsUredi će osim dvostrukih podova, fleksibilnih zidova i klime imati i prozorekoji se otvaraju/Besides double floors, flexible walls and air-conditions,offices will be equipped with movable windowssmjestiti upravo na području oko križanja Vukovarskei Heinzelove ulice, budući da je ondje izdano najvišegrađevinskih dozvola za poslovne objekte i nebodereu gradu. Zagrebtower je smješten na rubu Radničke iVukovarske ceste, a poslovni neboder ukupne investicijskevrijednosti od oko 50 milijuna eura trebao bi bitidovršen do kraja ove godine. Radi se o neboderu površineod ca. 26.000 m² koji su zajedno izgradili austrijskiPORR TECHNOBAU & Umwelt AG, Europolis, Minik i ATPprojektiranje. PORR je najstarije austrijsko građevinskopoduzeće sa oko 10.000 zaposlenika koje je u Hrvatskojprisutno već više od 130 godina, dok je arhitektonskarješenja tornja izradio arhitektonski ured ATP na čelu sarhitektom Ottom Barićem mlađim. Zagrebtower ima 22kata i devetokatno krilo, a sama je zgrada osim za poslovneprostore otvorena i za kafiće, restorane i trgovine.U usporedbi s nedavno izgrađenom neboderima ili onimakoji su još uvijek u izgradnji, Zagrebtower karakteriziravisina koja doseže otprilike 80 metara, čime je, doduše,niži od Eurotowera (koji s visinom od 97 metara i 26 katovatrenutno predstavlja najviši neboder u gradu), ali seu svom okruženju ističe ne samo visinom nego i atraktivnimizgledom. Doduše, bilo je kritika na račun izgledasamog tornja pa se Bariću spočitavala zastarjelost izgleda,no čini se da unutarnji izgled kao i lokacija samognebodera postaje dobar argument protiv toga. Radi se ovrlo frekventnom prometnom položaju u poslovnom dijeluZagreba, a u blizini su zgrade Chromosa, Euroherca, Mercatora,Siemensa i drugih. Uredi će osim dvostrukih podova,fleksibilnih zidova i klime imati i prozore koji se otvaraju,što nije toliko čest slučaj u recentno izgrađenih poslovnihtornjeva, a zbog posebnog transformatora smještenogu tornju će se – prema riječima Huberta Vögela, članauprave tvrtke Europolis – postići ušteda energije od 1531

InvestmentsZagrebtower karakterizira visina koja doseže 80 m/Zagrebtower is characterized by its height of 80 metres34

scrapers or those still under construction, the Zagrebtoweris characterized by its height of 80 metres by which,although lower than Eurotower (with its 97 metres and 26floors, the highest building in the town), dominates overits surroundings not only by its height but by its appearance,too.Indeed, the appearance of the tower was criticised andBarić was reproached for its obsoleteness, but it seemsthat interior and a location of the tower, after all, are becominga good argument against all criticism. It is aboutthe most frequent traffic position in the business area ofZagreb adjacent to the buildings of Chromos, Euroherz,Mercator, Siemens and others.Besides double floors, flexible walls and air-conditions,offices will be equipped with movable windows, whichis not quiet usual case with recently built business towers,and because of special electric power unit installedin the tower – as Mr. Hubert Vogel, a Europolis’ BoardMember, states – there will be 15 percent savings on energy,which will lessen costs of maintenance.It is predicted that the Zagrebtower will have around1.400 employees, and companies will be able to purchasebusiness facilities from 160 to 2.100 square metreson each floor. A rental fee will be, increasingly per higherfloor, 15 Euros per square metre.Besides business facilities constructed according “all inclusive“system, as well as ensured 500 parking lots, 135in front of the tower and 360 in the underground garage,the tower will have within the 700 square metres ofthe last, panoramic floor, a conference hall while in theground floor there will be a bank office, mega-stores,restaurant and similar contents. As Mr Martin Wittigayer,a Project Manager, said, the Zagrebtower is an exampleof business tower built up by the highest Europeanstandards and as such represents multifunctional edificethat will, regarding its quality, satisfied even the mostdemanding lessee. The A-class offices will be equippedwith high-tech that enables “doing business on a higherlevel“.Although the major criticism was, as it has happened toevery new skyscraper, directed to its look, it seems thatno attention has been paid to the very approachabilityof the tower in the sense of its “opening“ to so calledbroader users.In other words, all previously mentioned facilities as wellas an announcement of fitness and wellness centre,still does not say anything about in what measure theZagrebtower will be available for “common citizens ofZagreb“.As it is well known, all Zagreb’s business skyscrapers (noexception), in spite the higher construction quality andhigh European standards, still do not offer some facilities,which are on the West common features of the skyscrapers.Not single one of the Zagreb’s business skyscrapersdoes, for instance, provide a panoramic view for touristsor merely interested citizens, nor a principle known inGreat Britain as “Open Gates“.Skyscrapers are the town’s highest points from which aremarkable view unfolds itself (as it is the case with ParisianMontparnass or New Yorker Empire State Building),while the “Open Gate“ enable that once a month allcitizens may visit and see the interior of the skyscraper.We should hope that the Zagrebtower will, in the future,besides already mentioned new things it brought to theCroatian architectonic scene, pay attention to suchfeatures that are not necessary connected to the “businesson a higher level“ (as the motto of the skyscraperstates) but also to the awareness that every building, includingskyscrapers, represents a part of the town, whichinevitably becomes a part of exchanging symbols andexperience of its citizens and visitors.35

Aktualno“Kameni gradovi”-Palazzo del Littorio/”Cities of Stone”-Palazzo del Littorio16 megalopolisa stanujeu VenecijiDeseta međunarodna izložba arhitekture koja se odvija u sklopu venecijanskoga Bijenala za temuje uzela gradove, točnije 16 megalopolisa na raznim krajevima svijeta, od Mexico Cityja do Tokija.Stručnjaci iz 50 zemalja pokušat će u Veneciji naći rješenja na goruća pitanja urbanog života u 21.stoljećuPiše: Tanja JakovèevDeseta po redu Međunarodna izložba arhitekturekoja se od 10. rujna do 19. listopada događau okviru venecijanskoga Bijenala bit ćepo mnogočemu najambiciozniji takav projektdosad.“Gradovi. Arhitektura i društvo” glavna je tema izložbe,a kroz nju će se provući priče o čak šesnaest velikih gradovana četiri kontinenta: od Šangaja i Tokija, preko SaoPaola, New Yorka i Mexico Cityja, Johannesburga i Kairado Londona, Barcelone i konurbacije Milano-Torino,koji ukupno broje više od 182 milijuna stanovnika. Kolikoje ovogodišnje Bijenale ozbiljno osmišljeno, svjedoči i činjenicakako se nekoliko dana uoči otvaranja izložbe, 6.rujna, organizira i radionica koju će voditi Saskia Sassen,kojoj su u centru interesa gradovi i upravljanje gradovima,a u diskusiji će sudjelovati i gradonačelnici nekih odgradova koji će se predstaviti na Bijenalu. Nakon toga,video projekcije, fotografije, filmovi i 3D grafičke prezentacijekojima će se pokušati dočarati stalne transformacijeovih megalopolisa u socijalnom, ekonomskom i kulturnomsmislu bit će smještene na centralnome mjestudogađanja, u Corderie dell’Arsenale, a u okviru ovogabit će predstavljeni i deseci novih arhitektonskih i urba-36nističkih projekata koji nanovo osmišljavaju život višemilijunskihgradova i njihovih građana.Motiv za odabir ove, iznimno složene, široke i inspirativneteme, direktor Desete međunarodne izložbe arhitektureu Veneciji Richard Burdett objasnio je jednostavnimpodacima: - Prije stotinu godina, manje od deset postosvjetskoga stanovništva živjelo je u gradovima. Danasu gradovima živi više od polovice stanovništva, a 21.stoljeće se s pravom procjenjuje kao prva prava urbanaera u kojoj će i do 75% populacije živjeti u velikimsredinama, gradovima od 20 milijuna žitelja naviše, kojiprogresivno rastu u zemljama s brzim razvojem – najčešćeu Aziji, Africi i Južnoj Americi. Istovremeno, europskii drugi gradovi u razvijenim zemljama bilježe svojevrsnosmanjivanje svojih urbanih cjelina, pad broja stanovnikai nastoje se “redizajnirati” u postindustrijskom razdoblju– tvrdi Burdett, naglašavajući kao glavnu namjeru Izložbeposredovanje informacije ali i izazivanje rasprave onačinu na koji oblikujemo budućnost urbanoga društva.Uzevši u obzir da megalopolisi udomljavaju ogromanpostotak ljudske vrste, samim time su globalno socijalnopitanje u koje su, mišljenje je organizatora izložbe, današnjiarhitekti nedovoljno uključeni.

“Kameni gradovi”-Taranto/”Cities of Stone”-Taranto“Kameni gradovi”-Piazza Littoria/”Cities of Stone”-Piazza Littoria“Kameni gradovi”-Viale del Re/”Cities of Stone”-Viale del RePosebna je pozornost Bijenala posvećena dvama projektimakoji predstavljaju napredno planiranje urbanihzona: Norman Foster autor je projekta započetoga upredjelu Milano Santa Giulia, a Renzo Piano potpisujedizajn nekadašnje industrijske zone Falck. U okviru ovogcentralnoga arhitektonskog događaja godine u Europidogodit će se i konferencija koja stavlja naglasak naulogu arhitekata i inžinjera u upravljanju interakcijomizmeđu arhitekture i društva u trećem tisućljeću.Sponzori Illycaffe i Targetti odgovorni su za dva dodatnaprojekta: vezujući se na temu “Gradovi”, Illycaffe jeosmislio zanimljivo rješenje svojevrsnoga “sektora” opuštanja,dok je firentinski proizvođač rasvjete Targetti,koji potpisuje rasvjetu svih izložbenih prostora Bijenala,donirao veličanstvenu svjetlosnu instalaciju autora PinaBrugellisa, kubus veličine 4x4x4 metra čiji su dijelovi osvijetljenis preko 80.000 LED-ova, a predstavljat će nekuvrstu vodiča posjetiteljima kroz izložbe.U paviljonu Italija predstavit će se 13 glasovitih međunarodnihistraživačkih instituta sa svojim vizijama urbanizma:među inima, vidjet će se i radovi rotterdamskogaBerlage Instituta (čiji je član Vedran Mimica nedavno uZagrebu predstavio projekt “Novi hrvatski svjetionici” stemom urbanog planiranja hrvatske obale), a uključenisu i istraživački radovi iz Meksika, Italije, Indije, VelikeBritanije… Rem Koolhass će s Uredom za metropolitanskuarhitekturu (OMA/AMO) predstaviti istraživanje uLagosu i Dubaiju, Sveučilište iz Austina izložit će rad natemu utjecaja uragana Katrina na urbanu cjelinu NewOrleansa, Royal College of Art iz Londona predstavit ćeprojekt Babylon:don…37

“Grad-Luka”-Sydney/“City-Port” -SydneyU sklopu Izložbe dogodit će se i brojne druge prezentacije,ne samo u Veneciji nego čak i u sicilijanskome Palermu.U okvir projekta “Sensi Contemporanei” Palermo ćebiti domaćin izložbe “City-Port” (“Grad-Luka”), dok ćese u Veneciji, u Arsenalu, paralelno s glavnim zbivanjimaodvijati i izložba “Cities of Stone” (“Kameni gradovi”).Predstavnici više od pedeset zemalja potvrdili su sudjelovanjeu Veneciji – svi oni iznijet će svoje poglede na ulogearhitekata, dizajnera i urbanista u kompleksnim promjenamakoje se odvijaju na različitim stranama svijeta.Nacionalni paviljon donijet će mnoštvo projekata kojisu nastali kao odgovor na brojna pitanja modernogaživota: migracije, raspršenosti urbanih cjelina, deindustrijalizacije,socijalnih promjena. Tako će se moći vidjetiprimjeri ekstremne suburbanizacije u Irskoj, eksponencijalnogarasta urbanog stanovništva u Aziji, urbanograsnoga isključivanja u post-apartheidnoj Južnoj Africi,uloge nove arhitekture u obnovi gradova Sjeverne Engleskei nove vizije urbanizma u Italiji.Dvadesetak arhitektonskih škola iz Italije i svijeta pozvanesu na uključivanje u glavnu temu izložbe, a njihoviće radovi biti izloženi u Paviljonu Italija početkom studenoga.Svojim raznolikim tumačenjima, inicijativama i perspektivama,svi će sudionici Desete međunarodne arhitektonskeizložbe u Veneciji pružiti djelić slike današnjegasvijeta i iskustva urbanog života. Izložba završava zajedničkimmanifestom za gradove 21. stoljeća, posvećenomedoprinosima arhitekture i dizajna u stvaranju svijetakoji će biti održiv, demokratičan i pošteniji.38“Grad-Luka”-Napulj/“City-Port” -Naples“Grad-Luka”-Venecija/“City-Port” -Venice

“Grad. Arhitektura i društvo”-Sao Paulo/“Cities. Architecture and society” -Sao PauloEventsThe Sixteen Megalopolisesreside in VeniceThe 10th International Architecture Exhibition, which takes place within the frame of Venetian Biennale,is dedicated to the cities, precisely to the sixteen megalopolises from all over the world, from MexicoCity to Tokyo. Experts, coming from fifty countries, will try to find solutions to the burning questions ofurban life in the 21st century in VeniceWritten by: Tanja JakovèevThe 10th International Architecture Exhibition whichwill take place from September 10 to November19 within the frame of Venetian Biennale will be,regarding many things, the most ambitious projectever.“Cities. Architecture and Society“ is the great themeof the exhibition, containing stories about no less thansixteen major mega-cities in four different continents:from Shanghai and Tokyo, over Sao Paolo, New Yorkand Mexico City, Johannesburg and Cairo to London,Barcelona and conurbation Milan-Torino, which all togetherhave more than 182 million inhabitants.That this year Biennale is seriously meant, confirms a factthat prior to the opening of the exhibition, on September6 a workshop held by Saskia Sassen will be organized,focusing on cities and city administration, with a mayorsof several mega-cities presented at the Biennale participatingin a debate. After that, video projections, photographs,films and three-dimensional graphic presentationswill try to feature the information on permanenttransformation of these mega-cities in social, economicaland cultural terms and all will take place at the centralspot of the whole event, in Corderie dell’Arsenale, aswell as a tenfold new architectonic and urban projectsthat are affecting the way in which these mega-citiesand their citizens live.A director of the 10th International Architecture Exhibitionin Venice, Mr. Richard Burdett, explaining the motivefor choosing this exceptionally complex, wide and inspiringtheme brought forth some simple data: “A centuryago, less than 10 percent of world’s population lived incities. Today, more than a half of world population livesin cities, and the 21st century is rightly estimated to bethe first truly urban era during which even to 75 percentand more of the population will live in large communities;much of it in mega-cities of over 20 million peopleconcentrated in countries undergoing rapid development– mostly in Asia, Africa and South America.In the same time, many Western and European citiesare shrinking, decreasing in the number of citizens andtrying to “redesign“ themselves during the post-industrialtime”, states Burdett, emphasizing that a main aim ofthe Exhibition is to mediate information and to provokea debate on the ways we shape the future of urban society.Taking into the consideration that the megalopoliseshouse enormous percentage of human kind, and39

Events“Grad-Luka”-Valparaiso/“City-Port” -Valparaiso“Grad-Luka”-Genova/“City-Port” -Genova40because of that they are global social issue, which, asthe organizer thinks, nowadays architects are overly insulatedfrom.The Biennale dedicates a special attention to twoprojects, which represent a direct advanced planningof urban zones: Norman Foster’s project started in Milan’sarea Santa Giulia, and Renzo Piano’s design offormer industrial zone Falck.Within the framework of this major architectonic eventof the year in Europe, also a conference will take placeemphasizing a role of architects and engineers as administratorsof an interaction between architecture andsociety in the third millennium. Sponsors Illycaffe and Targettiare responsible for two additional projects: regardingthe theme “Cities“, Illycaffe created an interestingdesign of peculiar “relaxation area“, while the Florentineproducer of lightings Targetti, which designed the lightingof all exhibition venues of the Biennale, donated amagnificent light installation of Pino Brugellis as an author,a cubes of 4x4x4 metres which parts are illuminat-

“Grad. Arhitektura i društvo”-Los Angeles/“Cities. Architecture and society” -Los Angeles“Grad-Luka”-Palermo/“City-Port” -Palermo“Grad. Arhitektura i društvo”-Caracas/“Cities. Architecture and society” -Caracas“Grad. Arhitektura i društvo”-Istanbul/“Cities. Architecture and society” -Istanbuled by 80.000 LEDs, and will guide the visitors through theexhibition.In the Pavilion Italy thirteen famous international researchinginstitutes will represent their visions of urbanism:among all others, there will be seen works of Rotterdam’sBerlage Institute (which member Vedran Mimicarecently in Zagreb presented the Project “New CroatianLighthouses“, within a theme of urban planning ofCroatian coast) and also researches from Mexico, Italy,India and Great Britain. Rem Koolhass together with theOffice of Metropolitan Architecture (OMA/AMO) willpresent research works done in Lagos and Dubai; Universityfrom Austin will display a work about the influenceof hurricane Katrin on urban wholeness of New Orleans;Royal College of Art from London will present a projectBabylon: don. Also, numerous other presentations willoccur within the Exhibition, not only in Venice but evenin Sicilian Palermo. Palermo will be a host to the exhibition“City Port“ within the project “Sensi Contemporanei”,while in Venice, at the Arsenal, parallel to the mainevents an exhibition “Cities of Stone“ will be displayed.Representatives from more than 50 countries confirmedtheir participation in Venice – they all will expose theirviews about the roles of architects, designers and townplanners in different parts of the world undergoing complexchanges. A national pavilion will bring forth manifoldprojects, which were created as a response to numerousquestions of modern life: migrations, dispersionof urban communities, de-industrialisation and socialchanges.Seemingly, numerous examples will be presented likeextreme suburbanisation in Ireland, exponential growthof urban population in Asia, urban racial excluding inpost-apartheid South Africa, roles of new architecture inrenovation of North England’s cities and new visions ofItalian urbanism.Moreover, some twenty architectural schools from Italyand from all over the world will be participating in themain theme of the Exhibition, and their works will be exhibitedin the Pavilion of Italy at the beginning of November.All participants of the 10th International ArchitectureExhibition in Venice will, through their different views,initiatives and perspectives, give just a particle of apicture of nowadays world and experience of urbanlife. The Exhibition will end by issuing a common manifestfor the cities of the 21st century, dedicated to thecontribution of architecture and design to the creationof the world, which would be sustainable, democraticand much fairer.41

VijestiShowbiz DubaiU mnoštvu graditeljskih pothvata u Dubaiju, ističe se “DubaiCrescent Club”, djelo studija DOSArchitects iz Londona.“Dubai Crescent Club” spaja ugodu wellness hotelas pet zvjezdica s poslovnim, medijskim i entertainmentcentrom koji odgovara potrebama najvećih profesionalaca.Svi članovi ovoga ekskluzivnog kluba u izgradnjiimat će neograničen pristup svim uslugama: od velikekoncertno-kazališne pozornice, preko 2 studija za snimanje,montaže, do kina s 50 sjedala, a svom tehničkomopremom moći će se upravljati i “na daljinu”, iz udobnostivlastitoga luksuznog apartmana.Tesla iz Silicijske dolineTeslina godišnjica obilježava se i u SAD-u, i to na najboljimogući način: pod tim je imenom napravljen prvi Roadster,a ovih je dana, nakon četiri godine usavršavanja,i predstavljen. Performanse Tesla Roadstera su impresivne:ubrzanje od 0-100 km/h postiže u nevjerojatne četirisekunde, a na jedno “punjenje” svoje 6831 međusobnoumrežene baterije može prijeći oko 400 kilometara. Unatočcijeni od 80 do sto tisuća dolara, u američkoj “Tesli”očekuju prodaju od 4000 do 5000 primjeraka ovogekskluzivnog dvosjeda u prve tri godine, nakon čega bipočeli proizvodnju “klasičnijih” obiteljskih automobila naelektričnu energiju.Showbiz DubaiAmong a great deal of construction projects in Dubaithe “Dubai Crescent Club” stands out, the work of theDOSArchitects studio in London. The “Dubai CrescentClub” combines the pleasure of a five star wellness hotelwith business, media and entertainment centre thatmeets the requirements of the biggest professionals. Allmembers of this exclusive club, presently in the phase ofconstruction, will have unlimited access to all services:big theatre and concert stage, more than two recordingstudios, editing room, rehearsal room, movie theatrewith 50 seats. Additionally, all technical equipmentcould be operated from the distance, from a comfortableand luxurious private suit.Kopiranje arhitektureKina je već notorna po svojoj proizvodnojsnazi i neiscrpnim mogućnostima za kopiranjeproizvoda svih kategorija i cjenovnihrazreda po neusporedivo nižim cijenama.No, manje je poznato kako kineski arhitektinerijetko kopiraju i prijekte slavnih svjetskihgrađevina. U Kini su se već našle, što izgrađene,što u formi projekta, građevine čijuoriginalnu ideju potpisuju Le Corbusier, Miesvan der Rohe, Richard Rogers... a koje suu novim izvedbama tek malo izmijenjene,najčešće u dimenzijama. Tako se, primjerice,“Le Grande Arche” Otta van Spreckelsenana la Defenseu u Parizu može vidjeti i- u Šangaju.42Tesla from the Silicon ValleyTesla’s anniversary is celebrated in the USA as well, andin the best possible way: the first Roadster by that namehas been constructed, and these days, after four yearsof improvements, it has been presented. The performancesof Tesla Roadster are truly impressive: accelerationfrom 0 to 100 km/h is achieved in amazing fourseconds, and one charge of its 6831 networked batteryallows it to drive 400 kilometres. In spite of the price from80 000 to 100 000 $, at the American “Tesla” expect theselling rate of this exclusive two-seater to be from 4000 to5000 exemplars in the first three years, after which theywould start with the production of “more classic” familypower-driven cars.Imitating ArchitectureChina is already notorious for its productionforce and inexhaustible possibilitiesfor copying products andprices of all categories under muchlower prices. However, it is not widelyknown that the Chinese architects oftencopy the projects of the world’smost famous buildings. The consequencewere buildings in China,whether already built or in the projectphase, that are originally designed byLe Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, RichardRogers… whose new versions areslightly changed, usually in dimension.Consequently, “Le Grande Arche” byOtto van Spreckelsen located in LaDefense in Paris can also be seen in– Shangai.

