1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University 1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

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abusers, law offenders, the hospitalized, or the aging. In addition to recreation classes,you will complete course work in psychology, physical education, and the arts.Principal employers are rehabilitation centers, acute care hospitals, psychiatrichospitals, psychiatric hospitals, long-term-care facilities, senior citizens' centers,children's hospitals, and community recreation agencies.Wildlands Recreation Management. This option prepares you for positionsconcerned with outdoor recreation in forested settings. In addition to recreationclasses, you complete course work in natural resources (forestry, wildlife, environmental),behavioral sciences, political science, economics, and management. Althoughprimary attention is placed on recreation in wildlife settings, there is sufficient flexibilityto permit students to emphasize applied outdoor recreation management or interpretationof the historical and natural environments.AccreditationThe recreation and parks management program is fully accreditated by theNational Recreation and Park Association for three options: administration andplanning, therapeutic recreation, and wildlands recreation management. Approximately100 colleges and universities have earned NRPA approval.FacultyProfessorsJack E. Coster, Ph.D. (Tex. A&M U.). Chair. Forestry, Entomology.Eugene C. Bammel, Ph.D. (Syracuse U.). Recreation and Parks. Leisure theory,Historical interpretation, Tourism.Lei Lane Bammel, Ph.D. (U. Utah). Recreation and Parks. Leisure studies, Researchdesigns.Samuel M. Brock, Ph.D. (U. Minn.). Forest Management. Forest resource economics,Forest management, Economics of conservation.Maurice G. Brooks, M.S. (WVU). Emeritus.Kenneth L Carvell, D. For. (Duke U.). Emeritus.Franklin C. Cech, Ph.D. (Tex. A&M U.). Emeritus.Allen W. Goodspeed, M.F. (Yale U.). Emeritus.John R. Hamilton, Ph.D. (N.C. St. U.). Emeritus.Ray R. Hicks, Jr., Ph.D. (SUNY). Forest Management. Forest ecology, Forest pestmanagement.Joseph M. Hutchison, Jr., M.S. (WVU). Recreation and Parks. Recreation and parksmanagement, Administration, planning, policy.Norman D. Jackson, M.W.T. (N.C. St. U.). Assistant Chair. Wood Science. Harvestingand primary manufacturing.William E. Kidd, Jr., M.S.F. (VPI&SU). Extension Specialist. Forest management.Edwin D. Michael, Ph.D. (Tex. A&M U.). Wildlife Management. Wildlife management,Wetland wildlife.David E. Samuel, Ph.D. (WVU). Wildlife Management. Policy and administration,Wildlife attitudes, Hunter education.Robert L Smith, Ph.D. (Cornell U.). Wildlife Management. Habitat assessment,Ecology of disturbed ecosystems, Population ecology.Stanislaw Jan Tajchman, Ph.D. (U. Munich). Forest Management. Forest meteorology.Earl H. Tryon, Ph.D. (Yale U.). Emeritus.David E. White, Ph.D. (SUNY). Forest Management. Forestry economics, Policyanalysis.Robert C. Whitmore, Ph.D. (B. Young U.). Wildlife Management. Avian ecology,Quantitative ecology.Harry V. Wiant, Jr., Ph.D. (Yale U.). Forest Management. Mensuration, Silviculture.David O. Yandle, Ph.D. (N.C. St. U.). Forest Management. Forest biometrics.Statistics.76 College of Agriculture and Forestry

