1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University


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esearch team as a member who can design experiments, analyze the results, anddraw inferences from them.Students interested in a career in actuarial science should complete Stat. 261 and262 during their junior year and Stat. 361 and 362 during their senior year.A minor in statistics is available to students who are majoring in one of the degreeprograms offered by the College of Arts and Sciences.Admission RequirementsP re-Statistics Program of StudyStudents must be qualified for admission to WVU and to the College of Arts andSciences and present secondary-school credit for two units of algebra, one unit ofgeometry, and 1/2 unit of trigonometry or advanced mathematics or one unit ofchemistry or physics as general requirements for admission to the pre-statisticsprogram of study.Additional Admission RequirementsStudents must take the Standard ACT test or the SAT test. Automatic admissionto pre-statistics will be granted if any two of the three requirements shown below aremet:• A 3.0 grade-point average in high school;• A math ACT score of 22, or math SAT score of 467;• A composite ACT score of 22, or combined SAT score of 920.Those not satisfying these admission requirements as an entering freshman maygain admission to pre-statistics after successful completion of at least one year ofuniversity study. Transfer from pre-statistics to the statistics degree program willdepend on academic performance in completing the required courses.To transfer from another WVU degree program to pre-statistics or to the statisticsdegree program, students should ask their current adviser to complete an academicstatus change form, and then present this form, along with their academic records, tothe College of Arts and Sciences Academic Advising Center on the second floor of theStudent Services Center Building. When the Advising Center has processed therecords, they will forward the file to the Department of Statistics and Computer Sciencein Room 308 Knapp Hall.Statistics Degree ProgramStudents need at least a 2.5 grade-point average in all computer science,mathematics, and statistics courses attempted during the first two years of study to beadmitted to the Bachelor of Science degree program in statistics. At a minimum thisshould include C.S. 15 and 16; Math. 15 and 16; and Stat. 201 and 212. Those who donot meet these minimum requirements but have displayed a special aptitude forstatistics may request admission to the department on a provisional basis. Writtenpetitions should be addressed to the Statistics Academic Standards Committee anddelivered to 308 Knapp Hall.Degree RequirementsStatistics majors must complete at least 60 hours of upper-division coursework with at least 35 of these upper-division hours in statistics, computer science, andmathematics. At least 26 of these 35 hours must be in statistics. They must have atleast a C in each course counted towards meeting the 35 upper-division hours instatistics, computer science, and mathematics.Required Courses are as follows: Math. 15, 16, 17, 241; C.S. 15, 16; Stat. 196,197, 201,212, 213, 261, 262; three of the following: Stat. 221, 231, 251, 291, 341, 351,371, 381; six additional hours of upper-division course work in mathematics, statistics,and/or computer science, and at least 60 hours of upper-division course work.Statistics 143

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