1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University 1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

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Physical ConditioningStudents may voluntarily attend for University credit the physical education offering,Military Physical Conditioning, which is conducted each semester by the Army ROTCstaff.Airborne TrainingSelected cadets may attend airborne training at Fort Benning, Georgia. Airbornetraining is three weeks in length; successful completion of the course results in theaward of the airborne wings of a military parachutist.Air Assault TrainingSelected students may attend air assault training at Fort Campbell, Kentucky.Airmobile training is 10 days in length; successful completion of the course results inthe award of the Air Assault Badge.Veterans ProgramQualified veterans with six months or more of active military service may receivecollege credits for the first two years of Army ROTC if they are WVU students. Theymay immediately enter the Advanced Course if they were contributing to the VeteransEducational Assistance Program while on active duty, or if they have 27 hours ofcollege credit with a 2.0 grade-point average or better.FacultyJerald W. Fisher, Lt. Col., M.A., Professor of Military Science.John C. Gibson, Jr., Maj., B.A., Associate Professor of Military Science.Doyle O. Bootle, Maj., M.P.A., Assistant Professor of Military Science.Charles D. Betoney, Maj., M.A., Assistant Professor of Military Science.Guy N. DeYoung, Capt., M.A., Assistant Professor of Military Science.James M. Henry, Capt., B. A., Assistant Professor of Military ScienceAlbert A. Mrozek, Capt., B.S., Assistant Professor of Military Science.George R. Mayo, Capt., B. A., Assistant Professor of Military Science.Duncan C. Currier, Capt., B.S., Assistant Professor of Military Science.William L Frisbie, SGM, Chief Instructor. Steven Hutson, M.Sgt., Senior Instructor.Darrell D. Kimoto, SFC, Senior Instructor.Christopher Deasy, S.Sgt., Administrative Sergeant.Miguel A. Nunez-Santiago, Sgt., Supply Sergeant.University Honors ProgramThe University Honors Program provides cohesive, integrated honors courseswhich apply toward the satisfaction of general education and LSP requirements andsome requirements for the major.Admission to the program is by invitation only and is based on ACT or SATcomposite standard scores and high school grade-point averages or status as aNational Merit Semi-Finalist. Admission to the program by enrolled college students isbased on grade-point average on the first 14 to 34 credit hours of college course work.Class sizes are small, affording students an opportunity to participate in individualized,concentrated instruction. It is anticipated that any student accepted into the programwill enroll in one honors course each semester, will be a full-time student at WVU(enrolled for at least 12 hours a semester), and will maintain a grade-point average inaccordance with standards established by the University Honors Director and theUniversity Honors Council. Academic Program In addition to fulfilling the UniversityHonors Program requirements, honors students fulfill all requirements of the Universityand major area of concentration. Students enrolled in the University Honors Program298^est Virginia University

do not take more courses than other students; such students use the honors coursesto fulfill part of the University requirements for graduation.Honors students, in the usual way, enter areas of concentration in which they earntheir degrees and fulfill requirements established by the academic areas involved.Diplomas and transcripts indicate both degree earned and the designation UniversityHonors Scholar. Certification as University Honors Scholar is to be completed by theend of the penultimate semester before graduation.University Honors Scholars complete a minimum of 24 hours in designatedhonors courses. Of these, three hours are earned in a senior-year seminar and aminimum of three hours and a maximum of six hours credit may be earned in independentstudy during the summer, consisting of required reading and/or directed individualresearch studies.While honors students are expected to enroll in an honors course each semester,demands of professional programs, etc., may make adjustments necessary, with theadviser's approval.Normally only courses designated as honors courses by the honors director andthe honors council count toward fulfillment of the honors program requirements.However, if a student takes courses judged by the council to be rigorous and challengingenough to qualify as honors courses, the student may petition, in advance, thedirector and council for permission to count the hours as honors hours. In each case,the student must submit a petition to the director and the council for such an exception.Each petition is judged on its own merits, and the director and the council must state inwriting the decision reached. This statement is placed in the student's record file andbecomes part of the academic record.When a student is accepted into the University Honors Program, continuancedepends upon satisfactory progress in hours earned and maintenance of a satisfactorycumulative grade-point average as outlined below:1 -28 hours earned 3.229-88 hours earned 3.389 or more 3.4If a student fails to maintain satisfactory progress toward the degree or to achievethe required minimum cumulative grade-point average, the student is placed onprobation in the University Honors Program for one semester. If the student has notachieved the required grade-point average and/or the number of hours completed atthe end of that semester, the student will be dismissed from the University HonorsProgram. This action does not affect the student's standing in the University or in thedegree program. It does mean that the student will not be designated a UniversityHonors Scholar upon graduation.Oak Ridge Associated UniversitiesWest Virginia University is a member of Oak Ridge Associated Universities(ORAU), a nonprofit, education and research management corporation of 49 collegesand universities. ORAU, established in1946, conducts programs of research, education,information, and human resource development for a variety of government andprivate organizations. It is particularly interested in three areas: energy, health, andenvironment.Among ORAU's activities are competitive programs to bring undergraduate andgraduate students and faculty members to work on research problems at the researchfacilities of the Department of Energy (DOE) and other federal agencies. Participantsare selected by ORAU and the staffs of the facilities participating in the ORAUprograms, which are Oak Ridge National Laboratory; the Oak Ridge Y-12Plant; the Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant; the Atmospheric Turbulence andDiffusion Division in Oak Ridge; the Savannah River Laboratory in Aiken, S.C.; thePittsburgh Research Center of the U.S. Bureau of Mines; the National Center forToxicological Research in Jefferson, AR; the Puerto Rico Nuclear Research Center;Oak Ridge Associated Universities 299

