1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University 1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

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.Foreign Literature in Translation (FLIT)13. Introduction to French Literature. II. (Alternate Years.) 3 hr. Major writers andrepresentative movements in French literature from its beginning to the present14. Introduction to German Literature. I. (Alternate Years.) 3 hr. Survey of Germanliterature with selected readings of prose, poetry, and drama from the Enlightenmentto the present.15. Introduction to Spanish Literature. I. (Alternate Years.) 3 hr. Reading anddiscussion of representative Spanish novels, plays, and epic poetry from the MiddleAges to the twentieth century. Special emphasis on Don Quixote, its roots and itsplace in the development of Western culture.16. Introduction to Latin American Literature. II. (Alternate Years.) 3 hr. Reading anddiscussion of representative works of twentieth-century Latin American writers.17. Introduction to Russian Literature. I. (Alternate Years.) 3 hr. Major writers andrepresentative movements in Russian literature from its beginning to the present.18. Introduction to Italian Literature. II. (Alternate Years.) 3 hr. Italian literary masterpieceswill be examined in historical perspective and in relation to the Europeanmainstream.111. Italian Literature in Translation 1. 1. 3 hr. Selected Italian works from the twelfthcentury to the end of the eighteenth century. Readings and discussion in English.112. Italian Literature in Translation 2. II. 3 hr. Selected Italian works from thenineteenth and the twentieth centuries. Readings and discussion in English.121Latin Literature in Translation 1. 1. 3 hr. Survey of Latin literature in translation.122. Latin Literature in Translation 2. II. 3 hr. Survey of Latin literature in translation.131Greek Literature in Translation 1. I. 3 hr. Survey of Greek literature in translation.132. Greek Literature in Translation 2. II. 3 hr. Survey of Greek literature in translation.141 Spanish Literature in Translation 1. 1. 3 hr. Selected Spanish works from thetwelfth century to the end of the eighteenth century. Readings and discussion inEnglish.142. Spanish Literature in Translation 2. II. 3 hr. Selected Spanish works from thenineteenth and the twentieth centuries. Readings and discussion in English.151 Spanish American Literature in Translation 1. I. 3 hr. Selected Spanish Americanworks from the sixteenth century to the end of the nineteenth century. Readings anddiscussion in English.152. Spanish American Literature in Translation 2. II. 3 hr. Selected Spanish Americanworks from the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries. Readings and discussion inEnglish.161 French Literature in Translation 1. >. 3 hr. Selected French works from the MiddleAges to the end of the eighteenth century. Readings and discussion in English.162. French Literature in Translation 2. II. 3 hr. Selected French works from the beginningof the nineteenth century to the present. Readings and discussion in English.166. Francophone Literature in Translation. II. 3 hr. Works by French- speakingauthors from Africa and the Caribbean. French majors will read selections in theoriginal.358 Foreign Literature in Translation Courses

