1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University


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Biology 93, 316Board of Regents bachelor of arts 95Board of Advisors 4Board of Trustees 4Branch, community, and junior colleges 26Broadcast news 253, 255, 319Bureau of Business Research 147Business administration 151,320Business and Economics, College of 146Accounting 155,306Accreditation 1 47Admission 149Bureau of Business Research 147Business administration 151CPA examination 155Career paths in Accounting 156Center for Economic Research 1 48Coordinated dual degrees in business and foreign 1 54Distribution/purchasing 166Economics 152, 158Finance 160Governmental accounting 156Human resource management 162Institute of Industrial and Labor Relations 148Internal auditing 156Journal of Small Business Management 147Labor Studies Journal 1 49Management 161Management accounting 156Marketing 1 65Marketing research 167Maximum and Minimum Load 150Mission 146Multiple and concurrent bachelor's degrees 1 54Pre-business and economics 149Promotion Management 167Public Accounting 156Sales management 166Small Business Development Center 148Work taken at other institutions 1 50Business Law 320CCalendar, <strong>1991</strong>-92 2Calendar, 1992-93 3Calliope 109Center for Black Culture and Research 290Center for Economic Research 1 48Center for Women's Studies 291Ceramics 172451

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