1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University 1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

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226. Ornithology. II. 3 hr. PR: Biol. 1 and 3, 2 and 4, or consent Identification,distribution, and ecology of birds (particularly of forest lands). 2 hr. lee, 1 hr. lab.228. Wildlife Policy and Administration. II. 3 hr. Study of the organization, authority,policies, programs and administration of public agencies and private organizationsconcerned with fish and wildlife. Emphasis is on the legal and political role in makingwildlife management decisions.231. Wildlife Techniques. I. 3 hr. PR: Wildlife major or consent; W. Man. 213, Biol. 51.Field and laboratory techniques necessary in management and study of wildlife;collection of field data, mapping, censusing, habitat evaluation, literature and scientificwriting.234. Principles of Wildlife Management. II. 3 hr. PR: Wildlife major or consent; W.Man. 213, 231. Major game animals and problems and principles involved in theirmanagement.Women's Studies (Wm. St.)40. Introduction to Women's Studies. I, II. 3 hr. () The major contexts in which woman's identity has been and isdefined and of the relationships between these definitions and the roles and history ofwomen (and men) in society and culture. (Also listed as MDS 40.)191. Special Topics. I, II, S. 1-6 hr. PR: Consent. Interdisciplinary studies on womenand gender within the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Topicschange from semester to semester; students can enroll more than once.194. Field Experience. I, II, S. 1-6 hr. PR: Consent. Supervised interdisciplinaryexperiences carried out in connection with government, social service, and otherapproved agencies, organizations, and women-centered projects.240. Methods and Perspectives in Women's Studies. I, II. 4 hr. PR: 9 hr. in approvedwomen's studies courses and junior standing, or consent. An exploration of majortheoretical perspectives on and research methods appropriate to the interdisciplinarystudy of women and gender.290. Independent Study. I, II, S. 1-6 hr. PR: Consent. Individual study of an interdisciplinaryissue in women's studies and/or gender studies.Wood Science (Wd. Sc.)Technology. II. 3 hr. PR: Biol. 51 . For students other than those taking the1 21 . Woodwood industries and wood science options; designed to provide familiarity with thetechnical aspects of wood utilization.123. Wood Identification. I. 3 hr. PR: Wood Industry major or consent; Biol. 51.Identification of commerical timbers of the U.S.; basic properties and uses of differentwoods.132. Primary Conversion and Grading. II. 3 hr. PR: Forestry major or consentPrinciples of the conversion of raw materials in log form to primary wood products.Elements of the grading of raw materials and primary products. Production planningand control.134. Secondary Manufacturing Processes. II. 3 hr. PR: Wd. Sc. 1 23 or consent.Detailed study of the materials and processes involved in manufacture of secondarywood products.141 . Properties of Wood. I. 3 hr. PR: Wood Industry major or consent; Phys. 1 , Wd.Sc. 123. Physical and mechanical properties of wood.446 Wildlife Management Courses