“Druga koža” EXPO-aU rudniku u Zollvereinu, industrijskom spomeniku podzaštitom UNESCO-a, koji je adaptirao Rem Koolhaas,od 26. kolovoza do 3. prosinca postavljena je izložba“Second Skin”. Izložba se odvija u sklopu EXPO-a uEssenu, a predstavljeni proizvodi i projekti se s umjetničkog,znanstvenoga i komercijalnog aspekta poigravajus vlastitom površinom, pa se mogu vidjetihaljine od uzgojenih gljiva, kostimi za plivače kojiimitiraju kožu morskoga psa i mnoštvo drugih izložaka.Na slici je “prenosiva svjetlost” - komad tekstilasa solarnim ćelijama koji se danju “puni” na suncu,a noću svijetli. Potpuno je autonoman, prenosiv i neovisano bilo čemu osim sunčevoj svjetlosti, a autori,KVA Design iz Bostona, vjeruju da bi mogao riješitiprobleme 2 milijardeljudi koji žive bez električneenergije.“Secondskin”of EXPOIn the mine in Zollverein,the industrial monument under the protectionof UNESCO, adapted by Rem Koolhaas, the exhibition“Second Skin” will be put on from August 26 tillDecember 3. The exhibition takes place as a partof the EXPO in Essen where presented products andprojects play with their surfaces in terms of art, scienceand commerce. One can see dresses of cultivatedmushrooms, bathing suits that imitate a sharkskin and variety of other exponents. “Portable light”in the picture is a piece of textile with solar cells thatis charged with solar energy by day and it lights bynight. It is completely autonomous, portable andindependent from anything but the sunlight and itsauthors believe that it could solve the problems of 2billion people who live without electricity.Posveta kraljici stoliciMeđunarodni sajam stolica “Promosedia” ove se godine,od 9. do 12. rujna, održava jubilarni trideseti put.Jedini sajam posvećenisključivo ovome, za mnogenajintrigantnijem i najkompliciranijemkomadunamještaja okupit će stotineizlagača iz Italije i svijeta,a svojevrsna uvertirasajmu već se dogodila:dodijeljene su nagrade“Promosedia InternationalDesign Competition”.Prvonagrađeni je švedskidizajner Sami Kallio za drvenustolicu “Stich” koji jetrokutaste drvene module sastavio u udobnu stolicuspajajući ih zanimljivim vezenim detaljima.Pripremila / Edited by: Tanja JakovèevNewsLjepši i veæi Tate ModernTate Modern, jedna od najpoznatijih svjetskih galerija, hitnotreba više prostora: originalna građevina projektirana je zaoko 1,8 milijuna posjetitelja, no protok znatiželjnika i ljubiteljamoderne umjetnosti kroz slavni londonski “site” ustalio se načak 4 milijuna godišnje. Stoga je u planu izgradnja novoga,većeg i ljepšeg Tatea:revolucionrano rješenje,svojevrsni aneks postojećegamuzeja potpisujeslavni švicarski arhitektonskiured Herzog&deMeuron, a trebalo bi seprostirati na 23 400 četvornihmetara i time za60% povećati sadašnjiprostor.Bigger andmorebeautifulTate ModernTate Modern, one of world’s most famous galleries, urgentlyneeds more space: the original building has been designedfor about 1.8 million of visitors, but the flow of curious visitorsand lovers of modern art through this renowned London sitehas reached 4 million visitors a year. Therefore, the plan is tobuild new, bigger and more beautiful Tate: a revolutionarysolution, a sort of an appendix to the already existing museumsigned by famous Swiss architecture studio Herzog&deMeuron and it should spread out on 23 400 square metresand increase the existing area by 60 % enriching exhibition.The Homage to the Queen ChairThe international fair of chairs, “Promosedia” takes placefor the thirtieth time this year from September 9 – 15. Theonly fair dedicated exclusivelyto this, considered by many asthe most intriguing and mostcomplicated piece of furniture,will gather hundreds of exhibitorsfrom Italy and all aroundthe world. A sort of overturehas already preceded the fair:the awards “Promosedia InternationalDesign Competition”have been presented. The winnerof the first prize is Swedishdesigner Sami Kallio for a woodenchair “Stich” that composedtriangular wooden modules in a comfortable chair joiningthem with interesting embroidered details.43

Rekonstrukcija zagađenog industrijskogkompleksa djelo je Arhitektonskonskogbiroa Ante Kuzmanić /A reconstruction ofpolluted industrial complex was made byArchiceture bureau Ante Kuzmanić44Novi SvjetioniciHrvatskog JadranaRazvojne strategije predstavljene su kroz sedam pilot projekata arhitektonsko-urbanističkih vizijakoje postavljaju standarde budućeg razvoja obalePiše: Ivan MladinaHrvatski Jadran jedan je od rijetkih preostalih prostoraSredozemlja s očuvanom visokom kvalitetomokoliša i 85% još nedirnute obalne linije odgotovo šest tisuća kilometara dužine. Posljedicemasovnog turizma na Sredozemlju međutim, osobito našpanjolskoj i talijanskoj obali, ukazuju na potencijalnu katastrofui za hrvatsku obalu. Šezdesetih godina prošlogstoljeća, Hrvatska je doživjela svoj ‘’zimmer frei’’ boomjeftinog apartmanskog turizma niske lateralne potrošnjei nikakvog unutarnjeg izvoza. Kako se Hrvatska posljednjihgodina razvija prema otvorenom i demokratskomdruštvu, takav neodrživi oblik turizma, prekratke sezone,niskih zarada i ograničenih cijena gotovo je sasvim izumro,ali sve veći problem je znatno povećan broj novoizgrađenihobjekata. Ponekad to dobiva oblik nekontroliranograsta, gdje građevinske inicijative preduhitrujuprocese suvislog planiranja, uređenja, namjene i kontekstaprostora. Obalni pojas je pritom posebno ugrožen,jer u nekim slučajevima novi gospodarski porivi prijetekolonizacijom važnih resursa prirode i okoliša.Udruženje hrvatskih arhitekata u suradnji s Razredomarhitekata HKAIG, organiziralo je 2004. godine kongresčija je tema upravo bila gradnja na obali. Uz donešenezaključke koji izriču stav arhitektonske javnosti o razvojui korištenju resursa obale, promoviran je i projekt ‘’Novisvjetionici hrvatskog Jadrana’’.To je zajednički projekt Udruženja hrvatskih arhitekata ičuvenog Berlage Instituta iz Nizozemske, čija je realizacijaomogućena podrškom kroz program MATRA, nizozemskogministarstva vanjskih poslova. Projekt, u trajanjuod 2005. do 2007., ima tri glavna cilja: održivi razvitakhrvatske obale, započinjanje promjena u postojećem,

AktualnoZadar - prenamjena i obnova vojnog kompleksa/Zadar - altering the purpose and renovation of military complexali nedjelotvornom okviru prostornog planiranja, te stvaranjedugoročnog sudjelovanja hrvatske arhitektonskejavnosti u procesu razvitka obale. U okviru zadanih ciljeva,bavi se istraživanjem mogućih koncepata izgradnjeobale na sedam pilot projekata lociranih duž hrvatskeobale, odabranih jer predstavljaju mjesta koja utjelovljujuprobleme kojima se ‘’Svjetionici’’ bave. LokacijeLabin, Omišalj, Goli Otok, Zadar, Dugi Rat, Stari Grad iDubrovnik, mogu se općenito podijeliti u dvije skupine.Prva se skupina bavi industrijskim kompleksima smještenimna obali koji zauzimaju potencijalno privlačna turističkapodručja. U većini situacija, lokalna zajednica imaviziju razvitka i protivi se daljnjim industrijskim djelatnostima.U tu skupinu problema ulaze: Labin - s područjemrudnika ugljena te njegove nadzemne i podzemne infrastrukture,Omišalj - s problemom rekonstrukcije krajolikakoji se godinama uništava iskopom unatoč naporimaopćine da to spriječi, te Dugi Rat - s rekonstrukcijomzagađenog industrijskog kompleksa, gdje je na referendumu87% građana glasovalo za obnovu i prenamjenulokacije, dok državna energetska tvrtka želi ponovnopokrenuti proizvodnju.Drugu skupinu lokacija obilježava potencijal za razvitakuvjeta za bolje društvene djelatnosti. Projekt se bavi temomrekonstrukcije napuštenog zatvorskog kompleksana Golom Otoku, prenamjenom i obnovom vojnogkompleksa u Zadru, prenamjenom i obnovom građanskogcentra i poboljšanjem vizure obale Starog Gradana Hvaru te obnovom kompleksa stare bolnice u Dubrovniku.U projekt ‘’Novi svjetionici hrvatskog Jadrana’’, osimniza nevladinih udruga, uključena su poznata imenahrvatske arhitektonske javnosti - Platforma 981, Randić-Turato, 3LHD, Studio UP, de Architekten Cie (HR), AnteKuzmanić, te Produkcija 004. Svaki od ovih arhitektonskihtimova, u suradnji s lokalnim nevladinim udrugama,dao je svoju analizu i prijedloge rješenja za pojedinu lokaciju.Svijest o problemima vezanim uz razvoj hrvatske obaleJadrana prisutna je i u međunarodnim krugovima. TakoUSAID i Svjetska banka pokreću i podupiru razvoj konkurentnihstrategija za razvoj hrvatskog turizma, a i ProgramUjedinjenih naroda za zaštitu okoliša - Mediteranski plandjelovanja (UNEP/MAP) je uspostavio svoj centar regionalnihdjelatnosti u Splitu. U MAP-u sudjeluje dvadesetaksredozemnih država i Europska unija, a njihov zajedničkicilj je stvaranje zdravijeg sredozemnog okoliša, oslonjenogna održivi razvoj.U skladu s terminskim planom projekta, početkom srpnja2006. u galeriji Klovićevi Dvori u Zagrebu, otvorena je izložbapod nazivom ‘’Novi svjetionici hrvatskog Jadrana’’,koja prezentira projekte navedenih timova, uz izdavanjekataloga projekta i stručne diskusije.‘’Svjetionici’’ su velik i važan projekt koji u sebi nosi sjemebolje budućnosti za hrvatski Jadran, ali samo akojavnost, opterećena kratkoročnim interesima i vječnogladna kapitala, shvati da jedini način na koji se dugoročnomože spriječiti katastrofa urušavanja kvalitetaživota, tradicionalnih vrijednosti lokalne sredine i u konačnici,same turističke privrede, jest upravo ovaj na kojinam oni ukazuju - minuciozno, moralno i lucidno planiranje,uz korespondirajuću realizaciju, može u konačnicipodariti jedan koristan, zdrav i sretan prostor. Metaforasvjetionika je poveznica povijesnog naslijeđa i potrebeza novim vizijama razvoja. Razvojne strategije predstavljenesu kroz sedam pilot projekata arhitektonsko-urbanističkihvizija koje postavljaju standarde budućegrazvoja obale, ili, riječima Vedrana Mimice, prodekanaBerlage Instituta: ‘’Mediterana kakav bi mogao biti’’,umjesto ‘’Mediterana kakav je nekad bio.’’45

EventsGoli OtokWritten by: Ivan MladinaThe New Lighthousesof the Croatian AdriaticDevelopment strategies are presented through seven pilot projects of architectonic-urban visions, whichestablish standards of the future development on the coastThe Croatian Adriatic is one of rare remaining areason the Mediterranean with preserved high qualityof environment and 85% of still untouched coastalline almost six thousand kilometres long. Consequencesof mass tourism in Spain and on the Italiancoast point out a potential catastrophe for the Croatiancoast, too. During the sixties of the last century Croatiahad its “zimmer-frei-boom” of cheap apartment tourismwith low lateral consumption and no internal export atall. As Croatia has been, during recent years, advancingtowards open and democratic society, thereforesuch untenable way of tourism of too short seasons, lowprofit and limited prices, become almost extinct, but significantlyincreased construction of new edifices starts tobe a much serious problem. Sometimes it takes a formof uncontrolled growth where construction initiativesget ahead over rational planning processes, regulation,purpose and the very context of the area. A coastalzone is particularly endangered because in some cases46new economic inclinations threaten with colonisationof significant natural resources and environment. TheCroatian Architect Association in cooperation with theClass of Architects of CCACE (Croatian Chambers ofArchitects and Civil Engineers) organized a Congressin 2004, which main topic was exactly the constructionalong the coast. Architectonic public brought up conclusionsabout their attitude on development and usingof coastal resources, and on the Congress new project“The New Lighthouses of the Croatian Adriatic“was alsopromoted. This is a joint venture project of the CroatianArchitect Association and Berlage Institute from Netherlands,which realisation has been made feasible by supportof the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs throughthe Matra programme. The project, started in 2005planned to last to 2007, has three main goals: sustainabledevelopment of the Croatian coast, commencingchanges within existing but not effective frame of zoningand creation of long-term participation of Croatian

Dubrovnikarchitectonic public in the processes of coastal development.Within the framework of given aims, researching of possibleconcepts of construction on the coast will be performedthrough seven pilot projects located along theCroatian coast, being chosen as representative placesof dense problems that the “Lighthouses“ are dealingwith. Locations Labin, Omišalj, Goli Otok, Zadar, Dugi Rat,Stari Grad i Dubrovnik, could be in general divided in twogroups. The first group is dealing with industrial complexessituated on the coast, which occupy potentially attractivetourist areas. In the most cases, local communityhaving a vision of development opposes to further developmentof industrial activities. To this group belong asfollowing: Labin – an area of coal mines and their groundand underground infrastructure, Omišalj – a problem ofreconstruction of the landscape having been destroyedfor years through excavation notwithstanding municipality’seffort to prevent it, and Dugi Rat – with a reconstructionof polluted industrial complex, where 87% of populationvoted, on public referendum, for renovation andaltering the purpose of the location, while state electriccompany wants to restart the production.The second group of locations is marked by a potentialdevelopment of conditions for better social activities.So, the project is dealing with a theme of reconstructionof abandoned prison complex on Goli otok, altering thepurpose and renovation of military complex in Zadar,changing the purpose and renovation of town centreof Stari Grad on the island Hvar and improvement of itsshore scenery, and renovation of old hospital complexin Dubrovnik. In the project “The New Lighthouses ofthe Adriatic“, besides numerous non-governmental associations,well known names of the Croatian architectonicpublic are involved, too – Platforma 981, Rendic-Turato. 3LHD, Studio UP, de Architekten Cie (CRO), AnteKuzmanić and Produkcija 004. Each of these architectonicteams in cooperation with local non-governmentalassociations, provided analysis and suggestions howto solve the problems of a certain location.Awareness of problems in connection with developmentof the Croatian Adriatic coast is present even ininternational circles. Thus, USAID and World Bank initiateand support a development of competitive strategiesaimed for Croatian tourism development as well as aProgramme of United Nations for Environmental Protection– Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP) thatestablished its Regional Activities Office in Split. Withinthe MAP around twenty Mediterranean countries participatetogether with Europe Union, having a commongoal to create healthier Mediterranean environmentbased on sustainable development.According to the Project’s agenda, an exhibition titled“The New Lighthouses of Croatian Adriatic“ was openedat the beginning of July, 2006 in Zagreb, in the galleryKlovicevi dvori. The exhibition displays projects of previouslymentioned teams accompanied by cataloguesand expert discussions. “The Lighthouses“ are great andimportant project that bears within itself a seed of betterfuture for Croatian Adriatic, but only if the public, burdenedwith short-term interests and permanent hungerfor profit, finally understands that the only way for longtermprevention the catastrophe of ruining a quality oflife, traditional values of local community and, at theend, tourist economy itself is this shown by it – in detail,moral and sane planning along with associated realisation,which could result in useful, healthy and fortunatespace.A metaphor of lighthouse is a link between historicalheritage and a need for new development visions. Developmentstrategies are presented through seven pilotprojects of architectonic-urban visions, which establishstandards of the future development on the coast, or, inwords of Mr. Vedran Mimica, assistant dean of BerlageInstitute: “The Mediterranean as it could be“ instead of“The Mediterranean as it used to be“.“47

Korčula je primjer arhitektonskisavršeno planiranoga grada/Korčula is an example forperfectly pre-planned townPiše: Silvana Dunat Foto: HTZ, Ivan Bura, Kristina Faziniæ/MAPEKorèula – uspavanaljepotica u kamenuKorčula se iz skromnoga naselja preobrazila u prekrasan kameni grad čija jevizura i danas sačuvana i koji je bio i ostao povijesno, kulturno i administrativnosredište otokaU10. stoljeću bizantski car i povjesničar KonstantinPorfirogenet piše o “kamenom gradu” za koji sesmatra da je stajao na mjestu današnjega gradaKorčule. Prvi dokazi o gradu potječu iz 13. stoljećaiz vremena vladavine mletačke obitelji Zorzi otkaddatira Korčulanski statut, jedan od najstarijih zakonika uslavenskom svijetu. Polovicom 14. stoljeća na otoku sesnažno razvio kamenoklesarski obrt pa se pod rukamavještih otočkih majstora Korčula iz skromnoga naselja preobrazilau prekrasan kameni grad čija je vizura i danassačuvana i koji je bio i ostao povijesno, kulturno i administrativnosredište otoka. Korčulansku povijest umnogomeupotpunjuju legende pa se tako kao osnivač grada spominjetrojanski junak Antenor - svjedoči to o povezanostiKorčule sa starogrčkom kulturom i poviješću te o važnostinjenoga položaja u antičkim pomorskim putovima. Premadrugoj predaji otok Korčula je dom nimfe prekrasne48kose Kerkyre, kćeri riječnoga boga Azopa, koju je očarannjenom ljepotom oteo Posejdon i po kojoj je otok dobioime. Prema nešto znanstvenijem objašnjenju otok je nazvanKorkira Melaina (Crna Korčula) po gustoj borovojšumi kojom je u ono vrijeme bio pokriven. Putniku koji ukasno popodne ili pred suton uplovljava u grad Korčulus njene istočne strane otkrit će se i danas jedno takvo“mračno” lice grada sakriveno iza visokih borova i bedemakoji se poput prijetećih gorostasa izdižu na morskimstijenama. Drugačiji dojam stječe onaj koji u Korčulu uplovljavas njene zapadne strane. Njemu će Korčula poželjetidobrodošlicu širokim osmjehom okupanim u bojamasutona, osmjehom otvorenoga dobronamjernog primorskoggradića. Korčula takva u stvari danas i jest. To jegrad u kojem su svi dobrodošli, i domaći i strani gosti, pane čudi da se u srcu turističke sezone na ulicama starogagrada mogu čuti različiti svjetski jezici te se na tom zapra-

U Korčuli su svi dobrodošli, i domaćii strani gosti/Korčula welcomeseveryone, domestic as well asforeign touristsAvanturavo minijaturnom prostoru stječe dojam multikulturalnosti ikozmopolitizma.Đir po kamenome graduGrad Korčula nastao je na brežuljkastom poluotočiću veličinesvega 300 x 170 m na sjeveroistočnome dijelu otoka.Na tom je skučenom prostoru nekada živjelo i do 5000stanovnika dok današnji daleko širi gradski pojas broji tek3000 stanovnika. Korčula je primjer arhitektonski savršenoplaniranoga grada. Tlocrt njenih ulica izgledom podsjećana riblju kostu tako da se sporedne ulice gotovo okomitospajaju na glavnu koja poluotok dijeli na dvije polutke.Ulicama sa zapadne strane u sparnim ljetnim mjesecimapodnevni maestral slobodno pronosi svoju blagodat dokblaga zakrivljenost istočnih ulica priječi prodor hladnimzimskim vjetrovima.Malo je danas onih koji su ostali živjeti unutar staroga gradapa se središte gradskoga života preselilo van gradskihzidina na trg pred Kopnenim ili Južnim vratima. Tu se nalazepošta, ljekarna, gradski kafići, ali i turistima uvijek privlačnamala pitoreskna tržnica na povišenju zvanom rotonda.Odavde se u stari grad penje uz kameno stepeništekoje je 1863. godine zamijenilo raniji drveni pomični mosti simbolički označilo početak mirnodopskoga razdoblja. Uto nas uvjerava i krilati mletački lav na fasadi kule VelikiRevelin koji drži otvorenu knjigu – simbol otvorenoga gradai prestanka ratova. Kula Revelin jedna je od najljepših kulau gradu. U njoj je smješten mali muzej posvećen slavnojkorčulanskoj viteškoj igri mačevima Moreški, a s njenogavrha se pruža pogled na grad i njegovu okolicu. Kroz kuluse ulazi u grad i stupa pred prekrasnu lođu renesansnegrađevine iz 16. stoljeća u kojoj je Gradska vijećnica. Donje je mala kapelica Gospe od Snijega uz koju se na blagdanVelike Gospe 15. kolovoza služi zavjetna misa. NjomeKorčulani zahvaljuju Gospi koja ih je davne 1571. godinesačuvala od napada turske flote. Nasuprot vijećnice baroknaje crkva sv. Mihovila, a prva ulica na desno nakonprolaska kroz Veliki Revelin jedina je ulica bez stepenicapa se popularno naziva “ulica razmišljanja”. Njome se možetebez straha od spoticanja prepustiti vlastitim mislimaspuštajući se niz južne gradske bedeme (unutar kojih je uljetnim mjesecima smješten jedini disko klub u gradu Gau-49

AvanturaMoreška - tradicionalna korčulanska viteška igra/Moreška - tradicional knightly sword dance from Korčuladi) do Kule Svih Svetih s tri velika brončana topa. Šetalištenas vodi preko istočnih bedema uz nisku restorana u sjeniimpozantnih borova odakle puca pogled na Pelješac, vrhSv. Ilije, Orebić i okolna naselja te franjevački samostanGospe od Anđela. S njega se može stupiti i pred kuću najstarijekorčulanske Bratovštine Svih Svetih s muzejom kojiizlaže najznačajnije umjetničke, ali i obredne predmete izživota Bratovštine, i iz kojega se malim zatvorenim mostommože prijeći u susjednu baroknu crkvu Svih Svetih, jednu odnajljepših crkava Korčule. Šetalište vodi i do Kule Zakerjandomišljato iskorištene za koktel bar. U ugodnom ambijentuosim u bogatom izboru koktela s vrha kule možete uživatii u noćnom pogledu na Pelješki kanal. Od kule Zakerjanpenje se središnja gradska ulica do glavnoga gradskogtrga s katedralom sv. Marka na koju su Korčulani naročitoponosni. Njena se izgradnja protegla na duže od jednogastoljeća (od početka 15. do sredine 16. st.), a kasnije joj jesa sjeverne strane pridodana zavjetna kapela sv. Roka uvrijeme kada je Korčulom često vladala kuga. Katedralaje izgrađena u stilu gotike i renesanse od kamena nošenogaiz obližnjih Vrnika i Kamenjaka. Uz talijanskoga majstoraBonina iz Milana u izgradnji katedrale su sudjelovalii domaći majstori među kojima je najpoznatije ime MarkaAndrijića.Do katedrale s južne strane na mjestu nekadašnje biskupskepalače u naknadno obnovljenoj neobaroknoj zgradiOpatskog dvora nalazi se Opatska riznica. Nasuprot njojrenesansna je palača Gabrielis (16. st.) koja iza bogatoukrašene fasade udomljuje Gradski muzej. Lapidarij i replikakamenoklesarske radionice sa zbirkom klesarskogaalata u prizemlju te zbirka posvećena brodogradnji na prvomekatu govore o tim nekoć za otok egzistencijalno bitnim,a danas uglavnom zapostavljenim, zanimanjima. Nadrugome katu je kulturno-umjetnička zbirka raznih ukrasnihi uporabnih predmeta, a u starome originalnom prostorupotkrovlja nalazi se replika tipične dalmatinske seoske kuhinjeiz 19. stoljeća, možda i najzanimljiviji dio Gradskogamuzeja.50Uza sva umjetnička i kulturna bogatstva kojima Korčulaobiluje turiste nerijetko najviše intrigira legenda o rodnojkući slavnoga svjetskog putnika Marka Pola za koju Korčulanivjeruju da se nalazila u današnjoj Ulici Depolo. Je liMarko Polo uistinu bio njihov sugrađanin ili ne još se uvijekpouzdano ne zna, ali postoji dokument koji svjedoči da jena navedenome mjestu uistinu živjela obitelj prezimenaPolo, a njezini potomci pod imenom Depolo i danas živena Korčuli. Činjenica je i da je Marko Polo u pomorskoj bitcikod Korčule 1298. godine pao u zarobljeništvo Đenovljana,a dokumenti navode i da je porijeklom bio iz Dalmacije.O tome koliko je legenda o Marku Polu važna za turističkiorijentiranu Korčulu govori podatak da je grad nedavnoprodao hostel u centru kako bi otkupio kuću koju kani pretvoritiu muzej Marka Pola. Trenutno se može posjetiti samokula s koje se pruža pogled na Pelješki kanal, a u istoj uliciotvoren je i dućan suvenira posvećen Marku Polu.Prolaskom kroz Zapadna ili Morska vrata izlazi se na zapadnuobalu. Odavde se podno Velike i Male kneževe kule(15. st.) prema zapadu pruža šetnica prema dominikanskojcrkvi i samostanu sv. Nikoli (kraj 15. st.). Na brežuljkuiznad grada podignuta je 1815. godine za vrijeme engleskeuprave tvrđava Forteca s vrha koje se pruža još jedanpredivan pogled na Pelješki kanal i obližnje otoke kao i sGlavice Sv. Antuna oko dva kilometra sjeveroistočno odgrada. Do vrha brežuljka i crkvice sv. Antuna kroz drvoredstoljetnih čempresa vode 102 stepenice koje je početkom18. stoljeća dao izgraditi tadašnji korčulanski biskup NikolaŠpanić, a s njega se vidi izletnički otok Badija s franjevačkimsamostanom iz 14. stoljeća i sada nažalost zapuštenimsportsko-turističkim kompleksom.Šetnje i izletištaOsim već spomenutoga otoka Badije, omiljenoga stjecištakupača, do kojega pristup omogućuju taxi brodice, zanimljivje i otok Vrnik koji osim mira, tišine i kristalno bistrogamora izletnicima nudi i pogled na ostatak nekadašnjegakamenoloma dok umješnost lokalne arhitekture iznena-

