Putting your safety first - Resene

Putting your safety first - Resene Putting your safety first - Resene

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PuttingyoursafetyfirstUnderstandingpaint hazards andessential precautionsSurface coatings • Organic solvents • Lead-based paintRespirators and breathing apparatus • Protecting your eyes • Polyurethanes and lacquersSafety checklist - part one • Safety checklist - part two

<strong>Putting</strong><strong>your</strong><strong>safety</strong><strong>first</strong>Understandingpaint hazards andessential precautionsSurface coatings • Organic solvents • Lead-based paintRespirators and breathing apparatus • Protecting <strong>your</strong> eyes • Polyurethanes and lacquersSafety checklist - part one • Safety checklist - part two

In 1989 the International Agency for researchon cancer classified the occupation of painting as agroup 1 Carcinogen [causing cancer]Between three and four thousand estimated deathsare due to industrial cancers every year*Identify <strong>your</strong> solvents/carcinogens.i.e. toluene\xyleneWear correct protection for the solvents.i.e. glove up, mask upEnsure correct ventilation for <strong>your</strong> site and workplace.i.e. extractor fansRemember VOC/s are heavier than air.i.e. extract from ground levelBe site safe for <strong>your</strong>self and other workers.i.e. remember <strong>your</strong> work matesUse less toxic products.e.g. waterborne instead of solventborne, where possibleGLOVE UP – SOLVENTS CAUSE CANCER!see www.gloveup.co.nz for more information(reprinted with permission from www.gloveup.co.nz)*in New Zealand

Surface coatingsWhat are paints made of?The major constituents of most paints can begrouped into four general categories:1. Resins2. Pigments3. Solvents4. AdditivesSubstances can enter the body through inhalation,absorption through the skin, or ingestion, with themost common route being inhalation. There is arisk of chemicals entering the body during mixing,application and clean up when using paint.Spray application presents the greatest hazardas the applicator is not just exposed to thehighly volatile portion of the paint (solvents)but also to the paint mist.What are the hazards?1. ResinsResins themselves are not classified as toxic,however, it is possible for some resins to beasthma causing agents and induceinflammation of the mucous membranes andnose.Some also react with the moist tissues of therespiratory system and eyes, causing irritation,or may be very irritating to the skin.Although there are a lot of misconceptionsabout isocyanates, it is important tounderstand the major health issues and theseare addressed under ‘Polyurethane paints andlacquers’ in this brochure.The typical effects of overexposure toisocyanates includes chills, fever, flu likesymptoms and tightness of the chest.Epoxies, polyamines, polyamides have beenknown to cause dermatitis. When skin contactdoes occur, wash thoroughly with lukewarmwater and soap.2. PigmentsLead and Zinc/lead chromates: The toxic effectsof these are well documented. Lead poisoningsymptoms include general weakness, loss ofappetite, inability to sleep, irritability, painsin the muscles, joints and abdomen, mentalretardation, anaemia, sterility, central nervoussystem disorders and reproductive effects.Refer ‘Lead-based paint’ in this brochure forfurther information. Zinc/lead chromates havebeen implicated in lung cancer of workershandling these pigments.Pigments in the finished paint are locked upby encapsulation in the resinous binder,however, sanding creates dusts in whichpigments are more bio-available.3. SolventsSolvents cause headaches, drowsiness andunconsciousness, irritation to the skin, eyesand respiratory tract, and central nervoussystem depression with similar symptoms todrunkenness. People can become addicted tosome of these solvents and drinking alcoholduring the day may increase the toxic risksof these solvents.1

Cleaning hands in solvents, such as turpentine,will de-fat the skin and can cause dermatitisand repeated exposure may result in chronicdermatitis.Most solvents used in paints are highlyflammable so care needs to be taken thatthere are no sources of ignition available tothe solvent or to solvent/air mixtures.Empty drums contain residues of solvents thatcan be more dangerous than full drums, asthe danger of explosion is greater.4. AdditivesAdditives may irritate the eyes, skin andrespiratory organs.The spray mist of paintsWhatever the brand or chemical nature of thepaint, the spray mist of that paint will contain:Resins PigmentsSolvents AdditivesThe mist should not be inhaled, should not getonto skin and should not get into eyes.Hazards in the preparation forpaintingPaint stripper• Extra care needs to be taken with materialscontaining methylene chloride.• This chemical is a suspected human carcinogenand can cause permanent damage to skinand eyes.• Methylene chloride is highly toxic and cancause headaches, nausea, vomiting, numbness,tingling, light-headedness, worsen angina,loss of co-ordination, diarrhoea, abdominalpain, convulsions, unconsciousness, damageto lungs, liver function and kidneys.Metal pre-treatmentThese mixtures often contain phosphoric acid.Because of this, the following hazards exist:• Corrosive: will burn skin and eyes, permanentdamage may result.• Reacts with metal to produce hydrogen gas,which is highly flammable.Dusts• Wood dusts from cutting and sanding canproduce eye injury and asthma.• Hardwood dusts are a suspected cause oflung cancer.• Concrete/brick dusts from angle grinding cancause silicosis, lung cancer and eye injury.• Abrasive blasting creates dense clouds ofdusts that contain the abrasive itself,pulverised surface paints and abradedsubstrate material. This can cause serious andirreversible lung damage.• If silica sand is used as a blasting medium,the resulting silica dust can cause silicosis ofthe lungs, which is characterised by chronicshortness of breath. Can lead to lung cancer.• Lead-based paint dust can cause leadpoisoning, which can be fatal. Refer ‘Leadbasedpaint’ in this brochure for furtherinformation.Welding fumes• General welding fumes require similarrespiratory protection to those for solventvapours.Noise• Exposure to excessively high noise levels overtime can result in permanent hearing loss.• If noise from machinery makes it difficult foremployees working next to each other tospeak in a normal tone of voice, the workplacenoise level is probably too high.2

