1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University


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Mass216. Advanced Managerial Accounting. 3 hr. PR: Acctg. 1 1 1 and 1 15 or 1 16. Specialproblems in cost accounting, including tax planning, inventory control, and decisionmodels on C.P.A./C.M.A. examination. Selected problems and cases will be used.217. Auditing Theory. 3 hr. PR or Cone: Acctg. 210. Auditing fundamentalsobjectives, ethics, statistical samplings, standards and procedures. Emphasis onFASB and SAS disclosures.218. Auditing Practice. 3 hr. PR: Consent. Application of auditing theory andprocedures, with emphasis on decisions which invoke judgment and are important inindependent audits; audit working papers and reports; case studies.224. Advanced Accounting Problems. 3 hr. PR: Minimum of 18 hr. in accounting withan average grade of B or higher. Analysis and solution of representative C.P.A.problems.230. Advanced Accounting Theory. 3 hr. PR: Acctg. 1 12, 1 15, and consent. Criticalanalysis of accounting concepts and standards with emphasis on their origin,development, and significance.299. Independent Study. 1-3 hr. PR: Consent. Students will develop and complete aprogram of specialized studies under the supervision of a cooperating instructor. Thisprogram may not include credit for internships or employment experience.Advertising (Adv.)1 13. Principles of Advertising. I, II. 3 hr. PR: Journ. 1,15, and admission to theSchool or consent. Advertising in the American economic system for national andretail advertisers. Study of individual advertising and media, copy and layout problems,appeals, research production, schedules, federal and state laws affectingadvertising, and ethics. Practical laboratory work in writing and layout of advertising.2 lee, one 2-hr. lab.1 15. Copywriting. I, II. 3 hr. PR: Admission to the School and Adv. 1 13 or consent.Introduction to advertising copywriting; history and thought process of copywriting andcopy strategies/platforms; print and broadcast copy. 2 hr. lee., 2 hr. lab.201 . Retail Advertising. I, II. 3 hr. PR: Adv. 115, 203, and admission to the School orconsent. Strategic advertising planning for retail merchants. Writing ads to meetobjectives. Sales management and sales of local advertising time and space.Exercises in newspaper, radio, TV, direct marketing, outdoor advertising, specialtyadvertising, etc.203. Media Analysis. I, II. 3 hr. PR: Journ. 15, Adv. 1 13 and admission to the school,or consent. Survey of local and national media; identification and use of standardmedia resources; creation of media plans based on advertisers' strategic plans;introduction to computer media planning.221 . Communications Research Methods. 3 hr. PR: Journ. 1,15; and Journ.1 8 or PR 1 1 1 or Adv. 1 1 3 or BN 1 1 7. A broad study of scientific and critical researchmethods as they apply to mass media practices; review of relevant sources forhistorical data gathering, readership and audience analysisl; evaluation of marketingand public opinion research. 2 hr. lee., 1 hr. field work.239. Seminar in Advertising /Management Problems. I, II. 2 hr. PR: Senior standingand major or minor in advertising. Application of the study of advertising research, law,and theory in the preparation of a national advertising campaign. Aspects of thecampaign to cover marketing, research, creative, media, sales promotion, andpresentation.Advertising Courses 307

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