Prekrasan pogled na grad s vrha kule Revelin/Marvellous view from the top of Revelin towerAdventuređuje i oduševljava. Na danas jedva nastanjenome otokudvije su crkve koje svjedoče o vrsnosti vrniških klesara podjednakokao i njihove kuće. Nestvaran je i otočić Sutvarasa svojom prekrasnom šljunčanom plažom, ostacima nekadašnjihkamenoloma i vinogradima.Na autokarti Korčule ucrtane su sve ceste, pješačke stazei putovi koji vode otokom i s kojih se pruža pogled na objestrane otoka - onu prema poluotoku Pelješcu i onu premaLastovu. Njima se može krenuti istočno prema Lumbardi injenim pješčanim plažama Bilin žal i Pržina te krajnjoj istočnojtočki otoka rtu popularno nazvanome Ražnjić zbog njegovaneobična izgleda. Zapadno od grada vode mnogi izletničkiputovi prema središtu otoka i selima Žrnovo i Pupnat.Nedaleko Žrnova u predjelu prirodnoga rezervata Kočijenalazi se gotovo mističan splet dolomitskih stijena, kamenihusjeka i špilja iz kojih izrastaju visoke česmine. Uz jedanod rijetkih izvora vode na otoku dižu se dva velika kamenau obliku zmijskih očiju za koje se veže legenda o Kadmu,Feničaninu koji je Grcima donio abecedu i utemeljio gradTebu, i njegovoj ženi Harmoniji, kćeri Venere i Aresa. Oni suzavladali Ilirijom i imali sina Ilira. Prema jednoj predaji njihovise grobovi nalaze na “otoku blaženih”, a iznad grobova seizdižu njihovi likovi u obliku kamenih zmija.Od Žrnova se može spustiti prema sjevernoj strani otoka doŽrnovske Banje ili dalje do uvale Vrbovica s auto-kampomte brojnih drugih uvala i uvalica sve do luke Račišće. OdŽrnova putovi vode i ka posjedima na južnoj obali od kojihsu najlakši pristupi uvalama Rasohatica, Pavja Luka i Orlanduša.Tu se nalaze vinogradi cijenjene crne sorte Maliplavac. Od Pupnata k sjeveru spušta se do pupnatskih posjedau uvali Kneža, a k jugu do uvala Bačva, Smokova iPupnatska luka.Nije daleko ni poluotok Pelješac do kojega iz Korčule višeputa na dan kreću brodice prema primorskim naseljimaKučištu i Vignju te prema Orebiću koji je s Korčulom povezani trajektnim linijama. Iz Orebića kreće staza premazaseoku Karmen i staroj župnoj crkvi Gospe od Karmenakoja se nalazi na proplanku među stoljetnim čempresimana mjestu idealnom za piknik i odmor. Odavde se možezaputiti prema franjevačkom samostanu s crkvom Gospeod Anđela, muzejom i grobljem peljeških kapetana. DubrovačkaRepublika podigla je samostan u 15. stoljeću nastrateškome mjestu pa se s njega pruža izvanredan pogledna Pelješki kanal te grad i otok Korčulu. Odavde kreće i nekolikostaza prema najvišem vrhu poluotoka Sv. Iliji (961 m)i zapadno prema Gornjoj i Donjoj Nakovani, najstarijim naseljimau ovome dijelu Pelješca u blizini kojih su pronađenibrojni arheološki nalazi.51

AdventureConstantine Porphyrogenitus, a Byzantine emperorand historian wrote in the tenth centuryabout a “stone town”, which supposedlystood on the place of contemporary townKorčula. First historical evidences originate from the thirteenthcentury, during the rule of Venetian family Zorziwhen the Korčula’s Statute was adopted; one of theoldest legal documents in Slavic world. In the midst ofthe fourteenth century a strong development of stonemasonworkshops occurred so that Korčula were underthe skill hands of island artisans transformed from modestvillage to the exceptionally beautiful stone town, whichview remained preserved until nowadays and whichwas and is a historical, cultural and administrative centreof the island. A history of Korčula is filled with legendsof which one tells a Troyan hero Antenor to be a founderof the town - which altogether is a testimony aboutKorčula being connected to the culture and history ofAncient Greece as well as of its significant position onthe line of ancient sea routes. There is another traditionabout the island, as a home of nymph Korkyra whohad a beautiful hair and was a daughter of river godAsop; she bewildered Poseidon who kidnapped her.The island got a name by her. According to a little bitmore scientific explanation the island was named KorkyraMelania (Black Korčula) due to a dens pine forest,which covered it at the time. Even today, a traveller that52Korèula - a SleepingBeauty on the StoneKorčula were under the skill hands of island artisans transformed from modest village to theexceptionally beautiful stone town, which view remained preserved until nowadays and whichwas and is a historical, cultural and administrative centre of the islandWritten by: Silvana DunatPhotog: HTZ, Ivan Bura, Kristina Faziniæ/MAPEenters into the town Korčula at late afternoon or in theevening twilight from its easter side will see that “dark”face of the town hidden behind the walls and tall pinetrees that are like threatening giants standing over seacliffs. Quite different impression gets one who is comingfrom its western direction. Korčula will greet him by its friendlysmile painted in colours of sunset, a smile of open,well-meaning small Mediterranean town. The Korčula asit is today. This town welcomes everyone, domestic andforeign tourists equally, so it is not surprising that at thepeak of tourist season one may hear languages from allaround the world, which gives to this miniature space animpression of multiculturalism and cosmopolitism.A Walk through the Stone TownThe town Korčula developed on hilly peninsula of 300 x170 metres on the north-eastern part of the island. Onthat very space in times past used to live almost 5000inhabitants while today within a far wider area lives only3000 people. Korčula is an example for perfectly preplannedtown. A ground plan of its streets looks like afish-bone so that the side streets run to the main street almostvertically. The main street divides the penninsula inhalf. From the west side during the hot summer month anafternoon landward breeze (Maestral) freely carries itsgentle breath while mild bent of the eastern streets preventsa penetration of cold winter winds. There are not so

Rozeta s katedrale/The Cathedral’s ornamentKuća Marka Pola/The house of Marco Polomany who remained living within the old town area, sothe town centre was transferred outside the town wallsin front of so called Land or South Gates. Here, one mayfind a post office, a pharmacy, town coffee bars andsmall picturesque market place situated on elevation,rotunda, always so attractive for tourists. From here a stonestairway leads to the town, which in 1863. replacedprevious wooden, movable bridge and this symbolicallymarked a beginning of more peaceful times. A Venetianwinged lion holding an open book on the wall of a towerVeliki Revelin as a symbol of an open town and cessationof wars, well confirms it. The Revelin tower is one ofthe town’s most beautiful towers. Nowadays it houses asmall museum of the famous Korčula’s knightly dancewith swords called Moreska and from its top the townand its surroundings unfolds themselves to one’s eyes.When one enters the town through the tower immediatelyencounters a wonderful loggia of a Renaissanceedifice from the sixteenth century, which now serves asa Town Hall. Next to it there is a chapel of Our Lady ofSnow where on August 15, on the holiday of Asumptiona votive mass is served. This is a way of showing Korčula’speople gratitude to Our Lady for her protection againstTurkish armada in 1571. Opposite to the Town Hall is St.Michael church and the first right street after enteringthe town through the tower Veliki Revelin is the only streetwithout any stairs at all popularly called “a street ofcontemplation”. One may walk by it without any fearof stumbling and so enjoy his own toughts while slowlycoming down along the south town walls (within whichis during the summer months settled the only disco clubin the town ,”Gaudi”) toward the tower of All Saints withthree big bronze cannons. A promenade takes us furtheron across the east walls along the line of restaurantsunder the shadow of impressive pines while the view onPeljesac, capital of the St. Elijah, Orebić and surroundingplaces as well as Franciscan monastery of Our Lady is unfoldingitself to a view. From here on you can step in frontof the house which belonged to the oldest Korčulan’sBrotherhood of All Saints with a museum and exhibitionof artistic and ritual objects of Brotherhood way of lifeand from where you can cross over by the little, closedbridge to the adjoining Baroque church of All Saints, oneof the most beautiful churches in Korčula. The promenadeleads on to the tower Zakerjan, now inventively usedas a cocktail bar. Here, from its summit one may, in pleasantatmosphere, besides an excellent choice of cocktails,enjoy in night scenery of Pelješac Channel. Fromthe Zakerjan tower the main town street is running up tothe main town square with the Cathedral of St. Mark, avery pride of the Korčula’s people.Its construction tookplace longer than one century (from the beginning of53

AdventureOtočki prizori koji će vas oduševiti/Island’s views that will delight youthe fifteenth to the midst of the sixteenth century), andlater on to its northern side a votive chapel of St. Rookhas been added, at times when the plague often ruledon the Korčula island. The Cathedral has been built in thestyle of Gothic Architecture and Renaissance, of stonebrought from near Vrnika and Kamenjak. Besides an Italianartisan Bonnino from Milan also domestic craftsmentook part in the construction among which the mostknown was Marko Andrijić. Next to the Cathedral, on itssouthern side where the former bishop’s palace stood,there is a newly renovated neo-baroque building of Abbot’sHall with Abbot’s Treasury. Opposite to it there is aRenaissance palace Gabrielis (the sixteenth century), inwhich behind richly ornamented front side a Town Museumis settled. A collection of stone and stone fragments(Lapidarium) and a copy of stone-mason workshop withexhibits of craft tools in the ground floor as well as anexhibition regarding the shipbuilding on the first floor tella story about these, in the past, for the very existence ofislanders, essential but today mostly forgotten occupations.On the second floor there is a cultural-artistic collectionof various ornaments and common objects, andwithin the original old space at the attic there is a copyof typical Dalmatian country kitchen from 19th century,possibly the most interesting exhibit of the Town Museum.Besides all artistic and cultural riches that Korčula aboundsin, tourists are often mostly curious in legend aboutallegedly birth place of the world traveller Marco Polo.Korčula’s people are convinced that the house of MarcoPolo is situated in the Depolo street. Was Marco Poloreally their co-citizen or not remains a mystery, but thereare documents which states that in that particular houseonce lived a family called Polo, and its successors still livein Korčula under the name of Depolo. It is quiet establishedfact that a man called Marco Polo was captured54by Genovese during the sea battle near Korčula in 1298.and that he was from Dalmatia. How much importancebear the legend of Marco Polo for tourist oriented Korčulaconfirms the fact that the town has recently soldone hostel in the very centre in order to buy out a housefor the purpose of Marco Polo Museum. At the moment,tourists may visit a tower with a view on Pelješac Channeland souvenir shop dedicated to Marco Polo. By passingthrough the West or Sea Gate one arrives on the westcoast. From here on, under the Big and Little Prince’s Tower(the fifteenth century) a promenade is running towardthe west and Dominican church and monastery ofSt. Nicola (end of the fifteenth century). During the Englishrule in 1815 a fortress called Forteca was built on thehill above the town. From the fortress summit a delightfulview on Pelješac Channel and islands in vicinity may beobserved, as well as from the capital of St. Anton, around2 kilometres away on the north-east from the town. Theone hundred and two stairs lead to the top of the hill andsmall church of St. Anton, passing through an avenue ofcenturies-old cypresses. The church was built by Korčula’sbishop Nikola Španić. From the church’s summit atourist island Badija with Franciscan Monastery from thefourteenth century and sport-tourist complex, now quiteneglected, may be seen.Walking and Excursion DestinationsBesides previously mentioned island Badija, a popularswimming destination approachable by taxi-boats, anisland Vrnik is also interesting, which, besides its peace,silence and crystal clear sea, offers a view on remains offormer query while in the same time an artistic beauty oflocal architecture surprises and delights. On, today almostunpopulated island there are two churches which testifyof skilfulness of Vrnika’s stone-masons as well as their hou-

Detalj s katedrale sv. Marka/Detail from St. Marco cathedralses do. A very small island Sutvara appears almost unrealwith its beautiful gravel beach, remains of former quarriesand vineyards. All roads, walking routes and paths acrossthe island are drew on the auto-map of Korčula, boththose running toward peninsula Pelješac and others runningtoward Lastovo. By hitting the roads one can set outtoward east to Lumbarda and its sand beaches known asBilin zal and Pržina as well as toward the ending point ofthe island’s cape known as Ražnjić (Kabob) due to its oddlook. Many excursion routes run from the town toward thewest to the inland where villages Žrnovo and Pupnat aresituated. In vicinity of Žrnovo, in the area of natural parkKočija one can see almost mystical potpourri of dolomiterocks, stony cuttings and caves from which tall Holm-oaksarise. Besides one of the rare water springs on the islandthere are erected two big stones, which look like snake’seyes. There is a legend about a Phoenician Chadmo andhis wife Harmony. Chadmo brought an Alphabet to theGreeks and founded town Theba. He, together with hiswife, ruled over Illyrians and had a son named Illyric. Traditiontells that they were buried on the “island of blessedones” where above their graves their images arise inthe shape of snakes. From Žrnovo on one may go downtoward the northern side of the island to Žrnovske Banjeor further to a small bay Vrbovica were auto-camp is situatedas well as numerous coves and small bays untila Račišće port. From Žrnovo, roads are running towardreal-estate properties on the southern coast of whichthe most approachable are small bays Rasohatica, PavjaLuka and Orlanduša. There are also vineyards of appreciatedsort Mali plavac. From Pupnat up to the norththere is a slope toward Pupnat’s real-estate propertiesin the bay Kneža and on the south to the bays Bačva,Smokova and port Pupnat. The Peninsula Pelješac is notfar away and is connected with Korčula by several boatlines operating daily toward the coastal villages and Viganjand town Orebić, which is to Korčula connectedalso by a ferry-boat. There is a path running from Orebicćto a hamlet Karmen and old parish church of Our Ladyof Karmen which is situated on the hillside among centuries-oldcypresses, a spot ideal for picnic and rest. Fromhere, one can head on toward Franciscan monasterywith the church of Our Lady of Angel, accompanied bya museum and graveyard of Dubrovnic’s captains. DubrovnicRepublic built a monastery during the fifteenthcentury on that very strategic place from which PelješacChannel, town and island Korčula unfold themselves toa wonderful view. Also, several paths are leading fromhere toward the highest hill-top of the Peninsula, St. Elijah(961m) and on the west toward the oldest villages in thispart of Pelješac, Gornja i Donja Nakovani, with numerousarcheological findings near by.55

Gastro56Ribarske tajne “Uzorite”U “Uzoriti“ u svakom pogledu dominira načelo “prirodno koncentrirane kvalitete“.Prilikom uređenja prostora strogo se pazilo na odabir najboljih prirodnih materijalai jednostavan dizajn, isti je princip primijenjen i na kreiranje stalnog godišnjegmenijaPiše: Karla KovaèFoto: Filip Karlo Baraka

Unatoč čistim linijama i minimalizmu boja interijer “Uzorite“ nipošto nije strog/In spite its pure lines and minimal colours the interior of “Uzorita” is not rigid at allKad su se nekoć davno stari ribari s Kornata nakonnapornog dana vraćali kućama s ulovomi kušali svoj vjerojatno prvi obrok toga dana,nisu ni slutili da će baš njihova skromna kuhinjagodinama kasnije postati vrelom inspiracije generacijavrhunskih gurmana. Pritisnuti neimaštinom, kornatskitežaci svoj su obrok pripremali od najjednostavnijih namirnica.Osnova je bila riba, začinjena najčešće samosolju i maslinovim uljem. Pripremana samo s povrćem,u vodi ili na žaru, naizgled, ne ostavlja puno mjesta maštovitomkreiranju zahtjevnijih okusnih izazova. No, oniistančanijeg ukusa dobro znaju da je manje zapravoviše i prije svega cijene izvornu punoću okusa ogoljenenamirnice.Upravo takvi gurmanski pustolovi na svom putu premaiskonskome najradije svraćaju u restoran “Uzorita” u Šibeniku.Smješten je u srcu Jadrana, između povijesnihutvrda Sv. Ivan i Šubićevac, gdje već više od stotinu godinaodabrani gosti uvijek iznova otkrivaju slatke tajnestarih ribara.Jer, upravo su oni nadahnuli vlasnika treće generacije,gospodina Šimu Šupu dok je prije više desetljeća kreiraoneke od danas najpoznatijih “Uzoritinih” ribljih specijaliteta.Gosti mu, kaže, najčešće dolaze po preporuci. Riječje uglavnom o značajnim imenima iz poslovnog svijeta,a slučajni namjernici ovdje su rijetka pojava.S ponudom na jelovniku u potpunom je skladu i ambijent.Duh Kornata suvereno vlada svakim kutkom restorana“Uzorita“. Pokrenuta još 1898. godine, u početku jebila omiljeno izletište starih Šibenčana. Kućica sazdanaod ručno klesanog dalmatinskog kamena pod okriljemobitelji Šupe postepeno je prerasla u konobu, da bi prvekonture restorana dobila preuređenjem 1970-tih. Posljednjupreobrazu doživjela je prošle godine, kad su joj arhitektiTomislav Kroflin i Edita Geci dali moderno ruho, alii sačuvali tradiciju u interijeru.U prvom dijelu restorana uređenom poput klasične dalmatinskekonobe prevladavaju prirodni materijali, posebicekamen. Diskretna rasvjeta, rustikalni namještaj iklapska glazba su, naravno, neizbježni dio ugođaja. Tuprevladava donekle zimski ugođaj, pa je prilikom preuređenjaizgrađena ljetna terasa koja je od starog dijelarestorana odvojena kliznom staklenom stijenkom i natkrivenavinovom lozom. Tim potezom restoran je dobio57

Obitelj Šupe brine o svakom detalju/Family Šupe take care about every detail58dodatna mjesta i, naravno, dio primjereniji toplijem dijelugodine.Unatoč čistim linijama i minimalizmu boja interijer “Uzorite“nipošto nije strog. Škrtost i hladnoća koje ponekad viđamou moderno dizajniranim ambijentima nadvladanisu odmah u početku samim očuvanjem dalmatinskog“štiha“, tako da će se ovdje osim ljubitelja tradicije, jednakougodno osjećati i oni koji preferiraju moderno iujedno zaziru od kiča.Moglo bi se reći da u “Uzoriti“ u svakom pogledu dominiranačelo “prirodno koncentrirane kvalitete“. Naime,kako se prilikom uređenja prostora strogo pazilo na odabirnajboljih prirodnih materijala i jednostavan dizajn,isti je princip primijenjen i na kreiranje stalnog godišnjegmenija.Jednostavnost je, dakle, mjera svih stvari u tom malomsvemiru za sladokusce. U “Uzoriti“ nema brljanja po jelu,slijeganja ramenima, dosadnog otpuhivanja ili slučajnonekakvih ostataka na tanjuru. Ovdje se cijeni temeljitost.Jer, jedino ovdje možete kušati specijalitete kao štosu hladetina od hobotnice i školjki, koju Uzoritini kuharizačinjaju samo sa solju i paprom u zrnu, maslinovimuljem i vinskim octom. Mesne ražnjiće možete probatibilo gdje, no ražnjiće od plodova mora samo u “Uzoriti“.Kako školjke same nemaju naročit “karakter“, kažeŠime Šupe, treba ih garnirati pršutom i pancetom. Dalmatinskom,naravno. “Maništron“ od sipe, kao i onajod grdobine probat će rado ljubitelji pašte, a patlidžanepunjene škampima sladokusci skloniji eksperimentu.Šibenske dagnje nadaleko su poznate kao moćanafrodizijak. Punjene lignje, cipalj, lubin, orada, zubatac,škarpina, trilje, salpa, skuša, palamida – svo bogatstvohrvatskog podmorja naći ćete upravo u “Uzoritinoj” kuhinji.Kako bi svojim gostima osigurali najbolje i najsvježije odprirode, Šime Šupe i njegov sin Toni, koji posljednjih godinavodi restoran, višestruko su se potrudili. Već godinamaimaju vlastita uzgajališta ribe i školjaka, vinograde imaslinike. Uz dobru ribu ide kvalitetno vino, pa će vamu “Uzoriti” rado ponuditi vlastita vina od poznatih sortigrožđa Maraštine, Debita, Plavine i Babića. Tu je i neizbježnadomaća rakija.Nije stoga ni čudo što je u posljednjh trideset godina“Uzorita” osvojila više od 40 različitih nagrada i priznanja.Odavno je ušla u ediciju “100 najboljih hrvatskih restorana”,a zbog inovativne kuhinje svake godine odnosi peharena kulinarskim natjecanjima. Pitanje je samo kadće, na neizmjerno zadovoljstvo svojih gostiju, Šime Šupekreirati još novih delicija…

GastroPredivna ljetna terasa prekrivena vinovom lozom/Beautiful summer terace covered by vineFishermen’s Secretsof “Uzorita“It could be said that a principle of “naturally concentrated quality“dominates at “Uzorita“in every sense. Namely, as well as the attention has been strictly paid to choose the bestnatural materials and simple design, the same principle was applied in creating the permanentannual menuWritten by: Karla Kovaè Photo: Filip Karlo BarakaWhen fishermen of old used to come backhome from Kornati islands after a hardworking day bringing their catch and eatingtheir, probably, first meal of the day,they could not imagine that even their humble kitchenwill be in years to come a spring of inspiration of topgourmands. Oppressed by poverty, farm-labourersfrom Kornati prepared their meal of the simplest provisions.The very base was fish mostly seasoned only withsalt and olive oil. Cooked only with vegetables, boiledor grilled, looked like did not leave any room for imaginativecreation of more demanding taste challenges.But, those of subtler taste well know that the less is exactlythe more and primarily appreciate original fullnessof simple food taste.Gourmand adventurers who are like that, on their journeytowards rudimentary, gladly visit the restaurant“Uzorita“in Šibenik. It is situated in the heart of Adri-59

GastroPosljednju preobrazu doživjela je prošle godine, kad su joj arhitekti Tomislav Kroflin iEdita Geci dali moderno ruho/The last transformation occurred last year when architectsTomislav Kroflin and Edita Geci gave it a modern image60atic, between two historic fortresses of St. Ivan andŠubićevac, where over one hundred years chosenguests repeatedly discover sweet secrets of old fishermen.They had inspired the third generation owner, Mr. ŠimeŠupa, who several decades ago created some of themost known “Uzorita”‘s fish specialities. As he says hisguest are coming mostly by a recommendation and itis usually about well known names from business world;occasional chance guests are very rare.An ambience is in full accord with a menu. A spirit ofKornati supremely rules in every corner of the restaurant“Uzorita“. Founded back in 1898 at the beginningit was a favorite picnic destination of Šibenik people.A little house made of hand carved Dalmatian stoneunder the wing of Šupe family gradually developed ina wine-cellar and during seventies of the last centuryrenovated in the restaurant. The last transformation occurredlast year when architects Tomislav Kroflin andEdita Geci gave it a modern image but in the sametime kept a tradition within the interior.In the first part of the restaurant designed as the classicDalmatian wine-cellar, natural materials, especiallystone, dominate. Discrete lightning, rustic furniture and