Organic solventsUnder the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992, if you are an employee, the Act givesyou responsibility for <strong>your</strong> own <strong>safety</strong> and health at work and employers to provide a safe andhealthy work environment.Organic solventsMany are volatile. They give off a vapour and willevaporate quickly at room temperature. Not allgive out a strong smell.The word toxic is often used when referring to aharmful solvent.How do you ensure that there will be no ill effectsfrom solvents used in <strong>your</strong> workplace? The <strong>first</strong>step is for both employer and employees to knowabout and read the Safety Data Sheet for eachproduct used.Safety Data SheetsSafety Data Sheets (SDS) should be available atthe place of work for all to read. These sheets detailthe hazards and set out the precautions for handlingthe chemical safely.Consult the SDS carefully.• Look to see what the components of theproduct are.• Check out the toxic properties.• Follow the <strong>safety</strong> precautions.Properties of solventsMany solvents evaporate and form vapour in theair when containers are left open. Their vapourscan be breathed in and lead to health problems.• Store solvents in strong containers.• Keep containers sealed or stoppered whennot being used.Many solvent vapours are highly flammable. Theywill readily create an atmosphere in which a firecan start.• Work out evacuation routes.• Keep evacuation routes free of any clutteringmaterials.Not all solvents are flammable.Knowledge of what you are dealing with is vitalto the proper methods of handling these and otherchemicals.At all times take special care to:• Reduce the volume of flammable solventspresent as far as possible.• Prevent spills and leaks.• Exclude sources of ignition such as nakedlights, unsuitable electrical equipment, staticelectricity hazards, hot surfaces andmechanical friction.• Reduce the vapour concentration byventilation/extraction systems.Health hazardsSolvents can enter the body by three routes.• Inhaled into the lungs.• Absorbed through the skin.• Swallowed.Inhaling a harmful vapour is the most commonroute.3

Warning signsThe toxic effects of solvents may be noticedimmediately, some time later or both.Acute poisoningThe <strong>first</strong> effects are:• A light-headed feeling.• Slower reaction time.• Poorer co-ordination, balance and power ofreasoning.Followed by• Nausea and dizziness getting more and moresevere.• Loss of consciousness.What to do• Remove the person or people away fromexposure to the vapour.• Check the <strong>first</strong> aid instructions on the labeland SDS.Chronic poisoningAfter years of repeated exposures, the typical latereffects are:• Mood changes.• Tiredness.• Weakness.• Persistent dermatitis.• Effects on the liver and kidney.What to doIf you believe you may be suffering from theseeffects, see <strong>your</strong> doctor.Solvents affect the skinSolvents dissolve the fat contained in human skinand remove the natural protection barrier.Solvents can cause skin rashes and repeated orprolonged exposure may result in chronic irritantdermatitis.What to do• Use hand cleansers. Do not wash <strong>your</strong> handsin a solvent.• Have and use properly designed equipment.• Wear protective gloves and clothing wherenecessary.The risk of injury or disease increases with howlong you are exposed to the solvent and how muchsolvent vapour is in the air.A good rule of thumb is that the longer the exposure(years) and the higher the dose, the greater thehealth risk.Control of harmful solvents• Use personal protective equipment.• Protect the skin and eyes.• Prevent inhalation.• Avoid working in a confined space.• Store safely.First aidRefer to the SDS for appropriate procedures.Skin exposure• Remove contaminated clothing, usingappropriate gloves if available.• Wash contaminated skin with lots of waterfrom a shower, hose or bucket.4

InhalationTo help a victim of over-exposure to solventvapours:• Immediately remove the victim from theatmosphere in which the over-exposureoccurred.• Keep the victim warm and quiet.If unconscious, if breathing is distressed, or ifvictim is cyanosed (blue in colour):• Ensure the airway is open – press the headbackwards and lower jaw forwards so thatthe chin juts out.• Place the victim in the recovery position.• Support breathing by mouth to mouthresuscitation. Use CPR if necessary.• Seek medical attention urgently.Swallowing• If conscious, give plenty of water to drink. Donot cause vomiting.• If unconscious do not give anything by mouth.Remove false teeth, clean mouth of solvent,mucus and vomit. Follow instruction forunconscious victims given above.• Refer to <strong>first</strong> aid instructions and the SDS forspecific solvents.Further information can be obtained fromAUST: POISONS INFORMATION CENTRE131 126 or call <strong>Resene</strong> 1800 738 383.NZ: NATIONAL POISONS CENTRE0800 POISON (764 766) or call <strong>Resene</strong>0800 737 363.Splash protectionIf solvent gets into the eye:• Wash immediately with clean running water,lifting both lids repeatedly while doing so andkeeping the eye open.• Continue to wash the eye without break forat least 15 minutes. If the irritation still persistsafter this, seek medical attention withoutdelay.• If the affected person is wearing contactlenses, the eyes should be flushed constantlyuntil the person is able to remove thesecontact lenses.Further informationFor further information refer to ‘Practical Guidelines for the Safe Use of Organic Solvents’ publishedby Occupational Safety and Health Service, Wellington.5