Associate ProfessorsJames P. Armstrong, Ph.D. (SUNY). Wood Science. Physical behavior of wood,Hardwood drying.William N. Grafton, M.S.F. (WVU). Extension Specialist. Wildlife.F. Joseph Margarf, Ph.D. (Tex. A&M U.). Adjunct. Fisheries science, Ecology.David W. Patterson, Ph.D. (Tex. A&M U.). Wood Science. Plant layout, Operationsresearch.Sue A. Perry, Ph.D. (North Tex. St. U.). Adjunct. Aquatic ecology.Henry C. Smith, M.S.F. (Purdue U.). Adjunct. Silviculture.William L Wylie, M.S. (WVU). Emeritus.Assistant ProfessorsBeverly Hummel-Azzaro, Ph.D. (WVU). Chairperson. Family Resources. Therpeuticrecreation.Douglas J. Gardner, Ph.D. (Miss. St. U.). Wood Science. Wood chemistry, Adhesivesand adhesion.Curt C. Hassler, Ph.D. (VPI&SU). Leader, Appalachian Hardwood Center. Timberharvesting, Systems analysis.Steven J. Hollenhorst, Ph.D. (Ohio St. U.). Recreation and Parks. Outdoor recreation.William B. Perry, Ph.D. (VPI&SU). Wildlife Management. Fisheries management.Anthony C. Tomkowski, M.S.F. (WVU). Forest Management. Fisheries, Forestry,Forest water quality.Michael P. Wolcott, M.S. (U. Maine). Wood Science. Solid mechanics, Design of woodbase composites.Division of Plant and Soil SciencesBarton S. Baker, Ph.D., Chairperson.Nature of Program/Objectives/GoalsPlant and Soil Sciences majors have several options from which to choose:agronomy (crop science and soil science), horticulture, environmental protection, andbasic science. Graduates from this curriculum are employed in commercial industriesinvolved with the production and distribution of pesticides, fertilizers, seeds and plants,and nursery, floral and turf products. Positions as estate and farm managers, landreclamationists, city and county planning technicians, park and golf course superintendents,and environmental protectionists are also available to graduates. A variety ofstate and federal government positions are available as well. Graduates who wish tofurther their education may acquire the necessary backgrounds to enter professionalor graduate programs in such fields as agricultural biochemistry, crop science,entomology, genetics, horticulture, microbiology, mycology, plant pathology, plantphysiology, and soil science.Division of Forestry 77

Associate ProfessorsJames P. Armstrong, Ph.D. (SUNY). Wood Science. Physical behavior of wood,Hardwood drying.William N. Grafton, M.S.F. (WVU). Extension Specialist. Wildlife.F. Joseph Margarf, Ph.D. (Tex. A&M U.). Adjunct. Fisheries science, Ecology.David W. Patterson, Ph.D. (Tex. A&M U.). Wood Science. Plant layout, Operationsresearch.Sue A. Perry, Ph.D. (North Tex. St. U.). Adjunct. Aquatic ecology.Henry C. Smith, M.S.F. (Purdue U.). Adjunct. Silviculture.William L Wylie, M.S. (WVU). Emeritus.Assistant ProfessorsBeverly Hummel-Azzaro, Ph.D. (WVU). Chairperson. Family Resources. Therpeuticrecreation.Douglas J. Gardner, Ph.D. (Miss. St. U.). Wood Science. Wood chemistry, Adhesivesand adhesion.Curt C. Hassler, Ph.D. (VPI&SU). Leader, Appalachian Hardwood Center. Timberharvesting, Systems analysis.Steven J. Hollenhorst, Ph.D. (Ohio St. U.). Recreation and Parks. Outdoor recreation.William B. Perry, Ph.D. (VPI&SU). Wildlife Management. Fisheries management.Anthony C. Tomkowski, M.S.F. (WVU). Forest Management. Fisheries, Forestry,Forest water quality.Michael P. Wolcott, M.S. (U. Maine). Wood Science. Solid mechanics, Design of woodbase composites.Division of Plant and Soil SciencesBarton S. Baker, Ph.D., Chairperson.Nature of Program/Objectives/GoalsPlant and Soil Sciences majors have several options from which to choose:agronomy (crop science and soil science), horticulture, environmental protection, andbasic science. Graduates from this curriculum are employed in commercial industriesinvolved with the production and distribution of pesticides, fertilizers, seeds and plants,and nursery, floral and turf products. Positions as estate and farm managers, landreclamationists, city and county planning technicians, park and golf course superintendents,and environmental protectionists are also available to graduates. A variety ofstate and federal government positions are available as well. Graduates who wish tofurther their education may acquire the necessary backgrounds to enter professionalor graduate programs in such fields as agricultural biochemistry, crop science,entomology, genetics, horticulture, microbiology, mycology, plant pathology, plantphysiology, and soil science.Division of Forestry 77

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