1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University 1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

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250. Control Systems in Mineral Processing. II. 3 hr. PR: Junior standing in mineralprocessing engineering. Instrumentation and automatic control systems used intoday's mineral processing technology are studied including data recording andcontrol and process optimization.270. Design and Synthesis. I. 3 hr. PR: M.P.E. 217, 219; M. 281. The logic andquantitative tools required for synthesizing mineral processing systems are used on arealistic problem by students working independently. Specific attention given toeconomic and environmental implications.Minerals (M)1. Mineral Engineering Problem Solving. I. 3 hr. An introduction to Mineral Engineeringrequirements and techniques; supply, demand, and conservation of mineralenergy resources; rock and mineral identification; topographic and geologic mapping;and, the making of graphs, charts, and other engineering illustrations.2. Mineral Engineering Problem Solving. II. 3 hr. Principles of surveying andintroduction to FORTRAN programming. 2 hr.lee, 3 hr. lab.250. Evaluation of Capital and Operating Costs. I, II. 3 hr. PR: Math. 18 or consent.Estimating capital and operating costs of mineral industries. Evaluation of potentialinvestments, comparisons of investment alternatives, estimation of profitability, andpayout of new ventures. Special problems of investment decisions in mining,petroleum, and other facets of the mineral industries.281 . Applied Mineral Computer Methods. I, II. 3 hr. PR: M. 2; Math. 16. Problemsolving in mineral processing, mineral resources, mining, and petroleum engineering.Emphasis on applications using various computing technologies.Multidisciplinary Studies (MDS)2. Genetics, Society and Human Affairs. II. 3 hr. (May be credited to University LSPCluster B or C.) Origin of life, selection, mutation, eugenics, genetic engineering,genetics and evolution, genetics and medicine, genetics and politics, decision making,social and ethical issues in human genetics. For students interested in heredity andheritage.40. Introduction to Women's Studies. I, II. 3 hr. (May be credited to University LSPCluster A or B.) A study of the major contexts in which woman's identity has been andis defined and of the relationships between these definitions and the roles of history ofwomen (and men) in society and culture. (Also listed as Wm. St. 40.)50. Introduction to Gerontology. I, II. 3 hr. PR: Sophomore standing. (May be creditedto University LSP Cluster B.) Introduction to biological, psychological, and sociologicalprocesses and problems associated with human aging, with attention to selectedsocial policies.60. Human Sexuality. I, II. 3 hr. (May be credited to University LSP Cluster B or C.)A study of the biological, behavioral, and societal aspects of sexuality. Issuesconsidered include: changing fecundity; socio-legal implications; sex roles; veneraldisease; populations; erotica; aging; dysfunctions; decision-making skills for sexrelatedissues.70. 777e Human Environment. I. 3 hr. (May be credited to University LSP Cluster B orC.) An examination of some of the facets of the environment which most directly affecthuman welfare. Central focus on environmental deterioration and corrective publicpolicies. An interdisciplinary, non- prerequisite course for all students in the University.80. Special Topics. I, II. 1-3 hr.400 Mineral Processing Engineering Courses

.90. Society and Food. I, II. 3 hr. (May be credited to University LSP Cluster B or C.)Exploration on a global basis of interactions of man and environment as reflected infood production systems. Relation of food supply and use to development or maintenanceof social and political institutions.91Introduction to Technology and Society 1. 1 or II. 3 hr. (May be credited toUniversity LSP Cluster A or C.) A team-taught introduction to technology (its natureand goals) and society (its nature and goals) in the Victorian era.92. l or II. 3 hr. PR: MDS 91 . (May becredited to University LSP Cluster B.) Continuation of MDS 91.99. Creativity, Discovery, Innovation. 3 hr. Creativity as process; critical thinking andproblem solving as enhancements of creative imagination; relationships of creativity tosociety and technology.100. Introductory African and African-American Studies. 3 hr. An interdisciplinaryintroduction to the histories, economies, cultural and artistic heritages; political andsocial formations of Africans and African- Americans; focusing on the relationshipsbetween the two experiences.250. Issues in Gerontology. I, II. 3 hr. PR: Consent. Analysis of societal aspects ofaging and exploration of current issues in gerontology. Relating of gerontologicalconcepts to previous course work and field experience.Music (Music)10. Music Convocation. (Required for all music majors for six semesters. May berepeated). Faculty, guest artist, and student performances, lectures and forums onmajor musical issues and topics.19. Introduction to Opera Theatre. I, II. 0-4 hr. (May be repeated for credit; max. 16hr.) PR: Consent. Practical work in all aspects of lyric theatre production. Developmentof lyric theatre stage technique through movement studies, performance in major andminor roles and operatic scenes, and advanced production techniques30. Introduction to Music. I, II. 3 hr. (Not open to music majors.) Introductory coursedesigned to develop an appreciation and understanding of the significance of music asa fine art, and to help the student develop intelligent listening habits.31Introduction to Music Listening. 1. 1 hr. (For music majors only.) Guided listeningto important works from all historical periods with emphasis upon the development ofawareness of stylistic traits, such as harmonic idiom, melodic structure, tonalmovement, texture, rhythm, etc.33. Music Literature 1. 1. 3 hr. PR: Music 31 (for Music majors); Music 30 (for non-Music majors) or consent. Survey of Western Art Music in its historical context fromthe Christian era through the Enlightenment.34. Music Literature 2. 3 hr. PR: Music 31 and 33 (for Music majors); Music 30 (fornon-Music majors); English 2 or consent. Survey of Western Art music in its historicalcontext from the Enlightment to the present; West African music, and jazz.41 Fundamental Music Skills. I, II. 2 hr. (Not open to music majors.) Development ofskills for future classroom teachers. Basic understanding of rhythm, dynamics, tonecolor, pitch, and form.42. Teaching Elementary School Music. I, II. 2 hr. PR: Music 41 or consent. (Notopen to music majors.) Leading and teaching of songs. Guiding children in conceptualdevelopment in music through activities approach.Music Courses 401