Safety <strong>first</strong>Ask <strong>your</strong>self these questions.1. Are the gloves resistant to the chemicals beingused? Gloves that swell and distort allowsolvents to penetrate to the skin.2. Are the overalls impervious to the chemicalsbeing used?3. Do you need regular <strong>safety</strong> boots or antistaticboots?4. Does the process used require earthing straps?5. Is the work area well ventilated?6. Where are the extracted fumes going to?7. Do you have the correct type of respirator forthe job? (A dust mask will not protect againstsolvents).8. Does the respirator fit? (They are not effectiveunless a good face seal is being achieved.People with beards, side burns, glasses ormissing dentures may need a different typeof respirator to ensure protection).9. Are you wearing <strong>your</strong> respirator if required?If not, why not? Is it uncomfortable? (Adifferent brand or style of respirator may bemore comfortable and therefore more readilyworn).10. Are the cartridges being replaced often enoughand is cartridge use being logged?11. Do you have air-fed respirators when workinginside tanks or in other areas where ventilationis poor? N.B. Those working inside tanks musthave a ‘partner’ on the outside.12. Where is the air supply coming from? Is itreally fresh air?13. If using compressed air, is the air beingcontaminated by oil from the compressor? Isthe intake near a high traffic area where airis laden with carbon monoxide?14. Are the correct goggles being worn? (Normal<strong>safety</strong> goggles do not protect the eyes whenwelding or working around U.V. lamps).15. Are you removing <strong>your</strong> gloves and washing<strong>your</strong> hands before smoking, eating or usingthe toilet?Common sense should be used whenspraying paint.1. Always spray with the wind.2. Use tarpaulins or screens to protect otherpeople from the spray.3. Never spray toward one another.4. Use gun extenders to reduce exposure.What about <strong>first</strong> aid?1. Do you know what to do if someone isovercome by fumes?2. Are eye wash facilities available at all timesin the work area?3. How far away is the shower for washing largerspills off the skin?4. Do you know what to do if someone swallowsa chemical?5. Do you have a SDS available for each productbeing used?6

What if there is a fire?When paints, inks and other chemicals burn theydecompose. Any nitrogen containing material canevolve cyanide gas when it burns. This includesmaterials that contain epoxy hardener, polyamide,melamine, polyurea, polyurethane and even naturalmaterials such as wool. Carbon monoxide will beevolved in large amounts from any burning material.1. Where is <strong>your</strong> assembly point?2. If the wind is blowing fumes towards <strong>your</strong>assembly point, do you have an alternativeplace to go?3. In a fire, cans and drums of material nearbycan heat up, building up pressure inside. Thereis a real risk of these containers exploding.What happens to drums and tins whenthey are empty?Even when empty there will be some materialaround the inside walls of the drum. Dependingon the type of chemical it could be dangerous toput water or waste solvents in the drum. Somematerials react with water and this could cause apressure build up in the drum or even an explosion.1. Do you take empty drums home to use asincinerators or barbecues?2. What sort of toxic fumes might be producedwhen the drums are used in this way?Medical surveillanceThere are a number of tests available that willshow if you are being overexposed to certainhazards.Checks should be done on:• Hearing.• Eyesight.• Blood tests can show levels of lead, cadmiumand other chemicals.• Urine tests will show metabolites for specificsolvents.Are you monitoring <strong>your</strong> health and the health ofany employees?Further informationContainer labels and Safety Data Sheets have information about the possible hazards of the chemicalsbeing used. They advise how the product should be used safely and what to do in the event of anemergency. <strong>Resene</strong> SDS’s are available from the <strong>Resene</strong> website or call 1800 738 383 in Australiaor 0800 RESENE (737 363) in New Zealand.7

Lead-based paint• The removal of lead-based paint can resultin harm to both the person doing the joband the people who live or work nearby.• Untreated lead poisoning can lead to braindamage or even death.Lead is a health hazard. Small chips of leadcontaining paint or lead-based paint dust cancreate health risks. It also can contaminate theenvironment.Home renovators often unknowingly create hazards.Fine lead-based paint particles deposited in soil orhousehold dust can become a constant risk to thehealth of young children, other household occupantsand pets.Lead enters the body as lead containing dust(produced by sanding or by disturbing flaking orchalking lead-based paint) or lead fumes (producedby heat and burning).The dangers of lead-basedpaintYou can get lead poisoning if you do not take carewhen you remove lead-based paint from the insideor outside of a building. Children, especially preschoolers,are particularly at risk from lead poisoningbecause they may swallow bits of paint that containlead or soil that has been contaminated. Childrenchewing on painted cots or toys are also at risk iflead-based paint has been used.Until 1965, many paints on the New Zealand markethad high lead levels. This was particularly true ofpre-1945 paints. Even if a building has been recentlypainted, it may have been painted with lead-basedpaints or have layers of old paint covered by modernpaint. Today only special purpose paints containlead and these are clearly labelled.During pregnancy lead may cross the placentalbarrier from the mother to the baby. Some evidencesuggests that elevated blood lead levels in themother might affect the development of the nervoussystem of the baby and might increase the risk ofa premature birth.It’s not possible to tell lead-based paints by theirappearance, but there is a simple test that candetect whether the paint is a health risk. If abuilding was built prior to 1970 it is best to presumethat it has been painted with lead-based paint.Contact <strong>your</strong> local Public Health Office if you areunsure.Health and <strong>safety</strong>The ‘Health and Safety in Employment Act’ requiresemployers to provide a safe working environmentfor employees. Employees and self-employed peopleare also required to protect themselves and othersfrom harm. This includes contractors.Lead poisoningEffects• Many adults and children with lead poisoningwill have either very vague or non-specificsymptoms, such as stomach pains, difficultysleeping, constipation and loss of appetite orno symptoms at all.• Children who may have no obvious symptomscan still suffer some brain damage over aperiod of time.8

