1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University


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276. Advanced Software Engineering. 3 hr. PR: C.S. 176. Engineering process,project economics, project organizational and management issues, configurationmanagement.278. Database Design and Theory. 3 hr. PR: C.S. 176. Relational data model usingrelational algebra and SQL and the object-oriented data model; relational databaseand semantic design theory.280. Introduction to Computer Graphics. I. 3 hr. PR: C.S. 51, 120. Overview ofcomputer graphics systems. Topics include software, algorithms for graphicsprimitives, two-dimensional viewing and transformations, segmentation, methods ofinput, and three-dimensional concepts. To be dropped spring <strong>1993</strong>.281. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. I. 3 hr. PR: C.S. 51 or consent. Introductorytreatment of foundations of Al and the symbol manipulation language LISP. Survey ofthe field of Al, production systems, search strategies, game playing, knowledgeengineering, weak methods. Applications of Al will be briefly studied.285. Computer Organization and Architecture. I. 3 hr. PR: C.S. 50 and 51. Architectureof current computers and their effects on software design. Von Neumannmachines; gates and registers; instruction and address decoding; memory systems;input-output systems; micros, supercomputers, specialized systems. To be droppedspring 1994.286. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. 3 hr. PR: 1 76. Survey of Al techniques,heuristics search, game playing, knowledge representation schemes: logic, semanticnet, frames, rule-based; natural language processing, advanced Al techniques/systems:planning, blackboard architecture, neural net model; Al implementation.288. Introduction to Computer Graphics. 3 hr. PR: C.S. 1 76. Overview of I/Ohardware, elements of graphics software, fundamental algorithms, two- dimensionalviewing and transformations, design for interaction, and introduction to threedimensionalconcepts.291 . Topics in Computer Science. I, II, S. 3 hr. PR: C.S. 51 or equiv. Advanced studyof topics in computer science.Curriculum and Instruction (C&l)7. Introduction to Education. I, II, S. 2 hr. Concepts underlying the educationalsystem in the American society. Gives the student experience in identifying thestudent's values, attitude, and feelings with those of today's community and youth.100. Elementary-Early Childhood General Methods. I, II. 3 hr. PR: C&l 7 and 120, Ed.P. 103, 105, Rdng. 221. Introduction to Education, including analysis of professionalproblems and procedures in school systems. Includes a required field experience.(This course is a part of the pre-student teaching block which consists of C&l 130,140, 150, and Rdng. 240.)104. Principles of Teaching in Secondary Schools. I, II, S. 4 hr. General professionaleducation course emphasizing methods applicable to all academic areas. (Notavailable to undergraduates during summer.)120. Elementary-Early Childhood Language Arts. I, II, S. 3 hr. PR: C&l 7. Cone:Rdng. 221 . Instructional practice to develop communication skills of listening,speaking, and writing.124. Teaching Language Arts: Secondary School. I, II. 3 hr. Includes an examinationand application of relevant curricular materials and teaching techniques.336 Computer Science Courses

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