Dalmatian harmony singing group music are, of course,inevitable part of an atmoshpere. Here we have aprevailing winter atmosphere so they built a summerterrace, which is from the restaurant’s older part separatedby gliding glass wall and covered by vine. In thatway, the restaurant got additional tables and desiredsummer part.In spite its pure lines and minimal colours the interiorof “Uzorita” is not rigid at all. Stinginess and coldness,sometimes seen in modern designed ambiences, areovercome at the very beginning through preservationof Dalmatian “touch”, so that here, along with all fansof tradition, those who prefer modern design and hatetrash will also feel cosy.It could be said that a principle of “naturally concentratedquality” dominates at “Uzorita” in every sense.Namely, as well as the attention has been strictly paidto choose the best natural materials and simple design,the same principle was applied in creating the permanentannual menu.Simplicity is, therefore, a measure of all things in thesmall connoisseur’s universe. At “Uzorita” there is no“massing over the plate”, shrugging of shoulders, boringsighing or possible leftovers on the plate. Here wehave an appreciation for thoroughness.Only here one could taste specialities as jelly of octopusand shelves, which are seasoned by the “Uzorita”’scooks only with salt and paper-corn, olive oil and winevinegar. Meat sticks you can eat anywhere but sticks ofsea food only at “Uzorita”. As shelves by themselves donot have a particular “character“, as Šime Šupe used tosay, they should be garnished by prosciutto and panceta(Dalmatian bacon), of course. “Maništron” of cuttle fishas well as of frog-fish will be gladly tasted by those wholike pasta and eggplants filled with shrimps by those wholike to experiment. Šibenik mussels are widely famous forbeing a powerful aphrodisiac. Filled squids, grey mullet,sea-bass, gilthead, dentex, grooper, surmullets, goldlin,mackerel, bonito – a whole richness of Croatian underseayou will find in the “Uzorita“‘s kitchen.In order to ensure for their guests the best and the mostfresh from the nature, Šime Šupe and his son Toni, whois for the last few years a head of the restaurant, put inmultiple efforts. For years they keep their own fish-farmfor fish and shelves, their own vineyards and olive trees. Agood fish is always accompanied by quality wine, thereforeat “Uzorita“ they will gladly offer their own wines ofwell known sorts of grapes Marastina, Debit, Plavina andBabić. And, of course, inevitable domestic brandy.There is hardly a surprise that for the last thirty years“Uzorita“ won more than forty various awards and recognitions.The restaurant is for a long time included inedition of “100 the best Croatian restaurants“, and dueto its innovative kitchen every year wins a jug on culinarycontests. It is only a question of time when Mr ŠimeŠupe will create more new delicacies...61

MotoPiše: Ivan MladinaPakleni fosilCaterham nikad nije ni pokušavao biti ništa drugo od onog u čemu je najbolji - čistokrvni,jedva prikriveni lakonogi trkač, sposoban teško posramiti gotovo bilo koji drugi sportskiautomobil na cestiOni koje interesiraju sportski automobili s dozomudobnosti i praktičnosti uopće ne moraju nastavitičitati ovaj članak.Oni koje interesiraju PRAVI sportski automobilineka nastave čitati.Godina je 1957. Legendarni konstruktor Colin Chapmanstvara još jedno svoje remek-djelo, Lotus Seven. Mali laganidvosjed sa sićušnim motorom imao je neugodnunaviku poraziti na papiru mnogo jače suparnike, na staziili na zavojitoj cesti, nije pravio razlike. Lakoća upravljanjai jednostavna izrada bile su mu najveće vrline.Tijekom godina, stekao je golemi krug obožavatelja, azbog svoje jednostavne konstrukcije, preko 90 kompanijai dan-danas proizvodi njegove replike.Godina je 2006. Lotus Seven je u međuvremenu promijenioime i sad se zove Caterham Seven, ali ubod njegovažalca i dalje isto peče vozače raznih skupocjenih sportskihautomobila. 49 godina konstantnog usavršavanjamodela, donijelo je njegovu najnoviju inačicu - CaterhamCSR.U čemu je tajna? Temeljne postavke Caterhama nisu nikadamijenjane. Mijenjali su se pogonski agregati, ovjesi,62ali nikada osnovni dizajn automobila i njegova laganai čvrsta gradnja. Caterham CSR teži minimalnih 570 kilograma.I premda brojka od 260 KS koju u jačoj verziji razvijaizvanredan Cosworthov 2,3-litreni četverocilindrašne djeluje dostojno istinskih superautomobila, uzevši uobzir ukupnu težinu CSR-a, u konačnici se dobije pravaadrenalinska bomba.Idiosinkratsko oblikovanje ne ostavlja puno mjesta kompromisima- Chapmanova bezvremenska skulptura nakotačima izgleda gotovo nepromijenjeno u odnosu naprvi model, nacrtan pred gotovo pet desetljeća na komadićusalvete. Ovaj automobil nije vježba iz retro-dizajna,on uistinu jest jedan od rijetkih živućih fosila autoindustrije. Cijeli automobil počiva na iznimno čvrstom cjevastomokviru. Dugačak nos, motor smješten iza prednjeosovine, kotači izvan karoserije, dva sjedala na stražnjojosovini, nepostojeći rep, komadić platna kao krov i to jemanje-više sve. Jedino staklo na automobilu je ono malenog,gotovo okomitog vjetrobrana. Vizualne promjenena CSR-u u odnosu na starije modele, ostale su ograničenena minimalne zahvate na prednjem kraju, tek tolikoda se poboljša aerodinamika pri velikim brzinama koje on

s lakoćom dostiže. Savršen raspored težine na osovine jeoduvijek bio važan sastojak okretnosti Caterhama. Snagamotora prenosi se na stražnje kotače preko vrhunskog6 - brzinskog mjenjača, a Caterham CSR je prošao i temeljitureviziju podvozja - straga je sad potpuno neovisansportski ovjes sa dvostrukim ramenima, a sprijeda je, upotrebljavajućirješenje iz Formule 1, postavljena push-rodjedinica skrivena unutar karoserije, što se pozitivno odraziloi na aerodinamiku. Unatoč naprednoj tehnologiji kojaprožimlje na prvi pogled antikno tijelo CSR-a, on je i daljeiskonski snagator, stvoren prvenstveno za utrke, a tek potomdonekle civiliziran za svakodnevnu uporabu.Teško da postoji ‘’muževniji’’ automobil od Caterhama.U svega 331 cm dužine i 110 cm visine smještena je pravatestosteronska bomba. Najprirodnije okružje CaterhamaCSR su zavojite ceste, gdje njegove savršene cestovneosobine najviše dolaze do izražaja. 3,1 sekunda do 100km/h i 250 km/h konačne brzine testiraju hrabrost svakogvozača. Buka koju proizvodi motor je zaglušujuća,kabinu preplavljuje cijeli spektar mirisa ceste, manijakalnameđuubrzanja prijete ozljedama vratne kralješnice.Pri kočenjima i brzim prolascima kroz zavoje postaje jasnozašto su u CSR ugrađeni sportski pojasevi na 4 točke- strašne sile koje pritom nastaju mogle bi neoprezne doslovcekatapultirati iz automobila.Motor Caterhama CSR je pravi dragulj tehnologije.Za osnovu je uzet Ford Duratec 2,3 litreni četverocilindraškoji je, uskom suradnjom Caterhama i Coswortha,specijalizirane tvrtke za trkaće strojeve prisutne i u F1,iz stroja koji se upotrebljava u običnim automobilimapretvoren u pravog monstruma. U cijelosti izrađen iz legure,s dva bregasta vratila u glavi, 16 - ventilac bezpomoći turbopunjača razvija specifičnu snagu od čak115 KS po litri obujma. Svoju maksimalnu snagu od 260KS razvija pri visokih 7500 o/min, a maksimalni okretnimoment od 271 Nm, sukladno sportskoj podešenostimotora, pri 6200 o/min. O beskompromisnoj namjenipogonskog stroja svjedoči i sustav suhog podmazivanja,upotrebljavan isključivo u automobilima ekstremnihperformansi.Teško je govoriti o komforu i svakodnevnoj praktičnostiu automobilu koji nema čak ni bočne prozore, osim dabi bilo zgodno njime provozati punicu, naprimjer. CaterhamCSR svom vozaču može pružiti najdivnije i najzastrašujućijetrenutke u životu, najčešće istovremeno.Fascinantan most između automobilske povijesti i budućnosti,Caterham nikad nije ni pokušavao biti ništa drugood onog u čemu je najbolji - čistokrvni, jedva prikrivenilakonogi trkač, sposoban teško posramiti gotovo bilokoji drugi sportski automobil na cesti. Jedinstven kakavjest, Caterham će uvijek pronaći put do srca i garažasvojih imućnih ljubitelja.63

MotoA Fossil From HellWritten by: Ivan MladinaCaterham never even tried to do anything else than what he does best - a thoroughbred,thinly-veiled, light-footed racer, capable of heavily embarrassing almost any sports caron the roadThose interested in sports cars with at least a touchof comfort and a potential for everyday use, mightas well skip this article. Those interested in REALsports cars, please, stay with us.The year is 1957. Legendary constructor Colin Chapmancreates another masterpiece, the Lotus Seven. A smalllightweight two-seater with a tiny engine, had a nastyhabit of defeating by specification much stronger opponents,on the road or track, it didn’t make a diference.Easy road-handling and the simplicity of constructionwere its greatest virtues. Over the years, Lotus Sevengained a huge fan base, and due to its simple construction,over 90 companies build its replicas even today.The year is 2006. Lotus Seven has, in the meantime,changed its name into Caterham Seven, but its stinghurts today’s drivers of different sports cars just the same.49 years of constant model improvement has broughtthe latest iteration - Caterham CSR.What is the secret? The basic layout of Caterham hasnever changed. Engines changed, suspensions changed,but never the lightweight, tough build. Caterham64CSR weighs mere 570 kilograms. And though 260 horsepowers,developed in the more powerful version by thebrilliant 2,3 - litre, 4 - cylinder Cosworth engine, may notsound worthy of a true supercar, taking Caterham’s weightinto account, you get a true adrenaline bomb.Idiosyncratic shape leaves no room for compromise -Chapman’s timeless sculpture on wheels looks almostunchanged, compared to the original model scribbledon a napkin almost five decades ago. This car is no mereexercise in retro-design, it is one of the prescious few remainingliving fossils of the automotive industry.The car resides upon a very tough tube framework. Longsnout, engine placed behind the front axle, wheels positionedoutside the chassis, two seats above the rearaxle, the non-existing tail, piece of rag as a roof - antthat’s about it. The only glass surface on the car is thatof a small, almost vertical windshield.Visual changes on the CSR, in regard to the older models,were limited to minor adjustments on the front end,only to improve aerodynamics at high speed this car soeasily achieves. Perfect weight distribution on both axles

has always been an important ingredient of the Caterham’sagility. Engine’s power is transferred to the rearwheels via top-notch 6-speed gearbox, and the CSRunderwent a major suspension treatment - at the rearis fully independent double wishbone suspension, andath the front is the F1-style inbord push-rod unit that alsopositively affects the aerodynamics of the car.Despite the advanced technology that impregnatesthis, just on the first glance vintage body of the CSR, heremains a true brute, primarily designed for racing, andthen somewhat civilised for everyday use.It is hard to find a more ‘’masculine’’ car than Caterham.A testosterone bomb bottled in mere 331 centimeters oflength and 110 centimeters of height, its natural habitatare winding roads, where CSR’s perfect road-handlingabilities are demonstrated to the extreme. 0-100 km/hacceleration of 3,1 seconds and top speed of 250 km/h,are a test for any driver’s courage. The noise CSR producesis deafening, with its cabin engulfed in the wholespectre of smells of the road, while maniacal accelerationsthreaten to injure the cervical spine. During brakingand high-speed cornering it becomes clear why the CSRcomes equipped with sport 4-point seatbelts - unearthlycentrifugal forces at work might actually catapult thecareless ones out of the car.Caterham CSR’s engine is a jewel of technology. Itsbase is a Ford Duratec 2,3-litre, 4-cylinder engine usedin normal cars, but transformed into a true monster throughclose collaboration of Caterham and Cosworth, aspecialized manufacturer of racing engines, also presentin the F1 racing. All-alloy, twin-cam, 16-valve enginewithout the aid of a turbocharger, has a specificpower output of enormous 115 horsepowers per litre. Itchurns out its maximum 260 HP at high 7500 rpm and,according with its racing nature, gives 271 Nm of torqueat 6200 rpm. The fact it uses dry sump, commonly usedon high-performance engines, only confirms its uncompromisingpurpose.It is hard to speak of comfort and everyday use on acar that doesn’t even have side windows, except thatit might be neat to take your mother-in-law for a spin,maybe. Caterham CSR is capable of providing its driverwith the most beautiful and the most terrifying momentsof his life, usually simultaneously. A fascinating bridgebetween automotive history and future, Caterham nevereven tried to do anything else than what he doesbest - a thoroughbred, thinly-veiled, light-footed racer,capable of heavily embarrassing almost any sports caron the road. Unique as it is, Caterham will always find itsway to the hearts and garages of its wealthy fans.65

Fine stvariBrz kao Formula 1Prošle je godine premijeru doživio Acer Ferrari4000, prestižni prijenosnik odjenut u kućište odkarbona, istoga materijala kao “bratski” mu bolid.Za razliku od prethodnika ACER Ferrari nije bioobojen u Ferrarijevu crvenu nego u crnu boju.Njegov damski nasljednik zove se Acer Ferrari1000, ima 12-inčni ekran, lagan je kao perce(1.7 kg) i ima svu silu futurističkih dodataka.I stoji oko 4000 USD...Kako još nije u prodaji uHrvatskoj, ni slavni prethodnikna slici nije “za baciti”(oko 16 000 kn).85-karatna svjetlost“Nepogrešivo Bulgari” - tako novu kolekcijuParentesi, nastalu na temelju legendarnogBulgarijeva uzorka iz ‘70-tih (inspiriranogstarorimskim popločanjima), predstavljajunjegovi tvorci. Svakodnevna nosivost s okusomistinskog luksuza, diskretan logo, čistoćaelemenata... epiteti su kojikrase ogrlicu i prsten naslici. A ogrlica od bijelogazlata je ukrašena s85 karata dijamanata.“Čiste svjetlosti”,kažu u Bulgariju...(cijena na upit).As fastAs Formula 1Acer Ferrari 4000 had its premierelast year. The notebookdressed in carbon case, the samematerial used for its “fraternal”racing car. Unlike its precursor,Acer Ferrari was not coloured Ferrari’straditional red but black. Its ladysuccessor is called Acer Ferrari 1000,with 12-inch screen, light as feather(1.7 kg) and with numerous futuristic accessories.And it costs 4000 USD… Since it stillcan not be bought in Croatia, its precursor in thepicture is not that bad at all (around 16 000 kn).85-carat light“Infallibly Bulgari” – this is how the new collection Parentesi,modelled after the legendary Bulgari pattern from the 1970s(inspired by ancient Roman paving), has been presentedby its de- signers. For everyday use with the touch ofluxury, discrete logo, the purity of elements…these are only some of the epithets thatembellish the necklace and the ring in thepicture. The white gold necklace is ornatewith 85-carat diamonds.“Of pure light”, as they say at Bulgari… (price oninquiry)Kuæica za ljubimcaVaš novi najbolji prijatelj zove se iPod i posvaku mu cijenu želite ugoditi? Smjestitega u JBL On Time, novi dom koji će,osim iPodu, dobro doći i vama, jer jeopremljen izvrsnim JBL-ovim zvučnicima,radijem, satom i alarmom, tesavršenim navigacijskim uređajemkoji pamti sve vaše “settinge”.Da ne zaboravimo: preko JBL OnTimea možete iPod povezivati skompjuterom, puniti ga, a čaki kad nema struje, On Time vaszbog svog akumulatora nećeiznevjeriti. Za ovako ingenioznu“mašinicu” neće biti teško izdvojiti niprotuvrijednost od 250 USD.A Little Housefor your PetYour new best friend is iPod and you wantto humour it no matter the cost? Place itin the JBL On Time, a new home that willcome in handy not only to iPod butto you as well since it is equippedwith excellent JBL loudspeakers,radio, watch, alarm and perfectnavigation device which memorizesall your settings. Do notforget that you can connectyour iPod to computer via JBLOn Time, charge it, even whenthe power is gone. On Time willnot let you down thanks to itspowerful battery.It won’t be that hard to pay250 USD in counter value for thisingenious little “machine”, will it?67

Porscheova“oštrica za sve”Tko god da je rekao da su male stvarivrijedne stvari, mora da je mislio nadžepni nožić s “etiketom” PorscheDesigna i nepogrešivom Wengerovomizradom. Aerodinamične linije,svilenkast na dodir, ovaj luksuznikomad multifunkcijskog alata bit ćenezamjenjiv za ljubitelje kubanskihcigara na kampiranju (jer jeopremljen rezačem cigara),ekskluzivne kućne majstore(zbog pripadajućeg odvijača),a drugi pogled otkrivai otvarač za konzerve i vina,set za uređivanje noktiju i veliku oštricu(za nedajbože). A sa svojih 85 milimetara,smješten u luksuznoj kutiji, stane i u najmanji pretinacnajmanjeg Porschea.LuxuriesPorsche’smultifunction bladeWhoever said that small things arevaluable, it must have thought of thepocket knife with Porsche Design labeland Wenger’s impeccable manufacture.Aerodynamic lines, silky at touch,this luxurious piece of multifunctional toolwill be irreplaceable for the lovers of theCuban cigars when camping (because ithas cigar trimmer), for exclusive repairmen(it has a screwdriver). You’ll also discover atin opener and corkscrew for wine, manicureset and big blade (just in case). And with its 85mm, placed in a luxurious box, it fits in the smallestdrawer of the smallest Porsche.Samo za odabrane!U travnju podružnica podružnicaNokie, pod nazivom Vertu predstavilaje, u svijetu, prvi luksuzni mobilni telefon.Vertuov Ascent postao je popularanmeđu slavnima - Gwyneth Paltrow, Madonna,Tom Ford i David Beckham, svi gaoni imaju– premda je za obične smrtnike,čak i one koji voze Mercedes i posjedujuplazma TV, cijena (od 5.750 do 26.550 $)zastrašujuća.Izrađen je od keramike, nehrđajućeg čelikai postojane legure poznate kao tekući metal(Liquidmetal), dorađen ručno šivanom kožomi sučelja od safirnog kristala, materijala posvojoj čvrstoći odmah iza dijamanta.Only for exquisite ones!In April, a Nokia subsidiary called Vertu introducedthe world’s first luxury cell phone. The Vertu Ascentbecame popular with celebs — Gwyneth Paltrow,Madonna, Tom Ford and David Beckham all ownthem — but for more mortals, even ones whodrive Mercedes-Benzes and own plasma TVs, theprice tag (from 5,750 to $26,550) could be daunting.It’s made of ceramic, stainless steel and adurable alloy called Liquidmetal, finished withhand-sewn leather and a screen of sapphirecrystal, a material second only to diamond inhardness.Diskrecija zajamèenaZamislite LCD ekran s dijagonalom od 80cm koji se bešumno spušta u seksi kućište,zapravo audio jedinicu s DVD/CD/SA-CD playerom, digitalnim pojačalom inajkvalitetnijim zvučnicima, a sve skupaizgleda kao vrlo, vrlo dobar i diskretankomad namještaja... Sistem se zoveTAV-L1, izmislili su ga u Sonyju, a za vaškućni zabavni centar možete čak biratii boju: crnu, srebrnu, zelenu, sivu, bordo,narančastu... Kad se najesen TAV-L1pojavi u trgovinama, koštat će oko 4000USD. Kalkulatore u ruke!Pripremila / Edited by: Tanja JakovèevDiscretionguaranteedImagine the LCD screen with a diagonalof 80 cm that silently slips downin the sexy box, actually an audiounit with DVD/CD/SACD player,digital amplifier and the top qualityloudspeakers, all looking like avery, very good and discrete pieceof furniture… The system is calledTAV-L1, it has been invented by Sonyand you can even chose the colourof your home entertainment centre:black, silver, green, grey, purple, andorange… When it becomes availablein the store in fall, its cost will be 4000USD. Start calculating!69

Dodir umjetnostiOdijela s dušom nahrvatski naèin“Najlipši veštit na svitu” s etiketom “Izvorno hrvatsko” djelo je trogirskog majstora Borisa Burićakoji je, poštivajući osnovnu ljudsku potrebu da bude nesputan, stvorio unikatna odijela savršeneizrade koja će ostaviti bez daha i najzahtjevnije ljubitelje modePiše: Ivana VolèanšekGena - Moda Croatica originalna su odijelamodernih linija koje imaju dušu, životnost inotu dostojanstva, a nenametljivim detaljimaiz starine stvaraju osobiti stil visoke modeodijevanja. Iza ovih vrhunskih kreacija krije se dugogodišnjirad Trogiranina Borisa Burića koji je uspio stvoriti linijuodijevanja za muškace pronašavši inspiraciju i ljepotu utradicionalnom građanskom odijelu 19. stoljeća. Odijelatakvog kroja spojena u vrhunska modna dostignućaizrađuju se isključivo po narudžbi i mjeri, sa srcem i velikimzanatskim umijećem.Kako se razvila vaša ljubav prema modi i dizajnu?- Sve je počelo prije 34 godine. U mojoj obitelji se držalodo odijevanja i mode. Stari Trogirani su za mog pradjedagovorili da mu je više vrijedila kabanica, nego Segeti Vranjica. Očito se volio lijepo oblačiti. Moj pokojni otacje bio vrsni stolar i ja sam želio biti stolar. Volim miris drvai volim stvarati svojim rukama, no na moju sreću prije tridesetakgodina na škveru je prestala potreba za zanatlijama- stolarima. Onda sam se ja, po instinktu, odlučioškolovati za krojača jer se kao i moj pradjed volim lijepoobući, a konfekcija mi nikada nije pristajala.Kako je nastala modna marka Gena?- Sa šesnaest godina napravio sam svoje prvo odijelo,70bez da mi je itko pokazao. Ukrao sam mami plahtu izormara i tada je nastao moj prvi komplet – hlače, košuljai jakna. Kad sam ga obukao svi su me pitali gdjesam ga kupio i nisu vjerovali kada bih im rekao da samga sam sašio. Nažalost, danas više nemam to odijelo.No, vrlo brzo sam shvatio u koju sam “kašetu brokava”upao i koliko je teško biti krojač. Moj prijatelj, povjesničarumjetnosti, kaže da je teže biti krojač nego kipar jerkrojač mora zadovoljiti i oblik, i formu, i proporcije i estetiku.Treba znati napraviti odijelo koje će biti udobno, alii estetski lijepo.Čini li odijelo čovjeka?- Blizak sam narodnoj mudrosti da “odijelo ne čini čovjeka”,ali isto tako tvrdim da slika govori tisuću jezika. Kadvas netko vidi, taj vas vidi kao sliku preko koje ostavljatedojam vaše osobnosti. Zato je odijelo važno!Ostavljaju li vaša odijela snažan dojam?- Držim da moja odijela imaju moć. To mogu reći jer svakidan vidim i osjećam njihovu moć, gledajući i slušajućireakcije drugih ljudi. Bez obzira koliko čovjek držao dokulture odijevanja, pa taman da je totalno nezainteresiranza modu, kada ugleda moje odijelo na nekomeodmjerit će ga od glave do pete s respektom. Vidjetće nešto posebno, a u biti vrlo jednostavno. Zapazit će

nenametljiv detalj iz starine koji ima dušu, životnost i notudostojanstva zahvaljujući čistim linijama.Što vas je nadahnulo da potražite inspiraciju u građanskimodijelima starima nekoliko stotina godina?- Sa starim građanskim odijelom prvi put sam se susreo prijedvadeset i osam godina kada je klapa Trogir željela daim napravim odijela za nastupe poput onih kakva su nosilinjihovi djedovi. Željeli su pjevati u tim starim odijelima.Dok sam radio njihova odijela, toliko su mi se svidjela dasam, iz gušta, napravio jedno sebi. Taj gušt je trajao punihpetnaest godina i svih tih godina sam se lijepo osjećao u“starom” odijelu. Kada bih ga nosio, ljudi su komentiralikako je lijepo, ali nitko nije sebi naručio jedno, već su svi idalje kupovali klasična svečana odijela.No, danas je situacija drugačija...- Unazad desetak godina ljudi su prepoznali ljepotu starihodijela. Na proslavi 1700 godina grada Splita održavalase modna revija na kojoj sam predstavio kolekcijustarih građanskih odijela. Tada sam stari splitski “veštit”oživio novim modernim licem s dušom. Ove jeseni će sena neki način nastaviti ta prezentacija, ali ovaj put trajnogkaraktera. U Splitu, u Marulićevoj 6, bit će otvorenamoja stalna izložba “Hrvatskog odijela”.Po čemu se vaša odijela razlikuju od ostalih klasičnihodijela?- Sve što radim je novo u svijetu mode, no uvijek pazimda je prisutna osnovna starinska nota. Igram se čistomlinijom koja nije sirova, koja se lomi i pada pod kutevimai tako stvaram svjetlo i sjenu. Linija prestaje biti statična,a moja odijela postaju živa. Presjekavši liniju po okomici,što je presedan, usuđujem se, u šali, reći da sam napravio“najlipši veštit na svitu”, ali ja to i skroz ozbiljno mislimjer gledajući estetski kriterij jednostavnosti, čistoće, a samimtime i ljepote, onda je s najmanje elementa postignutonajviše. Barem kad je o odijelu riječ.Kako nastaju vaša odijela?- Osjećam veliku odgovornost prema ljudima koji dolazepo moja odijela. Ljudima trebate dati maksimum jerako im nešto prodate skuplje nego što vrijedi, vrijeđatenjihovo dostojanstvo, a onda niste ni meštar, ni trgovac.Kada uzimam mjere, svakoga pitam za koju priliku naručujeodijelo, čemu je sklon i čime se bavi. Tek tada,sa svim podacima i osobnom željom naručitelja, mogu,zahvaljujući iskustvu, dati savjet kakvo bi odijelo nekomenajbolje pristajalo.Može li se onda reći da je svako vaše odijelo unikatno?- Moja odijela se rade isključivo po narudžbi i mjeri s najvećimzanatskim umijećem i ona su unikati. Konfekcijaje uništila zanat krojača, a ja sa svojom “nenormalnom”vjerom u sebe znam da se pošteni rad mora jednogdana nagraditi.Koliko traje izrada jednog vašeg odijela?- Sve što radim, radim kontra logike današnjeg poslovanjajer se konfekcijsko odijelo izrađuje dva sata, a zamoje je potrebno šezdeset sati rada. Omjer cijene je 2:1za moje odijelo u odnosu na konfekciju.Od čega se sastoji svako odijelo?71

