1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University 1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

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Non-Sufficient Funds Check PolicyPayments of tuition, fees, and other charges by check are subject to WVU's Non-Sufficient Funds Check Policy. A copy of the policy is available in the Bursar's Office.Refund of FeesA student who officially withdraws from University courses may arrange for arefund of fees by submitting to the University Controller evidence of eligibility for arefund during the semester.To withdraw officially, a student must apply to the Division of Student Affairs forpermission. Semester fees will be returned in accordance with the following schedule:Academic Year (Semester)RefundDuring the first and second weeks 90%During the third and fourth weeks 70%During the fifth and sixth weeks 50%Beginning with the seventh weekNo RefundSummer Sessions and Non-Traditional PeriodsRefunds for summer sessions and non-traditional periods are established basedupon the refund rate for the academic year. For specific information concerningsummer session refunds, see the appropriate Summer Schedule of Courses. Shouldthe percentage calculation identify a partial day, the entire day will be included in thehigher refund period.No part of the Activity Fee is refundable unless the student withdraws from theUniversity.University policy provides that students called to the armed services of the UnitedStates may be granted full refund of refundable fees, but no credit if the call comesbefore the end of the first three-fourths of the semester, and that full credit of coursesbe granted to persons called to the armed services of the United States if the callcomes thereafter; provided, however that credit as described above will be grantedonly in those courses in which the student is maintaining a passing mark at the time ofdeparture for military service. In the recording of final grades, for three-fourths of asemester or more, both passing and failing grades are to be shown on the student'spermanent record.Cost of an Academic Year's WorkThe Student Financial Aid Office estimates that the total cost of attending WVU fora nine-month academic year is $7,850 for single West Virginia residents living oncampus, $8,100 for single West Virginia residents living off campus, and $5,100 forthose living at home.The total cost for single non-residents living on campus is $10,700; for single nonresidentsliving off campus, $10,950; and for non-residents living at home, $7,950.These typical estimated student budgets include tuition and fees, books and supplies,room, board, transportation, and personal expenses to provide a modest but adequatelife-style.Identification CardAn identification card is issued to each full-time student when fees are paid in full.It admits the owner to certain University athletic events, various activities of studentadministration, Health Service, and Mountainlair. Confiscation will result from misuse.The University reserves the right to refuse reissuance of an identification card.50 West Virginia University

Policy Regarding ResidencyClassification Of Students for Admission and Fee PurposesSection 2. Classification for Admission and Fee Purposes2.1 Students enrolling in a West Virginia public institution of higher education shallbe assigned a residency status for admission, tuition, and fee purposes by theinstitutional officer designated by the president. In determining residency classification,the issue is essentially one of domicile. In general, the domicile of a person is thatperson's true, fixed, permanent home and place of habitation. The decision shall bebased upon information furnished by the student and all other relevant information.The designated officer is authorized to require such written documents, affidavits,verifications, or other evidence as is deemed necessary to establish the domicile of astudent. The burden of establishing domicile for admission, tuition, and fee purposes isupon the student.2. 2 If there is a question as to domicile, the matter must be brought to theattention of the designated officer at least two weeks prior to the deadline for thepayment of tuition and fees. Any student found to have made a false or misleadingstatement concerning domicile shall be subject to institutional disciplinary action andwill be charged the nonresident fees for each academic term theretofore attended.2. 3 The previous determination of a student's domiciliary status by one institutionis not conclusive or binding when subsequently considered by another institution;however, assuming no change of facts, the prior judgment should be given strongconsideration in the interest of consistency. Out-of- state students being assessedresident tuition and fees as a result of a reciprocity agreement may not transfer saidreciprocity status to another public institution in West Virginia.Section 3.Residence Determined by Domicile3.1 Domicile within the State means adoption of the State as the fixedpermanent home and involves personal presence within the State with no intent on thepart of the applicant or, in the case of a dependent student, the applicant's parent(s) toreturn to another state or country. Residing with relatives (other than parent(s)/legalguardian) does not, in and of itself, cause the student to attain domicile in this State foradmission or fee payment purposes. West Virginia domicile may be established uponthe completion of at least twelve months of continued presence within the State prior tothe date of registration, provided that such twelve months' presence is not primarily forthe purpose of attendance at any institution of higher education in West Virginia.Establishment of West Virginia domicile with less than twelve months' presence priorto the date of registration must be supported by evidence of positive and unequivocalaction. In determining domicile, institutional officials should give consideration to suchfactors as the ownership or lease of a permanently occupied home in West Virginia,full-time employment within the State, paying West Virginia property tax, filing WestVirginia income tax returns, registering of motor vehicles in West Virginia, possessinga valid West Virginia driver's license, and marriage to a person already domiciled inWest Virginia. Proof of a number of these actions shall be considered only as evidencewhich may be used in determining whether or not a domicile has been established.Factors militating against the establishment of West Virginia domicile might includesuch considerations as the student not being self-supporting, being claimed as adependent on federal or state income tax returns or the parents' health insurancepolicy if the parents reside out of state, receiving financial assistance from statestudent aid programs in other states, and leaving the State when school is not insession.Section 4.Dependency Status4.1 A dependent student is one who is listed as a dependent on the federalor state income tax return of his/her parent(s) or legal guardian or who receives majorResidency Policy 51

Non-Sufficient Funds Check PolicyPayments of tuition, fees, and other charges by check are subject to WVU's Non-Sufficient Funds Check Policy. A copy of the policy is available in the Bursar's Office.Refund of FeesA student who officially withdraws from <strong>University</strong> courses may arrange for arefund of fees by submitting to the <strong>University</strong> Controller evidence of eligibility for arefund during the semester.To withdraw officially, a student must apply to the Division of Student Affairs forpermission. Semester fees will be returned in accordance with the following schedule:Academic Year (Semester)RefundDuring the first and second weeks 90%During the third and fourth weeks 70%During the fifth and sixth weeks 50%Beginning with the seventh weekNo RefundSummer Sessions and Non-Traditional PeriodsRefunds for summer sessions and non-traditional periods are established basedupon the refund rate for the academic year. For specific information concerningsummer session refunds, see the appropriate Summer Schedule of Courses. Shouldthe percentage calculation identify a partial day, the entire day will be included in thehigher refund period.No part of the Activity Fee is refundable unless the student withdraws from the<strong>University</strong>.<strong>University</strong> policy provides that students called to the armed services of the UnitedStates may be granted full refund of refundable fees, but no credit if the call comesbefore the end of the first three-fourths of the semester, and that full credit of coursesbe granted to persons called to the armed services of the United States if the callcomes thereafter; provided, however that credit as described above will be grantedonly in those courses in which the student is maintaining a passing mark at the time ofdeparture for military service. In the recording of final grades, for three-fourths of asemester or more, both passing and failing grades are to be shown on the student'spermanent record.Cost of an Academic Year's WorkThe Student Financial Aid Office estimates that the total cost of attending WVU fora nine-month academic year is $7,850 for single <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> residents living oncampus, $8,100 for single <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> residents living off campus, and $5,100 forthose living at home.The total cost for single non-residents living on campus is $10,700; for single nonresidentsliving off campus, $10,950; and for non-residents living at home, $7,950.These typical estimated student budgets include tuition and fees, books and supplies,room, board, transportation, and personal expenses to provide a modest but adequatelife-style.Identification CardAn identification card is issued to each full-time student when fees are paid in full.It admits the owner to certain <strong>University</strong> athletic events, various activities of studentadministration, Health Service, and Mountainlair. Confiscation will result from misuse.The <strong>University</strong> reserves the right to refuse reissuance of an identification card.50 <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> <strong>University</strong>

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