1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University 1991-1993 Catalog - Catalogs - West Virginia University

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.Communication StudiesDegree: Bachelor of ArtsJames C. McCroskey, ChairpersonJohn D. Shibley, Undergraduate AdviserNature of ProgramThe Department of Communication Studies offers a curriculum to meet the needsof liberal-arts and pre-professional students and of students oriented toward communication-relatedcareers. The undergraduate curriculum focuses upon the application oftheory and research in human communication to a variety of personal, social, andorganizational settings. Majors may elect to follow either a communication theory andresearch track or an applied communication studies track.Communication Theory and Research:Jh\s curriculum is designed for students whodesire a broad, liberal-arts emphasis or who plan to enter graduate study in communication.Students acquire a background in the areas of interpersonal, nonverbal,organizational, and mass communication.Admission Requirements: Students may be admitted to this curriculum at oneof two points in their undergraduate program:1 The semester following the semester in which they complete 45 hours of coursework. Students admitted at this point must have a cumulative grade-point average(GPA) of 3.0 and have completed the following courses in the department with acombined GPA of 3.0: Comm. 1 1 , 1 2 or 1 4, and 1 60.2. Any semester subsequent to the above. Students admitted at this point musthave a cumulative GPA of 3.0; a combined GPA of 3.0 in all courses taken in thedepartment; and a combined GPA of 3.0 in Comm. 11, 1 2 or 1 4, and 1 60.Completion Requirements: All students must complete a minimum of 27 hoursof credit, 18 of which must be in the Department of Communication Studies, followingthe semester in which they are admitted to this program. Courses taken during thesemester in which the student is admitted may not be counted toward the requiredminimum of 27 hours. Course requirements are Psychology 1 and 2, Statistics 101,and 30 hours of electives in the Department of Communication Studies beyond the sixrequired for admission.Applied Communication Studies:Jh\s curriculum is designed for students who plancareers in business or government organizations. It combines the general major incommunication studies with a sequence of courses outside the department to preparestudents for communication-related careers.Admission Requirements: Students may be admitted to this curriculum at one oftwo points in their undergraduate studies:1 The semester following the semester in which they complete 45 hours of coursework. Students admitted at this point must have a cumulative grade-point average(GPA) of 2.5 and have completed the following courses in the department with acombined GPA of 2.5: Comm. 1 1, 1 2 or 1 4, and 1 60.2. Any semester subsequent to the above. Students admitted at this point musthave a cumulative GPA of 2.5; a combined GPA of 2.5 in all courses taken in thedepartment; and a combined GPA of 2.5 in Comm. 11, 1 2 or 1 4, and 1 60.Completion Requirements: All students must complete a minimum of 27 hoursof credit, 18 of which must be in the Department of Communication Studies, followingthe semester in which they are admitted to this program. Courses taken during thesemester in which the student is admitted may not be counted toward the required 27hours. Course requirements for both options outlined below are Bus. A. 120 and 130,Psych.1, and Engl. 105 and 208.Students must also complete one of the following optional tracks:100 College of Arts and Sciences