- Sastoji se od sakoa s ručno izađenim svilenim lamarima,prslukom s izrađenim filigranskim dugmetima, košuljomsa srebrnim filigranskim dugmetima, hlačama podstavljenimaviskozom, s dva pojasa i maramicom s uzorkomstarohrvatske glagoljice, te svečanom kravatom-maramoms pripadajućom ukrasnom maramicom. Svakoodijelo omogućuje kreiranje pet različitih kombinacijaod jednostavnog, dnevnog casual odijela do svečanogsmoking odijela. U svim prilikama bit ćete dorečeni dokraja. Ništa više i ništa manje.Tko najviše kupuje vaša odijela?- Poslovni ljudi koji drže do svog posla i do svojih klijenata,za sebe i kao poklone poslovnim partnerima, mladi zavjenčanja, zreliji ljudi jer se u njima osjećaju posebno, kupujuse i odijela za rođendane, diplome i ostale prigode.Napravio sam odijela koja su ispred svog vremena jerjedno odijelo može istovremeno biti svečano i dnevnonošeno s običnom majicom. Odijela stara preko tristogodina postala su “čudan” spoj jučer, danas i sutra.I stranci su prepoznali ljepotu vaših kreacija...- Stranci kupuju moja odijela. Uglavnom zbog razlogazbog kojih i naši ljudi. Ljepota je univerzalna. Međutim,“gušt“ je vidjeti stranca koji se diči hrvatskim odijelom. Amnogi su među njima uglednici svjetskog glasa.Jesu li ljudi prepoznali kvalitetu i ljepotu “izvornog hrvatskog”?72- Naravno, no nije bilo lako stvoriti reputaciju. Dvadeseti pet godina sam je stvarao, a ona se može srušiti u polagodine. Odijela Gena zaštićena su u Zavodu za intelektualnovlasništvo i nose znak Izvorno hrvatsko.Možemo li reći da je vaš rad revolucija u svijetu mode?- Nisam siguran da li je to pravi termin, jer revolucija pretpostavljai destrukciju. Ali ako mislite na inovativnost,uvjeren sam da su moja odijela revolucionarna jer se odtridesetih godina prošlog stoljeća u modnoj industriji vrtemilijarde eura, a nitko nije uspio u muškoj modi napravitiznačajniji pomak. Moja odijela su drugačija izgledom inačinom nošenja, ali uvijek imaju određenu dozu ozbiljnosti.Moda mi ne može ništa, ona je prevrtljiva i stalno semijenja. Ovo što ja radim nije moda, već umjetnost kojaje trajna. Napravio sam odijelo za sve prigode, o kvalitetineću ni govoriti, no tko god obuče moje odijelo moj jemenadžer. Moja vizija je da su ova odijela osuđena nauspjeh jer ne mogu izaći iz mode. Svih trideset i pet godinaradim iznad svojih mogućnosti, uz krajnji napor, uvijeku želji da pružim maksimum onom tko mi je iskazaopovjerenje jer sam shvatio da ljudi dolaze kod mene poodijelo ne zbog prestiža, ekstravagancije ili luksuza, negozbog zova kvalitete i duše. Ljudi se identificiraju s mojimodijelom jer ga osjećaju kao dio vlastite tradicije. Najvećikompliment za svoj rad dobio sam od jedne profesoricekoja mi je poklonila vješalicu na kojoj je pisalo – non plusultra. I tada mi je objasnila – maksimum mogućeg – to jevaše odijelo! Dakle, maksimum mogućeg!

Touch of artSuits with a soul in theCroatian way“The finest suit in the world“ bearing a label of “Originally Croatian“ is a work ofTrogir’s craftsman Boris Burić who, respecting the basic human need to be unrestrained,created original suits, perfectly made, which would leave breathless eventhe most demanding fashion fansWritten by: Ivana VolèanšekGena - Fashion Croatica stands for originalsuits of modern lines that have a soul, vitalityand a note of dignity, and together with discreetdetails emerging from the past makea particular style of high fashion clothing. Behind thistop creation a long-time work of Trogirian Boris Burićis hidden; a man who succeeded to create a man’sclothing style finding an inspiration and beauty in a traditionalmiddle class suit from 19th century.Perfectly made suits of labourer’s design joined withthe top fashion achievements are produced exclusivelyaccording to a placed order and measure, withall heart and great artisan’s skilfulness.How did your love for fashion and design develop?- Everything happened 34 years ago. My family hasalways appreciated good clothing and fashion. OldTrogirians used to say about my great grandfather thatfor him his rain coat had a greater value than placesSeget and Vranjica together. Obviously, he liked to bewell dressed. My late father was skilful carpenter andI, also, wanted to be one. I enjoyed the smell of woodand I liked to make things by my hands, but fortunatelyfor me, thirty or so years ago a need for craftsmen thatis carpenters ceased to exist at the shipyard. Than I, in-stinctively, decided to become a tailor because sameas my great grandfather I liked to be well dressed andready-made clothes never suited me.How did fashion brand Gena become?- When I was sixteen I made my first suit, without anyhelp from outside. I stole my mother’s sheet from a cupboardand made my first set – trousers, shirt and jacket.When I dressed it everyone asked me where did I buy itand didn’t believe me that I had sewed it up by myself.Unfortunately, I haven’t that suit any more. Thirty fiveyears has been past since and I use to say that I am fiftyyears old but working for sixty years already. Very soon Ifully understood what a “happy thing” had happenedto me and how hard was to be a tailor. A friend of mine,an art historian, said that it was harder to be a tailorthan a sculptor because the tailor had to meet a shapeas well as the form, proportion as well as aesthetic. Oneshould know how to make a suit that will be comfortableand in the same time aesthetically fine.Does the suit make a man?- A popular saying that “a suit does not make a man“is close to my understanding, but in the same time Iwould claim that a picture speaks thousand words.73

When somebody is looking at you he perceives you asa picture which shows an impression of your personality.That is why the suit is so important.Are your suits making a strong impression?- My suits have a power. I can say this because I see andfeel their power every day, watching and listening reactionsof other people. Nevertheless the fact how much aman considers the culture of dressing important or evenif he is completely indifferent to the fashion, when hesees somebody wearing my suit he will measure him fromthe top of his head to the top of his toes with all respect.He will see something special, and still very simple. Hewill notice a discreet detail from the past that has a soul,vitality and note of dignity due to its pure lines.What did provoke you to look for an inspiration in themiddle class suits several hundreds of years old?- I met old middle class suits twenty eight years ago whenTrogir’s Dalmatian harmony-singing group wanted me tomake for their performance suits like their grandfathersused to wear. They wanted to sing in such old suits. WhileI was working on their suits I started to like them so muchthat I, from sheer pleasure, made one for myself. Thatpleasure lasted for fifteen years during which I felt reallynice in that “old“ suit. When I wore it people would saythat it was very nice, but nevertheless did not order anyfor them, but continued to buy classic evening suits.But, today is different...- Around ten years ago people recognized a beauty ofold suits. At the celebration of 1700 years of town Split therewere a fashion show on which I had displayed a collection74of old middle class suits. Than, I revitalised old Split’s suit bynew modern look with soul. The presentation will continuein some way this automn, but this time will have a permanentcharacter. “A Croatian Suit”, my permanent exhibitionwill be open in Split, Marka Marulića Street 6.What is the difference between your suits and classicready-made suits?- All what I am doing is new in the fashion world, but I amalways careful that the basic old pattern should remain. Iam playing with pure line, which is not rude, but is diffractedand falling down in angles and so creating effects oflight and shadow. The line ceased to be static, and mysuits become alive. By cutting the line along the vertical, Idare to say, for fun sake, that I made “the finest garmentin the world“, but, for real, I do think it seriously because ifwe have an aesthetical criteria of simplicity, purity and byit beauty, then it is with a minimum of elements achievedthe maximum; at least, regarding a suit.How do your suits actually come to be?- I feel great responsibility towards men who are comingfor a suit. You should give people your maximum becauseif you sell them something more expensive than itis worth, than you offend their dignity, what makes youneither the artisan nor tradesman. While measuring aman, I always ask what is the occasion he is ordering thesuit for, what are his preferences and what he is doingfor life? Only than, knowing all information and client’spersonal desire, I am able, through my experience, toadvise what suit would be exactly right for him.May it be said, than, that each of your suits was unique?

Touch of art- My suits are made exclusively according to the placedorder and measure with the utmost artisan’s skills andthey are truly unique. Ready-mades cause a destructionof tailor’s craft, and I, with my “abnormal“ faith in myself,know that an honest work must be awarded some day.How much time do you spend in making one suit?- Everything what I am doing is contrary to a nowadaysbusiness logic because a production of ready-made suittakes only two working hours, and the production of mysuit takes 60 working hours. A price proportion is 2:1 infavour of my suit related to the ready-mades.What is your suit composed of?- The suit is composed of a jacket with handmade silk frogs,vest with filigree made buttons, shirt with filigree madesilver buttons, trousers with viscose lining, two belts anda handkerchief with a pattern of early Croatian alphabetand evening tie – a neckerchief accompanied withdecorative handkerchief. Each suits enables creation offive different combinations from simple daily, casual suitto evening tuxedo. In each possible occasion one whowears it will be explicit; nothing more nothing less.Who are your clients mostly?Mostly business people who highly esteem their jobs andtheir clients, for themselves as well as a gift to their businesspartners.Young people are buying the suits for weddings, whilemore mature men buy suits for business trips. Also, forbirthdays, graduation and other occasions. I have madesuits ahead of the time because one suit may be in thesame time an evening garment as well as a suit for dailypurposes worn with ordinary T-shirt. Suits, three hundredyears old, became an “awkward“ mixture of yesterday,today and tomorrow.Even foreigners did recognize a beauty of your creations...- Foreigners are buying my suits mostly due to the samereasons as our people. The beauty is universal. But, it isa special pleasure to see a foreigner proudly wearinga Croatian suit. And many among them are dignitariesknown all over the world.Did people recognize a quality and beauty of “OriginallyCroatian“?- Of course, but it was not easy to establish a reputation.For twenty five years I have been working on it, but it maybe destroyed in six months. Gena suits are protected underthe State Office for Intellectual Property of the Republicof Croatia bearing a brand of “Originally Croatian“.Could we say that your suits are a kind of revolutionwithin the fashion world?- I am not so sure if it is a rightly used term because therevolution includes destruction. But if you meant inovativenessI am convinced that my suits are revolutionarydue to the fact that from thirties of last century in thefashion industry millions of Euros are circulating, but nonesucceeded to make a new move in the fashion for men.My suits are different regarding their image and style ofwearing, always keeping a certain dose of seriousness.The fashion can’t do anything to me, because it is by itselffickle all the time, always changing. My work is not fashionbut an art that endures. I have made a suit for all occasions,not mention the quality. Anyone who wears my suitis my manager. My vision is that my suits are predicted tobe successful because they can’t stop being modern.During all these thirty five years I am working over myown potentiality, under the utmost effort, always wantingto give maximum to one who put his trust in me,and especially now when I am claiming to do the topfashion. I do understand that people are coming to geta suit not because of prestige, extravagance or luxurybut due to the simple call of quality and soul. Men areidentified with my suit because they feel it like a part oftheir tradition. The greatest compliment for my work I gotfrom a lady professor that gave me a gift, one hangerbearing a title – none plus ultra. Than she explained tome – the uttermost point – that is your suit! Therefore, theuttermost point!75

Dom snovaPiše: Ivan MladinaFoto: Robert LešSuptilna kolekcijaTehnološke blagodati i ergonomski trijumfi suvremenog društva ovdje se isprepliću s tradicionalnomosnovom kao svojim okvirom i polaznom temom76

Dom poznatog zagebačkog arhitekta je tipičnadonjegradska urbana villa izgrađena izmeđudva svjetska rata, neupadljive ali skladne i ugodnevanjštine uređene u blago historicističkomstilu koji je tih godina već počeo uzmicati pred nadolazećimkonceptima Moderne. Prostorna organizacijastana, sa sobama s enfiladom, te karakterističnim erkeromu glavnoj sobi, tipičan je za kontekst zagrebačkestambene arhitekture toga vremena.Obzirom da se zgrada nalazi u povijesno zaštićenoj zoni,izmjene na pročelju nisu dolazile u obzir, te se autorusmjerio na prilagođavanje zastarjele unutrašnjosti stanazahtjevima današnjeg vremena.Odlučio se na konstrukcijski minimalno invazivnu varijantuadaptacije stana, kako zbog kompleksne strukturezgrade, tako i zbog želje za očuvanjem enfilade i općegpovijesno-prostornog konteksta reprezentativnih sobana uličnoj strani. Većina ozbiljnijih zahvata tako se odnosilana pomoćne prostorije okrenute ka dvorištu.Zadržana je jasna hijerarhijska podjela prostora prostranimulaznim hodnikom, gdje su dnevni boravak, prostorknjižnice i slušaonice, te prostor spavaće sobe povezanienfiladom u logičnu cjelinu, dok su sanitarni čvorovii kuhinja s gospodarstvom zadržani na svojim približnimizvornim pozicijama, orijentirani prema dvorištu. Zanimljivoje rješenje postavljanje gospodarstvenog dijela stana,s perilicom, sušilicom i ostalom opremom u ugrađeniprostor u sklopu kuhinje i blagovanja, odijeljen velikomkliznom stijenom. Ne samo da je to rješenje opravdanofunkcijskom prednošću lakog pristupa dvorišnom balkonu,nego je smještaj uređaja i ostale opreme u gospodarstvenidio kuhinje omogućio autoru veću slobodu priprojektiranju sanitarnih čvorova.Veliki, čisti prostori glavnih soba u svojoj suštini su jedno-77

stavnog izričaja. Rizik od ‘’hladnoće’’ tako velikih i visokihprostora izbjegnut je promišljenim odabirom parketai namještaja. Zidovi obojani jednostavnom bijelom bojomi jasenov parket svijetlih i toplih tonova provučengotovo kroz cijeli stan, predstavljaju diskretnu pozornicuza ukusnu zbirku kultnih dizajnerskih komada namještaja,inteligentno odabranih i raspoređenih sukladno namjenipojedinih prostorija. Klasične zavjese i tepisi nisu bili potrebnijer bi remetili koncept uređenja stana koji vještobalansira na tromeđi lucidnog osmišljanja prostora, opuštenetopline doma i gotovo apstraktne sterilnosti ukroćenedomišljatim prostornim akcentima, u svakom trenutkuiznenađujući nekim novim skrivenim detaljem kojiiskače iz nenametljive pozadine. Počevši od skrivenihklima uređaja, preko vještog preplitanja rijetkih antiknihkomada opreme stana s onim najnovijima, do inventivnogiskorištavanja svih mogućih udubljenja u debelimzidovima, ovaj stan pokazuje silnu pažnju prema detalju78u projektiranju i izvedbi. Svaki sanitarni čvor je opremljensanitarnom opremom jednog poznatog dizajnera ili arhitekta,i projektiran je otpočetka upravo za specifičnekomade ugrađene opreme.Podne obloge balkona od bogato teksturiranih ariševihdasaka konzekventno provode stremljenje ka stvaranjučim ugodnijeg i toplijeg prostora i s vanjske stranezidova.Ovaj stan opčinjava inteligencijom kojom je arhitekt reagiraona potencijalni problem pretjerane superpozicijeoblikovnih motiva. Prostrani i visoki prostori neutraliziranibijelim zidovima i parketom nenametljive teksture,ispunjeni mudrim i niti u jednom trenutku nepromišljenimili nametljivim detaljima, pokazni su primjer prostoraugodnog urbanog stanovanja. Tehnološke blagodati iergonomski trijumfi suvremenog društva ovdje se ispreplićus tradicionalnom osnovom kao svojim okvirom iishodištem.

Dream homeA Subtle CollectionTechnological benefits and ergonomic triumphs of contemporary society here are interlaced withtraditional base as their framework and initial themeWritten by: Ivan MladinaPhoto: Robert LešAhome of well known Zagreb’s architect is typicaldowntown urban villa built between twoworld wars, inconspicuous but still of harmonicand pleasant appearance set up in mild historicalstyle, which already started to withdraw from newlycoming concepts of Modern age. The apartment’s spaceorganisation, with rooms equipped with enfilada andcharacteristic orielwindow in the main room, is typicalwithin the context of Zagreb’s apartment architectureof that time.Regarding that the building is situated in historically protectedzone changes on the front could not be included,so the author focused on adjustment of obsoleteapartment’s interior to demands of present times.In the sense of construction he decided to perform aminimal invasive version of apartment renovation, as fora complex structure of the building so for his desire topreserve enfilada and historical-zoning context of representativerooms on the street side. A majority of moreserious impact was related to accessory rooms lookingtoward the courtyard.It has been kept a clear hierarchy division of a space bya spacious hallway where the living room, library andhearing room, as well as the bedroom are connectedby enfilada in a logic unity, while bathrooms and thekitchen with economy part remained on their originalpositions, oriented toward the courtyard.It is interesting solution of setting up an economy part ofthe apartment with washing machine, drying machineand other appliances installed in a space in the complex79

of kitchen and dinning room, put apart by large glidingwall. Not only that this solution is approved by functionaladvantage of easy approach to the courtyard’s balconybut also a settlement of appliances and other equipmentin the economical part of the kitchen enable the authormore freedom in designing of bathrooms.Large, pure spaces of main rooms in their essence are ofsimple expression. A risk of “coldness“of so big and highspaces is avoided by well thought choice of a parquetand furniture.Walls painted in the simple white and ash’s parquet oflight and warm shades of colour applied in almost wholeapartment, represent discrete stage for tasteful collectionof cult designer’s pieces of furniture, intelligentlychosen and distributed according to the purpose ofcertain rooms.Classic curtains and rugs were not necessary becausethey would disturb a very concept of apartment’s design,which skilfully balances on the three-border pointof sane spacious thinking, relaxed cosines of a homeand almost abstract sterility tamed by ingenious spaciousaccents, in every moment surprising by new hiddendetail jumping out of inconspicuous background.Starting with hidden air-conditions, over skilful mixture ofrare antique pieces with the most up-dated ones, to in-80

novative use of all possible niches in the thick walls, thisapartment expresses an enormous attention for detailsboth in design and execution. Each bathroom is furnishedwith sanitary equipment of one famous designeror architect, being from the beginning designed just forthose particular parts of installed equipment.Balcony floor is covered with richly textured larch-boards,which consequently implements an aiming towardscreation of more pleasant and cosier space eventhat one outside the walls.This apartment enchants by an intelligence of architect’sreaction on potential problem of excessive superpositionof forming motives.Spacious and high spaces are neutralised by white wallsand parquet of inconspicuous texture, filled by wise andnot in one moment reckless or presumptuous details, area school example for pleasant urban dwelling. Technologicalbenefits and ergonomic triumphs of contemporarysociety here are interlaced with traditional base astheir framework and initial theme.81

InterijeriPiše: Ivana VolèanšekTkanine s neobičnim detaljima nije nimalo lakonapraviti/It is not easy to produce fabric withsuch an unusual deatilsPo kreaciju u KreativuTvrtka Kreativa interijeri među pionirima je na području originalnih dekoracija, a njihoveinovacije oduševljavaju kupce: nedavno su osmislili čipku po uzoru na originalnu kolumbijskučipku koja se nekada davno izrađivala ručno. Uz pomoć posebne tehnike paljenjatkanine, uspjele su stvorili čipku gotovo identičnu onoj starojTvrtka Kreativa interijeri u posljednjih pet godinauveseljava životne prostore svojim unikatnim dekorativnimproizvodima. Izradom vlastitih dizajnerskihpredmeta za uređenje doma, s genijalnom sposobnošćuda osvježe i mijenjaju dom u samo nekoliko poteza,Kreativa je postala prepoznatljiva u svijetu dekora.Praktični, kvalitetni, prilagodljivi, originalni, stilski različitii s prihvatljivom cijenom Kreativini su proizvodi savršenspoj mašte i dizajna koji oplemenjuju prostor u kojem senalaze.U njihovim se dućanima, osim dizajnerskih zavjesa, mogunaći razne dekor tkanine: jastuci, lusteri, ukrasi, okviri zaslike, slike, instalacije, “haljinice” za stolce, stoljnjaci, salvete,prekrivači, navlake za fotelje i trosjede, prigodni82ukrasi pa čak i posteljina, dječji i bebi programi. Ukolikose netko odluči urediti stan s tri ili više dekorativnihpredmeta, u Kreativi nude svoju stručnu pomoć te osmišljavajucijeli prostor u skladu sa željama kupaca. Nakonrazgledavanja prostora, nude idejne skice, obično udvije varijante. A osim prikupljanja mjera i informacija,na terenu nastaje i inspiracija pa, u nastojanju da budupraktični, odmah po izboru ideje predlažu tkanine i potomkreću u realizaciju.Svi proizvodi ove jedinstvene tvrtke su unikatni i stogamoraju biti savršeni. Cilj im je stvoriti, ne samo idejno, veći tehnički odličan proizvod. Svaki put razvijaju nove idejei nove prototipe, a uz stalne inovacije, vlastiti dizajn i vlastituproizvodnju, stvaraju situacije u kojima su zadovoljni

Kupci moraju ravnopravno sudjelovati u uređenjukako bi na kraju dobili nešto posebno/Customersshould be involved in the process of decorationso the final product would be something specialupravo oni kojima su njihovi proizvodi namijenjeni. Ekipa uređuje i poslovneprostore, apartmane, hotele... sve prostore kojima nedostajekreativnosti.U Kreativi kažu kako je najvažnije dobro se “uklopiti” u prostor. Pritomnajviše vole koristiti zavjese, ali ne “obične” zavjese, već onekoje imaju priču. Svaka je drugačija i osebujna kao što je i u jednomprostoru svaki prozor specifičan. Međutim, zavjese se ne stavljaju nasvoje mjesto dok god obje strane nisu zadovoljne jer u Kreativi nevole nametati svoje mišljenje: krajnja odluka je uvijek na kupcima kojimoraju biti zadovoljni uređenjem svoga životnog prostora. Ljudi običnone vole kada im se majstori “petljaju” po kući, ali ovdje kupcimogu i moraju ravnopravno sudjelovati u uređenju kako bi na krajudobili zavjese koje osvježavaju - savršene, unikatne, rađene po njihovojmjeri i samo za njih.Tkanine s neobičnim detaljima nije nimalo lako napraviti. Kako bi ovipredmeti iz mašte uopće mogli zaživjeti potrebno je udovoljiti višestrukimzahtjevima prostora. Najlakše bi bilo doći u prostor u kojemse može krenuti od vlastite ideje i cijeloga ga urediti u određenomstilu. Međutim, većinom se radi o već uređenim stanovima kojimajoš nedostaju detalji da ih učinili potpunim. Inspiracija se tada traži usvakoj sitnici, traži se neki fokus - u boji, obliku, stilu, odlučuje se hoćeli zavjese biti moderne, klasične, elegantne ili etno... Obraća se pažnjana izgled namještaja, trosjeda, tepiha, lustera. Drugi zahtjev kojitreba zadovoljiti je praktičnost: pazi se na tip i veličinu prozora, na tokakvi su zidovi, gdje i kako će se postaviti zavjese te je li u određeniprostor uopće moguće staviti određene zavjese.Treba napomenuti da Kreativa osim osmišljavanja proizvoda nudi iuslugu održavanja, kao i garanciju na svoje proizvode, a svi proizvodipraktičnošću oduševljavaju jednako kao i atraktivnim izgledom jer83

Čipka napravljena po uzoru na originalnukolumbijsku čipku/Lace inspired by the originalColombian laceCilj je stvoriti idejno i tehničkiodličan proizvod/The goalis to create conceptuallyand technically excellentproducts84nakon pranja i peglanja ne gube na sjaju, već godinamajednako uspješno ukrašavaju prostore.Iza ovih maštovitih dekoracije stoje dvije žene – SanjaDuplić i Zdenka Jurilj. Sanja i Zdenka još su 1998. godinezapočele s prodajom tkanina, a u posljednjih pet godinanjihove tkanine dobile su “dušu” jer je svaka oslikanana poseban način i uz puno truda, što ga danas ulažedvadesetak žena koje sudjeluju u proizvodnji, nastojećisvaki komad dovesti do njegova savršenstva. Osim idejnihrješenja one su stvorile i potpuno novi sistem rada iproizvodnje baš zato jer ih zabavljaju nove stvari s maštovitimdodacima. U Kreativi je tako nastala i čipka nakoju su izuzetno ponosni, napravljena po uzoru na originalnukolumbijsku čipku koja se nekada davno izrađivalaručno, a danas se više ne radi. Uz pomoć posebnetehnike paljenja tkanine uspjele su stvorili čipku gotovoidentičnu onoj staroj. Takve inovacije su im inspiracija zadaljnje projekte i proizvode. Ova mala “tvornica” stvararješenja kojima su svi zadovoljni pa mnogi vole makar i “uprolazu” navratiti u njihove zagrebačke dućane jer, kakokažu, tamo se osjeća pozitivna “vibra”. A tu “vibru” imalisu prilike uhvatiti i arhitekti kojima su jednom predstavljeniovi dizajnerski proizvodi. Oduševljeni viđenim, priznalisu kako dotad nisu bili svjesni da svega nekoliko detaljamože toliko osvježiti prostor i dati mu sasvim novo lice.Iako vjerojatno nisu ni sanjale da će u životu ljudima vješatizavjese, ove žene su sretne jer stvaraju nešto novo iposebno, drugačije: stvaraju tkanine koje odskaču bojomi uzorkom. Tkanine koje postaju zaštitnim znakommnogih kuhinja, dnevnih boravaka i spavaćih soba.Tkanine koje osmišljavaju prostor i čine ga ugodnijim iljepšim. Tkanine koje dominiraju i ukrašavaju dom dajućimu osobni ‘štih.’ Tkanine koje je nemoguće ne primijetiti.To je Kreativa!

