Putting your safety first - Resene

Putting your safety first - Resene Putting your safety first - Resene

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Precautions to be adopted forspraying and drying of sprayedarticles.• All spraying and the drying of sprayed articlesshall be carried out in accordance with therequirements of the Regulations.• The spraying of all isocyanate-containingpaints must be carried out in a properlydesigned and constructed spray booth.• The mechanical ventilation system providedmust be interlocked with the air supply tothe spray gun.• When operators, whether spraying or not,are required to work inside a spray boothwhile spraying is in progress, they must wearan airline respirator.• The compressed air supply for the respiratorsmust be taken from an uncontaminatedsource.• In addition to the recommended respiratoryand eye protection, spray operators mustwear gloves and a head covering in the caseof respirators that leave the hair exposed.• Mechanical ventilation of the booth mustbe maintained after spraying ceases untilthe work area is free of all residual spraymist.Isocyanate over-exposureSymptoms• Sore eyes.• Running nose.• Sore throat.• Coughing.• Wheezing.• Fever, breathlessness and cough.First aid treatmentInhalationThis may be either from the vapour or from anaerosol. Remove the affected person to fresh air.Keep at rest. Obtain immediate medical attention.Eye contactIf isocyanate has entered the eyes, flush themimmediately with direct mains water or sterilewater from an eye wash bottle for at least 15minutes, holding the eyelids apart. Obtainimmediate medical attention.Skin contactWash the skin immediately with copious amountsof water and soap (if available). Remove heavilycontaminated clothing immediately. Obtain medicalattention if skin dermatitis appears.IngestionDO NOT induce vomiting. If the person is conscious,give between 250ml and 500ml of milk or waterto drink. Take to hospital without delay. DO NOTgive anything by mouth to an unconscious person.Removal of polyurethane paintSanding downWhen isocyanate paints are fully cured, that is,they have been applied for more than 24 hours atroom temperature or heated for one hour at 70C,and are sanded down, the dust produced will notpresent an isocyanate hazard. This is because fullycured paints contain no free isocyanates. In suchinstances a dust mask should be worn to provideprotection from the general nuisance dust present.Where new paint that may not be fully cured issanded down, the dust will contain free isocyanates.A particulate respirator fitted with Class H filtersshould be worn. Where practical, the use of wetsanding methods is recommended as a means ofreducing the amount of dust generated.18

Personal hygieneThis is important in any industry where harmfulchemicals are used. The basic rules are commonsense:• Wash all splashes of paint or lacquer off yourskin at once with soap and water. Try to avoidusing solvents as much as possible.• Do not keep food or eat and drink in the workarea.• Do not smoke in the work area, or if you havepaint on your hands.• If possible, shower before you change intoyour street clothes.The employer’s responsibilitiesThe employer must instruct workers on the hazardsof working with isocyanate-containing paints andhow to use them safely.The employer is also legally required to provide allthe necessary safety equipment.The employee’s responsibilitiesEmployees have a duty to use all the safety gearthe employer provides. Employees owe it tothemselves to protect their health – and the jobthey have spent years learning.Spillage procedure1. Put on protective equipment.2. Cover spillage with absorbent material suchas sawdust.3. Pour on decontaminant mixture, a quantityestimated to be twice the volume of the spill.Refer to ‘Approved Code of Practice for theSafe Use of Isocyanates’. (Appendix 3)4. Allow at least 10 minutes for decontaminantto react.5. Collect all residues from the spillage and placethem in an open container.6. Add further decontaminant mixture to thismaterial, place a loose cover over the containerand remove it to a safe place. Discard residuesafter one day.7. Wash down the area with liquiddecontaminant.8. Rope off the area and post ‘No Smoking’signs.9. Clean and decontaminate safety equipment.Further informationFor further information refer to ‘Approved Code of Practice for the Safe Use of Isocyanates’ publishedby the Occupational Health and Safety Service, Department of Labour, Wellington.Related booklets also available from OSHA Guide to Respirators and Breathing Apparatus • Guide to the Spray Coating Regulations • WeldingSafety • How to use Isocyanates Safely (A bulletin for spray painters).19

Personal hygieneThis is important in any industry where harmfulchemicals are used. The basic rules are commonsense:• Wash all splashes of paint or lacquer off <strong>your</strong>skin at once with soap and water. Try to avoidusing solvents as much as possible.• Do not keep food or eat and drink in the workarea.• Do not smoke in the work area, or if you havepaint on <strong>your</strong> hands.• If possible, shower before you change into<strong>your</strong> street clothes.The employer’s responsibilitiesThe employer must instruct workers on the hazardsof working with isocyanate-containing paints andhow to use them safely.The employer is also legally required to provide allthe necessary <strong>safety</strong> equipment.The employee’s responsibilitiesEmployees have a duty to use all the <strong>safety</strong> gearthe employer provides. Employees owe it tothemselves to protect their health – and the jobthey have spent years learning.Spillage procedure1. Put on protective equipment.2. Cover spillage with absorbent material suchas sawdust.3. Pour on decontaminant mixture, a quantityestimated to be twice the volume of the spill.Refer to ‘Approved Code of Practice for theSafe Use of Isocyanates’. (Appendix 3)4. Allow at least 10 minutes for decontaminantto react.5. Collect all residues from the spillage and placethem in an open container.6. Add further decontaminant mixture to thismaterial, place a loose cover over the containerand remove it to a safe place. Discard residuesafter one day.7. Wash down the area with liquiddecontaminant.8. Rope off the area and post ‘No Smoking’signs.9. Clean and decontaminate <strong>safety</strong> equipment.Further informationFor further information refer to ‘Approved Code of Practice for the Safe Use of Isocyanates’ publishedby the Occupational Health and Safety Service, Department of Labour, Wellington.Related booklets also available from OSHA Guide to Respirators and Breathing Apparatus • Guide to the Spray Coating Regulations • WeldingSafety • How to use Isocyanates Safely (A bulletin for spray painters).19

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