1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University 1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

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252. Advanced Vocal Techniques. II. 2 hr. PR: Consent. Continuation of Theat. 251.260. Theatre Performance and Rehearsal Laboratory. I, II. 1-3 hr. (May be repeatedfor max. 9 hr. credit.) PR: Theatre major and consent. Participation is assigned theatreprojects. Appreciation of creativity and performance techniques in theatre.262. Scene Painting. I. 3 hr. PR: Theat. 168 or consent. A study in the basic techniquesused in preparing and painting scenery. Practical experience in paintingscenery for theatre productions.267. Advanced Scene Design. 3 hr. PR: Theat. 167, 168 or consent. (May berepeated for a max. 6 credit hours.) Advanced project work in scenic design emphasizingtext analysis, period research and the sharpening of rendering and modelmakingskills toward the development of a portfolio.268. Advanced Costume Design. I, II. 3 hr. PR: Th. 167, 168, 220, 221 or consent.(May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.) Advanced projects in costumedesign emphasizing text analysis, period research, and sharpening of skills in figuredrawing, characterization and painting toward development of a portfolio. 1 hr. lee, 2hr. lab.269. Advanced Theatre Lighting Design. I, II. 3 hr. PR: Th. 107 or consent. (May berepeated for maximum 6 credit hours.) Advanced theories of lighting design for thestage. Projects emphasize text analysis for design conceptualization, light plotdrafting, and practical production experience. 3 hr. lee.271. Advanced Stage Movement. I. 2 hr. PR: Theat. 172. Advanced study ofmovement techniques for character work. Period styles of movement.ZlZ.Advanced Stage Movement. II. 2 hr.PR: Theat. 271 .Cont. of work in Theat. 271275. Advanced Acting Studio. I. 3 hr. PR: Consent. Continuation of advanced exercisework and styles. Coordinated with rehearsal/performance.276. Advanced Acting Studio. II. 3 hr. PR: Consent. Continuation of the work in Theat.275. Audition techniques.278. Repertory Theatre. 1-6 hr. (May be repeated for max. 12 hr. credit.) PR: Consent.Rehearsal and performance techniques for producing plays in rotating repertory.Emphasis is on the creation of a synthesized company of performers, designers, andtechnicians.280. Advanced Play Directing. II. 3 hr. PR: Theat. 180 or consent. Emphasis on thework of the director as on integrating artist. High level of proficiency in the direction ofa one-act play is required of all students enrolled.282. Creative Dramatics. I, II, S. 3 hr. PR: Theat. 75 or consent. Study and practice ofcreative dramatic activity as a method of learning and self- development for children.284. Puppetry. I, II. 3 hr. PR: Theat. 75 or consent. Comprehensive survey ofconstruction and manipulation techniques of puppets. Evaluation of the role ofpuppetry in child behavior and therapy techniques.290. Playwriting. I, II. 3 hr. PR: Consent. Development of basic playwriting techniques.Specific assignments explore characterization, dramatic event, dialogue, tension,compression. Emphasis on the student finding one's own voice, style, and courage todramatize one's view of the world.291 Advanced Playwriting. II. 3 hr. PR: Theat. 290. Further exploration of dramatictechnique, with emphasis on orchestrating the longer play. Also touches on scriptanalysis of known dramatic texts and on practical problems of a playwriting career.444 Theatre Courses