• If <strong>your</strong> child has more severe symptoms, suchas weakness or difficulty walking, seek urgentmedical attention.• Untreated lead poisoning in both adults andchildren can be fatal.• Pets often show symptoms of lead poisoningbefore people. If <strong>your</strong> pet is unwell and a vetdiagnoses lead poisoning, you should see thatall members of <strong>your</strong> household are checkedby a doctor.What to doIf you think <strong>your</strong> child may have been exposed topaint dust, flakes of old paint, soil with paint dustin it, or may have chewed some old paint, youshould ask <strong>your</strong> doctor to check the child’s bloodlead level.Lead may not show up in blood tests if the test isconducted more than one week after exposure, inwhich case other testing, such as porphyrin analysis,should be undertaken.Safety points for removing lead-basedpaintWhatever method you use for removing lead-basedpaint, always take the following precautions:• Keep children and pets away from the workarea and make sure they don’t eat or playwith paint debris.• If you’re removing paint from the inside of<strong>your</strong> house, remove the curtains and furniturefrom the room and cover the carpets beforebeginning the job. After sanding, wet wipesurfaces to remove dust and then use acommercial vacuum cleaner fitted with asuitable dust filter.• If you’re removing the paint from the outsideof a building, make sure all windows anddoors are closed to prevent contaminationinside.• Collect all paint debris on a ground sheetlarge enough to contain all the debris. If you’reworking on a scaffold, tie a sheet underneathto catch falling paint. If you’re removing paintby waterblasting, try to collect all flakes ofpaint from the surrounding area.• Clean the area around the groundsheet witha vacuum cleaner to collect any other paintdebris. Dispose of the contents immediately.After sanding, wet wipe surfaces to removedust and then use a commercial vacuumcleaner fitted with a dust filter.• Do not burn paint debris or timber that iscoated with paint containing lead.• Wrap up all paint debris securely in heavydutyplastic bags.• Provide short-term secure storage for debris.• Contact the local Council before work begins.Paint wastes must be disposed of inaccordance with local Council requirements.Protecting <strong>your</strong>self• Wash <strong>your</strong> face and hands carefully beforeeating food or smoking and change out ofcontaminated overalls (especially if drysanding) when not actually working. Washcontaminated clothes separately.• Wash <strong>your</strong> face and hands and change outof contaminated clothing before handlingchildren.• Wear a hat or cover <strong>your</strong> head (especiallywhen dry sanding) to prevent dustaccumulating in the hair.• The quality and efficiency of <strong>safety</strong>equipment needed to make dry sandingof lead-based paints safe generally meansthat dry sanding is not possible, orrecommended for the DIY’er.9

• Wear a good quality, properly-fitted, toxicdust respirator when dry sanding, makingdust, or burning off lead-based paint. If usinga disposable type, only those with doubleheadstraps are suitable. Respirators shouldmeet the requirements of the NewZealand/Australian Standard NZS/AS 1716-1991 (Respiratory Protective Devices).• Do not smoke while removing paint as thehand to mouth contact may increase the riskof eating or inhaling lead paint dust.Effect of lead on the gardenVegetables and fruit grown in soil contaminatedby lead-based paint are safe to eat as long as theyare carefully washed to remove dust and soil fromthe leaves on the outside of the plant.If <strong>safety</strong> precautions haven’t been taken, soil maybe contaminated and the top layer may need tobe removed.Further informationIf you need further information on occupational <strong>safety</strong> and health matters, contact <strong>your</strong> nearestOccupation Safety and Health Office.If you require information on technical aspects of painting, contact <strong>your</strong> <strong>Resene</strong> ColorShop orrepresentative.If you need further information on lead poisoning contact <strong>your</strong> local Public Health Office and requesta copy of ‘Guidelines for the Management of Lead-Based Paint’ Code 6018. May 1995.10

Methods of removing paintMethodAbrasive blasting.Blasting: An electric paint stripper, hot air bloweror blow torch will heat the paint and blister it, sothat it can be scraped off. Note that the use of ablow torch will produce lead fumes. Beware alsoof fire risk.Chemicals: Usually used for small surfaces such aswindow frames.Dry power sanding with a HEPA VacuumAttachment.Infra-red: Can be used on all timber surfaces.Scraping.Waterblasting: For outside surfaces.Wet sanding. This is preferred to dry sanding toreduce dust.Safety measuresNOT recommended for properties and structuresbuilt or painted before 1970 or for boats because ofthe lead content of the paint and the large amountsof uncontrolled dust generated.Wear a toxic dust respirator if using a hot air blower,blow torch or electric paint stripper. Have a fireextinguisher or water handy in case of fire. If usinga blow torch indoors, make sure that windows areopen and advise local fire authorities.Wear <strong>safety</strong> glasses, overalls and gloves to avoidcontact with the skin. Keep the room well ventilated.Follow any instructions on the label.This method is not recommended for a DIYer. Itrequires skill and can only be done safely bycontractors with the appropriate training andexperience.This method is recommended where lead-basedpaint is present because of the low operatingtemperature. Ensure work area is well ventilated ifworking in a confined space. No dust is created.Sweep up paint debris and dispose of.Ensure any debris is collected and the area cleaned up.Clean up paint flakes. Use water to flush debris toa collection point for disposal. Prevent debrisspreading to other properties.Reduce dust by wetting paint before rubbing downwith wet and dry sandpaper. Do not rub down withdry sandpaper and especially not with an ordinarypower sander. This will release lead-rich dust intothe air and the rest of the house. Ensure that anyresidue is cleaned up.11

Respirators and breathing apparatusIt is not possible to set out precise requirementsfor every industrial situation where there is aninhalation hazard because the factors that haveto be considered vary from one workplace toanother. Both the user and the supplier should besatisfied that the equipment selected is adequatefor the conditions. If in doubt, you should seektechnical advice from <strong>your</strong> equipment supplier or<strong>your</strong> local branch of the Occupational Safety andHealth Service of the Department of Labour (OSH).Respirators protect against the following hazards:1. DustsRespirator protection is required for differentcategories of dust:Nuisance dusts: These may cause discomfort(i.e. cough or phlegm) or minor irritation ofthe nose and lungs but are usually not toxicand do not permanently damage the lungs.They pass out of the body or remain in thelungs without poisoning the system. Examplesare calcium carbonate (limestone dust), starchand sucrose.Lung-damaging dusts: Respirable particlesof these dusts remain in the lungs where theymay damage the tissue. For example, asbestos,crystalline silica (quartz dust) and coal dust.Irritant particles: Chemically activeparticulates that cause immediate discomfort,irritating or inflaming the airways to the lungs.Examples are acid or alkaline mists andcement dust.Toxic dusts: These pass from the lungs intothe blood and may poison the whole body.For example, lead, arsenic and powderedorganophosphate pesticides.Sensitising agents: Particulates in lowconcentration that may cause an allergicreaction. An example is mould.2. Mists and aerosolsThese are fine droplets of liquid dispersed inthe air and may contain particles of dissolvedsubstances. Mists are produced bycondensation of a vapour or by atomisationof a liquid. Examples are paint spray andchromic acid mist from an electroplating bath.3. Metallic fumesThese are fine particles of metal, produced bycondensation of the vapour, given off by ametal when it is subjected to hightemperatures, for example, during weldingand smelting.NOTE: Inhaled particles deposited in the mucusin the respiratory airways will enter the bodywhen swallowed.4. Gaseous or vapour contaminantsThere are three categories of gases andvapours for which different types of respiratoryprotection is required:• Acid gases, such as hydrogen chloride andsulphur dioxide.• Alkaline gases, such as ammonia anddiethylamine.• Organic vapours, such as solvents.12

