1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University


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.181 . Topology. II, S. 3 hr. PR: Math. 163 or consent. Introduction to metric andtopological spaces. Topics include: continuity, convergence, separation, compactness,and connectedness.213. Partial Differential Equations. II. 3 hr. PR: Math. 18. Introduces students inmathematics, engineering, and the sciences to methods of applied mathematics. Firstand second order equations, canonical forms, wave, heat and Laplace's equations,representation of solutions.215. Applied Modern Algebra. II. 3 hr. PR: Consent. Finite fields, algebraic codingtheory, Boolean algebras, monoids, finite state and Turing machines.217. Applied Mathematical Analysis. II. 3 hr. PR: Math. 18. The algebra and differentialcalculus of vectors, solution of the partial differential variable.219. Seminar in Applied Mathematics. I, II. 1-12 hr.220. Numerical Analysis 1. I, II. 3 hr. PR: Math. 17 (or both Math. 16 and C.S. 120)and a programming language. Computer arithmetic, roots of equations, interpolation,Gaussian elimination, numerical integration and differentiation. Numerical solution ofinitial value problems for ordinary differential equations. Least square approximations.(Equiv. to C.S. 220.)221 Numerical Analysis 2. II. 3 hr. PR: C.S. 220 or Math. 241 or consent. Solutions oflinear systems by direct and iterative methods. Calculation of eigenvalues, eigenvectors,and inverses of matrices. Applications to ordinary and partial differentialequations. (Equiv. to C.S. 221.)224. Mathematics of Compound Interest. II. 3 hr. PR: Math. 16 or 128. A problemsolvingcourse focusing on the measurement of interest, annuities, amortizationschedules, and sinking funds, and the valuation of bonds and other securities.226. Mathematical Statistics. II. 3 hr. PR: Math. 16 or consent. (Designed for mathematicsteachers.) Frequency distributions, averages, probability, populations,samples, probability distributions, estimations, hypothesis testing. Although noprevious knowledge of computer language is assumed, the computer will be used inthis course.228. Discrete Mathematics 2. II. 3 hr. PR: Math. 16 and 120 or equiv. Applications ofdiscrete mathematics to computer science. Methods of solving homogeneous andnon-homogeneous recurrence relations using generating functions and characteristicequations; digraphs to analyze computer algorithms; graph theory and its ramificationsto computer algorithms. (Equiv. to C.S. 228.)231 , 232. Introduction to Mathematics for the Elementary Teacher. I, II. 3 hr. per sem.PR: Math. 34 or consent. (Not open to students who have credit for Math. 131.) (Forin-service elementary mathematics teachers.) Systems of numeration; sets, relations,binary operations, the algebraic structure of various number systems; the notions oflength, area, and volume; coordinate geometry.241 . Applied Linear Algebra. I, II, S. 3 hr. PR: Math. 17; Math. 18 or consent Matrixalgebra with emphasis on algorithmic techniques and applications to physical models.Topics include solution of large systems of equations, orthogonal projections and leastsquares, and eigenvalue problems.251 , 252. Introduction to Real Analysis. I, II. 3 hr. per sem. PR: Math. 163 or consentA study of sequences, convergence, limits, continuity, definite integral, and derivative,differentials, functional dependence, multiple integrals, sequences and series offunctions.392 Mathematics Courses

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