1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University


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—their causation, definition, prevention and treatment. The specialized training offered inthe health behavior track prepares students for graduate study in health related areasor for employment in government, private industry or traditional health care institutions.In addition to departmental requirements, Health Behavior track majors take See.& A. 125, See. & A. 258, Soc. & A. 271 , and Soc. & A. 201 (in the senior year). Twoadditional health -related courses—in health promotion and disease prevention, and incontemporary health issues are planned but not yet in the catalog. If these areunavailable, students will take {approved} substitutes. Students must also take oneupper-division elective in anthropology and one upper-division elective in sociology(outside the health area).Sociology : Sociology is the scientific study of human society and social behaviorin all its diverse forms. Among the aspects of social life covered are social groups(families, communities, factories); social inequality (class, race, gender); socialinstitutions (religion, education, sports, family, economics, politics); social problems(war, crime, poverty) and social change (urbanization, social movements, technologicalrevolutions). Because sociology track majors are exposed to the many aspects ofsociety, they are therefore sought by those in industry, government, and the privatesector who desire employees with a comprehensive understanding of the social world.Sociology track majors are also qualified to pursue graduate work in the socialsciences and many professions.In addition to departmental requirements, sociology track majors are required totake Soc. & A. 201 (in the senior year), five upper-division sociology electives (one ofwhich must be at the 200-level), one upper-division elective in anthropology, and anadditional 200-level elective in any area.Five Year B.A./M.A. ProgramUndergraduate students majoring in Sociology and Anthropology at WVU whohave a grade-point average of 3.0 or better may apply in their junior year to enter thefive year B.A./M.A. program which allows students to complete the M.A. degree in oneyear after the B.A. instead of the normal two years. Senior majors use some of theirfree hours to take specific courses required in the graduate program. Students mustcomplete the methods sequence (Stat. 101, Soc. & A. 21 ) 1no later than the junioryear to allow proper sequencing of graduate-level courses. Students who elect thisoption complete all the regular requirements for the degree of B.A. in sociology andanthropology and apply for admission to the Sociology and Anthropology graduateprogram upon completion of the B.A. degree. Interested students should consult withthe department chairperson prior to registering for their junior year courses.Minor in Sociology and AnthropologyStudents with majors in Arts and Sciences desiring a minor in the Department ofSociology and Anthropology may do so by fulfilling the requirements of one of theminors listed below. (If more than one minor is desired, any given course will counttoward fulfilling the requirements of only one minor.)For all minors, a grade-point average of 2.0 is required in 15 hours of courseworkin one of these options:Anthropology. Students must take either Soc. & A. 5 or 51 and 12 additionalupper-division hours in regular anthropology (not sociology) courses. Anthropologycourses are numbered in the 50's e.g. Soc. & A. 255.Sociology. Students must take either Soc. & A. 1 or 7 and 12 additional upperdivisionhours in regular sociology (not anthropology) courses. Most departmentalcourses are sociology courses.Crime and Justice. Students taking this minor must take specific courses. Theyare: Soc. & A. 132, 133, 134, 201, 230 (132 must be completed before enrolling in230), and 261 (all of the other courses must be completed prior to enrolling in 261which is a senior seminar).Sociology and Anthropology 141

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