5. Lack of oxygen and confinedspacesBefore entering a confined space, it is essentialto carry out a full assessment of the likelycontaminants and possibility of oxygendeficiency. A decision on the appropriate typeof respiratory equipment and other <strong>safety</strong>factors will then need to be made. For furtherinformation, see the booklet ‘Safety inConfined Spaces’, available from <strong>your</strong> localOSH branch office.6. Criteria for selecting a respiratorThree main factors need to be consideredwhen selecting a suitable respirator for aparticular situation. They are:• Contaminant.• Task.• Operator.If you have any doubts as to the correct devicefor a particular situation, you should seekexpert advice from the equipment supplier,<strong>your</strong> OSH branch office or other authority onoccupational hygiene.7. Medical aspects of wearing arespiratorThere are some medical factors that maypreclude or limit the use of respirators:• People with impaired lung function mayexperience difficulty with breathing.• An asthma attack may be made worse orinduced in susceptible individuals.• People with circulatory disease, such asheart disease and anaemia, may beadversely affected.• People prone to epilepsy should be awareof the special dangers of wearing arespirator should a seizure occur.• The wearing of contact lenses or spectaclesmay restrict the type of respirator that canbe worn.• Psychological factors, such asclaustrophobia, may preclude the wearingof respirators.• Facial characteristics, such as prominentcheekbones, deep skin creases, lack ofnose bridge, etc. may lead to respiratorfacepiece sealing problems.Further informationFor further information refer to ‘A Guide to Respirators and Breathing Apparatus’ published by theOccupational Health and Safety Service of the Department of Labour, Wellington.13

Selection of respiratorHazardOxygen deficiencyToxic contaminantSCBAImmediate dangerto life or healthSCBA or airlinewith auxiliary SCBANo immediate dangerto life or healthParticulatesGases, vapoursand particulatesGases and vapoursCombinationairline/air purifyingrespiratorAirlinerespiratorCombinationairline/air purifyingrespiratorAirlinerespiratorAir purifyingrespiratorAir purifyingrespiratorAir purifyingrespiratorDust, fumeor mist filterrespiratorPAPRFilter respiratorwith particulatefilterPAPRFilterrespiratorPAPR = powered air purifying respiratorSCBA = self-contained breathing apparatus14

Protecting <strong>your</strong> eyesCauses of eye injuriesOver 90% of eye injuries are due to four generalcauses:1. Being struck in the eye by flying particles andobjects.2. Striking the eye against moving or stationaryobjects.3. Eye contact with:• Splashes of molten metals, hot liquids,corrosive chemicals, irritant liquids, diseasecausingagents.• Fumes – corrosive, irritant.• Dusts – organic, chemical, abrasive,corrosive.4. Exposure to welding flash, hot substances,laser beams, infrared radiation, laser reflection.Treating splashes, fumes, dust, particlesin eyes• Lay patient on floor and pour copious amountsof water gently into the eye while holding theeyelids open.• Continue for 15 minutes. Get professionalmedical attention.• If the patient is wearing contact lenses, don’tattempt to remove them before or during the15 minute irrigation. Usually the lens will bewashed out of the eye. If this doesn’t occur,the lenses will slide off the pupil and migrateto the back of the eye. They may be safely leftthere until medical attention is available.Further informationContact <strong>your</strong> local Occupational Health and Safety Office.15

Choosing eye protectionHazardExamplesProtectionNotesThrown particlesFace shield, goggles,glasses with side shields.Select according tofactors: hot or coldparticles, high speed orlow, hard or soft. SeeAS/NZS 1337:1992 Eyeprotectors for industrialapplications.Thrown objectsHigh-impact face shields,goggles.Select according toStandard above.SplashesMolten metals, hot or verycold liquids, corrosiveliquids, chemicals,detergents.Goggles and masks.Ensure the goggle or maskventilation system issplash-proof and the maskfits the face contours. SeeStandard above.DustsWork with powderedmaterials, abrasives, dryorganic material,chemicals, somecorrosives.Light goggles.Close fit is important.Ensure any ventilationsystem is dust-proof. SeeStandard above.FumesMay be corrosive orirritant. Can be producedby hot materials, chemicalagents, smog (e.g.automobile exhaustfumes, mainly hydrocarbons).Goggles and masks.Lens type governed byother hazard factors. SeeStandard above.Note on contact lenses and eye protection: Contact lenses may be safely worn with all types of eyeprotection, including welding goggles and visors. Contact lenses do not provide protection against eyehazards and must not be considered as a substitute for the appropriate type of personal protectiveequipment.16