*Interpersonal and Organizational Communication: Comm. 1 2, 1 06, 1 09, 1 1 0, 1 33,206; 15 hours of Communication Studies electives from Comm. 13, 14, 21, 80, 105,107,111, 113,134, 135,140, 180, 191, 221, 230, and 231; Psych.1 01, 151, and 251.*Public and Mass Communication: Comm. 14, 80, 106, 180, 221, 230; 15 hours ofCommunication Studies electives drawn from Comm. 12, 13, 105, 107, 109, 110, 111,113, 133, 134, 135, 140, 187, 191, 206, and 231; P. R.111; SPA 80; and Adv. 113.GraduationStudents must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 in all courses in the department tobe certified for graduation with a major in communication studies. Courses in communicationstudies which the student wishes to count toward the major must be completedwith a grade of C or better. The minimum requirement for a major in communicationstudies is 36 semester hours of credit. A total of 42 hours in communicationstudies may be counted toward graduation.AdvisementBefore or during the first semester of the sophomore year, students interested inpursuing a major in communication studies should consult with a departmental adviser.Minor in Communication StudiesStudents with a major in the College of Arts and Sciences may elect to complete a15 credit-hour minor in the field of communication studies. This minor is designed toprovide a broad overview of the field. Comm. 1 1, 80, 106, and 109 (ten hours) arerequired. In addition, the student must complete Comm. 12 or 14 (two hours) and oneof the following: Comm. 135, 160, or 187 (three hours). Students must maintain anoverall GPA of 2.0 in the courses counted toward the minor to be certified as a minorin communication studies at graduation.FacultyProfessorsLeonard M. Davis, Ph.D. (Northwestern U.). Emeritus.Donald W. Klopf, Ph.D. (U. Wash.). Intercultural and small-group communication,Persuasion.James C. McCroskey, Ed.D. (Penn St. U.). Chair. Communication avoidance,Instructional, interpersonal and organizational communication.Virginia P. Richmond, Ph.D. (U. Nebr.). Interpersonal, organizational, nonverbal, andinstructional communication.Lawrence R. Wheeless, Ph.D. (Wayne St. U.). Instructional, interpersonal andorganizational communication, Empirical methodology.Associate ProfessorsMelanie Booth-Butterfield, Ph.D. (U. Mo.). Interpersonal, nonverbal, and instructionalcommunication.Joan S. Gorham, Ed.D. (Nor. III. U.). Interpersonal, nonverbal, instructional, and masscommunication.Walter H. Rockenstein, Ph.D. (Northwestern U.). Emeritus.John D. Shibley, Ph.D. (Ohio St. U.). Film appreciation, Communication andnonviolence.Assistant ProfessorsSteven Booth-Butterfield, Ed.D. (WVU). Mass, interpersonal, and instructionalcommunication, persuasion.Enid J. Portnoy, Ed.D. (WVU). Communication and aging, Nonverbal communication.Communication Studies 101

*Interpersonal and Organizational Communication: Comm. 1 2, 1 06, 1 09, 1 1 0, 1 33,206; 15 hours of Communication Studies electives from Comm. 13, 14, 21, 80, 105,107,111, 113,134, 135,140, 180, 191, 221, 230, and 231; Psych.1 01, 151, and 251.*Public and Mass Communication: Comm. 14, 80, 106, 180, 221, 230; 15 hours ofCommunication Studies electives drawn from Comm. 12, 13, 105, 107, 109, 110, 111,113, 133, 134, 135, 140, 187, 191, 206, and 231; P. R.111; SPA 80; and Adv. 113.GraduationStudents must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 in all courses in the department tobe certified for graduation with a major in communication studies. Courses in communicationstudies which the student wishes to count toward the major must be completedwith a grade of C or better. The minimum requirement for a major in communicationstudies is 36 semester hours of credit. A total of 42 hours in communicationstudies may be counted toward graduation.AdvisementBefore or during the first semester of the sophomore year, students interested inpursuing a major in communication studies should consult with a departmental adviser.Minor in Communication StudiesStudents with a major in the College of Arts and Sciences may elect to complete a15 credit-hour minor in the field of communication studies. This minor is designed toprovide a broad overview of the field. Comm. 1 1, 80, 106, and 109 (ten hours) arerequired. In addition, the student must complete Comm. 12 or 14 (two hours) and oneof the following: Comm. 135, 160, or 187 (three hours). Students must maintain anoverall GPA of 2.0 in the courses counted toward the minor to be certified as a minorin communication studies at graduation.FacultyProfessorsLeonard M. Davis, Ph.D. (Northwestern U.). Emeritus.Donald W. Klopf, Ph.D. (U. Wash.). Intercultural and small-group communication,Persuasion.James C. McCroskey, Ed.D. (Penn St. U.). Chair. Communication avoidance,Instructional, interpersonal and organizational communication.<strong>Virginia</strong> P. Richmond, Ph.D. (U. Nebr.). Interpersonal, organizational, nonverbal, andinstructional communication.Lawrence R. Wheeless, Ph.D. (Wayne St. U.). Instructional, interpersonal andorganizational communication, Empirical methodology.Associate ProfessorsMelanie Booth-Butterfield, Ph.D. (U. Mo.). Interpersonal, nonverbal, and instructionalcommunication.Joan S. Gorham, Ed.D. (Nor. III. U.). Interpersonal, nonverbal, instructional, and masscommunication.Walter H. Rockenstein, Ph.D. (Northwestern U.). Emeritus.John D. Shibley, Ph.D. (Ohio St. U.). Film appreciation, Communication andnonviolence.Assistant ProfessorsSteven Booth-Butterfield, Ed.D. (WVU). Mass, interpersonal, and instructionalcommunication, persuasion.Enid J. Portnoy, Ed.D. (WVU). Communication and aging, Nonverbal communication.Communication Studies 101

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