do not take more courses than other students; such students use the honors coursesto fulfill part of the <strong>University</strong> requirements for graduation.Honors students, in the usual way, enter areas of concentration in which they earntheir degrees and fulfill requirements established by the academic areas involved.Diplomas and transcripts indicate both degree earned and the designation <strong>University</strong>Honors Scholar. Certification as <strong>University</strong> Honors Scholar is to be completed by theend of the penultimate semester before graduation.<strong>University</strong> Honors Scholars complete a minimum of 24 hours in designatedhonors courses. Of these, three hours are earned in a senior-year seminar and aminimum of three hours and a maximum of six hours credit may be earned in independentstudy during the summer, consisting of required reading and/or directed individualresearch studies.While honors students are expected to enroll in an honors course each semester,demands of professional programs, etc., may make adjustments necessary, with theadviser's approval.Normally only courses designated as honors courses by the honors director andthe honors council count toward fulfillment of the honors program requirements.However, if a student takes courses judged by the council to be rigorous and challengingenough to qualify as honors courses, the student may petition, in advance, thedirector and council for permission to count the hours as honors hours. In each case,the student must submit a petition to the director and the council for such an exception.Each petition is judged on its own merits, and the director and the council must state inwriting the decision reached. This statement is placed in the student's record file andbecomes part of the academic record.When a student is accepted into the <strong>University</strong> Honors Program, continuancedepends upon satisfactory progress in hours earned and maintenance of a satisfactorycumulative grade-point average as outlined below:1 -28 hours earned 3.229-88 hours earned 3.389 or more 3.4If a student fails to maintain satisfactory progress toward the degree or to achievethe required minimum cumulative grade-point average, the student is placed onprobation in the <strong>University</strong> Honors Program for one semester. If the student has notachieved the required grade-point average and/or the number of hours completed atthe end of that semester, the student will be dismissed from the <strong>University</strong> HonorsProgram. This action does not affect the student's standing in the <strong>University</strong> or in thedegree program. It does mean that the student will not be designated a <strong>University</strong>Honors Scholar upon graduation.Oak Ridge Associated Universities<strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> <strong>University</strong> is a member of Oak Ridge Associated Universities(ORAU), a nonprofit, education and research management corporation of 49 collegesand universities. ORAU, established in1946, conducts programs of research, education,information, and human resource development for a variety of government andprivate organizations. It is particularly interested in three areas: energy, health, andenvironment.Among ORAU's activities are competitive programs to bring undergraduate andgraduate students and faculty members to work on research problems at the researchfacilities of the Department of Energy (DOE) and other federal agencies. Participantsare selected by ORAU and the staffs of the facilities participating in the ORAUprograms, which are Oak Ridge National Laboratory; the Oak Ridge Y-12Plant; the Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant; the Atmospheric Turbulence andDiffusion Division in Oak Ridge; the Savannah River Laboratory in Aiken, S.C.; thePittsburgh Research Center of the U.S. Bureau of Mines; the National Center forToxicological Research in Jefferson, AR; the Puerto Rico Nuclear Research Center;Oak Ridge Associated Universities 299

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