Polyurethanes and lacquersPolyurethane paints and lacquers fall into the following three categories:1. Urethane oils and urethanealkyds (e.g. polyurethanevarnishes)Urethane oils and alkyds contain no residueof free unreacted isocyanate, so the handlingand use of these products is no different tonormal solventborne paints.2. Blocked isocyanates (e.g.some soldering fluxes)Blocked isocyanate coatings also contain noresidue of free unreacted isocyanate, so theapplication of these materials poses noproblems from that viewpoint. However,phenolic solvents may be present in theformulated paint and additional phenolicmaterial may be released during heat curingprocesses. In these circumstances appropriateprecautions for phenols must be taken. Thesemust include protection (adequate ventilationand/or respiratory protection againstinhalation of phenolic-containing vapours andsuitable protective clothing to prevent skincontact).3. Polyisocyanates (e.g. onepackmoisture-cured andtwo-pack isocyanatecontaining paints)The great majority of industrial-usedpolyurethane coatings containpolyisocyanates. This section is concernedwith precautions to be observed in thehandling and application of these materials.The two most important isocyanates aretoluene diisocyanate (TDI) and 4.4.1diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI).Mixing• The mixing of these paints should be in wellventilated areas with the appropriaterespiratory protection worn.Application by brush or roller• Where MDI class materials are applied bybrush or roller, there is unlikely to be a problemfrom exposure to free isocyanates unlessventilation in the area is inadequate.• Where TDI class materials are applied by brushor roller the area shall be well ventilated andori-nasal canister respirators worn. If there isdoubt about the effectiveness of theventilation then positive pressure air-suppliedrespirators must be used.Application by spraying• If you are a spray painter, you need tounderstand the health risks involved inspraying polyurethane paints and know howto protect <strong>your</strong>self against them.• The liquid paint that comes out of a spraygun is in a fine mist called an aerosol. If youinhale this aerosol, the liquid isocyanate isabsorbed into <strong>your</strong> lungs, and this is whenhealth problems can start.• Breathing the aerosol of isocyanate-containingpaint causes irritation of the nose, throat andlungs. This can happen either immediately onexposure or, more often, later. The symptomsare a dry or sore throat, coughing, wheezing,chest tightness and/or asthma.• Eye contact causes irritation; it may also causesevere chemical conjunctivitis.• Skin contact causes a mild irritation whichcan lead to dermatitis.17

Precautions to be adopted forspraying and drying of sprayedarticles.• All spraying and the drying of sprayed articlesshall be carried out in accordance with therequirements of the Regulations.• The spraying of all isocyanate-containingpaints must be carried out in a properlydesigned and constructed spray booth.• The mechanical ventilation system providedmust be interlocked with the air supply tothe spray gun.• When operators, whether spraying or not,are required to work inside a spray boothwhile spraying is in progress, they must wearan airline respirator.• The compressed air supply for the respiratorsmust be taken from an uncontaminatedsource.• In addition to the recommended respiratoryand eye protection, spray operators mustwear gloves and a head covering in the caseof respirators that leave the hair exposed.• Mechanical ventilation of the booth mustbe maintained after spraying ceases untilthe work area is free of all residual spraymist.Isocyanate over-exposureSymptoms• Sore eyes.• Running nose.• Sore throat.• Coughing.• Wheezing.• Fever, breathlessness and cough.First aid treatmentInhalationThis may be either from the vapour or from anaerosol. Remove the affected person to fresh air.Keep at rest. Obtain immediate medical attention.Eye contactIf isocyanate has entered the eyes, flush themimmediately with direct mains water or sterilewater from an eye wash bottle for at least 15minutes, holding the eyelids apart. Obtainimmediate medical attention.Skin contactWash the skin immediately with copious amountsof water and soap (if available). Remove heavilycontaminated clothing immediately. Obtain medicalattention if skin dermatitis appears.IngestionDO NOT induce vomiting. If the person is conscious,give between 250ml and 500ml of milk or waterto drink. Take to hospital without delay. DO NOTgive anything by mouth to an unconscious person.Removal of polyurethane paintSanding downWhen isocyanate paints are fully cured, that is,they have been applied for more than 24 hours atroom temperature or heated for one hour at 70C,and are sanded down, the dust produced will notpresent an isocyanate hazard. This is because fullycured paints contain no free isocyanates. In suchinstances a dust mask should be worn to provideprotection from the general nuisance dust present.Where new paint that may not be fully cured issanded down, the dust will contain free isocyanates.A particulate respirator fitted with Class H filtersshould be worn. Where practical, the use of wetsanding methods is recommended as a means ofreducing the amount of dust generated.18

Personal hygieneThis is important in any industry where harmfulchemicals are used. The basic rules are commonsense:• Wash all splashes of paint or lacquer off <strong>your</strong>skin at once with soap and water. Try to avoidusing solvents as much as possible.• Do not keep food or eat and drink in the workarea.• Do not smoke in the work area, or if you havepaint on <strong>your</strong> hands.• If possible, shower before you change into<strong>your</strong> street clothes.The employer’s responsibilitiesThe employer must instruct workers on the hazardsof working with isocyanate-containing paints andhow to use them safely.The employer is also legally required to provide allthe necessary <strong>safety</strong> equipment.The employee’s responsibilitiesEmployees have a duty to use all the <strong>safety</strong> gearthe employer provides. Employees owe it tothemselves to protect their health – and the jobthey have spent years learning.Spillage procedure1. Put on protective equipment.2. Cover spillage with absorbent material suchas sawdust.3. Pour on decontaminant mixture, a quantityestimated to be twice the volume of the spill.Refer to ‘Approved Code of Practice for theSafe Use of Isocyanates’. (Appendix 3)4. Allow at least 10 minutes for decontaminantto react.5. Collect all residues from the spillage and placethem in an open container.6. Add further decontaminant mixture to thismaterial, place a loose cover over the containerand remove it to a safe place. Discard residuesafter one day.7. Wash down the area with liquiddecontaminant.8. Rope off the area and post ‘No Smoking’signs.9. Clean and decontaminate <strong>safety</strong> equipment.Further informationFor further information refer to ‘Approved Code of Practice for the Safe Use of Isocyanates’ publishedby the Occupational Health and Safety Service, Department of Labour, Wellington.Related booklets also available from OSHA Guide to Respirators and Breathing Apparatus • Guide to the Spray Coating Regulations • WeldingSafety • How to use Isocyanates Safely (A bulletin for spray painters).19

