1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University 1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

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Speech Pathology and Audiology.Dennis M. Ruscello, Ph.D., ChairpersonProgram ObjectivesThe Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology is committed to the preparationof students interested in graduate work and a career in speech pathology oraudiology. The pre-professional undergraduate program emphasizes education inbasic speech and hearing sciences, anatomy and physiology of the speech andhearing mechanism, and normal development and behavior in speech, hearing, andlanguage.Pre-Speech Pathology and AudiologyNormally, students are first admitted to the pre-speech pathology and audiologyprogram of study. After meeting certain requirements (a 2.66 grade- point average-theequivalent of two B's and one C-in SPA 50 or 250, 153, and 154, and a 2.50 cumulativegrade-point average), the student is admitted to the degree program. This transitionnormally takes place at the end of the sophomore year.Career ProspectsThe discipline of speech pathology and audiology is an exciting field whereinclinicians provide services to speech and/or hearing handicapped individuals. Thedemand for certified clinicians is continually increasing; consequently, job prospectsremain very good. The pre-professional undergraduate program and graduate study ineither speech pathology or audiology enable graduates to seek jobs in a variety ofsettings. Speech pathologists and audiologists are employed in schools, hospitals,rehabilitation centers, community clinics, physicians' offices, and private practice.Helping speech, language or hearing handicapped persons is a rewarding profession.AdmissionTo be admitted to the undergraduate program in speech pathology and audiology(after the completion of 58 hours or typically at the end of the sophomore year) youmust have a cumulative GPA of 2.50 with a 2.66 GPA in SPA 50 or 250, 153, and 154.Although you may opt to take SPA 80 (program requirement) or SPA 280, 210, 265, or281 A (electives) during your first two years, the grades earned in these courses arenot combined with grades from SPA 50 or 250, 153, and 154 while you are still in thepre-speech pathology and audiology program.NOTE: Although SPA 152 is required for first semester sophomores, the gradeearned in SPA 152 is not combined with grades earned in SPA 50 or 250, 153, and154 while you are still in the pre-speech pathology and audiology program.Although you may repeat SPA 50 or 250, 153, and 154 until your grade-pointaverage reaches the required 2.66, you are not permitted to take additional requiredcourses (with the exception of SPA 80) until you are admitted to the program. The firstgrade in any of the three required courses is disregarded for the purpose of meetingadmission requirements.You are considered pre-SPA until you complete these three courses with therequired grade point. You may then complete a formal, written application to enter theprogram; you will receive a letter of notification of action from the department.You must maintain a 2.50 cumulative grade-point average and a 2.75 SPA gradepointaverage in order to continue in the program and graduate with a degree inspeech pathology and audiology.Transfer AdmissionIfyou transfer into speech pathology and audiology from another major at WVU orfrom another university, you must have at least a 2.50 GPA at entry and maintain a2.50 for the duration of the program. In addition, you must have taken courses246 College of Human Resources and Education

.equivalent to SPA 50 or 250, 153 and 154 with a 2.66 average for the three courses.You must write a formal application for admission; you will receive written notificationof acceptance into the program. Furthermore, you must maintain a 2.50 cumulativeGPA and a 2.75 in speech pathology and audiology courses for the remainder ofthe program in order to continue and graduate.Graduation RequirementsA total of 128 academic credit hours, including 58 upper-division hours, arerequired for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Speech Pathology and Audiology(B.S.). The following are specific requirements:1 Successful completion of the University Liberal Studies Program (LSP). SpeechPathology and Audiology (SPA) majors are required to enroll in these LSP Cluster Bcourses: Linguistics 1 and Psychology 1 ; Cluster C, Math. 3 and Statistics 101.2. Successful completion of 15 hours of related area courses pertaining to normalgrowth and development, language learning and communication, and issuesconcerning the handicapped.3. Successful completion of a minimum of 62 hours of academic courses in SPA.4. Successful completion of minimum requirements in clinical practicum.5. A cumulative GPA of 2.75 in all speech pathology and audiology courses and acumulative GPA of 2.50.FacultyProfessorsCarolyn P. Atkins, Ed.D. (WVU). Speech Pathology. Speech improvement, Clinicalsupervision.Mary Ellen Tekieli Koay, Ph.D. (U. Okla.). Speech Pathology. Cleft palate, Neurophysiology,Neuropathologies, Clinical supervision.Norman J. Lass, Ph.D. (Purdue U.). Speech Pathology. Speech perception, Speechacoustics.Dennis M. Ruscello, Ph.D. (U. Ariz.). Chairperson. Speech Pathology. Language,Articulation, Clinical supervision.Kenneth O. St.Louis, Ph.D. (U. Minn.). Speech Pathology. Fluency, Voice, Clinicalsupervision.Charles M. Woodford, Ph.D. (Syracuse U.). Audiology. Audiological evaluation,Industrial and environmental audiology, Clinical supervision.Associate ProfessorsConrad Lundeen, Ph.D. (U. Iowa). Audiology. Aural rehabilitation, Central auditorydisorders, Clinical supervision.Assistant ProfessorsLynn R. Cartwright, M.S. (WVU). Speech Pathology. Parent involvement, Clinicalsupervision.Karen Barr Haines, M.S. (WVU). Clinical. Speech Pathology. Argumentative communication, Clinical supervision.Robin R. Jones, M.S. (WVU). Audiology. Aural rehabilitation, Clinical supervision.Cheryl L. Prichard, M.S. (WVU). Speech Pathology. Public school clinical programs,Rural education, Clinical supervision.Linda I. Shuster, Ph.D. (Ohio St. U.). Speech Pathology. Aphasia, Speech perception.InstructorsJennifer Borsch, M.S. (WVU). Clinical. Speech Pathology. Clinical Supervision.Gayle Neldon, M.S. (WVU). Clinical. Audiology. Clinical Supervision.Speech Pathology and Audiology 247

