1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University 1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

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programs at Potomac State College, which lead to the Associate in Applied Sciencedegree, include general business, accounting, industrial management, small businessadministration, agriculture, computer programming, electronics technology, engineeringtechnology, horticulture technology, and secretarial studies. Certificate programsare offered in surveying technology and computer equipment operations.Government and Organization of WVUThe University of West Virginia Board of Trustees is vested by law with theauthority for the control and management of the University and all other institutions ofthe University of West Virginia. The governor appoints the members of the board whoserve with the chairs of the Advisory Council of Faculty, the Advisory Council ofClassified Staff, and the Advisory Council of Students, the Chancellor of the Board ofDirectors of the State College System, and the State Superintendent of Schools.TheUniversity President, appointed by the Board of Trustees, is the chief executive officerof the University.The University's Board of Advisors reviews all WVU proposals involving itsmission, academic programs, budget, capital facilities, institution-wide personnelpolicies, and other matters requested by the president. The Board of Advisors alsoserves as the search and screening committee for new university presidents underguidelines established by the Board of Trustees (in this role, the Board appoints threeadditional WVU faculty and the Trustees appoint three additional members to comprisea 17- member committee).The Faculty Senate is the vehicle for faculty participation in the governance of theUniversity, rt is a legislative body with original jurisdiction over all matters of academicinterest and educational policy that concern the entire University or affect more thanone college or school. The senate's decisions are subject to review and approval bythe President and the Board of Trustees. Senators are elected by members of theUniversity faculty to represent their colleges and other constituencies. One senatorrepresents twenty members of the University faculty. The senate normally meets thesecond Monday of each month.The senate elects a faculty chair each year to preside over the meetings of thesenate and its executive committee. Three faculty members also serve on the VicePresidents' Advisory Committee for Promotion and Tenure. The President meetsregularly with the cabinet. He meets monthly with the Faculty Senate ExecutiveCommittee, the Staff Council, and Student Administration. The University FacultyAssembly includes the president as presiding officer, vice presidents, academic deans,associate deans, professors, associate professors, assistant professors, and instructorsholding appointments on a full-time basis. The assembly meets once a year.West Virginia University also has a tradition of strong student administration thattouches all aspects of student life and represents student opinion to the administrationand faculty. Student administration has three main units: the Executive Branch, theBoard of Governors, and the Judicial Board. Students also serve on University-widecommittees and on the Mountainlair Advisory Council. Non-teaching employees arerepresented by the Staff Council and Laborers' International Union Local 814, AFL/CIO. The Council consists of twelve members elected by their fellow employees in sixoccupational groups.Morgantown AreaGreater Morgantown has a population of 47,000; Monongalia County, 75,000.WVU is the largest single employer in the county. Located on the east bank of theMonongahela River, which flows north to nearby Pittsburgh, Morgantown is situated onrugged terrain in the Appalachian highlands. The altitude of the city varies from 800 to1 ,150 feet above sea level, and the surrounding hills rise eastward to Chestnut Ridgeto reach an altitude of 2,600 feet just ten miles from the city. The area's temperate1 o West Virginia University

1climate is marked by four distinct seasons of about equal length. Morgantown averages40 inches of precipitation a year. Autumn is beautiful with the hills turning red,orange, and yellow as the leaves change color.A north-south interstate highway (1-79) is one mile west of Morgantown. U.S.19and U.S.1 19 pass through Morgantown in a north-south direction. U.S. 48, a four-lane,east-west highway, links I-79 at Morgantown to 1-81 in the Cumberland/Hagerstown,Maryland, region.Because of WVU's intellectual resources, the Morgantown area is a majorresearch center in the Appalachian region. Four federal agencies have researchfacilities in the area: Department of Health and Human Services (Appalachian Laboratoryfor Occupational Safety and Health), Forest Service (Forestry Sciences Laboratory),Morgantown Energy Technology Center of the U.S. Department of Energy, andSoil Conservation Service (West Virginia headquarters).At Hart Field in Morgantown, the Concurrent Engineering Research Center(CERC) unites town and gown in a new, high tech effort. Located in the AirportResearch Park, CERC was established by the U.S. Department of Defense in 1988.The General Electric Company and an academic consortium of five institutions(including West Virginia University, Carnegie Mellon University, North Carolina StateUniversity, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and Stanford University) have joinedforces for research conducted by full- time staff employees, faculty, and graduatestudents with expertise in the areas of statistics and computer science, physics,chemistry, engineering, and mathematics.The College of Engineering has received an endowment from Wheeling-NisshinSteel Ltd. to support faculty activities directed toward solving some of the problems ofWest Virginia's industry. The Wheeling-Nisshin Distinguished Speaker Convocations,held biannually, will emphasize the global nature of engineering and the social,economic, and political aspects of technology.DHousing and Residence LifeThe University owns nine residence halls with a capacity of approximately 3400.In addition, there are four apartment complexes owned by WVU and available primarilyto graduate students. Privately owned residence halls, apartment complexes, mobilehome parks, and fraternity and sorority houses also provide accommodations.The University Housing and Residence Life Office, G-1 8 Towers (phone 304/293-281 1), provides information concerning University-owned housing. The Office ofStudent Life in Moore Hall provides information concerning privately owned, offcampushousing (phone 304/293-561 1).Listings for privately owned rentals change daily, so students should visit theOffice of Student Life to see what is available and make their own arrangements withlandlords. Students are encouraged to select quality student housing accommodations.Good housing is plentiful, both in residence halls and apartments. Because ofthe hilly terrain, parking is limited on the WVU campuses and in the city.Housing and Residence Life 1