250. Control Systems in Mineral Processing. II. 3 hr. PR: Junior standing in mineralprocessing engineering. Instrumentation and automatic control systems used intoday's mineral processing technology are studied including data recording andcontrol and process optimization.270. Design and Synthesis. I. 3 hr. PR: M.P.E. 217, 219; M. 281. The logic andquantitative tools required for synthesizing mineral processing systems are used on arealistic problem by students working independently. Specific attention given toeconomic and environmental implications.Minerals (M)1. Mineral Engineering Problem Solving. I. 3 hr. An introduction to Mineral Engineeringrequirements and techniques; supply, demand, and conservation of mineralenergy resources; rock and mineral identification; topographic and geologic mapping;and, the making of graphs, charts, and other engineering illustrations.2. Mineral Engineering Problem Solving. II. 3 hr. Principles of surveying andintroduction to FORTRAN programming. 2 hr.lee, 3 hr. lab.250. Evaluation of Capital and Operating Costs. I, II. 3 hr. PR: Math. 18 or consent.Estimating capital and operating costs of mineral industries. Evaluation of potentialinvestments, comparisons of investment alternatives, estimation of profitability, andpayout of new ventures. Special problems of investment decisions in mining,petroleum, and other facets of the mineral industries.281 . Applied Mineral Computer Methods. I, II. 3 hr. PR: M. 2; Math. 16. Problemsolving in mineral processing, mineral resources, mining, and petroleum engineering.Emphasis on applications using various computing technologies.Multidisciplinary Studies (MDS)2. Genetics, Society and Human Affairs. II. 3 hr. (May be credited to <strong>University</strong> LSPCluster B or C.) Origin of life, selection, mutation, eugenics, genetic engineering,genetics and evolution, genetics and medicine, genetics and politics, decision making,social and ethical issues in human genetics. For students interested in heredity andheritage.40. Introduction to Women's Studies. I, II. 3 hr. (May be credited to <strong>University</strong> LSPCluster A or B.) A study of the major contexts in which woman's identity has been andis defined and of the relationships between these definitions and the roles of history ofwomen (and men) in society and culture. (Also listed as Wm. St. 40.)50. Introduction to Gerontology. I, II. 3 hr. PR: Sophomore standing. (May be creditedto <strong>University</strong> LSP Cluster B.) Introduction to biological, psychological, and sociologicalprocesses and problems associated with human aging, with attention to selectedsocial policies.60. Human Sexuality. I, II. 3 hr. (May be credited to <strong>University</strong> LSP Cluster B or C.)A study of the biological, behavioral, and societal aspects of sexuality. Issuesconsidered include: changing fecundity; socio-legal implications; sex roles; veneraldisease; populations; erotica; aging; dysfunctions; decision-making skills for sexrelatedissues.70. 777e Human Environment. I. 3 hr. (May be credited to <strong>University</strong> LSP Cluster B orC.) An examination of some of the facets of the environment which most directly affecthuman welfare. Central focus on environmental deterioration and corrective publicpolicies. An interdisciplinary, non- prerequisite course for all students in the <strong>University</strong>.80. Special Topics. I, II. 1-3 hr.400 Mineral Processing Engineering Courses

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