1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University 1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

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Electronics Engineers, Inc., National Council of Engineering Examiners, NationalInstitute of Ceramic Engineers, National Society of Professional Engineers, Society ofAutomotive Engineers, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, and Society of NavalArchitects and Marine Engineers) is concerned with the enhancement of the status ofthe engineer and the engineering profession, and the establishment of criteria andstandards for accreditation of engineering programs at colleges and universities. Allbaccalaureate programs, other than computer engineering, which is a new program inthe College of Engineering at West Virginia University, are accredited by the EngineeringAccreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology.AdmissionTo be eligible for admission to the College of Engineering, all prospective studentsmust be qualified for admission to WVU and present secondary school credits for twounits of algebra, one unit of geometry, and 1/2 unit of trigonometry or advancedmathematics. Additional freshman-year admission requirements for West Virginiaresidents and out-of-state residents, plus special admission policies for transferstudents, are noted below:First-Year StudentsAll students are required to take the American College Testing Program (ACT) orthe Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and have the report of scores sent to the WVUOffice of Admissions and Records prior to the admission decision.West Virginia Residents:Jo be eligible for admission to the College of Engineeringa resident must have either a Standard ACT mathematics score of 24 (SAT 500) ora high school grade-point average of at least 3.0 plus a Standard ACT mathematicsscore of at least 20 (SAT 450).Out-of-State Residents: To be eligible for admission to the College of Engineeringa non-resident must have a standard ACT mathematics score of 24 (SAT 500) orhigher. Since there are a limited number of places in the College of Engineering forout-of-state residents, early application is strongly encouraged.Admission of General Engineering Students to a CurriculumStudents admitted to the College of Engineering as freshman in the generalengineering program are asked to state their first, second, and third choices for adepartmental major during the second semester of their freshman year. The Collegehas and will have sufficient capacity to accept into some major all students whocomplete their first year with a GPA of 2.0 or better. Most students will receive theirfirst choice, but each major has a specific capacity, which means that it is possible thatsome students may not receive their first choice. These students will be encouraged toselect one of the other engineering majors. Some may elect to wait until they completetheir third semester and try again for their first choice. That option may work if thestudent's grades improve during the third semester because admission to a major isbased primarily upon a student's academic performance in their college as definedbelow.Basic Criteria for Admission to a ProgramOnly general engineering students who have a GPA of 2.0 or better are eligible foradmission to a program. Students who have passed five courses: Chemistry 15,English 1, Engineering 1, Engineering 2, and Mathematics 15 will be evaluated foradmission to a program based upon their overal GPA, with particular attention to thegrades in the above five courses plus all other math, chemistry, and physics coursestaken, using the procedure described on the next page.202 College of Engineering

