1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University 1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

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34. Interior Design Graphics 2. 3 hr. PR: ID&H 32. Studio course in spatial graphics;experience in constructing and using perspective grids; perspective sketching andbasic color rendering.35. Interior Design and Housing. II, S. 3 hr. PR: ID&H 31 or consent. A practicalcourse in which the student becomes familiar with the fundamentals of interior designthrough work with floor plans, furniture selection and arrangements.133. Interior Design. I, II. 3 hr. PR: ID&H 34. Study and application of the functionalaspects of interior design through problem solving situations and extensive presentationwork.136. Contract Design. I. 3 hr. PR: ID&H 133. A studio course which will emphasize thecontract aspects of the interior design field. The design of public spaces with particularemphasis on office planning and design as a work environment.137. Professional Practices for Interior Designers. II. 3 hr. PR: ID&H 133. Therelationships between the management/marketing functions and the design process. Aproblem solving approach to all the activities which contribute to the completion of aninterior design installation.233. Decorative Arts 1.\.3 hr. PR: 9 hr. ID&H. The decorative arts— antiquity toAmerican periods.234. Decorative Arts 2. II. 3 hr. PR: ID&H 233. The decorative arts— Americanperiods to present.235. Contemporary Interior Design. I. 3 hr. PR: ID&H 234. Study of the history ofinteriors, 1 900-present.238. Portfolio Design. II. 3 hr. PR: Senior standing. Development and preparation of aportfolio for interior design and National Council for Interior Design Qualificationexamination.239. Interior Design Field Experience. II. 3-6 hr. (May be repeated to max. of 6 hr.)PR: Written consent, senior standing. Opportunity to learn and work within a professionalenvironment with practicing designers.Italian (Ital)1. Elementary Italian. I. 3 hr.2. Elementary Italian. II. 3 hr. Continuation of Ital. 1.3. Intermediate Italian. I. 3 hr. PR: Ital. 1, 2, orequiv.4. Intermediate Italian. II. 3 hr. PR: Ital. 3 or consent. Continuation of Ital. 3.109. Composition and Conversation. I. 3 hr. PR: Ital. 4 or consent.1 10. Advanced Conversation. II. 3 hr. PR: Ital. 4 or consent.191. Special Topics. I, II. 1-4 hr.* PR: Consent.195. Field Experience. I, II, S. 1-18 hr.* PR: Consent.382 Interior Design and Housing Courses

MassJapanese (Japan)1. Elementary Japanese. I. 3 hr.2. Elementary Japanese. II. 3 hr. Continuation of Japan. 1.3. Intermediate Japanese. I. 3 hr. PR: Japan. 1, 2 or equiv.4. Intermediate Japanese. II. 3 hr. PR: Japan. 3 or equiv.103. Advanced Japanese. 3 hr. PR: Japan. 3 and 4 or consent.104. Advanced Japanese. 3 hr. PR: Japan. 103 or consent.109. Advanced Japanese. 3 hr. PR: Japan. 104 or consent.1 10. Advanced Japanese. 3 hr. PR: Japan. 109 or consent.191. Special Topics. I, II. 1-4 hr.* PR: Consent.Journalism (Journ.)1. Introduction to Mass Communications. I, II. 3 hr. (Recommended for all Universitystudents.) Mass communicator's role in developing political, social, and economicfabrics of a democratic society. Organization and function of newspapers, magazines,broadcast stations, and other principal media, including the role of advertising andpublic relations.15. Basic Journalistic Writing. I, II, S. 3 hr. PR: Engl. 1 and 2, Joum. 1 with a C orbetter, passage of Journalism qualifying exam. Basic media writing with emphasis onEnglish grammar, punctuation and spelling.18. News Writing. I, II. 3 hr. PR: Admission to the School and Journ. 1, Journ. 15 withC's or better. Essentials of fact-gathering; writing news and features; ethics andresponsibilities of news reporting. Typing ability required. A departmental honorssection is available to students who have superior writing ability; permit is required.Taught in two 2-hour lecture/lab blocks per week.19. Copy Editing and Make-Up. 3 hr. PR: Journ. 18. Copy editing, headline writing,handling of wire copy, and make-up; experience on School's laboratory paper TakeOne.50. Publications Problems. 1 hr. PR: Journ. 15 or consent. Exploration of planning,designing, and printing problems, and dealing with print professionals.120. Introduction to Photography. I, II, S. 3 hr. Basic techniques of film developing andprinting. Students are required to purchase their own film, enlarging paper, chemicals,and have access to a camera. The supplies cost approximately $60-80 per semester.130. Advanced Photography. I. 3 hr. PR: Journ. 120 or equiv., or consent. Designed toequip students to serve all communication media including magazines, newspapers,and television. A high level of competence is assumed at the outset. Course requirementsinclude a portfolio (general or around a specific theme) and numerous weeklyassignments.141 . Advanced Journalism Problems. I, II, S. 1-3 hr. PR:junior or senior standing inthe School of Journalism, foundation courses in one of the sequences. Intensive,independent study; to be approved by the dean.221. Communications Research Methods. I, II. 3 hr. PR: Journ.1 , 15; and Journ.18, or PR 1 1 1 , or Adv.1 13 or BN 1 17. A broad study of scientific and critical researchJournalism Courses 383