Osim zavjesa, proizvode se i razne druge dekortkanine/Besides curtains, various other decorativefabrics are also producedInteriorsGet Your Creationin KreativaWritten by: Ivana VolèanšekKreativa Interiors is a pioneering company in the sector of original decorations, andtheir innovations thrill the buyers: recently they have re-invented a type of lace as it wasonce originally hand made in Colombia. With the help of a special technique of burningthe fabric they have succeeded in creating a lace almost identical with the old oneIn the last five years, the company Kreativa Interiors hasbeen cheering up living spaces with its unique decorations.With the production of their own designer objectsintended for home decorating, and their genial abilityto transform and refresh houses with only few touches,Kreativa has become well known in the world of interiordesign. Practical, of high quality, flexible, original, stylisticallydifferent and with affordable prices, the products ofKreativa are a perfect match of imagination and designthat ennobles the space.In their stores, besides designer curtains, you can findvarious decorative fabrics: pillows, chandeliers, decorativeobjects, picture frames, paintings, artistic installations,chair “dresses”, table cloths, napkins, coverlets, covers forsofas and armchairs, decorative objects for various occasions,even the linen, children and baby assortment. Ifsomeone decides to decorate an apartment with threeor more decorative objects, Kreativa offers the help ofprofessionals who plan the decoration of the entireapartment in accordance with the buyer’s wishes. After85

U Kreativi osmišljavajucijeli prostor u skladusa željama kupaca/InKreativa the space isplanned according tocustomers’ wishesthe interior design experts have seen the space, they offerpreliminary sketches, usually in two variants. Besidestaking measures and gathering relevant information, theinspiration is born at the sight, and in order to be practicalimmediately after the choice of an idea they suggest thefabrics and start with the realization.All products of this special company are unique andtherefore, have to be perfect. Their goal is to create, notonly conceptually but also technically, excellent products.They continuously develop new ideas and prototypes,and with constant innovations, their own designand production, they create situations in which the targetclients are satisfied. The team of experts decoratesbusiness premises, hotels and apartments…all spaceslacking in creativity.It is said in Kreativa that the most important thing is to “fitin” with the space. In order to achieve that, they usuallyresort to curtains, not just any curtains, but those that tella story.Each one is different and specific as every window is particular.However, the curtains are not placed until bothsides are satisfied since Kreativa does not want to imposeits opinion: the final decision is up to buyers who haveto be satisfied with the decoration of their living space.People usually do not like workers “hanging around” theirhome, but in this case the buyers can and should beequally involved in decorating as to get a curtain thatrefreshes – perfect, unique, custom made and exclusivelymade for them.The fabrics with unusual details are not easy to make. In86order for these fantasy objects to become real, it is necessaryto meet various demands of a space. The easiestthing would be to have an empty space where youcan start on the basis of your own idea and decorate itcompletely in a particular style. However, the usual caseis that already furnished and decorated apartments justlack some details to make them complete. Inspiration isthen searched for in every detail, some kind of a focus isnecessary – in colour, shape, style, it is decided whetherthe curtains will be modern, classical, elegant or ethnic…Attention is paid to furniture, sofas, carpets, chandeliers.Second requirement that needs to be fulfilled is practicality:type and size of windows are important, what arethe walls like, where and how the curtains will be hangedand is it possible to have certain curtains in some particularspace.It should be mentioned that Kreativa, apart from creatingproducts, offers maintaining as well as giving thewarranty on their products, and all their products delightnot only with their attractiveness but also utility, becauseeven after being washed and ironed they don’t lose theshine, but successfully decorate spaces for years.These imaginative decorations are the result of two women– Sanja Duplić and Zdenka Jurilj. Back in 1998 Sanjaand Zdenka started selling fabrics, and in the last fiveyears their fabrics got a “soul” because each is painted ina different way and with lots of effort. Twenty women thatparticipate in the production, trying to achieve perfectionwith every piece. Besides creative solutions, they havecreated completely new system of work and production

Svi proizvodi su unikatni i stoga morajubiti savršeni/All products are uniqueand therefore have to be perfectInteriorsMaterijali oduševljavajupraktičnošću i lakimodržavanjem/Fabrics arepractical and easy tomaintainmostly because they find excitement in new things withimaginative accessories. This is how Kreativa created alace they are very proud of, inspired by the original Colombianhand-made lace that used to be made longtime ago, but it is no longer produced. With the specialtechnique of burning the fabric, they have managed tocreate a lace almost identical with the old one. Such innovationsare an inspiration for future projects and products.This little “factory” creates solutions that satisfy everyone,so many like to “drop by” in their stores in Zagrebbecause, as they say, positive “vibes” are felt there. Andeven the architects had the opportunity to catch that“vibe” when they were once presented with these designerproducts. Amazed at what they saw, they admittedthat they haven’t been aware that only few detailscould reanimate a space and give it a new face.Even though they have probably never imagined thatone day they will be hanging people’s curtains, thesewomen are happy because they create something newand unique, something different: they create fabrics thatstand out in colour and in pattern. The fabrics that are becomingthe trademark of many kitchens, living rooms andbedrooms. The fabrics that organize a space and makeit more beautiful and comfortable. The fabrics that dominateand decorate a home giving it a special mood. Thefabrics that are impossible not to notice. That is Kreativa!87

Kultni komadensko tijelo kao inspiracija88Gaetano Pesce u svom naslonjaču/Gaetano Pesce in his armchair“Htio sam izraziti svoje viđenje žene. Protivsvoje volje, uvijek je bila zarobljenica sebesame. Upravo zbog toga svidjela mi se idejada naslonjač poprimi oblik ženskog tijela s kuglomoko noge, što evocira tradicionalnu slikuzatvorenika”. Tim je riječima Gaetano Pesceopisao svoj “Up 5” naslonjačPiše: Ana PerišinSvestran i nekonvencionalan, jedan od najpoznatijihtalijanskih arhitekata i dizajnera druge polovice20. stoljeća, Gaetano Pesce širi strukturu i pojamtalijanskog Novog dizajna cijeli svoj život.Rođen je 1939. godine u talijanskom gradu La Speziji.Diplomiravši arhitekturu i dizajn u Veneciji, godine 1967.počinje svoje putovanje svijetom: Pariz, Colorado, Japan,New York, Strasbourg... U proteklih četrdesetakgodina umjetničkog rada Pesce se bavio prvenstvenoarhitekturom i dizajnom te slikarstvom, skulpturom,filmom, kazalištem. Dugi niz godina stalni je predavačna nekoliko prestižnih sveučilišta, a gostujući profesor nafakultetima arhitekture i dizajna u Europi, Americi i Aziji.Gaetanova se djela nalaze u stalnim kolekcijama nekihvodećih svjetskih muzeja. Godine 1996. otvorena jevelika retrospektivna izložba umjetnikovih djela u Muzejumoderne umjetnosti George Pompidour u Parizu.Najpoznatija su mu djela: UP kolekcija, 1969. B&B Italia- prvo iskustvo s multifunkcionalnim objektima; Pluralist

tower, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1987-1989. - prvi primjer nehomogenearhitekture; Organic building Osaka, Japan,1990- 1993. - prvi primjer urbane zgrade i vertikalnog vrtaekološki osviještenog; Gallery Mourmans, Knokke-Le-Zoute,Belgija, 1994. - prvi primjer galerije kao interaktivngprostora; Chiat/Day Office, New York, 1994. - prvi primjervirtualnog ureda.Već svojim prvim radovima iz polovine šezdesetih GaetanoPesce iskazuje otklon od strogog funkcionalizmai tradicionalne definicije životnog prostora. Bio je člangrupe “Radikalni dizajn” koja je eksperimentirala s novimmaterijalima u dizajnu namještaja. Materijali koje je koristio(pjena, poliesterska smola, pleksiglas) omogućili sumu primjenu koncepta “diferencirane serijske proizvodnje”.Dovoljan je dodir ili tek prisustvo zraka zarobljenogu kalupu da preoblikuje svaki komad istog modelačineći ga jedinstvenim.Njegov prvi značajniji projekt u domeni industrijskog dizajnapredstavljen je 1969. godine u Milanu na sajmuSalone del Mobile pod nazivom “Up”.Kolekcija se sastoji od sedam naslonjača različitih oblikai boja, a svakako najzanimljivije dizajniran je “Up 5”.“Htio sam izraziti svoje viđenje žene. Protiv svoje volje,uvijek je bila zarobljenica sebe same. Upravo zbog togasvidjela mi se ideja da naslonjač poprimi oblik ženskogtijela s kuglom oko noge, što evocira tradicionalnu slikuzatvorenika”. Tim je riječima Gaetano Pesce opisao svojkultni naslonjač. “Up 5” peti je naslonjač iz kolekcije “Up”i za razliku od drugih naslonjača koji imaju oblik sličan kuglii elipsi, “Up 5” ima senzualni, antropormofizirani obliknalik ženskom tijelu.Organski oblici kolekcije odišu jednostavnošću i privlačnošću,ali prava inovacija bila je u - pakiranju. U izradikolekcije Up Gaetano Pesce primjenjuje princip kontrakcijespužve koja stiskanjem gubi volumen. Naslonjačisu izrađeni od hladne poliuretanske pjene, novine togavremena, materijala čije stanične strukture dopuštajuupijanje i ispuštanje zraka. Zahvaljujući materijalu kojismanjuje obujam i do 90% naslonjači se pod vakuumompakiraju u PVC omote. Kada se pakiranje otvori,atmosferski tlak, nečujan i bez mehaničkih sredstava,ispunjava poliuretanske ćelije zrakom te naslonjač poprimazamišljeni oblik. Osoba koja je kupila proizvod postajezavršni sudionik projekta. Njegovi naslonjači bili suu potpunom kontrastu prema čistim linijama naslonjačatoga vremena.U suradnji s B&B Italia, jednom od vodećih tvrtki u svijetudizajna, godine 2000. započinje ponovna proizvodnja Upkolekcije. Reakcije su izvrsne, te naslonjači opet doživljajuuspjeh. Kolekcija se sastoji od sedam komada izrađenihod tri vrste rastezljivog materijala, različitih veličina i oblika,koji se mogu nabaviti u deset boja.Suradnja B&B Italije i Gaetana Pescea započeta je jošdavne 1968. godine naslonjačem Yeti i nastavila se “Up”kolekcijom 1969. godine te do dan danas nije prekinuta.Nadajmo se da će nas Gaetano još dugi niz godinadarivati svojim inovativnim dizajnerskim rješenjima koja,svojstveno velikim umjetničkim djelima, ne gube svojukvalitetu i šarm.89

A piece of cultWoman’s Body as an Inspiration“I wanted to express my vision of a woman. She was always herown prisoner, against her will. Therefore, I liked the idea that thearmchair got a shape of woman’s body with a ball tied around theleg, which evoked a traditional image of a prisoner.” By these wordsGaetano Pesce described his “Up 5” armchairVersatile and non-conventional, being one ofthe most known Italian architects and designersin the second part of the 20th century, GaetanoPesce is widening structure and meaning ofItalian New Design, for whole his life.He was born 1939 in Italian town La Spezia, graduatedarchitecture and design in Venice and in 1967 startedhis journey all around the world: Paris, Colorado, Japan,New York, Strasbourg, etc.For the last forty years of his artistic work Pesce was engagedprimarily in architecture and design as well asin painting, sculpturing, film and theatre. For years hehas been a permanent teacher on several prestigiousuniversities, and visiting teacher on architecture anddesign faculties in Europe, America and Asia. Gaetano’sworks are found in permanent collections of someleading world museums. In 1996 his great retrospectiveexhibition was opened in the Museum of Modern ArtGeorge Pompidou in Paris.His, the most known works are: the UP collection, 1969.B&B Italia – the very first experience with multifunctionalobjects; Pluralist tower, Sao Paolo, Brasil, 1987-1989 – thefirst example of non-homogenous architecture; Organicbuilding Osaka, Japan, 1990-1993 – the very first exampleof urban building and vertical garden, awakenedecological awareness; Gallery Mourmans, Knokke-LeWritten by: Ana Perišin90

Zoute, Belgium, 1994 – the very first example of gallery asan interactive space; Chiat/Day Office, New York, 1994– the first example of virtual office.Gaetano Pesce, already by his early works from the middleof sixties expressed a declination from rigid functionalismand traditional definition of living space. He was amember of the group “Radical Design” that experimentedwith new materials in the field of furniture design. Heused materials (foam, polyester rosin, plexiglass), whichenabled an application of “differential mass production“concept. Only a touch or merely an air imprisonedwithin a mould was enough to reshape every piece ofthe same model making it, thus, a unique one. His firstmore important project in the field of industrial designwas presented in 1969 in Milan on the Saloni del Mobilefair under the name “Up“.The collection is composed of seven armchairs of variousforms and colours of which the most interesting designwas surely the “Up 5“. “I wanted to express my visionof a woman. She was always her own prisoner, againsther will. Therefore, I liked the idea that the armchair gota shape of woman’s body with a ball tied around its leg,which evoked a traditional image of a prisoner.” By thesewords Gaetano Pesce described his “Up 5” armchair.The „Up 5“ is the fifth armchair in the collection “Up“ anddiffers from others bearing a form of a ball or ellipse, byits sensual, antropomorfic shape likened to a woman’sbody.Organic shapes of the collections are breathing by simplicityand attractiveness but the real innovation occurredin – packaging. Gaetano Pesce, in collectionmanufacture, applies a principle of sponge contraction,which by squeezing loses its volume. Armchairs aremade of expanded polyurethane, a novelty of the time,a material, which cell structures allow absorption anddischarging of the air. Due to the material, which maybe lessen in its volume for even 90% the armchairs arepacked by vacuum into the PVC wrappers. When wrapperis opened, atmospheric pressure, silent and withoutany mechanical means, fills air into the polyurethanecells and the armchair gets its true form. Thus a personwho bought the product becomes a final participantin the project. Gaetano’s armchairs were absolutely inopposition to pure lines of armchairs of the time.In cooperation with B&B Italia, one of the largest companiesin the world of design, in 2000 the production of“Up” collection started again. Reactions are great andarmchairs are facing success. The collection is composedof seven pieces made of three kinds of elastic material,various dimensions and shapes, which could bepurchased in ten colours.The cooperation between B&B Italia and Gaetano Pescebegun back there in 1968 when the armchair Yetiwere produced and continued with “Up“collection in1969 unbroken till today.We should hope that Gaetano will bestow upon us hisinnovative designs, which, as all great work of arts, donot lose its quality and charm.Salvador Dali u “Up 5”naslonjaču/Salvador Dali in“Up 5” armchair91

DekoracijeMARIMEKKOwww.marimekko.fiContinuing Collection - tkanine Terese Moorhouse inspirirane prirodom/Continuing Collection – textile by Teresa Moorhouse inspired by natureGUZZINI / www.fratelliguzzini.comFESTA kolekcija - tanjur za grickalice /FESTA collection – a plate for snack foodGUZZINI / www.fratelliguzzini.comArt&Cafè kolekcija - set od dviješalice za espresso / Art&Cafè collection– twin-cup set for espresso92

Zelena oaza svježineA Green Oasis of FreshnessProljetno jutro, kapljice rose obasjavaju zelenu travudok šetamo prostranom šumom... osjećaj koji se budiu nama pri samoj pomisli na takvu idilu neprocjenjivje. Taj osjećaj moguće je prenijeti u svoj životni prostordodavajući u njega zelenu boju. Zelena boja osiguratće nam svakodnevni osjećaj svježine, čistoćei smirenosti, a njen položaj u centru spektra zaslužanje balansirajuću energiju i harmoničnost. Zelena je,znanstveno dokazano, oku najugodnija boja.Zelenih je nijansi nebrojivo. Mogu se koristiti u kupaonici,kuhinji, dnevnom prostoru, na zidovima, naslonjačima,prekrivačima, ali i svi uporabni predmeti uzelenoj boji dodatno će osvježiti naš dnevni prostor.O nijansi i količini zelene odlučite sami. Ipak, nemojtepretjerati jer zelena je ujedno i boja ljubomore.Spring morning, droplets of dew shimmering upongreen grass while we walk through woods... feelingthat arise within us on very thought of such idyll ispriceless. It is quite possible to transfer this feeling intoyour living space by adding in a green colour.The green will ensure everyday sensation of freshness,purity and peace, and its position in the middleof the spectar earns a balance of energy andharmony. The green is, as science proved, the mostpleasant colour to an eye.There are numberless nuances of green. It couldbe applied in a bathroom, kitchen, living room, onwalls, armchairs, bedspreads, and besides that, allaccessories in green colour will additionally refreshour daily space. Of course, you should decide byyourself on nuances and quantity of green. Still, donot overcome bearing on mind that the green is thecolour of jealousy.Pripremila / Edited by: Ana PerišinMARIMEKKO / www.marimekko.fiAppelsiini uzorak iz 1950. godine naposlužavniku/Appelsiini pattern from 1950 on a trayDOMA, / www.doma.hrStalak za novine / A newspaper standSKANDIFORM,www.skandiform.seSjedalica Alexandera Lervika u neodoljivoj boji trave /A chair of Alexander Lervik in irresistible colour of grass93

DekoracijeMARIMEKKO / www.marimekko.fiAppelsiini uzorak i na kantici za zalijevanje cvijeća /Appelsiini pattern as well on the small watering canKIKA, Velimira Škorpika 25, Zagreb, www.kika.hrNalonjač u zelenoj boji poslužit će kao osvježenje u svakomdnevnom prostoru / Green armchair will be refreshment forevery living roomMARIMEKKO / www.marimekko.fiSpavanje će sigurno biti ugodnije na posteljini iz Kiasmakolekcije / Sleeping will be, for sure, much pleasing onKiasma linen collection94KARIM RASHID DESIGNwww.karimrashid.comPlastična stolica K2 MP /Plastic chair K2 MP

KOZIOL / www.koziol.deViseća lampa FUSION uzelenoj boji /A hanging lamp FUSION ingreen colourDecorationsOFFECT / www.offecct.seAlfredo Häberlijev Pick up uzelenoj boji /Alfredo Häberlijev Pick up ingreen colourKOZIOL / www.koziol.dePIT - Stalak za papirnateubruse / PIT – a papertowelsstandKARIM RASHID DESIGN / www.karimrashid.comKolekcija Ari, Arim i Kari svjećnjaka koji su ujedno predviđenikao i vaze za pupoljke / A collection of Ari, Arim & Kari -candlestics anticipated to be also vases for rose budsSKANDIFORM / www.skandiform.seTrosjed La Bomba dizajn Jonasa Lindvalla / A couch La Bomba designed byJonas Lindvall95

Dekoracije96ZANOTTA,www.zanotta.itSmaragdno zelena boja na zidovima ima magično djelovanje /The emerald green on walls has a magic effect

DecorationsANTONIO LUPI / www.antoniolupi.itZelena boja u kupaonici pridonijet će dodatnom osjećaju svježine i čistoće / Greencolour in bathroom will contribute to further feeling of refreshment and hygieneKARIM RASHID DESIGN www.karimrashid.comKoš za smeće u dvije nijanse zelene boje /A trash basket in two shades of green colourCARL HANSEN AND SONwww.carlhansen.comNaslonjač CH445 iz 1960. godine /An armchair CH445 from 196097


NekretninesplitSPLIT 100 str.otoci/islandsBRAÈ 107 str.DRVENIK MALI 119 str.HVAR 120 str.MURTER 123 str.KORÈULA 124 str.PELJEŠAC 126 str.posebna ponudaspecial offerVila Rusticastr. 153dalmacija/dalmatiaDUBROVNIK 128 str.KAŠTELA 131 str.MAKARSKA 132 strNIN 134 str.OMIŠ 135 str.PODSTRANA 136 str.ROGOZNICA 137 str.TROGIR 141 str.ostalo/otherBALE 144 str.GALIANA 145 str.MEDULIN 147 str.POREÈ 148 str.ROVINJ 154 str.ZAGREB 156 str.Real estate99

NekretnineD14-K057SplitU starom dijelu grada, pitoresknom Varošu, smještena je stara kamena kuća, primjer autohtone dalmatinske arhitekture.Kuća ima 64 m 2 stambenog prostora koji se proteže na tri etaže: prizemlje i dva kata. U prizemlju je smještena spavaćasoba s pripadajućom kupaonicom; na prvom katu je isti raspored, a na trećem su smješteni dnevni boravak i kuhinja.Stambeni prostor je namješten i opremljen klimom i ostalim modernim sadržajima. Kuća ima orijentaciju S – I. Blizinacentra grada, samo nekoliko minuta pješice, uz ostalo, čini ovu kamenu kuću idealnim domom u slikovitom predjelu sasvim prednostima velikog grada.In the old part of the town, Varoš, an old stone house is located. It is a typical example of authentic Dalmatian architecture.This beautiful house has 64 m 2 of residential area, devided into 3 floors; the ground floor and 2 upper floors. A bedroomand a bathroom are on the ground floor; the first floor has the same arrangement, while on the last floor there arekitchen and a living room. The entire residential area is furnished and equipped with air conditioning and other modernconveniences. The house has northeast orientation. The advantage is vicinity of the city centre, only a few minutes by foot,making this house an ideal home in this pictoresque zone with all the advantages of a big city.100Cijena / Price: na upit/ on inquiryKontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726

