EW M&S from Engineering to Campaign

EW M&S from Engineering to Campaign

EW M&S from Engineering to Campaign


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<strong>EW</strong> M&S <strong>from</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> <strong>to</strong><strong>Campaign</strong>AOC <strong>EW</strong> Modeling and Simulation Conference29 July 2009Brian SjobergNaval Research Labora<strong>to</strong>ry202-404-7616sjoberg@nrl.navy.milsjoberg@nrl-dc.navy.smil.mil

Overview• Objective• M&S Levels• Current Applications– <strong>Engineering</strong>– Engagement– Mission– <strong>Campaign</strong>• Verification and Validation• Recommendations• ConclusionsJuly 2009UNCLASSIFIED<strong>EW</strong> M&S – <strong>Engineering</strong> Builder <strong>to</strong> <strong>Campaign</strong> Overview

Objective• Combine Current M&S Tools <strong>to</strong> Provide <strong>Campaign</strong>Level Assessment with Validated <strong>Engineering</strong>/Component Models• Demonstrate Each M&S Level Aggregating Results <strong>to</strong>the Next Level<strong>Engineering</strong><strong>Campaign</strong><strong>EW</strong> ResponseScreenshot Credit: Empire Total WarJuly 2009UNCLASSIFIED<strong>EW</strong> M&S – <strong>Engineering</strong> Builder <strong>to</strong> <strong>Campaign</strong> Overview

M&S LevelsOperationalEmploymentDevelopment Testing& Tactical DecisionUNCLASSIFIEDInstalled PerformanceDetailed DesignBuilder Overview

M&S LevelsUNCLASSIFIEDInstalled PerformanceDetailed DesignBuilder Overview

Detailed Design & Installed Performance• <strong>Engineering</strong> Level Models– Provides evaluation ofspecific configurations• Detailed Design– Threat Models• IED – Agilent SystemVue• Cruise Missile– System Models• CR<strong>EW</strong> - MATLAB• Radar – MATLAB• Installed Performance– Antenna Patterns• FEKO, XFDTD, HFSS, NEC• Feed Results <strong>to</strong> Engagement– Run Multiple Simulations withVaried Inputs and Generate Probabilistic Distributions– Aggregated Time Domain SimulationThreat Tx<strong>EW</strong> SubsystemJuly 2009UNCLASSIFIED<strong>EW</strong> M&S – <strong>Engineering</strong> Builder <strong>to</strong> <strong>Campaign</strong> Overview

M&S LevelsDevelopment Testing& Tactical DecisionUNCLASSIFIEDBuilder Overview

Development Testing and Tactical Decision• Incorporate Detailed Design and InstalledPerformance in<strong>to</strong> Engagement Models viaStandards– Development Testing (Engagement)• Builder CR<strong>EW</strong> Modeling and Simulation Tool (C-MAST)Digital Testbed (DTB)– Tactical Decision (Mission)• Builder C-MAST– Simulates Many v. Many Scenarios– Provides Detailed Environmental Conditions• Convoy SimulationJuly 2009UNCLASSIFIED<strong>EW</strong> M&S – <strong>Engineering</strong> Builder <strong>to</strong> <strong>Campaign</strong> Overview

Engagement (Builder C-MAST DTB)Frequency DomainFrequency DomainThreat TxNo CR<strong>EW</strong> ResponseThreat TxCR<strong>EW</strong> ResponseJuly 2009UNCLASSIFIED<strong>EW</strong> M&S – <strong>Engineering</strong> Builder <strong>to</strong> <strong>Campaign</strong> Overview

Engagement (Builder C-MAST DTB)• High Fidelity Time Domain Simulation ofComponent Models– Integrates Builder C-MAST with MATLAB Simulink– Model Effects of Individual Components of CR<strong>EW</strong>Systems– Determine Effect of CR<strong>EW</strong> waveform on effectivenessand compatibility• Output <strong>to</strong> Mission Models– Can Run Engagement of Many Scenarios and VaryEnvironmental, Threat and System Variables ThroughRanges <strong>to</strong> Generate Statistical Probabilities ofPerformanceJuly 2009UNCLASSIFIED<strong>EW</strong> M&S – <strong>Engineering</strong> Builder <strong>to</strong> <strong>Campaign</strong> Overview

