1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University 1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

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(but not limited to) another individual's academic composition, compilation, or otherproduct, or commercially prepared paper.2. Cheating and dishonest practices in connection with examinations, papers, andprojects, including but not limited to: a. Obtaining help from another student duringexaminations, b. Knowingly giving help to another student during examinations, takingan examination or doing academic work for another student, or providing one's ownwork for another student to copy and submit as his/her own. c. The unauthorized useof notes, books, or other sources of information during examinations, d. Obtainingwithout authorization an examination or any part thereof.3. Forgery, misrepresentation or fraud:a. Forging or altering, or causing to be altered, the record of any grade in a grade bookor other educational record.b. Use of University documents or instruments of identification with intent to defraud, c.Presenting false data or intentionally misrepresenting one's records for admission,registration, or withdrawal from the University or from a University course.d. Knowingly presenting false data or intentionally misrepresenting one's records forpersonal gain.e. Knowingly and unethically furnishing the results of research projects or experiments.f. Knowingly furnishing false statements in any University academic proceeding.Procedure for Handling Academic Dishonesty CasesAcademic dishonesty includes plagiarism; cheating and dishonest practices inconnection with examinations, papers, and projects; and forgery, misrepresentation,and fraud. Some cases of forgery, misrepresentation, or fraud which occur outside thecontext of courses or academic requirements may be referred directly to the UniversityCommittee on Student Rights and Responsibilities by any member of the Universitycommunity. In such cases, the University Committee on Student Rights and Responsibilitieswill arrange a hearing following the procedure outlined in Step 3 within 15calendar days of receipt of the charges.Step 1. If a student is charged with academic dishonesty, the instructor will contact thestudent in person and/or notify the student in writing of the specifics of the chargewithin 15 calendar days of the discovery of the offense. The student must respondwithin five calendar days of the receipt of the notification. If the instructor determines the student is guilty, the maximum penalties the instructor may administerare exclusion from the course, a lower grade, and/or an unforgiveable F (noteligible for D/F repeat policy) in the course. The instructor and/or the departmentchairperson also may recommend to the dean of the college in which the course isoffered that additional penalties be imposed on the student. At the discretion ofthe faculty member or department chairperson, in cases where there is writtenadmission of guilt by the student, the case may be satisfactorily resolved at thedepartmental level. Whenever a penalty is administered, the facts of the caseshall be reported in writing to the dean of the college or school and a copyforwarded to the Office of Judicial Programs for the permanent records. In caseswherein academic dishonesty occurs in a college or school other than that inwhich the student is enrolled, the results of the case shall be reported to the deanof the college or school in which the student involved is enrolled.Step 2. If the student denies guilt, if the student believes the penalty imposed in Step 1is unjust, or if the instructor and/or department chairperson determines thepenalties available at Step 1 are insufficient for a specific act, the dean of thecollege or school in which the course is offered shall be notified in writing of thespecifics of the case. The dean shall then implement the following steps within 15calendar days of receipt of notification:1 . Formal notification to the faculty member that the student is appealing the44 West Virginia University

.penalties imposed in Step 1 or formal notification to the student and faculty,member of the charges and nature of evidence which, if proved, would justifyadditional action.2. Opportunity for the student, faculty, and witnesses to respond or presentevidence in writing to the charges.3. Review by the dean of the facts and evidence presented, and a determination of the penalty or action, if any, to be applied.Step 3. If the student wishes to appeal the decision of the dean, the appeal must reachthe University Committee on Student Rights and Responsibilities within 30calendar days of the student's receipt of the dean's decision. The UniversityCommittee on Student Rights and Responsibilities will arrange a hearing within 15calendar days using the following procedures:1the hearing.All parties involved shall receive written notice of the date, time, and place of2. The student may be advised by a person of his/her choice from within theinstitution; likewise, the academic officer recommending the additional action mayhave an adviser from within the institution. Such advisers may consult with, but maynot speak on behalf of their advisees, or otherwise participate directly in the proceedingsunless they are given specific permission by the University Committee on StudentRights and Responsibilities Chairperson.3. The administrative procedure is not adversarial in nature; the formal rules ofevidence do not apply.4. Witnesses may be called by any of the parties involved.5. A record of the appeal shall be prepared in the form of summary minutes andrelevant attachments and will be provided to any of those involved upon writtenrequest.The University Committee on Student Rights and Responsibilities will reach adecision within seven days of the hearing. If the University Committee on StudentRights and Responsibilities finds the student guilty, it will determine the penalty itdeems appropriate under the circumstances and inform all parties involved. Thepenalty imposed cannot be more severe than the penalty imposed by the dean.Step 4. Only sanctions of suspension or dismissal invoked or upheld by the UniversityCommittee on Student Rights and Responsibilities may be appealed to thePresident or his/her designee. Such appeals must reach the President's Officewithin 30 calendar days after receipt of written notice of the decision of theUniversity Committee on Student Rights and Responsibilities. The decision of thePresident or the President's designee is final.Policies 45

.penalties imposed in Step 1 or formal notification to the student and faculty,member of the charges and nature of evidence which, if proved, would justifyadditional action.2. Opportunity for the student, faculty, and witnesses to respond or presentevidence in writing to the charges.3. Review by the dean of the facts and evidence presented, and a determination of the penalty or action, if any, to be applied.Step 3. If the student wishes to appeal the decision of the dean, the appeal must reachthe <strong>University</strong> Committee on Student Rights and Responsibilities within 30calendar days of the student's receipt of the dean's decision. The <strong>University</strong>Committee on Student Rights and Responsibilities will arrange a hearing within 15calendar days using the following procedures:1the hearing.All parties involved shall receive written notice of the date, time, and place of2. The student may be advised by a person of his/her choice from within theinstitution; likewise, the academic officer recommending the additional action mayhave an adviser from within the institution. Such advisers may consult with, but maynot speak on behalf of their advisees, or otherwise participate directly in the proceedingsunless they are given specific permission by the <strong>University</strong> Committee on StudentRights and Responsibilities Chairperson.3. The administrative procedure is not adversarial in nature; the formal rules ofevidence do not apply.4. Witnesses may be called by any of the parties involved.5. A record of the appeal shall be prepared in the form of summary minutes andrelevant attachments and will be provided to any of those involved upon writtenrequest.The <strong>University</strong> Committee on Student Rights and Responsibilities will reach adecision within seven days of the hearing. If the <strong>University</strong> Committee on StudentRights and Responsibilities finds the student guilty, it will determine the penalty itdeems appropriate under the circumstances and inform all parties involved. Thepenalty imposed cannot be more severe than the penalty imposed by the dean.Step 4. Only sanctions of suspension or dismissal invoked or upheld by the <strong>University</strong>Committee on Student Rights and Responsibilities may be appealed to thePresident or his/her designee. Such appeals must reach the President's Officewithin 30 calendar days after receipt of written notice of the decision of the<strong>University</strong> Committee on Student Rights and Responsibilities. The decision of thePresident or the President's designee is final.Policies 45

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