NekretnineD13-K017SplitProdaje se jedna od najljepših vila u Hrvatskoj, s površinom od 1050 m 2 i smještena na parceli od 1600 m 2 . Zamišljenaje kao dva kubusa međusobno spojena ostakljenim međuprostorima i mostićima. Podzemna etaža prostire se na 600m 2 : zatvoreni bazen, jacuzzi, fitness dvorana, sauna, solarij s pripadajućim prostorijama i dio za primanje gostiju, bari vinoteka. Prizemni dio i kat ukupno imaju oko 400 m 2 . Svi sustavi potpuno su automatizirani, uključujući i sigurnosnekamere. S veličanstvenim pogledom na cijeli splitski arhipelag budući će vlasnici zasigurno uživati u svakom trenutkuprovedenom u ovom ekskluzivnom prostoru.For sale, one of the most beautiful villas in Croatia. The house itself has a surface of 1050 m 2 and is located on a 1600square meters’ plot of land. Designed as two cubes connected by glass interspaces and small bridges. The subterraneanfloor covers a surface of 600 m 2 : indoor pool, Jacuzzi, fitness centre, sauna, solarium and accompanying facilities (showers,locker room…) make one part of the basement. The ground and first floor in total have around 400 m 2 . All systems areoperated automatically, as well as the security cameras.The future owners will undoubtedly enjoy every moment spent in thisexclusive space, which, in spite of its luxury, has not lost its comfort.Cijena / Price: na upit/ on inquiryKontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726101

NekretnineD15-N009SplitU starom dijelu centra grada nalazi se originalna kamena kuća čije je prizemlje namijenjeno iznajmljivanju. Zahvaljujućiizuzetnoj lokaciji u slikovitom predjelu u kojem se osjeća duh starog Splita, ovaj bi se prostor također odlično uklopio utakav ambijent, stoga bi ga bilo idealno iskoristiti za ugostiteljsku namjenu kao što su restorani ili male kavane inspiriranedalmatinskom arhitekturom i običajima.In the old part of the town of Split an original stone house is located. Ground floor intended for rent. Thanks to the excellentlocation where you can feel the spirit of the traditional Dalmatia, even today this space would also fit in with theexisting atmosphere if transformed into a restaurant or a small charming coffee bar inspired by the traditional Dalmatianarchitecture and customs.102Cijena / Price: 350 € / mjesečno / per monthKontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726



NekretnineD11-003SplitProdaje se restoran u Splitu na atraktivnoj lokaciji, ukupne površine 270 m². Restoran se sastoji od prizemlja, 2 katate terase i štekata. U prizemlju se nalazi caffe-bar površine 90 m² (3 prostorije) i dva štekata, jedan površine 20 m² adrugi 60 m². Na prvom katu se nalazi restoran površine 30 m² + kuhinja i terasa restorana od 50 m². Na drugom katuje salon za organizirane privatne ručkove, večere i sastanke, površine 30 m 2 . Restoran je stilski uređen i prodaje se scjelokupnim inventarom.Established restaurant for sale, on an attractive location in Split with a total surface of 270 m². Restoran comprises theground floor, two floors and the terraces. The ground floor comprises caffe-bar with a surface of 90 m² and two terraces,one terrace with a surface of 20 m² and the other of 60 m². The first floor comprises restaurant of 30 m² + kitchen and terraceof 50 m². The second floor comprises drawing-room of 30 m² for groups, private lunches, dinners, appointments…All the equipment and inventory are included in the price.Cijena / Price: na upit/ on inquiryKontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726105

NekretnineURBANE VILE DUILOVO - SPLITStanovi u izgradnji u urbanim vilamaProdaju se stanovi u luksuzno uređenim vilama na izvrsnoj lokaciji na Duilovu, udaljenom od gužve i prenaseljenogdijela grada s prekrasnim pogledom na more. Cijeli se kompleks sastoji od 5 zgrada i nudimo Vam 18 stanova različitekvadrature.Smještaj urbanih vila je izuzetan jer je prema novom urbanističkom planu u tom dijelu grada predviđena gradnja samourbanih vila s dosta zelene površine. Svi stanovi su orijentirani jug – sjever, a preostale ponuđene kvadrature su:Podrum: poslovni prostor od 38 m 2Prizemlje: trosoban 88 m 2 ; dvosoban 61 m 2 ; dvosoban 52 m 2 ; jednosoban 40 m 2 ; jednosoban 33 m 2 ; jednosoban44 m 2 ; jednosoban 30 m 2Prvi kat: trosoban 84 m 2 ; dvosoban 65 m 2 ; 52 m 2 ; jednosoban 40 m 2 ; dvosoban 74 m 2Potkrovlje: dvosoban 60 m 2 ; jednosoban 40 m 2 ; jednosoban 32 m 2 ; jednosoban 48 m 2 ; jednosoban 46 m 2 .Stanovi mogu po dogovoru s kupcem biti uređeni po vlastitim željama jer se trenutno nalaze u “roh-bau” fazi izgradnje.Postoji mogućnost kupnje natkrivenog parkirališnog mjesta.Apartments under construction in urban villasWe offer you the ability to purchase apartments in luxurious villas in Duilovo, far away from the traffic and the overpopulatedpart of the town with a beautiful view of the sea. The whole complex consists of 5 buildings, and there are only 18 apartmentsavailable, of different square footage. The position of the urban villas is exceptional because according to the newtown-planning scheme in that part of town only urban villas with a lot of green surfaces are to be built. All the apartmentsare oriented south-north, and the remaining apartments are of the following square footage:Basement: office space 38 m 2Ground floor: three bedrooms 88 m 2 ; two bedrooms 61m 2 ; two bedrooms 52 m 2 ; one bedroom 40 m 2 ; one bedroom33 m 2 ; one bedroom 44 m 2 ; one bedroom 30 m 2First floor: three bedroom 84 m 2 ; two bedrooms 65 m 2 ; 52 m 2 ; one bedroom 40 m 2 ; two bedrooms 74 m 2Loft apartments: two bedroom 60 m 2 ; one bedroom 40 m 2 ; one bedroom 32 m 2 ; one bedroom 48 m 2 ; one bedroom46m 2 .The apartments can be furnished in accordance with the buyer’s wishes while they are still in the “roh – bau” phase of construction.There is possibility of purchasing a covered car park place.Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726Fax: +385 (0)21 380 852www.dalcasa.comu suradnji sa...N E K R E T N I N E . R E A L E S T A T E106

NekretnineD15-K073BračNa atraktivnoj lokaciji na otoku Braču, prodaje se obiteljska kuća na parceli od 1665 m 2 s prekrasnim pogledom namore. Kuća se sastoji od podruma, prizemlja, prvog i drugog kata, tri velike terase, prekrasno uređene okućnice, parkingmjesta i garaže. Opremljena je vrhunskom tehnologijom (centralnim i solarnim sistemom, SAT-TV ) te vinotekom.On an attractive location in the island of Brač, for sale is a family house on the plot of 1665 m 2 , with beautiful sea view.The house consists of: basement, ground floor, first floor and the second floor with tree terraces, beautiful grounds, parkingplaces and garages. The house is technologically equipped (central heating and solar system, SAT-TV) and also awine-cellar.Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiryKontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726107

NekretnineD15-Z015BračIzvrsna prilika, na prekrasnom otoku Braču na Dalmatinskoj obali, prodajemo građevinsko zemljište površine 48.000 m 2 .Parcela je odlično pozicionirana i odlično povezana kako s prometnicama tako i s lokalnim plažama i trajektnom lukomu Supetru. Namjena zemljišta je turističko-komercijalna.An excellent opportunity, on the beautifull island of Brač. For sale: a plot of land with 48,000 m 2 . It has a greate location,greate traffic connections, access to beaches and the main ferry port in Supetar. The plot of land could be developedfor touristic-commercial purpose.108Cijena / Price: 150 €/m 2Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726

NekretnineD15-K095BračProdaje se stara kamena kuća u malom bračkom mjestu poznatom po najljepšoj plaži na Mediteranu sveukupne površine70 m 2 . Kuća se sastoji od prizemlja, prvog kata i potkrovlja s kojeg se pruža prekrasan pogled na more. Potrebna jeadaptacija kuće.For sale, an old stone house in a small place on the island of Brač known for the most beautiful beach on Mediterranean.Total surface area of 70 m 2 . The house consists of the ground floor, first floor and the attic with a beautiful sea view.Adaptation of the house is required.Cijena / Price: 80.000 €Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726109

NekretnineD15-A027BračNa atraktivnoj lokaciji na otoku Braču prodaju se apartmani različitih kvadratura. Apartmani su opremljeni vrhunskomtehnologijom, nalaze se 300 m od mora te imaju prekrasan pogled na more. U cijenu je uključeno parking mjesto.On the very attractive location on the island Brač, we offer apartments for sale of different square footage. All apartmentsare technologically equipped, situated 300 m from the sea and have a beautiful sea view. Parking places are includedin the price.110Cijena / Price: 1650 €/m 2 - 1800 €/m 2Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726

NekretnineD15-K074BračNa atraktivnoj lokaciji na Braču prodaje se obiteljska kuća na parceli od 445 m 2 . Kuća ima tri etaže, sveukupne stambenepovršine od 300 m 2 , a nalazi se u blizini prekrasne uvale te je udaljena 30ak metara od mora.On the attractive location on the island Brač for sale is family house on a plot of 445 m 2 . The house has the three levels,total surface area of 300 m 2 , situated near the beautiful cove, and thirty meters from the sea.Cijena / Price: 650.000 €Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726111

NekretnineD15-Z014BračU slikovitom i romantičnom mjestu istočno od Supetra prodaje se građevinsko zemljište površine 5000 m 2 udaljeno 800 mod mora. Zemljište se nalazi iznad ceste te ima dva prilazna puta.For sale, a building plot of 5000 m 2 800 m from the sea located in picturesque and romantic place east of Supetar. Theplot is situated above the roadway and has two access roads.Cijena / Price: 150 €/m 2Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726113

NekretnineD15-K072BračU slikovitom mjestu na atraktivnoj lokaciji prodaje se moderno uređena jednokatnica s potkrovljem sveukupne površine140 m 2 . Prizemlje se sastoji od kuhinje, trpezarije, WC-a, spreme i kamina. Na katu se nalaze dva apartmana: dvosobnii jednosobni, od kojih svaki ima kuhinju s balkonom. Za istinske ljubitelje tradicionalne kuhinje u sklopu okućnice nalazise sjenica s ljetnom kuhinjom, konobom za vino te kaminom kao i kultivirani vrt uređen u mediteranskom stilu idealanza odmor. Kuća se nalazi oko 30 m od mora.In the picturesque place on an attractive location for sale a modern one floor house with loft apartment total surface areaof 140 m 2 . On the ground floor there are: kitchen with dining room, toilette, storage and a fireplace. The first floor hastwo apartments: two-bedroom and one-bedroom, and each one has a kitchen with a balcony. A courtyard has an outdoorsummer kitchen, grill, Dalmatian - style cellar wine and a fireplace kitchen. There is also a cultivated garden ideal forrelaxation. The house is only 30 m away from the sea.114Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiryKontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726

NekretnineD15-Z016BračZemljište na Braču u neposrednoj blizini trajektne luke u Supetru. S parcele se pruža prekrasan pogled. Nalazi se dosamog mora. Namjena ovog zemljišta je komercijalna i idealno je za izgradnju hotela.A plot of land for sale, set on the island of Brač, near the main ferry port in Supetar. The land has an excellent sea view. Itis located near the sea, and therefore ideal for building a hotel. Allocation of this plot is for commercial purpose.Cijena / Price: 100 €/m 2Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726115

NekretnineD14-K043BračStara kamena kuća u centru Supetra na otoku Braču, samo nekoliko metara od obale, s čijih se prostranih terasa i balkonapruža predivan pogled na more. Građevina je stambeno-poslovna zgrada s prizemljem + 2 kata + potkrovlje,ukupne građevinske površine od 368 m 2 i okućnicom od 60 m 2 . Zgrada je priključena na komunalni sustav te posjedujetelefonsku liniju. Unutar objekta je lociran poslovni prostor (konoba) i dva rekonstruirana i adaptirana stana na prvomkatu te neuređen stambeni prostor na drugom katu.An old stone house in the centre of Supetar on the island of Brač, only few metres from the sea with spacious terraces andbalconies with a magnificent sea view. The building has both residential and business premises, with ground floor, 2 floorsand loft, total bulding area of 368 m 2 and a garden of 60 m 2 . The building is connected to all public utilities (electricity,water, phone). Interior of the building consists of business premises, i.e. dalmatian style cellar and two reconstructed andadapted apartments on the first floor, as well as unfurnished residential area on the second floor.Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiryKontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726117

NekretnineD14-K046BračNa otoku Braču nalaze se tri luksuzne kuće u nizu od cca 80 m 2 izgrađene od bračkog kamena, čiji se stambeni prostordijeli na prizemlje, međukat i potkrovlje. Prizemlje čine kuhinja s dnevnim boravkom te vinski podrum; međukat jenamijenjen spavaćoj sobi i kupaonici; u potkrovlju su smještene dvije spavaće sobe s kupaonicom i izlazom na balkon.Iza svake kuće se nalazi natkrivena terasa s grillom, a pred svakom kućom je vrt. Luksuznosti objekta pridonosi i bazenskriven u intimnom prostoru iza kuće, namijenjen zajedničkom korištenju. Predviđen je otvoreni parking prostor.Three luxurious stone houses located on the island of Brač, with surface area of cca. 80 m 2 , made of high quality stonematerial. The residential area is divided into a ground floor, raised ground floor and loft. The ground floor is occupiedby kitchen, living room and the wine cellar in the basement; the raised ground floor is intended for one bedroom andbathroom. The loft consists of two bedrooms with bathroom and an entrance to a balcony. Behind each house there is acovered terrace with grill. The space in front of the house is reserved for a garden. Outdoor pool behind the house is ashared facility by all residents. Open parking spaces are secured.Cijena / Price: 145.000 €Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726118

NekretnineD14-K044Drvenik MaliProdaje se imanje na prekrasnom otoku Drveniku Malom koji se nalazi 10 nautičkih milja od Trogira, te je idealno mjestoza odmor i potpuni bijeg iz svakodnevnog užurbanog ritma života. Ovo imanje je savršeno za sve ljubitelje robinzonskogturizma jer otok ima 50 do 60 stanovnika, a na otoku je zabranjeno prometovanje automobilima i nema asfaltiraneceste. Imanje površine od 1100 m 2 se sastoji od glavne kuće na dvije etaže od 100 m 2 i kamene konobe od 60 m 2 tegustirne, više manjih kamenih kućica i ljetne kamene kuhinje od 50 m 2 .For sale an estate on the wonderful island of Drvenik Mali, situated 10 NM from Trogir. The island represents an idealplace for vacation and complete escape from everyday busy life style. This estate is perfect for all lovers of robinson tourismbecause the island has only 50-60 inhabitants and it is forbidden to use cars because there is no paved road. Comprisingan area of 1100 m 2 this estate consists of the main house on two levels comprising 100 m 2 , an old stone housethat serves as a cellar of 60 m 2 , water tank with a summer stone kitchen of 50 m 2 and several smaller stone houses.Cijena / Price: 332.000 €Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726119

NekretnineD15-K104HvarProdaje se kamena kuća u centru starog sela Pitve. Sastoji se od: prizemlja, prvog i drugog kata, s 400 m 2 stambenogprostora, 140 m 2 terasa i balkona i 10 m 2 vrta. Parking je otprilike 30 m udaljen od nekretnine. Pitve su u centru Hvarai 1.5 km udaljene od obale. S gornjih etaža pruža se pogled na more i prekrasno seosko okruženje.For sale, a stone house in the center of an old village of Plitve. It consists of: ground floor, first and second floor, all covering400 m 2 of living area, 140 m 2 of terraces and balconies, 10 m 2 of the garden. The parking area is approximately30 m away from the property. The village of Plitve is located in the center of Hvar, 1.5 km away from the coast. From theupper rooms and terraces there is a beautifull sea view, and a view to a surrounding countryside.120Cijena / Price: 1.200.000 €Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726

NekretnineD15-Z013HvarProdaje se građevinsko zemljište u malom mjestu, na otoku Hvaru, 10 km udaljenom od Jelse. Ova izuzetno mirna lokacijasamo je 110 m udaljena od mora i prekrasnih kamenih plaža, s kojih se pogled pruža na susjedni otočić Šćedro.Zemljište je obraslo borovom šumom, pruža se uz makadamski put, a obuhvaća površinu od 1100 m 2 .U blizini zemljišta nalaze se svi potrebni priključci.For sale a building plot of 1100 m 2 , in a small place, on the island of Hvar, 10 km away from Jelsa. This exceptionallytranquil location is only 110 m away from the sea and a beautifull pebble beach, from which setts off a view on the islandof Šćedro. On the plot of land there are pine trees, and it is near the macadam road. Near the plot there are all the necessaryconnections (for water, electricity, telephone).Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiryKontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726121

NekretnineD15-S063HvarProdaje se stan u Starom gradu, na otoku Hvaru, površine 94 m 2 . Stan se nalazi na izuzetno atraktivnoj lokaciji, u zgradiuz samu obalu (Rivu). Prostire se preko cijele etaže drugog kata starije zgrade. Sastoji se od: tri spavaće sobe, kupaonice,kuhinje s DB-om i hodnika. Iznad stana se nalazi potkrovlje koje je u dvojnom vlasništvu, tj. ½ potkrovlja pripadavlasniku ovog stana. Postoji mogućnost kupnje i druge polovice potkrovlja. Iz stana se pruža prekrasan pogled na cijelugradsku luku i zaljev.Apartment for sale in an attractive location in Stari Grad, on the island of Hvar. The residential surface area is 94 m 2 . Itis located in an attractive location, just near the coast, and there is a beautifull view from the apartment to an entire cittycoast and bay. The apartment spreads out entirely on the second floor of an older building, and it consists of 3 bedrooms,bathroom, kitchen with a living-room and a hallway. Above the apartment there is a loft that has two owners; one half ofthe loft belongs to the owner of this apartment. There is a possibility of buying the other half of the loft.122Cijena / Price: 270.000 €Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726

NekretnineD13-K039MurterPrekrasna vila stambene površine 400 m 2 , smještena na kultiviranoj parceli od 1800 m 2 . Nalazi se samo nekoliko metaraod mora i podijeljena je na tri etaže, a sa stražnje strane kuće je i mala gostinjska kućica. Opremljena je visokokvalitetnimsigurnosnim sustavom, te osim garaže ima i 10 parkirnih mjesta.For sale, a beautiful villa of total surface area of 400 m 2 , situated just a few meters away from the sea on a cultivated plotof land of 1800 m 2 . It is divided in three levels with a small guesthouse on the backside. The villa is equipped with highqualitysecurity system and has a garage and 10 parking places.Cijena / Price: 1.050.000 €Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726123

NekretnineD13-Z001KorčulaProdaje se građevno zemljište površine 626 m 2 . Zemljište se nalazi u prvome redu do mora na sjevernoj strani otokaKorčule u blizini uvale Prigradica. Do zemljišta postoji pristup za automobil te kompletna infrastruktura.For sale build-able land of 626 m 2 surface area. The plot of land is in the first row from the sea on the northern part of theisland of Korčula near the cove of Prigradica. There is an access road for vehicles and complete infrastructure.124Cijena / Price: 135.000 €Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726

NekretnineSurfate u potrazi zasavršenom nekretninom?Surfing in searchof a perfect real estate?Naša najbolja ponudawww.dalcasa.comOur best offer125

NekretnineD15-K105PelješacSmještena u brdovitom dijelu između Zatona i Stona, ova prekrasna stara kuća nudi potencijal i predstavlja zanimljivprojekt za renoviranje. S ukupnom tlocrtnom površinom od 92 m 2 smještena je na parceli od 800 m 2 , s mogučnošću priključkana postojeću infrastrukturu u neposrednoj blizini. Iako je mala udaljenost od mora kuća nema pogled na more,ali nakon obnove pogled će biti dostupan s gornjih katova. Kuća ima tri etaže, mali dvor i prostranu terasu.Located in the hills between the towns of Zaton and Ston, this beautiful old house has a lot of potential and would be anexciting project for renovation. The house has a total layout of 92 m 2 , and is located on a plot of land with 800 m 2 . Electricityand water need to be installed, and the needed connections are nearby. Although the property is a short distancefrom the sea, it has no sea view, but could be provided after reconstructing the upper floor. The house has 3 floors, asmall courtyard and a spacious terrace.126Cijena / Price: 45.000 €Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726

NekretnineD13-K029PelješacProdaje se kuća pored mora površine 84 m 2 , podijeljena na dvije etaže. Površina okućnice iznosi 120 m 2 . Posjeduje vez zabrod i parking za tri automobila.For sale, a house next to the sea comprising a total of 84 m 2 divided in two levels. Surface area of the garden plot is120 m 2 . The price includes also one berth for a boat and parking space for three vehicles.Cijena / Price: 480.000 €Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726127

NekretnineD13-K030128DubrovnikProdaje se kuća na tri etaže ukupne stambene površine 165 m 2 . Ispred kuće se nalazi vrt površine 63 m 2 i terasa od43 m 2 . Udaljena je 200 metara od centra i ima predivan pogled na Stari Grad, otok Lokrum i more.For sale, a house on three levels of total surface area of 165 m 2 . In front of the house there is a garden comprising 63m 2 and a terrace comprising 43 m 2 . The house is only 200 meters from the centre and has a beautiful view of Stari Grad,the island of Lokrum and the sea.Cijena / Price: 700.000 €Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726

NekretnineD14-K079DubrovnikU elitnom predjelu izvan gradskih zidina nalazi se veličanstvena vila uza samu obalu s jedinstvenim pogledom na zaljev iotoke. Vila je izgrađena od nakvalitetnijih materijala i ručno izrađenih detalja kako bi se stvorio luksuzan životni prostor.U uređenju interijera korišteni su samo najfiniji materijali i namještaj: kuhinja na prvoj etaži rađena po mjeri, biblioteka/radna soba; na drugoj etaži su smještene 3 spavaće sobe s izlazom na prostranu terasu; glavna spavaća soba sa luksuznomkupaonicom; tu je i kutak namijenjen relaksaciji – soba za masažu sa saunom. U prizemlju se nalaze tri gostinjskaapartmana. Eksterijeru je posvećena jednaka pažnja: slapovi koji stvaraju bazen; glorijet.In an elite part outside city walls, a magnificent villa is located on the coastline with a superb view of the bay and theislands. The villa has been built using only the highest quality materials and handcrafted details to create a luxurious livingspace. In interior design only the finest materials and furniture have been used: custom made kitchen on the 1st floorand study/library; the upper floor is occupied with three bedrooms, all with the access to a spacious terrace; the masterbedroom is on the same floor; a space intended for relaxation – a sauna and massage room. The ground floor is dividedinto three self-contained guest apartments, furnished to the highest standards and each with a sea view. The same attentionhas been paid to the external area: waterfalls creating a pool; a gloriet ideal for gatherings.Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiryKontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726129

NekretnineD14-K069KaštelaU jednom od najstarijih mjesta na obali, prekrasnom Kaštilcu u Kaštel Gomilici nalazi se stara kamena kuća od 60m 2 koja je renovirana te uređena kako bi stvorila ugodan i komodan životni prostor. U prizemlju se nalazi kuhinja sadnevnim boravkom i kupaonicom, a na katu su dvije sobe i kupaonica. S gornje kata se izlazi na terasu s koje se pružaprekrasan pogled na more i slikovito mjesto s crvenim krovovima i starim zvonicima. Kuća je dio stare dalmatinskearhitekture, skrovita u uskim kaletama koje privlače svojom originalnošću te podsjećaju na stare običaje i tradiciju ovogkraja. Idealna je kao kuća za odmor ili za stanovanje zbog blizine Splita i Trogira.In one of the oldest places on the Adriatic coast, a beautiful Kaštilac in Kaštel Gomilica, an old stone house is locatedwith 60 m 2 of total living space that has been renovated and furnished as to create a comfortable and peaceful home.The kitchen with living room and bathroom is on the ground floor, and two bedrooms with one bathroom are on the upperfloor. The bedrooms have an access onto a terrace with a beautiful view of the sea and the picturesque place withits ancient church towers. The house is a representative of the old Dalmatian architecture, hidden in narrow streets thatattract with their originality and remind.Cijena / Price: 100.000 €Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726131

