1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University


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.Air Force and Aerospace Studies (AFAS)GMC. First Year (AFROTC) (AFAS 1 & 2)1. 2 hr. The Air Force in the contemporary world through a study of the total forcestructure, strategic offensive and defensive forces, general purpose forces, aerospacesupport forces and separate operating agencies. (Also includes Leadership Laboratoryas described above.)2. 2 hr. Continuation of AFAS 1 . GMCSecond Year (AFAS 3 & 4)3. 2 hr. The development of air power from dirigibles and balloons through thepeaceful employment of U.S. air power in relief missions and civic actions programs inthe late 1960's and the air war in Vietnam; leadership and managerial communicativeskills are stressed by having students prepare both written and oral presentations.(Also includes Leadership Laboratory as described above.)4. 2 hr. Continuation of AFAS 3.POC—Third Year (AFROTC) (AFAS 105 & 106)105. 3 hr. PR: GMC or equiv. (Equivalent credit may be granted by WVU Director ofAdmissions and Records and the Professor of Aerospace Studies on the basis of priormilitary service or ROTC training other than courses in Aerospace Studies and 6weeks field training.) Course focuses on leadership, management, and the progressivedevelopment of communicative skills needed by junior officers. It emphasizes theindividual as a manager in the Air Force. Individual motivational and behavioralprocesses, leadership, communication and group dynamics are covered to provide afoundation for the development of the junior officers' professional skills. Organizationalpower, politics and managerial strategy and tactics are discussed within the context ofbusiness and military organizations. Students will make field trips, prepare individualand group presentations for class, write reports, and participate in group discussions,seminars, and conferences. (Also includes Leadership Laboratory as previouslydescribed.)106.3 hr. PR: AFAS 105. Continuation of AFAS 105.POC— Fourth Year (AFAS 107 & 108)107.3 hr. PR: AFAS 105 and 106. The course is a study of U.S. national securitypolicy which examines the formulation, organization, and implementation of nationalsecurity; context of national security; evolution of strategy; management of conflict;and civil-military interaction. It also includes blocks of instruction on the militaryp rofes si on/office rship and the military justice system. The course is designed toprovide future Air Force officers with a background of U.S. national security policy sothey can effectively function in today's Air Force.108.3 hr. PR: AFAS 105, 106, 107. Continuation of AFAS 107. AFAS 1, 2, 3, 4, 105,106, 107 and 108 may be taken out of sequence, if unusual circumstances warrantand the student has received approval from the Professor of Aerospace Studies.Animal Nutrition. II.Animal Nutrition (An. Nu.)1013 hr. PR: Two courses in chemistry. Digestion and metabolismof food nutrients, nutrient requirements of farm animals, and nutritive values offeeds and rations.102. Applied Nutrition. I. 3 hr. PR: An. Nu. 101. Feedstuffs, feed processing storageand additives, nutrient requirements and ration formulation for beef and dairy cattle,sheep, and horses. 2 hr. lee, 1 hr. lab.103. Applied Nutrition. II. 3 hr. PR: An. Nu. 101. Applied feeding practices, nutrientrequirements and ration formulation for poultry, swine, laboratory and companionanimals. 2 hr. lee, 1 hr. lab.312 Air Force and Aerospace Studies Courses

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