1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University


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.260. Media and Microcomputers in Instruction. I, II, S. 3 hr. The effective operationand educational uses of educational media including microcomputers. Hands-onexperience with equipment, and in designing materials for an instructional unitincorporating media and/or microcomputers.269. Behavioral Technology for Education. I, II, S. 3 hr. PR: Ed. P. 105 recommended.Behavioral science applied to instructional systems. Complex systems; feedbackloops; measuring relevant variables, collecting data. Applying schedules of reinforcement.Effective stimulus control for students and administrators. Relationship betweensystem and institution. Behavioral ethics.Electrical Engineering (E.E.)21Introduction to Electrical Engineering. 3 hr. PR: Engr. 2, Math. 16, Phys. 11.Electrical engineering units, circuit elements, circuit laws, measurement principles,mesh and node equations, network theorems, energy storage elements, RC and RLcircuits, unit step response, second order circuits, sinusoids and phasors andintroduction to network theory. 3 hr. lee.22. Introduction to Electrical Engineering Laboratory. 1 hr. Coreq.: E.E. 21. Laboratoryexperiments in measurement of electrical quantities and circuit parameters. Useof the digital computer to solve circuit problems. 3 hr. lab.24. Electrical Circuits. 3 hr. PR:E.E. 21, E.E. 22, Math. 18 (or Coreq.). Introduction tonetwork analysis. Sinusoidal (AC) steady state, average and RMS values, polyphasesystems, complex frequency, network frequency response, two port networks andtransformers, Fourier methods and Laplace Transforms. 3 hr. lee.25. Electrical Circuits Laboratory. 1 hr. Coreq.: E.E. 24. Laboratory experiments inmeasurement of electrical circuit behavior and parameters. Use of digital computer tosolve circuit problems. 3 hr. lab.56. Digital Electronics. 3 hr. PR: EE 21 , 22, Phys.12, Math. 17, CpE 71. Implementationof digital electronic circuits. Bipolar and field-effect logic gates: logic levels, circuitconfiguration and interfacing. Implementation of digital systems: registers, counters,memory, and microprocessors. 3 hr. lee.57. Digital Electronics Laboratory. 1 hr. PR: Coreq.: EE 56. Design, fabrication, andmeasurement of digital electronic circuits. Use of discrete devices, integrated logic,display devices, and timer circuits. Study of A/D and D/A circuits and interfaces.1 01 Introduction to Electrical Power Devices and Systems. 3 hr. PR: Junior or seniorstanding in engineering (not open to Electrical Engineering majors). Fundamentalprinciples of electric and magnetic properties. DC and AC circuits. Application tosingle- and three-phase systems, motor control, circuit protection, safety. 3 hr. lee.102. Basic Electrical Laboratory. 1 hr. Coreq: E.E. 101. Laboratory experiments inmeasurement of electrical quantities and circuit parameters. 3 hr. lab.103. Introduction to Electronic Instrumentation. 3 hr. PR: Junior or senior standing inengineering (Not open to Electrical Engineering majors). Electrical fundamentals,analog and digital devices and circuits, communication and telemetry, measurementinstruments and techniques. 3 hr. lee.104. Instrumentation Laboratory. 1 hr. Coreq.: E.E. 103. Laboratory experimentsdemonstrating the characteristics of electron devices and the performance of digitaland analog instrumentation and control systems. 3 hr. lab.124. Signals and Systems 1. 3 hr. PR: Math. 18, E.E. 24. Introduction to linearsystems models and solutions in the time and frequency domains. Balanced emphasisis placed on both continuous and discrete time and frequency methods. 3 hr. lee.344 Educational Psychology Courses

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