MassJapanese (Japan)1. Elementary Japanese. I. 3 hr.2. Elementary Japanese. II. 3 hr. Continuation of Japan. 1.3. Intermediate Japanese. I. 3 hr. PR: Japan. 1, 2 or equiv.4. Intermediate Japanese. II. 3 hr. PR: Japan. 3 or equiv.103. Advanced Japanese. 3 hr. PR: Japan. 3 and 4 or consent.104. Advanced Japanese. 3 hr. PR: Japan. 103 or consent.109. Advanced Japanese. 3 hr. PR: Japan. 104 or consent.1 10. Advanced Japanese. 3 hr. PR: Japan. 109 or consent.191. Special Topics. I, II. 1-4 hr.* PR: Consent.Journalism (Journ.)1. Introduction to Mass Communications. I, II. 3 hr. (Recommended for all <strong>University</strong>students.) Mass communicator's role in developing political, social, and economicfabrics of a democratic society. Organization and function of newspapers, magazines,broadcast stations, and other principal media, including the role of advertising andpublic relations.15. Basic Journalistic Writing. I, II, S. 3 hr. PR: Engl. 1 and 2, Joum. 1 with a C orbetter, passage of Journalism qualifying exam. Basic media writing with emphasis onEnglish grammar, punctuation and spelling.18. News Writing. I, II. 3 hr. PR: Admission to the School and Journ. 1, Journ. 15 withC's or better. Essentials of fact-gathering; writing news and features; ethics andresponsibilities of news reporting. Typing ability required. A departmental honorssection is available to students who have superior writing ability; permit is required.Taught in two 2-hour lecture/lab blocks per week.19. Copy Editing and Make-Up. 3 hr. PR: Journ. 18. Copy editing, headline writing,handling of wire copy, and make-up; experience on School's laboratory paper TakeOne.50. Publications Problems. 1 hr. PR: Journ. 15 or consent. Exploration of planning,designing, and printing problems, and dealing with print professionals.120. Introduction to Photography. I, II, S. 3 hr. Basic techniques of film developing andprinting. Students are required to purchase their own film, enlarging paper, chemicals,and have access to a camera. The supplies cost approximately $60-80 per semester.130. Advanced Photography. I. 3 hr. PR: Journ. 120 or equiv., or consent. Designed toequip students to serve all communication media including magazines, newspapers,and television. A high level of competence is assumed at the outset. Course requirementsinclude a portfolio (general or around a specific theme) and numerous weeklyassignments.141 . Advanced Journalism Problems. I, II, S. 1-3 hr. PR:junior or senior standing inthe School of Journalism, foundation courses in one of the sequences. Intensive,independent study; to be approved by the dean.221. Communications Research Methods. I, II. 3 hr. PR: Journ.1 , 15; and Journ.18, or PR 1 1 1 , or Adv.1 13 or BN 1 17. A broad study of scientific and critical researchJournalism Courses 383

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