200. Forest Measurement Field Practice. S. 3 hr. PR: Wood Industry major, Biol. 51C.E. 1, F. Man. 122. Application of surveying and mensurational practices withemphasis on field problems.201 Wood Industries Field Trip. S. 1 hr. PR: Wd. Sc. 134. A one-week trip to observemanufacturing methods and techniques of commerical wood industry plants. Plantsvisited include furniture, plywood, veneer, hardboard, particle board, pulp and paper,sawmilling, and preservation.213. Wood Chemistry. 3 hr. PR: Wood Industry major or consent, and Chem. 131 or133. Chemical composition of wood including cellulose, hemicellulose and extractives;chemical processing of wood. (2 hr. lect., 1 hr. lab.)230. Wood Machining. I. 2 hr. PR: Consent. Introduction to basic concepts of woodmachining with emphasis on production equipment and furniture manufacturing.234. Statistical Quality Control. I. 3 hr. PR: Forestry major or consent; Wd. Sc. 134.Methods used to control quality of manufactured wood products. Control charts ofvariables and attributes. Acceptance sampling techniques.235. Light-Frame Wood Construction. I. 2 hr. PR: Forestry major or consent. Use ofwood in light-frame construction. Basic design procedures and construction methods.237. Wood Adhesion and Finishing. 3 hr. PR: Wd. Sci. 141 or consent. Fundamentalsof the bonding and finishing of wood including preparation, processing, and evaluationof adhesive and finishing system. (2 hr. lect., 1 hr. lab.)240. Wood Moisture Relationships. II. 3 hr. PR: Wd. Sc. 123. Principles involved in therelation between wood and moisture, and purposes, effects and methods of seasoning.251. Forest Products Protection. II. 3 hr. PR: Wd. Sc. 123, 134. Biological organismsresponsible for deterioration of wood products, their control by preservative methods,and study of fire retarding methods.260. Plant Layout for Wood Industries. II. 3 hr. PR: Senior standing. Relates knowledgeof wood product processes to optimize production. Study of proper arrangementof machines, and work and storage areas.262. Forest Products Decision-Making. 1. 3 hr. PR: Junior standing in Forestry.Decision-making tools and techniques used by the forest products industry such assimulation-linear programming, network analysis, forecasting, game theory.Wood Science Courses 447

226. Ornithology. II. 3 hr. PR: Biol. 1 and 3, 2 and 4, or consent Identification,distribution, and ecology of birds (particularly of forest lands). 2 hr. lee, 1 hr. lab.228. Wildlife Policy and Administration. II. 3 hr. Study of the organization, authority,policies, programs and administration of public agencies and private organizationsconcerned with fish and wildlife. Emphasis is on the legal and political role in makingwildlife management decisions.231. Wildlife Techniques. I. 3 hr. PR: Wildlife major or consent; W. Man. 213, Biol. 51.Field and laboratory techniques necessary in management and study of wildlife;collection of field data, mapping, censusing, habitat evaluation, literature and scientificwriting.234. Principles of Wildlife Management. II. 3 hr. PR: Wildlife major or consent; W.Man. 213, 231. Major game animals and problems and principles involved in theirmanagement.Women's Studies (Wm. St.)40. Introduction to Women's Studies. I, II. 3 hr. () The major contexts in which woman's identity has been and isdefined and of the relationships between these definitions and the roles and history ofwomen (and men) in society and culture. (Also listed as MDS 40.)191. Special Topics. I, II, S. 1-6 hr. PR: Consent. Interdisciplinary studies on womenand gender within the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Topicschange from semester to semester; students can enroll more than once.194. Field Experience. I, II, S. 1-6 hr. PR: Consent. Supervised interdisciplinaryexperiences carried out in connection with government, social service, and otherapproved agencies, organizations, and women-centered projects.240. Methods and Perspectives in Women's Studies. I, II. 4 hr. PR: 9 hr. in approvedwomen's studies courses and junior standing, or consent. An exploration of majortheoretical perspectives on and research methods appropriate to the interdisciplinarystudy of women and gender.290. Independent Study. I, II, S. 1-6 hr. PR: Consent. Individual study of an interdisciplinaryissue in women's studies and/or gender studies.Wood Science (Wd. Sc.)Technology. II. 3 hr. PR: Biol. 51 . For students other than those taking the1 21 . Woodwood industries and wood science options; designed to provide familiarity with thetechnical aspects of wood utilization.123. Wood Identification. I. 3 hr. PR: Wood Industry major or consent; Biol. 51.Identification of commerical timbers of the U.S.; basic properties and uses of differentwoods.132. Primary Conversion and Grading. II. 3 hr. PR: Forestry major or consentPrinciples of the conversion of raw materials in log form to primary wood products.Elements of the grading of raw materials and primary products. Production planningand control.134. Secondary Manufacturing Processes. II. 3 hr. PR: Wd. Sc. 1 23 or consent.Detailed study of the materials and processes involved in manufacture of secondarywood products.141 . Properties of Wood. I. 3 hr. PR: Wood Industry major or consent; Phys. 1 , Wd.Sc. 123. Physical and mechanical properties of wood.446 Wildlife Management Courses

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