1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University


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.250. Current Literature in Animal Science. I. 3 hr. PR: An. Nu. 101 . Evaluation ofcurrent research in animal science and its application to production and management.Animal and Veterinary Science (A&VS)50. Introduction to Animal Science. II. 2 hr. Survey of major disciplines in animal andveterinary sciences with emphasis on related terminology; study of the development ofbreeds of livestock and their identification.51 .Principles of Animal Science. 1. 4 hr. A comparative study of the production ofmeat, milk, eggs, and wool. Nutrition, physiology, genetics, hygiene and physicalenvironment, and economics are discussed as bases for sound managerial decisions.1 lab.180. Assigned Topics. I, II, S. 1-4 hr. per sem. In order to be eligible to register inA&VS 180, the student must: (1) be in good standing, and (2) obtain approval of theinstructor supervising the topic and the instructor assigned responsibility for thecourse.190. Teaching Practicum. I, II, S. 1-3 hr. Teaching practice as a tutor or assistant inAnimal Science.191. Special Topics. I, II, S. 1-3 hr.195. Seminar. II. 1 hr. Senior seminar.197. Honors. I, II, S. 1-3 hr. Independent reading and study.201 . Values and Ethics. 3 hr. PR: Senior standing or consent. Ethical aspects ofcurrent concerns in agriculture and forestry and the impact of these topics on societalvalues. 3 hr. sem.Arabic (Arab.)1. Elementary Modern Standard Arabic. I. 3 hr. Elementary modern standard Arabic.2. Elementary Modern Standard Arabic. II. 3 hr. PR: Arab. 1 . Cont. of Arab. 13. Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic. I. 3 hr. PR: Arab. 1, 2 or equiv. Cont. ofArab. 2.4. Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic. II. 3 hr. PR: Arab. 3 or consent. Cont. ofArab. 3.Art (Art)3. Materials and Procedures. I, II, S. 3 hr. For elementary education majors. Desinedto familiarize the student with two- and three-dimensional media, processes, andconcepts.11. Drawing. I, II. 3 hr. Fundamental principles of drawing.1 2. Drawing. I, II. 3 hr. (Complementary to Art 1 1 .) Fundamental principles of drawing.30. Appreciation of Visual Arts. I, II, S. 3 hr. The study of outstanding works of thevisual arts from times past to the present: (1) sources of the creative impulse, and (2)relationship of art to the civilization producing it.100. Directed Art Studies. I, II, S. 1-3 hr. (May be repeated for credit.) PR: Consent.Studies in painting, sculpture, printmaking, graphic design; ceramics, drawing, arteducation, art history; includes independent study.314 Animal Production Courses

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