The <strong>Resene</strong> checklist – part oneBe PaintWise... Tips on how to use up and dispose of leftover paint without pollutingthe environment.Got leftover paint? Get with the<strong>Resene</strong> PaintWise programme!More than six litres of household paint is soldfor each and every person living here everyyear. That’s a lot of paint particularly as muchof it is left sitting in paint containers and endsup in landfills. Disposing of paint correctly isimportant otherwise harmful components maybe discharged into groundwater or streamsaffecting other living animals, fish or plants.There are lots of ways you can reduce thisburden on the environment... here’s someideas to get you started:Reduce:Buy only the paint you needThe best way to save waste is to avoid buying toomuch. Carefully measure up the area you plan topaint and use the coverage recommendations onthe side of paint cans to check how much you needor ask <strong>Resene</strong> ColorShop staff for assistance. If youbuy what you need and find you have paint left atthe end of the job, you have probably applied ittoo thinly - in which case the best idea is to paintan extra coat to give the surface full protection asa thin coat means that the paint finish will notwear as well. Don’t be tempted to buy anunnecessarily large pack size just because it is onspecial - remember the best deal is the one thatgives you just the paint you need.Use:Use up all <strong>your</strong> paintIf you have leftover paint, use it for touch-up jobsand smaller projects or add another coat to <strong>your</strong>paint finish for extra protection. Waterborne paintsare also ideal for creating signs and banners andcan be a much cheaper and more durable optionthan expensive felt pens - this can be a great wayto use up any extra paint you may have.20Store:Store paint so it lasts for yearsBrushes or rollers can transfer contamination fromthe surface you are painting back into the paint.The best way to work with paint is to tip out asmall volume into a separate paint pot and usethis for painting. Pour out only what you need forthe job. This will leave the paint in the main paintcontainer fresh and untouched by <strong>your</strong> brush orroller. Properly stored paint can last for years. Coverthe top of the paint can with plastic wrap, placethe lid on securely and store upside down. Thepaint will create a tight seal around the lid andwill remain fresher for when you next wish to useit. Store away from extreme heat or cold. Keep outof reach of children.Recycle:Recycle the empty paint containerOnce you’ve used up <strong>your</strong> paint, recycle the emptysteel paint can -simply allow the contents to dryout, then bring to a <strong>Resene</strong> PaintWise collectioncentre with the lid off the can so staff can see itis dry and empty. Each paint can you recycle is oneless can that ends up in a landfill. If there are no<strong>Resene</strong> PaintWise collection centres in <strong>your</strong> area,contact <strong>your</strong> local council for recycling options.Most plastic paint containers are recyclable throughkerbside recycling but paint residues must beremoved. This is best accomplished by scrapingthe wet paint out. Check with <strong>your</strong> local councilto ensure that kerbside recycling in <strong>your</strong> area willaccept clean plastic paint containers.Reuse:Reuse packaging materialsClean out paint cans and pails and reuse them aspaint pots or buckets. Use inside drains (not thestormwater drains) or wash onto <strong>your</strong> lawn.

Donate:Donate to charityIf you just can’t use <strong>your</strong> leftover paint, donate itto local community groups, schools, art groups andso on. You’ll save them money and get the bestuse out of <strong>your</strong> paint leftovers at the same time.Don’t mix waterborne and solventborne paints. Ifmixed, paint cannot be re-blended or reused.Make sure you donate the paint in its originalcontainer with the contents clearly marked so therecipient knows what they are receiving and howto handle it. Always check paint before you donateit to ensure it is still in good condition. It’s best todonate paint as soon as you discover you don’tneed it, such as when you change <strong>your</strong> colourscheme, rather than holding onto it just in case.Handle with careProperly sealed solvents and thinners have analmost unlimited shelf life. Keep and use.Solventborne paints require special disposalpractices. They are also ignitable and present otherhazards. These products must never be poureddown storm drains, the household sink (especiallyif you have a septic tank) or on the ground.Solventborne paint should be disposed of as ahousehold hazardous waste. Hold for a ‘householdhazardous waste collection day’. If <strong>your</strong> localcommunity does not undertake such programmes,contact <strong>your</strong> local Council for disposal guidance.Paint thinners, turpentine, mineral spirits andsolvents should never be poured down a drain orthe storm sewer. With the following simple steps,you can re-use these types of products. Let usedturpentine or brush cleaners sit in a closed containeruntil the paint particles settle out. Then pour offthe clear liquid, which can be reused. Add anabsorbent material, such as the PaintWise DisposalKit material or kitty litter, to the remaining residueuntil it becomes dry. Finally, contact <strong>your</strong> localCouncil for guidance on disposal.Other environment savers to tryBuy <strong>Resene</strong> Environmental Choiceapproved productsThese meet specific conditions endorsed by theMinistry for the Environment. Look for theEnvironmental Choice tick on <strong>Resene</strong> paintcontainers.Buy good quality paintLower quality paint while cheaper in the short runis a false economy. It will break down quickernecessitating a repaint earlier. The biggest cost ofany painting job is the labour - whether this is apainter you hire to do the job for you or <strong>your</strong>investment of time. It is better to spend a littlemore on the paint and get a longer life from itthan to try to save a few dollars and take years offthe paint finish.Similarly, if you buy a lower quality paint with anexpected life of 4-5 years, this means over a 8 yearperiod you will probably have to paint twice. Incontrast if you bought a high quality paint with anexpected life of 7-8 years you would only need topaint once during this period. The burden on theenvironment is considerably less with the higherquality paint.Save unnecessary washing up.Wrap <strong>your</strong> brush in plastic wrap or place <strong>your</strong> rollerin a plastic bag, squeeze out the air and tie thebag securely around the handle of the roller usinga rubberband or tie top. This will keep the paintfresh while you are taking a break and will saveyou having to rinse out brushesand rollers repeatedly.Refer to the <strong>Resene</strong> DIY info leafletson how to calculate the paint you needand how to clean brushes and rollersor visit the <strong>Resene</strong> website for ideas.21

