1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University


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267. Latin America in International Affairs. II. 3 hr. Relations of Latin American statesamong themselves, with the United States, the United Nations, regional organizations,and nonwestern states. Analysis in depth of the Monroe Doctrine and its corollariesand the inter-American system.268. International Conflict 3 hr. PR: Pol. S. 160 or consent Conflict in internationalrelations, particularly armed conflict between nations. The role of force, impact ofmodern technology and nuclear weaponry, theoretical and research approaches tocauses of conflict and modes of conflict resolution.269. Far Eastern International Relations. II. 3 hr. International relations of Far Easterncountries with emphasis on historic roots of recent conflicts, the competitive role of theUnited States and the Soviet Union, confrontation between the communist and anticommunistcountries in the region, and the regional cooperation and security problemsin the post-war period.272. Recent and Contemporary Political Thought. I. 3 hr. Examination of intergralliberalism and the forces leading to the decline of liberalism and a critical analysis ofthe fascist and communist ideologies with their threat to the traditions of westerncivilization embodied in Christianity and conservatism.273. American Political Theory. I, II. 3 hr. Major American political ideas and theirinfluence upon American society and government from the seventeenth century to thepresent.279. Analysis of Political Behavior. II. 3 hr. Examines the role of science in humanaffairs, with particular attention to the science of politics. Topics include fact-valuedistinctions, objectivity, policy science, rational-choice theory, science and ethics, andnon-scientific approaches.299. Special Topics. I, II. 1-3 hr.Portuguese (Port.)1. Elementary Portuguese. I. 3 hr.2. Elementary Portuguese. II. 3 hr.3. Intermediate Portuguese. I. 3 hr. PR: Port. 1, 2, or equiv.4. Intermediate Portuguese. II. 3 hr. PR: Port. 3 or equiv.Professional Physical Education (PPE)43. Physical Education for Elementary Teachers. I, II, S. 2 hr. PR: P.P.E. 41, 42, orconsent. Philosophy, objectives, curriculum, and methods of teaching physicaleducation activities for children.45. Football, Baseball, and Softball. I, II. 2 hr. Develops cognitive, affective, andpsychomotor competencies, and teaching strategies for football, baseball, and Softball.46. Volleyball, Soccer, and Speedball. I, II. 2 hr. Develops cognitive, affective, andpsychomotor competencies, and teaching strategies for volleyball, soccer, andspeedball.47. Basketball, Field Hockey, and Team Handball. I, II. 2 hr. Develops cognitive,affective, and psychomotor competencies, and teaching strategies for basketball, fieldhockey, and team handball.48. Tennis, Badminton, and Golf. I, II. 2 hr. Develops cognitive, affective, andpsychomotor competencies, and teaching strategies for tennis, badminton, and golf.Professional Physical Education Courses 419

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