295. Classic Theatre to 1700. I. (Alternate Years.) 3 hr. A survey of theatre history,with emphasis on the development of performance conditions, from classical antiquitythrough the middle of the seventeenth century.296. European and American Theatre, 1700-1650. II. 3 hr. A survey of theatre history,with emphasis on the development of performance conditions, from the middle of theseventeenth century to the rise of Realism in the 1840s.297. Modern Theatre, 1850-1940. 1. (Alternate Years.) 3 hr. A survey of theatrehistory, with emphasis on the development of performance conditions, from the middleof the nineteenth century to the outbreak of World War II.298. Contemporary Theatre Since 1940. II. (Alternate Years.) 3 hr. A survey of theatrehistory, with emphasis on the development of performance conditions, from World WarIIto the present.Veterinary Science (Vet. S.)102. Animal Pathology. II. 3 hr. Diseases of animals, with special emphasis on thecommon diseases.205. Parasitology. II. 3 hr. PR: Course in biology or consent. Common parasites offarm animals, their life cycles, effects on the host, diagnosis, control and public healthimportance. 3 hr. lee, 1 hr. lab.210. Principles of Laboratory Animal Science. I. 3 hr. PR: Consent for undergraduates.The management, genetics, physiology, nutrition, disease, and germ-free quartering ofcommon laboratory animals. 1 lab.Wildlife Management (W. Man.)121 . Interpretive Bird Study. II. 3 hr. PR: Biol. 2 and 4 or consent. Intensive fieldstudies in recognition through sight, song, and behavioral patterns of birds, and theirecology in the Central Appalachians. 2 hr. lee., 2 hr. lab.131 . Wildlife Management. I. 3 hr. PR: Biol. 2 and 4 Basic principles of handling wildlifeas a forest crop, including population of dynamics, ecological relationships, socialbehavior, habitat manipulation, and game administration.151 . Attitudes Toward Wildlife. II. 3 hr. A consideration of our changing perception ofand relationships toward wild aimals.213. Wildlife Ecosystem Ecology. I. 3 hr. PR: Biol. 1 and 3, 2 and 4, and 51 orconsent. Basic principles of ecosystem ecology, emphasizing structure and function,succession, adaptation of organisms to the environment (physiological ecology), andsurvey of major ecosystems with emphasis on their roles as wildlife habitats.214. Wildlife Population Ecology. II. 3 hr. PR: W. Man. 213 or consent. Emphasis ontheoretical and applied population ecology including population growth, interactions,regulation, and effects of harvesting and exploitation on natural populations. 2 hr. lee.,1 hr. lab.224. Vertebrate Natural History. I. 3 hr. PR: Biol. 2 and 4 or consent Relationships offish, amphibians, and reptiles to the forest, with emphasis on the ecology, taxonomy,evolution, natural history, and field identification of these groups. Laboratory emphasizesnatural history and anatomy of fish, amphibians, and reptiles.225. Mammalogy. II. 3 hr. PR: Biol. 2 and 4 or consent. Mammals and their biologicalproperties with emphasis on life history, ecology, and distribution of regional forms.(Also listed as Biol. 258.)Wildlife Management Courses 445

252. Advanced Vocal Techniques. II. 2 hr. PR: Consent. Continuation of Theat. 251.260. Theatre Performance and Rehearsal Laboratory. I, II. 1-3 hr. (May be repeatedfor max. 9 hr. credit.) PR: Theatre major and consent. Participation is assigned theatreprojects. Appreciation of creativity and performance techniques in theatre.262. Scene Painting. I. 3 hr. PR: Theat. 168 or consent. A study in the basic techniquesused in preparing and painting scenery. Practical experience in paintingscenery for theatre productions.267. Advanced Scene Design. 3 hr. PR: Theat. 167, 168 or consent. (May berepeated for a max. 6 credit hours.) Advanced project work in scenic design emphasizingtext analysis, period research and the sharpening of rendering and modelmakingskills toward the development of a portfolio.268. Advanced Costume Design. I, II. 3 hr. PR: Th. 167, 168, 220, 221 or consent.(May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.) Advanced projects in costumedesign emphasizing text analysis, period research, and sharpening of skills in figuredrawing, characterization and painting toward development of a portfolio. 1 hr. lee, 2hr. lab.269. Advanced Theatre Lighting Design. I, II. 3 hr. PR: Th. 107 or consent. (May berepeated for maximum 6 credit hours.) Advanced theories of lighting design for thestage. Projects emphasize text analysis for design conceptualization, light plotdrafting, and practical production experience. 3 hr. lee.271. Advanced Stage Movement. I. 2 hr. PR: Theat. 172. Advanced study ofmovement techniques for character work. Period styles of movement.ZlZ.Advanced Stage Movement. II. 2 hr.PR: Theat. 271 .Cont. of work in Theat. 271275. Advanced Acting Studio. I. 3 hr. PR: Consent. Continuation of advanced exercisework and styles. Coordinated with rehearsal/performance.276. Advanced Acting Studio. II. 3 hr. PR: Consent. Continuation of the work in Theat.275. Audition techniques.278. Repertory Theatre. 1-6 hr. (May be repeated for max. 12 hr. credit.) PR: Consent.Rehearsal and performance techniques for producing plays in rotating repertory.Emphasis is on the creation of a synthesized company of performers, designers, andtechnicians.280. Advanced Play Directing. II. 3 hr. PR: Theat. 180 or consent. Emphasis on thework of the director as on integrating artist. High level of proficiency in the direction ofa one-act play is required of all students enrolled.282. Creative Dramatics. I, II, S. 3 hr. PR: Theat. 75 or consent. Study and practice ofcreative dramatic activity as a method of learning and self- development for children.284. Puppetry. I, II. 3 hr. PR: Theat. 75 or consent. Comprehensive survey ofconstruction and manipulation techniques of puppets. Evaluation of the role ofpuppetry in child behavior and therapy techniques.290. Playwriting. I, II. 3 hr. PR: Consent. Development of basic playwriting techniques.Specific assignments explore characterization, dramatic event, dialogue, tension,compression. Emphasis on the student finding one's own voice, style, and courage todramatize one's view of the world.291 Advanced Playwriting. II. 3 hr. PR: Theat. 290. Further exploration of dramatictechnique, with emphasis on orchestrating the longer play. Also touches on scriptanalysis of known dramatic texts and on practical problems of a playwriting career.444 Theatre Courses

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