Builder C-MAST• Interactive Scenario Builder (Builder)– RF Propagation Modeling and Simulation Tool– Visualizes RF Propagation in the Environment and Area of Interest– Calculates 1-way and 2-way RF Propagation– Takes in<strong>to</strong> Account Terrain and Atmospherics– Calculates Propagation at well-defined geographical points at selectedtime intervals– Imports Detailed Antenna Patterns via Defined Standard• CR<strong>EW</strong> Modeling and Simulation Tool (C-MAST)– Describes CR<strong>EW</strong> System Deployed Environment– Simulates Compatibility of CR<strong>EW</strong> with CR<strong>EW</strong> and Comms– Provides Predictions of Performance Prior <strong>to</strong> Open Air Tests• Useful for Mission Planning and Tactical Decision Making• Provides Analysts and Planners the Ability <strong>to</strong> Interactively• Ask and Answer Numerous “What if…” QuestionsJuly 2009UNCLASSIFIED<strong>EW</strong> M&S – <strong>Engineering</strong> Builder <strong>to</strong> <strong>Campaign</strong> Overview

Builder C-MAST• Simulate Active and Reactive Jammers– Employ Detailed Antenna Patterns– Simulate Response <strong>to</strong> Multiple Threats– Simulate Mounted and Dismounted Systems• Threat Defeat Criteria (Derived <strong>from</strong> Lab orEngagement Model)– Frequency and Bandwidth– Dwell Time– Revisit (Activation) Time– J/SJuly 2009UNCLASSIFIED<strong>EW</strong> M&S – <strong>Engineering</strong> Builder <strong>to</strong> <strong>Campaign</strong> Overview

Engagement/Mission• Builder C-MAST Convoy Simulation– Imports Scatter Patterns via Defined Specification• GEMACS - Calculations of Scattering– Multiple Jammer Convoys– Statistical Representation of Effectiveness and Compatibility• Output <strong>to</strong> <strong>Campaign</strong>– Multiple Simulations of Different Convoy Routes <strong>to</strong> DetermineProbability of EffectivenessAntenna PatternConvoy Simulation EffectivenessScatter PatternJuly 2009UNCLASSIFIED<strong>EW</strong> M&S – <strong>Engineering</strong> Builder <strong>to</strong> <strong>Campaign</strong> Overview

M&S LevelsOperationalEmploymentUNCLASSIFIEDBuilder Overview

Operational Employment• Use Statistical Probabilities <strong>to</strong> Populate Discrete EventSimulation– Allow Accurate Assessment of Improvements in Loss of LifeDuring <strong>Campaign</strong> Due <strong>to</strong> New DoD <strong>EW</strong> Technology• <strong>Campaign</strong> and Mission– Discrete EventSimulation– Represent ComplexTactical Problems– Simulate Multiple MissionsWhere Individual EventSimulations at Mission LevelProvide Probability of Effectiveness• Potential Models– Joint Integration Mission Model (JIMM)– EADSIM– Naval Simulation System (NSS)JIMM SnapshotJuly 2009UNCLASSIFIED<strong>EW</strong> M&S – <strong>Engineering</strong> Builder <strong>to</strong> <strong>Campaign</strong> Overview

• Bot<strong>to</strong>m Up V&VVerification & Validation– Employ V&V From Component <strong>to</strong> <strong>Campaign</strong> Predictions• Components with Specific Lab Tests– Important <strong>to</strong> Validate Components <strong>to</strong> Ensure Engagement Modeldoesn’t have Multiple Component Models Offsetting Each Other– Example» Optimistic Antenna Pattern – More Gain than Reality» Pessimistic <strong>EW</strong> System Model – Less Power Out than Reality• Engagement with Lab and Open Air– Development Test (DT) Events• Mission with Lab and Open Air– Operational Test (OT) Events• <strong>Campaign</strong> with Open Air• Must Engage Test Leads <strong>to</strong> Ensure Proper Data isCollected During EventsJuly 2009UNCLASSIFIED<strong>EW</strong> M&S – <strong>Engineering</strong> Builder <strong>to</strong> <strong>Campaign</strong> Overview

Recommendations• Standardize on Modeling Framework• Provide Funding for Maintenance of Models andFramework• Mandate Future <strong>EW</strong> System Model DevelopmentDuring and after System Design and Development(SDD) Phase of DoD Acquisition– Needs <strong>to</strong> be Developed <strong>to</strong> Adopted StandardJuly 2009UNCLASSIFIED<strong>EW</strong> M&S – <strong>Engineering</strong> Builder <strong>to</strong> <strong>Campaign</strong> Overview

Conclusions• Current M&S Tools Meet the Need at Each Levelbut Require Some Additional Integration at theMission <strong>to</strong> <strong>Campaign</strong> Level• Will Provide More Accurate Assessment of Future<strong>EW</strong> Systems <strong>to</strong> the BattlefieldJuly 2009UNCLASSIFIED<strong>EW</strong> M&S – <strong>Engineering</strong> Builder <strong>to</strong> <strong>Campaign</strong> Overview

QUESTIONSBrian SjobergNaval Research Labora<strong>to</strong>ry202-404-7616sjoberg@nrl.navy.milsjoberg@nrl-dc.navy.smil.mil

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