.171 . Brazilian Literature in Translation. II, S. 3 hr. Survey of Brazilian literary masterworksin English translation concentrating heavily on prose forms (novel, novelette,short story, play) dating from the mid-nineteenth century.181German Literature in Translation 1. I. 3 hr. Selected German works from 800 A.D.to the period of Naturalism. Readings and discussion in English.182. German Literature in Translation 2. II. 3 hr. Selected German works from theperiod of Naturalism to the present. Readings and discussion in English.188. Russian Literature in Translation 1. 3 hr. Major works of Russian authors fromthe beginning to 1880, including those of Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Turgenev,Dostoevsky, and Tolstoy. Russian majors will read selections in the original.189. Russian Literature in Translation 2. 3 hr. Continuation of FLIT. 188. Majorliterature of Russia/Soviet Union from 1880 to the present. Russian majors will readselections in the original.191. Special Topics. 1-3 hr. PR: Consent. Investigation of topics not covered inregularly scheduled courses.211. Chinese Literature in Translation. I. 3 hr. Survey of selected works of Chineseliterature from ancient times through the eighteenth century.221 . Japanese Literature in Translation. II. 3 hr. Survey of selected works of Japaneseliterature from ancient period to the mid-nineteenth century and an introduction to afew works of the modern period.241 . Women Writers of Spain. 3 hr. Major women writers of Spain from the earliestextant manuscripts to the present; focus on 20th century works. Spanish majors willread selections in the original.263. French Women Writers. 3 hr. Selected works of French women writers. 3 hr. lee.292. Pro-Seminar. I, II, S. 1-6 hr.* PR: 6 hr. upper-division literature courses orconsent. Special topics.Forest Hydrology (F. Hyd.)41. Environmental Influences in Forestry. I. 3 hr. PR: Phys. 1, 2. An introduction totheinfluences of forests and forestry practices on physical processes that affect theenvironment.243. Forest Water Quality. 3 hr. PR: Forestry major or consent (This course will notsubstitute for FH 244). Influences of natural forest cover, forest land uses, andharvesting practices on selected water quality parameters that can be detected insimple field and laboratory tests.244. Watershed Management. II. 3 hr. PR: F. Man. 12, 211. (Primarily for forestmanagement majors.) Influences of silvicultural practices and forest managementactivities on the hydrology of forested catchments.Forest Management (F Man)12. Forest Ecology. I, II. 3 hr. PR: Biol. 51. Forest and environment factors; site andtype characteristics.122. Forest Mensuration. II. 4 hr. PR: Math. 15, Stat. 101. Estimating volume andgrowth of trees and forest stands with emphasis on the mathematical and statisticaltechniques involved. Laboratories include practical field experience.Forest Management Courses 359

.171 . Brazilian Literature in Translation. II, S. 3 hr. Survey of Brazilian literary masterworksin English translation concentrating heavily on prose forms (novel, novelette,short story, play) dating from the mid-nineteenth century.181German Literature in Translation 1. I. 3 hr. Selected German works from 800 A.D.to the period of Naturalism. Readings and discussion in English.182. German Literature in Translation 2. II. 3 hr. Selected German works from theperiod of Naturalism to the present. Readings and discussion in English.188. Russian Literature in Translation 1. 3 hr. Major works of Russian authors fromthe beginning to 1880, including those of Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Turgenev,Dostoevsky, and Tolstoy. Russian majors will read selections in the original.189. Russian Literature in Translation 2. 3 hr. Continuation of FLIT. 188. Majorliterature of Russia/Soviet Union from 1880 to the present. Russian majors will readselections in the original.191. Special Topics. 1-3 hr. PR: Consent. Investigation of topics not covered inregularly scheduled courses.211. Chinese Literature in Translation. I. 3 hr. Survey of selected works of Chineseliterature from ancient times through the eighteenth century.221 . Japanese Literature in Translation. II. 3 hr. Survey of selected works of Japaneseliterature from ancient period to the mid-nineteenth century and an introduction to afew works of the modern period.241 . Women Writers of Spain. 3 hr. Major women writers of Spain from the earliestextant manuscripts to the present; focus on 20th century works. Spanish majors willread selections in the original.263. French Women Writers. 3 hr. Selected works of French women writers. 3 hr. lee.292. Pro-Seminar. I, II, S. 1-6 hr.* PR: 6 hr. upper-division literature courses orconsent. Special topics.Forest Hydrology (F. Hyd.)41. Environmental Influences in Forestry. I. 3 hr. PR: Phys. 1, 2. An introduction totheinfluences of forests and forestry practices on physical processes that affect theenvironment.243. Forest Water Quality. 3 hr. PR: Forestry major or consent (This course will notsubstitute for FH 244). Influences of natural forest cover, forest land uses, andharvesting practices on selected water quality parameters that can be detected insimple field and laboratory tests.244. Watershed Management. II. 3 hr. PR: F. Man. 12, 211. (Primarily for forestmanagement majors.) Influences of silvicultural practices and forest managementactivities on the hydrology of forested catchments.Forest Management (F Man)12. Forest Ecology. I, II. 3 hr. PR: Biol. 51. Forest and environment factors; site andtype characteristics.122. Forest Mensuration. II. 4 hr. PR: Math. 15, Stat. 101. Estimating volume andgrowth of trees and forest stands with emphasis on the mathematical and statisticaltechniques involved. Laboratories include practical field experience.Forest Management Courses 359

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