Priorities for Admission to a MajorStudents who meet the basic criteria above will be ranked by GPA and admitted tothe major of their choice in decreasing GPA order until that major reaches its capacity,if space is not available in the chosen major, the student may select another engineeringmajor where space is still available or wait and try again at the end of the thirdsemester. In all cases, West Virginia residents will be given preference when equalcandidates are being considered. The dean's office may give minority students specialconsideration for admission to a major.Procedures• Students not accepted into their first choice are automatically reviewed for theirsecond and third choices and have the right to accept or reject one of these choices.• Third semester (not including summer sessions) general engineering studentswho have not been admitted to a major may enroll in Engineering 1 and/or Engineering2. They may also enroll in CpE 71 , EE 21 and/or 22, IE 140, and MAE 12, 32, and/or41, provided that they have prior approval from their freshman advisor and/or theirproposed major department. However, this does not imply that such a student will beadmitted to the major in the future. A program chair may agree to specify the minimumconditions under which such a student will be admitted to that department at the end ofthe third semester.• Student records will be evaluated on or about June 15, August 15, andDecember 30.Transfer StudentsStudents who wish to be considered for transfer admission to the College ofEngineering from another university, must satisfy both the WVU general requirementsand as a minimum have completed Math. 15 and 16 and Chem. 15 and 16 or Physics1 1 and 12 (or their equivalents) with an overall 3.0 grade-point average, and a 2.5grade-point average in math and science.Engineering courses are open only to students formally admitted to the College ofEngineering and those students in other colleges and schools which specify engineeringcourses as curriculum requirements — provided, in each case, that the studentshave the specified prerequisite or corequisite subjects. Students in general studies orother programs at WVU who wish to transfer to the College of Engineering are notpermitted to enroll in engineering courses prior to being officially accepted as anengineering major.Applications for transfer student admission to undergraduate programs in theCollege of Engineering must be received according to the schedule below:Desired Date of Entry:Deadline Date for Receipt of Application:Summer Session or First Semester Preceding March 15Second Semester Preceding November 1The number of transfer students accepted into the College of Engineering isgoverned by the enrollment capacities of each of the seven undergraduate engineeringprograms. First admission priority is granted to those students currently matriculated atWVU and in pre-engineering programs which meet the articulation agreement (Boardof Regents Administration Bulletin No. 23) at state colleges and universities withinWest Virginia; second priority to students enrolled in pre-engineering programs atprivate institutions located in West Virginia; and third priority to students from othercolleges and universities. Within the three categories cited above, preferential admissionis in the following order: West Virginia residents, other U.S. residents, andinternational students. Transfer student records will be evaluated on or about June 15,August 15, and December 30.College of Engineering 203

Priorities for Admission to a MajorStudents who meet the basic criteria above will be ranked by GPA and admitted tothe major of their choice in decreasing GPA order until that major reaches its capacity,if space is not available in the chosen major, the student may select another engineeringmajor where space is still available or wait and try again at the end of the thirdsemester. In all cases, <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> residents will be given preference when equalcandidates are being considered. The dean's office may give minority students specialconsideration for admission to a major.Procedures• Students not accepted into their first choice are automatically reviewed for theirsecond and third choices and have the right to accept or reject one of these choices.• Third semester (not including summer sessions) general engineering studentswho have not been admitted to a major may enroll in Engineering 1 and/or Engineering2. They may also enroll in CpE 71 , EE 21 and/or 22, IE 140, and MAE 12, 32, and/or41, provided that they have prior approval from their freshman advisor and/or theirproposed major department. However, this does not imply that such a student will beadmitted to the major in the future. A program chair may agree to specify the minimumconditions under which such a student will be admitted to that department at the end ofthe third semester.• Student records will be evaluated on or about June 15, August 15, andDecember 30.Transfer StudentsStudents who wish to be considered for transfer admission to the College ofEngineering from another university, must satisfy both the WVU general requirementsand as a minimum have completed Math. 15 and 16 and Chem. 15 and 16 or Physics1 1 and 12 (or their equivalents) with an overall 3.0 grade-point average, and a 2.5grade-point average in math and science.Engineering courses are open only to students formally admitted to the College ofEngineering and those students in other colleges and schools which specify engineeringcourses as curriculum requirements — provided, in each case, that the studentshave the specified prerequisite or corequisite subjects. Students in general studies orother programs at WVU who wish to transfer to the College of Engineering are notpermitted to enroll in engineering courses prior to being officially accepted as anengineering major.Applications for transfer student admission to undergraduate programs in theCollege of Engineering must be received according to the schedule below:Desired Date of Entry:Deadline Date for Receipt of Application:Summer Session or First Semester Preceding March 15Second Semester Preceding November 1The number of transfer students accepted into the College of Engineering isgoverned by the enrollment capacities of each of the seven undergraduate engineeringprograms. First admission priority is granted to those students currently matriculated atWVU and in pre-engineering programs which meet the articulation agreement (Boardof Regents Administration Bulletin No. 23) at state colleges and universities within<strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong>; second priority to students enrolled in pre-engineering programs atprivate institutions located in <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong>; and third priority to students from othercolleges and universities. Within the three categories cited above, preferential admissionis in the following order: <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> residents, other U.S. residents, andinternational students. Transfer student records will be evaluated on or about June 15,August 15, and December 30.College of Engineering 203

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