.equivalent to SPA 50 or 250, 153 and 154 with a 2.66 average for the three courses.You must write a formal application for admission; you will receive written notificationof acceptance into the program. Furthermore, you must maintain a 2.50 cumulativeGPA and a 2.75 in speech pathology and audiology courses for the remainder ofthe program in order to continue and graduate.Graduation RequirementsA total of 128 academic credit hours, including 58 upper-division hours, arerequired for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Speech Pathology and Audiology(B.S.). The following are specific requirements:1 Successful completion of the <strong>University</strong> Liberal Studies Program (LSP). SpeechPathology and Audiology (SPA) majors are required to enroll in these LSP Cluster Bcourses: Linguistics 1 and Psychology 1 ; Cluster C, Math. 3 and Statistics 101.2. Successful completion of 15 hours of related area courses pertaining to normalgrowth and development, language learning and communication, and issuesconcerning the handicapped.3. Successful completion of a minimum of 62 hours of academic courses in SPA.4. Successful completion of minimum requirements in clinical practicum.5. A cumulative GPA of 2.75 in all speech pathology and audiology courses and acumulative GPA of 2.50.FacultyProfessorsCarolyn P. Atkins, Ed.D. (WVU). Speech Pathology. Speech improvement, Clinicalsupervision.Mary Ellen Tekieli Koay, Ph.D. (U. Okla.). Speech Pathology. Cleft palate, Neurophysiology,Neuropathologies, Clinical supervision.Norman J. Lass, Ph.D. (Purdue U.). Speech Pathology. Speech perception, Speechacoustics.Dennis M. Ruscello, Ph.D. (U. Ariz.). Chairperson. Speech Pathology. Language,Articulation, Clinical supervision.Kenneth O. St.Louis, Ph.D. (U. Minn.). Speech Pathology. Fluency, Voice, Clinicalsupervision.Charles M. Woodford, Ph.D. (Syracuse U.). Audiology. Audiological evaluation,Industrial and environmental audiology, Clinical supervision.Associate ProfessorsConrad Lundeen, Ph.D. (U. Iowa). Audiology. Aural rehabilitation, Central auditorydisorders, Clinical supervision.Assistant ProfessorsLynn R. Cartwright, M.S. (WVU). Speech Pathology. Parent involvement, Clinicalsupervision.Karen Barr Haines, M.S. (WVU). Clinical. Speech Pathology. Argumentative communication, Clinical supervision.Robin R. Jones, M.S. (WVU). Audiology. Aural rehabilitation, Clinical supervision.Cheryl L. Prichard, M.S. (WVU). Speech Pathology. Public school clinical programs,Rural education, Clinical supervision.Linda I. Shuster, Ph.D. (Ohio St. U.). Speech Pathology. Aphasia, Speech perception.InstructorsJennifer Borsch, M.S. (WVU). Clinical. Speech Pathology. Clinical Supervision.Gayle Neldon, M.S. (WVU). Clinical. Audiology. Clinical Supervision.Speech Pathology and Audiology 247

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