1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University 1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

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provides a solid basic background in biology, ecology, and natural resource management.A careful selection of restricted and free electives enables you to specialize inrelated natural resource areas and to have the opportunity for widening employment inother environmental fields. Wildlife graduates from our program meet the certificationrequirements for wildlife biologists from the Wildlife Society.The curriculum offers five options: wildlife science oriented toward research (forthose considering graduate school; our most popular option); wildlife managementdirected toward land management; fisheries science with emphasis on fishery biologyand management; toxicology; and planning. Other options can be tailored to yourobjectives. You will be able to consult with your advisor in the selection of coursesfrom a group of restricted electives to develop your area of emphasis.Curriculum RequirementsHoursEnglish 1 and 2 Composition and Rhetoric 6Mathematics 3 and 4 College Algebra, Trigonometry 6Biology 1, 2, 3, and 4 Principles of Biology 8Forestry 5 Dendrology 3Chemistry 11 and 12 Survey of Chemistry 8Chemistry 131 Organic Chemistry 4Mathematics 128 Introduction to Calculus 4Economics introductory course 3Computer Science 5 4Soils introductory course 3Oral communication 3Statistics 101 or equivalent 3Genetics 171 Principles 4Animal Physiology 100 3Plant (botany) course 3Resource policy course 3Forest Management 21 1 Silviculture 4Wildlife Management 213, 214, 224, 228, 231*, 234* 18LSP Electives ** 18Restrictive Electives 18Free Electives ....9Total 136'Students selecting the fisheries option will take Biol. 246 Limnology and Biol. 257Ichthyology in place of Wildlife Management 233 and 234."Courses in each of Cluster A and B must involve at least three different disciplines. At leasttwo courses must be taken in the same discipline. Three hours of Cluster A or B must focus onforeign or minority culture.When you attend West Virginia University, you will have some special opportunitiesto enhance your education. We have a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service CooperativeResearch Unit housed within our program. This provides three additional facultyconducting extensive research programs all around the country. Undergraduatesbenefit from the unit in several ways: the unit provides a federal contact for employmentopportunities; the unit research program may provide summer employment onfish and wildlife projects; and faculty in the unit also teach in our program.All of our faculty are involved with graduate training. This active researchprogram provides invaluable classroom experiences as well as summer employmentopportunities for you.Career opportunities in wildlife and fisheries are expanding. Even so, we encourageour students to consider going for advanced degrees when they finish here.Such qualified seniors find that assistantships are readily available due to the solidcourse background and training they received while here at West Virginia University.72 College of Agriculture and Forestry

As a graduate professional forester, you could expect to do field work such asestimating the volume and value of areas of timberland, planning and supervisingtimber harvesting operations, and doing forest protection work, including fire, insect,and disease control. Managerial work would include such things as planning timbercrop rotations, evaluating the economics of alternative forest management plans, andplanning for integrated use of forest land for recreation, timber, watershed, wildlife, andenvironmental protection. With experience and proven performance in these activities,professional foresters often advance to executive management positions in publicforestry agencies or forest industry companies.Bachelor of Science in ForestryWood Industries CurriculumThe wood industries curriculum is designed to prepare you for a career in thewood products industry. This industry is a vitally important and growing segment of theeconomy. It is widely varied in its size, location, products, and activities. We requirethat you complete 138 credit hours of coursework to receive your Bachelor of Sciencein Forestry degree. Our curriculum is anchored to a strong background in basic andwood sciences. It emphasizes what you will need to know to function effectively as aprofessional and as a member of society. The courses you will take will help you tounderstand wood as an industrial raw material and as a construction material.Areas of EmphasisThere are three options within the wood industries curriculum that you maychoose from: management, production, and wood science. The management optionrequires that you take credit hours in business administration courses and will prepareyou for a career in marketing or management in the wood products industry. Theproduction option requires a background in wood processing and industrial engineeringcourses. This option is best if you wish to work in production management, qualitycontrol, or process control in the wood products industry. The wood science optionrequires a core of basic science and engineering courses. This option is recommendedif you wish to pursue a career in the technical aspects of wood industries, includingresearch. It is also excellent preparation if you plan to continue your education throughgraduate school.Curriculum RequirementsHoursBiology 1, 3 General Biofogy 4Chemistry 11, 12 Survey of Chemistry 8English 1,2 Composition & Rhetoric 6Mathematics 3, 4 College Algebra, Plane Trigonometry 6Forestry 1 1Forestry 5 3Civil Engineering 1 or 5 Surveying 2-4Statistics 101 or Economics 125 3Computer Science 1 or 5 4Economics 54, 55 Principles of Economics 6Mathematics 15 Calculus 4Physics 1 Introductory Physics 4Forest Management 12, 1 22, 21 1 , 233 or 234 14-15Wood Science 123, 132, 134, 141, 200, 201, 240, 260, 262 26LSP 18Restricted electives 25-28Total 138Division of Forestry 73

As a graduate professional forester, you could expect to do field work such asestimating the volume and value of areas of timberland, planning and supervisingtimber harvesting operations, and doing forest protection work, including fire, insect,and disease control. Managerial work would include such things as planning timbercrop rotations, evaluating the economics of alternative forest management plans, andplanning for integrated use of forest land for recreation, timber, watershed, wildlife, andenvironmental protection. With experience and proven performance in these activities,professional foresters often advance to executive management positions in publicforestry agencies or forest industry companies.Bachelor of Science in ForestryWood Industries CurriculumThe wood industries curriculum is designed to prepare you for a career in thewood products industry. This industry is a vitally important and growing segment of theeconomy. It is widely varied in its size, location, products, and activities. We requirethat you complete 138 credit hours of coursework to receive your Bachelor of Sciencein Forestry degree. Our curriculum is anchored to a strong background in basic andwood sciences. It emphasizes what you will need to know to function effectively as aprofessional and as a member of society. The courses you will take will help you tounderstand wood as an industrial raw material and as a construction material.Areas of EmphasisThere are three options within the wood industries curriculum that you maychoose from: management, production, and wood science. The management optionrequires that you take credit hours in business administration courses and will prepareyou for a career in marketing or management in the wood products industry. Theproduction option requires a background in wood processing and industrial engineeringcourses. This option is best if you wish to work in production management, qualitycontrol, or process control in the wood products industry. The wood science optionrequires a core of basic science and engineering courses. This option is recommendedif you wish to pursue a career in the technical aspects of wood industries, includingresearch. It is also excellent preparation if you plan to continue your education throughgraduate school.Curriculum RequirementsHoursBiology 1, 3 General Biofogy 4Chemistry 11, 12 Survey of Chemistry 8English 1,2 Composition & Rhetoric 6Mathematics 3, 4 College Algebra, Plane Trigonometry 6Forestry 1 1Forestry 5 3Civil Engineering 1 or 5 Surveying 2-4Statistics 101 or Economics 125 3Computer Science 1 or 5 4Economics 54, 55 Principles of Economics 6Mathematics 15 Calculus 4Physics 1 Introductory Physics 4Forest Management 12, 1 22, 21 1 , 233 or 234 14-15Wood Science 123, 132, 134, 141, 200, 201, 240, 260, 262 26LSP 18Restricted electives 25-28Total 138Division of Forestry 73

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