NekretnineD15-K084MakarskaNa atraktivnoj lokaciji prodaje se kuća s prostranom okućnicom. Ukupna površina iznosi 380 m 2 dok je površinaokućnice 580 m 2 . Ispred kuće nalazi se veliki parking. Udaljenost od mora je 200 m. S terasa se pruža prekrasanpogled na otok Brač.On attractive location, for sale is a house with spacious garden plot. Total surface area of the house is 380 m 2 with surroundingarea of 580 m 2 . In the front of the house ther is a big parking space. There are also two terraces with beautifulsea view on the island of Brač.132Cijena / Price: 400.000 €Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726

NekretnineD15-K106NinPovijesni gradić Nin smješten je na malenom otočiću usred plitke lagune, a od grada Zadra udaljen je svega 14 km.To je najstariji hrvatski kraljevski grad i kolijevka hrvatske kulture. Izvanredno očuvani spomenici kulture, posebicenadaleko poznate starohrvatske crkvice iz 9. i 12. stoljeća, jedinstveni su u Hrvatskoj i na širem području Mediterana.U ovom prekrasnom gradu prodajemo obiteljsku kuću udaljenu samo 100 metara od mora. Stambena površina kućeiznosi 210 m 2 (tri etaže po 70 m 2 sa zasebnim ulazima). Kuća ima i prostrani parking za 5 automobila.The historical town of Nin is located on a small island in a shallow lagoon about 14 km away from the regional centre ofZadar. Nin is also the oldest Croatian royal town. Exceptionally kept culture monuments, especially the well known churchfrom the 9th and the 12th ct., are unique in Croatia and in the entire Medirranean region. In this beautifull town we offeryou a nice family house, situated only 100 meters from the sea. Total surface area of the house is 210 m 2 (3 floors, 70 m 2each, with separate entrances). The house also has 5 parking places.134Cijena / Price: 200.000 €Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726

NekretnineD15-K080OmišNa atraktivnoj lokaciji prodaje se obiteljska kuća koja se sastoji od prizemlja, prvog i drugog kata sa apartmanomsveukupne površine 160 m 2 . Ukupna površina okućnice je 500 m 2 u sklopu koje je i prekrasan vrt. Moguća je nadogradnjana prvom katu do 45 m 2 . Kuća je smještena odmah uz prekrasnu plažu te pruža jedinstven pogled na more.U cijenu je uključen namještaj.On a very attractive location there is also this family house for sale. The house consists of the ground floor, first and secondfloor with total surface area of 160 m 2 and a beautiful garden plot of 500 m 2 . On the first floor there is a possibility ofbuilding extension up to 45 m 2 . The house is situated near to beautiful beach with unique sea view. Furniture is includedin the price.Cijena / Price: 650.000 €Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726135

NekretnineD15-K088PodstranaProdaje se kuća u Podstrani ukupne stambene površine 641 m 2 s prekrasnom okućnicom i pogledom na more. Kućase sastoji od prizemlja s ljetnom kuhinjom (170 m 2 ), prvog (170 m 2 ) i drugog kata (170 m 2 ) te ljetne kuhinje (40 m 2 ).Udaljena je 100 m od mora. Ima garažu i parking mjesta.For sale, a house in Podstrana with total surface area of 641 m 2 with beautiful garden plot and sea view. The houseconsists of the ground floor with summer kitchen (170 m 2 ), first (170 m 2 ) and the second floor (170 m 2 ) and summerkitchen (40 m 2 ). The house has garage and parking. It is situated 100 m from the sea.136Cijena / Price: 400.000 €Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726

NekretnineD15-A025RogoznicaU poznatom turističkom mjestu Rogoznica prodaje se 60 apartmana u kompleksu od 7 apartmanskih zgrada. Svakazgrada ima 3 etaže, a na svakoj se etaži nalaze od 2 do 4 apartmana. Apartmani su površina od 39 m 2 do 72 m 2 .U izgradnji i unutrašnjem uređenju korišteni su najkvalitetniji materijeli, a okoliš čine lijepo uređene zelene površine.Prekrasan pogled na more i parkirno mjesto imaju svi apartmani.In a well known tourist place Rogoznica, for sale, 60 apartments in a complex of 7 apartment buildings. Each building has3 floors and on each floor there are 2, 3 or 4 apartments. Apartments are from 39 m 2 up to 72 m 2 . In construction andinterior decorating only the high quality materials have been used. This is also achieved in exterior, where nicely cultivatedgarden surrounds the building.Each apartment has a sea view and a parking place.Cijena / Price: 1800 €/m 2 - 2500 €/m 2Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726137

NekretnineD14-K045138RogoznicaObiteljska kuća u centru Šibenske Rogoznice, ukupne stambene površine 210 m 2 smještena je na izuzetno atraktivnojlokaciji, 50 m udaljena od mora. Ova trokatnica sastoji se od dvoetažnog trosobnog stana, te jednosobnog stana sdva balkona. Na donjoj etaži dvoetažnog stana nalazi se dnevni boravak s kaminom, blagovaonica, kuhinja, ostavai toalet. Iz dnevnog boravka se izlazi u dvorište i vrt. Na gornjoj etaži nalaze se tri spavaće sobe s izlazom na balkoni kupaonica. Jednosobni stan na trećoj etaži ima dva balkona s pogledom na more, marinu Frapa i okolne otoke.Dvorište s vanjskom kuhinjom, roštiljem, konobom i verandom pogodno je za vanjski boravak tijekom većeg dijelagodine. Ugrađeno centralno grijanje, klima i sat. TV.A family house in the centre of Rogoznica near the town of Šibenik, with total surface area of 210 m 2 situated on attractivelocation, only 50 m from the sea. This three-storey house consists of a split-level apartment with three bedrooms; onebedroomapartment with twobalconies. The lower level of the first apartment has living room with a fireplace kitchen anddining room, lumber room and toilette; spacious courtyard and the garden are accessed from this room. There are threebedrooms with a bathroom on the second floor with access to a balcony. One-bedroom apartment on the third floor hastwo loggias with a breathtaking view of the sea, surrounding islands and the ACI Marina Frapa. A courtyard has an outdoorsummer kitchen, grill, Dalmatian-style cellar and veranda. It has central heating, air-conditioning and satellite TV.Cijena / Price: 610.000 €Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726

NekretnineD15-K085RogoznicaProdaje se stara kamena kuća u centru Rogoznica površine 115 m 2 , uz nju se nalazi mala kuća površine 24 m 2 . Kućase sastoji od dvije etaže i potkrovlja. Unutrašnjost kuće je potrebno adaptirati. Udaljenost od mora je svega 50 m ikuća ima prekrasan pogled.For sale, an old stone house, in the centre of Rogoznica. Total surface area is 115 m 2 . The house consists of 2 levels andan a attic. The inside of the house needs to be renovated. Next to this house there is a smaller one with a surface area,total surface area 24 m 2 . Both houses included in the price.Cijena / Price: 150.000 €Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726139

NekretnineD10-060TrogirProdaje se adaptirana, uređena mlinica na atraktivnoj lokaciji. Sastoji se od malog muzeja, restorana, objekata začuvanje domaćih životinja, mlina za izradu brašna, objekata za izradu domaće hrane (sušenje pršuta, pravljenje sira,maslinovog ulja), roštilja na otvorenom, izletišta od oko 12.000 m² i parkinga. Udaljenost od mora je 100 m, udaljenostod trgovine je 500 m.Adapted water mill for sale on attractive location, consisting of little museum, restaurant, buildings used for keepingdomestic animals, flour mill, buildings used for the production of food (drying and smoking of ham, production ofcheese and olive oil), open air barbecue, resort of 12,000 m², parking. Distance from the sea is 100 m, and from thegrocery store 500 m.140Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiryKontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726

NekretnineD15-A024TrogirNa atraktivnoj lokaciji otoka Čiova u izgradnji je moderna trokatna vila s osam apartmana. U prizemlju i na prvom katusmještena su tri jednosobna apartmana od 44 m 2 , 54 m 2 i 75 m 2 , dok su na drugom katu dva dvosobna apartmana od70 m 2 i 75 m 2 . Izgrađena od najkvalitenijih materijala savršeno se uklapa u prirodni krajolik borove šume, a sa svaketerase se pruža prekrasan pogled na more. Budući će vlasnici zasigurno uživati u udobnosti i luksuzu stambenog prostorate ljepoti obližnjih plaža. U cijenu je uključeno jedno parking mjesto.On the attractive location on the island of Čiovo, a construction of a modern three-storey villa with 8 apartments isplanned. The ground floor and the first floor are occupied with three, one-bedroom apartments of 44 m 2 , 54 m 2 and 75 m 2 .Other two apartments with two bedrooms (70 m 2 and 75 m 2 ) are on the second floor. It is built of high quality materialsand has fitted in perfectly with the landscape dominated by Mediterranean pine wood with a beautiful view of the sea.Future residents will enjoy not only spacious and comfortable apartments but also the beauty of the near by beaches.Parking place included.Cijena / Price: već od / from 72.000 €Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726141

NekretnineD15-K081TrogirProdaje se kuća na dva kata s pogledom na more. Svaki kat ima terasu s koje se pruža jedinstveni pogled. U prizemljuse nalazi podrum od 56 m 2 . Ispred kuće je parkirno mjesto i gustirna. Ukupna stambena površina je 150 m 2 . Prodajese s namještajem.For sale, a house with an open sea view. The house consists of the first and second floor. Each floor has terraces withunique sea view. On the ground floor is the basement of 56 m 2 . Total surface area is 150 m 2 . In the front of the houseis a parking place and a water tank. The house is for sale with furniture.Cijena / Price: 220.000 €Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726143

NekretnineD15-K111BaleMjesto atraktivno zbog bogate ambijentalne arhitekture i specifičnosti govora starog stanovništva. Danas su Bale poznatekao mirno mjesto u kojem se gosti mogu odmoriti od velegradske buke i žurbe.Najbliže kupalište udaljeno je 8 km.Bale su poznate po pučkim feštama. Posebno je razvijen lovni turizam, dok je zabava moguća na već spomenutimfeštama koje su poznate po domaćoj, istarskoj kuhinji i vinu.U kamenim zidinama nalazi se i dio dvorca koji je na prodaju s restoranom i barom. U ovu cjelinu spada i 5 apartmana,3 terase, prostrani dvor i dio koji treba kompletno renoviranje i pruža mogućnost preuređenja u još dodatna 2 ili 3apartmana. Pod zaštitom konzervatora potrebna je adaptacija s istančanim osjećajem za okolinu, jer budući vlasnici ćebiti vlasnici i dijela Hrvatske povijesti.Rich regional architecture and the uniqueness of the language spoken by the older population, make this place anattractive destination. Today, Bale is known as a quiet place offering its visitors relaxation from the city crowd. The closestpublic beach is 8 km away. Bale is known for public festivities, which provide entertainment. It is also known for Istrianspecialties and wine. Hunting tourism is especially developed.For sale: Located within the castle walls there is a section of the castle with a restaurant and a bar, 5 apartments, 3 terraces,spacious courtyard and a part of the castle that needs complete renovation. It provides a possibility of readjustment into2 or 3 apartments. The property is protected and restauration is required; but once completed, you would own a piece ofCroatian history.144Cijena / Price: 700.000 €Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726

NekretnineD15-K103GaližanaGaližana je jedno od najstarijih mjesta u Istri u kojem su kulturni spomenici poput crkve Sv. Justa iz 5. stoljeća i Sv.Roka iz 17. stoljeća. Smještena je u južnom dijelu Istre, 5 km od Pule. Najbliža zračna luka udaljena je svega 10 km,a pomorska luka Rijeka je udaljena 95 km.U Galižani je za izgradnju predviđeno 7 vila, koje će imati stambenu površinu 220 m 2 , svaka na parceli od 600 m 2 .Vile će biti samo 4 km udaljene od najbliže plaže s prekrasnim pogledom na Brijunske otoke. Posebnu draž svakojkući daje lijepo uređeni vrt i bazen koji dominiraju prostorima. Eksterijer svojim stanarima pruža kutak za relaksacijuu ugodne trenutke u krugu prijatelja.Galižana is one of the oldest cities in Istria with culture monuments such as the church of St. Just from the 5th century,and St. Roko from the 17th century. It is located in the south part of Istria, 5 km away from Pula. The nearest airportPula is 10 km away, and the sea port Rijeka is 95 km away.In Galižana 7 villas are going to be built. They will have 210 m 2 surface area, and will be built on land plots of 600 m 2 .These land plots are only 4 km away from the beach with a beautifull view to mthe islandfs of Brioni.Special charm is achived by nicely decorated garden and big swimming pool that dominates the exterior that is idealplace for relaxation and pleasant moments in the company of your friends.Cijena / Price: 320.000 €Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726145

NekretnineTel: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726Fax: +385 (0)21 380 852www.dalcasa.comstr 135146

NekretnineD14-K050MedulinLuksuzna vila 700-800 m od centra Medulina s prekrasnim pogledom na mjesto smještena je na parceli od 1040 m 2 ,stambene površine 320 m 2 . U prizemlju je smješten komforan stan od 175 m 2 s prostranim dnevnim boravkom, dvjemaspavaćim sobama, kupaonicom, kuhinjom i galerijom. Posebnost prostora je kamin i veliki južni prozori koji unose obiljesvjetlosti u cijelu kuću i povezuju je s uređenim vrtom u kojem je bazen. Prvi kat je podijeljen na tri apartmana sa zasebnimulazima i pogledom na more. Cijela kuća je vrhunski opremljena: klimatizacija, satelitska TV, alarm, centralno grijanje.A luxurious villa located on a plot with 1040 m 2 and with the residential area of 320 m 2 , 700-800 m from the centre ofMedulin, famous tourist resort. Apartment of 175 m 2 is in the ground floor with living room, two bedrooms, bathroom,kitchen and gallery. The uniqueness of this area is a fireplace and big windows facing south, bringing the light in theentire house and connecting it with a nicely decorated garden with a pool. The first floor is divided into three apartmentswith independent entrances and a sea view. The house is equipped with air conditioning, satellite TV, alarm and centralheating.Cijena / Price: 1.200.000 €Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726147

NekretnineD15-K090PorečProdaje se ekskluzivna villa Milanezi ukupne stambene površine 300 m 2 s prekrasnom okućnicom. Vila je izrađena utradicionalnom istarkom stilu, a svojom kvalitetom ispunjava sve uvjete kvalitete moderne gradnje. Vila se sastoji odprizemlja, prvog kata s dva apartmana i velikim terasama. Bazen koji vila posjeduje, biti će zasigurno poseban izvoružitaka.For sale, an exclusive villa Milanezi with total surface area of 300 m 2 surrounded with beautiful garden plot. Villa is builtin traditional Istrian style. Villa consists of the ground floor and first floor with two apartments and spacious terraces. Theswimming pool that villa possess will be, surely, special source of pleasure.148Cijena / Price: 610.000 €Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726

NekretnineD15-K098PorečProdaju se dvije kamene kuće izgrađene po izvanrednim standardima s bazenima ukupne stambene površine od 158 m 2 .Smještene su izvan centra Poreča na parceli površine 500 m 2 . Svaka kuća ima svoju garažu.For sale, two stone houses built by high standards, complete with pools, just outside the busy tourist resort of Poreč.The houses come with an integral garage. Each house is in its own grounds of 500 m 2 . Both houses have 158 m 2 livingarea.Cijena / Price: 290.000 € / svaka / eachKontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726149

NekretnineD15-K096PorečSv. Lovreč je mirno mjesto smješteno 12 kilometara od Poreča i diljem Europe poznatih porečkih plaža. Ova pozicijaje idealna za svakoga tko želi živjeti u mirnom seoskom ambijentu daleko od gradske vreve, ali ipak dovoljno blizumora, plaža i bogatog noćnog života istarskih turističkih centara. Pravi spoj istarske idile i zabave ljetnih noći! Prodajese luksuzna vila s okućnicom na parceli od 900 m². Vila ima i bazen, što je još jedan prilog komforu i atraktivnosti kojenudi. Stambena površina iznosi190 m².St Lovreč is a quiet area located 12 km from Poreč and the well-known European Poreč beaches. This position is ideal forall those who wish to live in the quiet countryside far from the city rush, yet close enough to the sea, beaches and adversenightlife of the Istrian tourist centers. The true combination of Istrian idyl and entertaining nightlife! Luxurios villa for salewith surrounding grounds on plots of 900 m 2 . There is also a pool, that provides comfort and charm to this wonderful villa.The villa’s size is 190 m 2 .Cijena / Price: 450.000 €Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726151

NekretnineD15-K097PorečPrekrasna vila s tri sobe i predivnim bazenom. Smještena je na rubnom djelu starog grada Sv. Lovreč, u kojem se nalazisva potrebna infrastruktura. Samo nekoliko minuta šetnje do najbližih barova i trgovina. Grad Poreč je udaljen svega 20minuta. Stambena površina vile je 162 m 2 , a smještena je na parceli od 750 m 2 .A beautiful three bedroom new stone house with the most stunning swimming pool on the edge of the old walled town ofSt.Lovreč, where there is a full range of facilities. Walking distance to bars and shops. The wonderful old Venetian townof Poreč is only 20 minutes away. Size of the villa is 162 m 2 , set on the plot of 750 m 2 .152Cijena / Price: 290.000 €Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726

NekretnineD15-K089PorečProdaje se ekskluzivna villa Rustica sveukupne površine 300 m 2 s prekrasnom okućnicom. Kuća se sastoji od prizemljai prvog kata s dva apartmana i velikim terasama. Ova kuća snova ima bazen te će budući vlasnici zasigurno uživati usvakom trenutku provedenom u ovom ekskluzivnom prostoru.For sale, an exclusive villa Rustica total surface area of 300 m 2 with beautiful garden plot. Villa consists of the ground floorand first floor with two apartment and spacious terraces. Special charm is achieved by nicely decorated garden and bigswimminf pool that will future owners, surely, provide lot of pleasure.Cijena / Price: 550.000 €Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726153

NekretnineD15-K087RovinjProdaje se kamena kuća u tijeku izgradnje u blizini Rovinja. Kuća se sastoji od prizemlja i prvog kata s prekrasnimpogledom. U prizemlju je predviđen veliki dnevni boravak s kuhinjom i kupaonicom, ispred je terasa površine cca 25 m 2 .Na prvom katu su tri spavaće sobe i dvije kupaonice. Ispred kuće je vrt, bazen i dva parking mjesta. Budući vlasnici ćezasigurno uživati u udobnosti prostora i ljepoti prirode.For sale, a stone house under construction near Rovinj. The house consists of the ground floor and first floor with beautiful view.On the ground floor there will be living room with kitchen and bathroom, in front of the house there is a terraces with surface of25 m 2 . On the first floor there are three rooms and two bathrooms. On the front of the house is a garden, swimming pool andtwo parking places. The future owners will undoubtedly enjoy every moment spent in this space and beauty of nature.154Cijena / Price: 240.000 €Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726

NekretnineD15-K093RovinjProdaje se kamena kuća površine 140 m 2 u tijeku izgradnje u blizini Rovinja. Kuća se sastoji od prizemlja i prvog kata sprekrasnim pogledom. U prizemlju je predviđen veliki dnevni boravak s kuhinjom i kupaonicom, ispred je terasa površinecca 25 m 2 . Na prvom katu su tri spavaće sobe i dvije kupaonice. Ispred ove prekrasne kuće je vrt površine 90 m 2 , bazeni dva parking mjesta.For sale, a stone house near Rovinj under construction, total surface area 140 m 2 . The house consists of the ground floorand first floor with beautiful open sea view. On the ground floor will be living room with kitchen and bathroom, in front ofthe house there is terraces surface of 25 m 2 . On the first floor there are three rooms and two bathrooms. On the front ofthe house there is a garden with surface of 90 m 2 , swimming pool and two parking spaces.Cijena / Price: 160.000 €Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone:+385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726info: + 385 (0)21 332 725+ 385 (0)21 332 726info@dalcasa.comDal'Casa traži nove igrace.Postanite dio tima!Uvjeti:Luda želja za prodajomi potražnjom nekretnina.155

NekretnineD14-S052ZagrebU podsljemenskom području, u zelenoj oazi i blizini centra smještene su dvije luksuzne i moderne vile, svaka s 4 dvoetažnastana. Stambeni prostor uključuje: suteren s boravkom, kuhinjom i blagavaonicom povezani u jednu cjelinu ispavaćim sobama na katu; terasa okružuje čitav stan i ima JI orijentaciju; stanovi u prizemlju, na 1. katu i u potkrovlju;imaju lođe ili terase koje su dostupne iz boravka ili blagavaonice a orijentirane su prema JI. Kvadratura stanova krećese od 115 m 2 do 179 m 2 te mogu biti 3-sobni, 4-sobni, 5-sobni s dvije kupaonice. Stanovi u potkrovlju imaju dodatnulođu na JZ. Parkirni prostor natkriven zelenilom.At the foothill of Sljeme, near the centre of Zagreb, two luxurious and modern villas are located, each with 4 split-levelapartments. The residential area includes: subterranean floor with kitchen, dining room and living room that communicateand bedrooms on the upper floor; a terrace with south-east orientation. Apartments are on the ground floor, 1st floor andloft all have terraces or loggias that can be entered from the living area and dining room which are oriented south-east.The square footage of apartments ranges from 115 m 2 to 179 m 2 and are 3-bedroom, 4-bedroom and 5-bedroom apartmentswith two bathrooms. The lofts have an extra loggia with a south-west entrance from the bedrooms. The externalparking space is covered in greenery.156Cijena / Price: na upit / on requestKontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726

NekretnineD13-S043ZagrebProdaju se stanovi različitih kvadratura od 51 m 2 do 109 m 2 u moderno dizajniranom stambenom objektu koji jepodijeljen na tri etaže. Svi stanovi imaju balkone i lođe a stanovi u prizemlju imaju i dio vrta. Također, u cijenu stana suuračunate ostave i pripadajuće parking mjesto.For sale, apartments of different floor area from 51 m 2 to 109 m 2 in a modern building divided in three levels. All theapartments have balconies and loggias, and apartments on the ground floor have a garden. Also, the price includesstorage room and an allocated parking space.Cijena / Price: 1800 €/m 2Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone:+385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726info: + 385 (0)21 332 725+ 385 (0)21 332 726info@dalcasa.comDal’Casa is lookingfor new players.Become a part of the team!Conditions:Burning desire for sellingand pursuit of realproperties.157

NekretnineD13-S047ZagrebModerno dizajnirana urbana vila koja se sastoji od pet stanova različitih kvadratura. Osnovna koncepcija stanova jepovezivanje boravka, blagovaonice i kuhinje u jedan prostor, povezan s vanjskim prostorom: terasom ili lođom.Za svaki stan su predviđena dva parking mjesta. Zgrada je pod videonadzorom, useljiva je odmah, a stanarima je na raspolaganjui zajednička teretana.A modern urban villa consisting of five different apartments of various size. The basic concept of the apartments is connectingthe living room, dining room and kitchen into one space, connected with the exterior by a terrace or balcony. Theprice includes two parking places. The building is under video control and available for occupancy. Future owners would,also, have mutually gym for use.Cijena / Price: 2600 €/m 2Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726159

NekretnineD13-S044ZagrebProdaju se luksuzni trosobni stanovi površine 88 m 2 , četverosobni površine 94 m 2 , i peterosobni penthouse površine150 m 2 . Svakom stanu pripadaju dva parkirna mjesta koja su uračunata u cijenu stana.For sale, luxurious newly built apartments: three-bedroom apartments of 88 m 2 , four-bedroom apartments of 94 m 2 , fivebedroomapartments and a penthouse that has 150 m 2 . Each apartment has two parking places included in the price ofthe apartments.Cijena / Price: 1900 €/m 2Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726161

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