Be PaintWise with <strong>Resene</strong> and we’ll allbenefit from a healthier environment.Bring unwanted paint and paint containers into<strong>your</strong> local <strong>Resene</strong> ColorShop and let us take careof them for you. <strong>Resene</strong> will offer good qualitypaint to community groups for reuse and recyclepackaging materials that are recyclable.Selected <strong>Resene</strong> ColorShops have been designatedas <strong>Resene</strong> PaintWise collection centres. Drop off<strong>your</strong> unwanted paint and paint containers to anyof these designated <strong>Resene</strong> ColorShops at any timeduring their opening hours. Full <strong>Resene</strong> ColorShopaddress details are listed on the <strong>Resene</strong> website.You are welcome to bring back paint and paintpackaging no matter what brand. A small chargeapplies to non-<strong>Resene</strong> branded product to helpoffset the costs of the PaintWise programme ($1per 4L can or smaller, $2.50 per 10L pail).The <strong>Resene</strong> PaintWise programme is run by thenon-profit <strong>Resene</strong> Foundation funded bycontributions from <strong>Resene</strong>, a small levy of 15c onretail paint purchases and a levy on trade returns.When dropping off paint and paintcontainers:• Ensure paint is in its original correctly labelledcontainer.• Ensure containers are well sealed and willnot leak.• Leave small amounts of waterborne paint inits container, put out of reach of children andleave the lid off for the paint to dry then bringit in to one of the <strong>Resene</strong> ColorShops detailedon this leaflet.We cannot accept:Paint thinners, solvents, aerosols or any othermaterials – dispose of these at a HazMobilecollection. See www.hazmobile.govt.nz for detailsor contact <strong>your</strong> local council.Due to <strong>safety</strong> requirements, paint and paintcontainers will only be accepted at these <strong>Resene</strong>ColorShops during normal store hours. Sorry, paintand packaging returns cannot be accepted by anyother <strong>Resene</strong> ColorShops.Further informationVisit www.resene.co.nz/paintwise.htm or ask <strong>your</strong>local <strong>Resene</strong> ColorShop staff.22

The <strong>Resene</strong> checklist – part twoBe PaintWise... Tips on cleaning brushes and rollers without polluting the environment.An easy to use cleaning systemThis system is based on the use of two containersin which brushes, roller sleeves and other equipmentare <strong>first</strong> washed and then rinsed. By rotating thecontainers the solids in the paint are separatedfrom the liquid making it easier to dispose of eachcomponent.This system will work well for both waterborneand solventborne (oil or alkyd) paints. Forsolventborne paints use mineral turpentine andany other paint solvent recommended by <strong>your</strong> local<strong>Resene</strong> ColorShop.Follow these stepsIn the case of waterborne paints:• At the end of the job wipe or squeeze excesspaint onto an absorbent material, such as oldrags, shredded newspapers or cardboardboxes.• Allow to dry and dispose of with householdwaste.• Wash brushes, rollers and other equipmentwith water in a 20 litre or similar sizedcontainer.• The most effective method is to use a rollerspinner.• Transfer the washed equipment to a secondcontainer filled with clean water for a finalrinse.• Place lids on the containers or cover in someother secure manner and allow to standovernight.By morning the paint solids in the <strong>first</strong> containerwill have settled down to the bottom of thecontainer. The clear water from this container maynow be poured onto the garden or any grassed oropen area away from streams, rivers or lakes, whereit can be absorbed into the ground.Now to dispose of the paint solids at the bottomof the <strong>first</strong> container.Scrape this out onto absorbent material such asold rags, shredded newspapers or cardboard boxes.Allow to dry, then place in a plastic bag and disposeof with the household garbage or take directly tothe nearest council tip.The second container now can be used as the <strong>first</strong>wash. Use this rotation system until the job iscompleted.In the case of solventborne paints:• Follow the same procedures as for waterbornepaints but with these exceptions:• Use solvents to wash equipment.• Allow the <strong>first</strong> container to stand at least 24hours as it will take this long for the paintsolids to settle.• Do not pour the clear solvent onto the ground– use it to top up the second container ordecant and keep for future use.• Use the least amount of solvent.CautionNever allow waste water or chemical solvents fromwashed paint equipment to enter household orstorm water drains or sewers. The waste may findits way into natural waterways where it can reduceoxygen levels and threaten the survival of fish andother aquatic organisms.23

Planning aheadIt’s a good idea to keep a container of ‘dirty turps’on hand for cleaning purposes. Kept in the originalcontainer and in a safe place, you will be able toreuse the solvent time and time again. Butremember not to shake it up as this will disturbthe paint solids which will have settled to thebottom of the container.Tips for dealing with spillsIf paint is accidentally spilt, clean it up as best asyou can with a cloth or newspaper. Then washdown with solvent. By cleaning up as much of thespilt paint as you can before washing down youwill save solvent and give <strong>your</strong>self less work to do.When moving from one work site toanotherA plastic pail with a tight fitting lid is ideal for theshort term storage and transport of brushes androller sleeves. Fill this pail about half way withwater so that brushes etc. are covered. This willsave you from having to clean brushes and rollerswhenever work is interrupted.Wrapping a paint brush in cling wrap will preventthe paint drying on the brush for at least an houror so while you take a lunch break. Similarly put<strong>your</strong> roller into a plastic bag and tape it aroundthe handle.24

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