programs at Potomac State College, which lead to the Associate in Applied Sciencedegree, include general business, accounting, industrial management, small businessadministration, agriculture, computer programming, electronics technology, engineeringtechnology, horticulture technology, and secretarial studies. Certificate programsare offered in surveying technology and computer equipment operations.Government and Organization of WVUThe <strong>University</strong> of <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> Board of Trustees is vested by law with theauthority for the control and management of the <strong>University</strong> and all other institutions ofthe <strong>University</strong> of <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong>. The governor appoints the members of the board whoserve with the chairs of the Advisory Council of Faculty, the Advisory Council ofClassified Staff, and the Advisory Council of Students, the Chancellor of the Board ofDirectors of the State College System, and the State Superintendent of Schools.The<strong>University</strong> President, appointed by the Board of Trustees, is the chief executive officerof the <strong>University</strong>.The <strong>University</strong>'s Board of Advisors reviews all WVU proposals involving itsmission, academic programs, budget, capital facilities, institution-wide personnelpolicies, and other matters requested by the president. The Board of Advisors alsoserves as the search and screening committee for new university presidents underguidelines established by the Board of Trustees (in this role, the Board appoints threeadditional WVU faculty and the Trustees appoint three additional members to comprisea 17- member committee).The Faculty Senate is the vehicle for faculty participation in the governance of the<strong>University</strong>, rt is a legislative body with original jurisdiction over all matters of academicinterest and educational policy that concern the entire <strong>University</strong> or affect more thanone college or school. The senate's decisions are subject to review and approval bythe President and the Board of Trustees. Senators are elected by members of the<strong>University</strong> faculty to represent their colleges and other constituencies. One senatorrepresents twenty members of the <strong>University</strong> faculty. The senate normally meets thesecond Monday of each month.The senate elects a faculty chair each year to preside over the meetings of thesenate and its executive committee. Three faculty members also serve on the VicePresidents' Advisory Committee for Promotion and Tenure. The President meetsregularly with the cabinet. He meets monthly with the Faculty Senate ExecutiveCommittee, the Staff Council, and Student Administration. The <strong>University</strong> FacultyAssembly includes the president as presiding officer, vice presidents, academic deans,associate deans, professors, associate professors, assistant professors, and instructorsholding appointments on a full-time basis. The assembly meets once a year.<strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> <strong>University</strong> also has a tradition of strong student administration thattouches all aspects of student life and represents student opinion to the administrationand faculty. Student administration has three main units: the Executive Branch, theBoard of Governors, and the Judicial Board. Students also serve on <strong>University</strong>-widecommittees and on the Mountainlair Advisory Council. Non-teaching employees arerepresented by the Staff Council and Laborers' International Union Local 814, AFL/CIO. The Council consists of twelve members elected by their fellow employees in sixoccupational groups.Morgantown AreaGreater Morgantown has a population of 47,000; Monongalia County, 75,000.WVU is the largest single employer in the county. Located on the east bank of theMonongahela River, which flows north to nearby Pittsburgh, Morgantown is situated onrugged terrain in the Appalachian highlands. The altitude of the city varies from 800 to1 ,150 feet above sea level, and the surrounding hills rise eastward to Chestnut Ridgeto reach an altitude of 2,600 feet just ten miles from the city. The area's temperate1 o <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> <strong>University</strong>

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