AGM Notice - samro

AGM Notice - samro

AGM Notice - samro

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SOUTHERN AFRICAN MUSIC RIGHTS ORGANISATION LIMITED(a pre-existing company originally incorporated as a limited by guarantee company)(Registration No. previously 1961/002506/09 currently recorded as 1961/002506/07)(“SAMRO” or “the Company”)NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the fifty first annual general meeting of members of SAMRO (“Annual GeneralMeeting”) will be held on Friday, 30 November 2012, at the later of 13h30 and the time of conclusion of the priorextraordinary general meeting of the members of SAMRO convened on the same day and being held at the samevenue, at SAMRO Place, Ground Floor, 20 De Korte Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg.PLEASE NOTE: MEMBERS ARE REQUESTED TO ATTEND (IN PERSON OR BY PROXY) BOTH THE PRIOREXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING AND THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. THE PRIOREXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING IS CONVENED FOR 10H00 ON THE SAME DAY AND AT THESAME VENUE. ACCORDINGLY PLEASE ARRIVE AT 10h00 ON, 30 NOVEMBER 2012. THE SOLE REASONFOR CONVENING THE EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING SEPARATELY FROM THIS ANNUALGENERAL MEETING IS TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENT OF THE CO-OPERATIVESACT THAT THE CHAIRMAN MUST ATTEST THAT THE MEETING WAS SPECIFICALLY CONVENED TOCONSIDER THE CONVERSION TO A CO-OPERATIVE.The following business will be transacted at the Annual General Meeting:1. The chairman of SAMRO, Mr. Ngomusa Abraham Sibiya, to present the chairman’s address to themembers.2. The chief executive officer of SAMRO, Mr. Nicholas Motsatse, to present the business report to themembers, including discussion of the following aspects:a. financial performance;b. distributions;c. regulatory issues;d. systems development;e. needletime rights;f. digital and online music usage; andg. business strategy.

23. To present and consider the consolidated annual financial statements of SAMRO and its subsidiaries forthe year ended 30 June 2012, including the Directors’ Report and the Report of the Independent Auditors.4. To reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc, as the auditors of SAMRO until the next Annual GeneralMeeting.5. To elect Ms. Sibongile Khumalo and Mr. Johannes “Joe” Niemand, being eligible, as directors of SAMRO.6. To authorise the board of directors (“the Board”) to grant financial assistance to any of the subsidiaries ofSAMRO.7. To authorise the Board to provide SAMRO House Holdings (Proprietary) Limited (registration no.1964/006181/07) and SAMRO House (Proprietary) Limited (registration no. 1962/001266/07) withfinancial assistance in connection with their operational expenses and their current and future fundingobligations and arrangements.8. (a) To discuss issues in relation to the allocation of expenses flowing from the administrationof mechanical rights.(b) To authorise the Board to establish a joint venture with the National Organisation forReproduction Rights in Music in Southern Africa Limited (NORM) for the administration ofmechanical rights in Southern Africa, and to provide financial assistance to the joint venture.9. To authorise the board of directors of SAMRO or its delegee to do all things and settle and sign all returnsand other documentation and to take such other steps as may be required to complete and implement theresolutions adopted at the Annual General Meeting.10. To discuss such matters as may be raised by members for discussion which are appropriate to bediscussed at an Annual General Meeting.A summarised form of the consolidated annual financial statements of SAMRO and its subsidiaries for thefinancial year ended 30 June 2012 which is sent to members together with this notice. The complete consolidatedannual financial statements for the financial year ended 30 June 2012, and the complete consolidated annualfinancial statements for the financial year ended on 30 June 2011 are available for inspection at the offices ofSAMRO. In addition, if so requested by a member prior to 16 November 2012, SAMRO will post the completeconsolidated annual financial statements for the financial year ended 30 June 2012 to such member prior to thedate of the Annual General Meeting.

3The record date for the meeting shall be 30 November 2012.The annexures to this notice form part of this notice and are incorporated by reference. The information in thisnotice and the annexures do not constitute legal or professional advice and if you are in any doubt as to the actionyou should take and the consequences, please consult your accountant, attorney, tax expert or other appropriateprofessional adviser immediately.The members will be requested to consider and, if deemed fit, to pass, with or without modification, the followingresolutions:1. ORDINARY RESOLUTION 1 – Reappointment of auditors“It is hereby resolved that PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. is reappointed as the independent auditors ofSAMRO, to hold office from the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting until the conclusion of the nextAnnual General Meeting.”Explanatory information in respect of Ordinary Resolution 1The effect of this resolution will be to authorise the reappointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. as theauditors of SAMRO.2. ORDINARY RESOLUTIONS 2.1 to 2.2 – Election of directors2.1. Ordinary resolution 2.1:“It is hereby resolved that Ms. Sibongile Khumalo is elected as a director of the Company.”2.2. Ordinary resolution 2.2:“It is hereby resolved that Mr. Johannes (“Joe”) Niemand is elected as a director of the Company.”Explanatory information in respect of Ordinary Resolution 2.1 to 2.2Mr. Coenie de Villers and Ms. Sibongile Khumalo retire by rotation. Ms. Sibongile Khumalo and Mr.Johannes (“Joe”) Niemand have made themselves available for election. Brief curriculum vitaes of thenominees for election are set out in Annexure A.3. SPECIAL RESOLUTION 1 – Remuneration of directors“It is hereby resolved that, subject to the approval of the remuneration committee of the Company,payment of remuneration to each non-executive director of the Company for his/her services as director is

4approved for the financial year ending 30 June 2013 and for the period thereafter until the conclusion ofthe next annual general meeting of the Company, up to a maximum amount per meeting attended as setout below:”Fees payable to each non-executive director per meeting:Board:Risk Committee:Remuneration CommitteeNominations & GovernanceCommittee (NGC)ChairmanVice-chairNon-ExecIndependentChairmanMemberChairmanMemberChairmanMemberR 9,900.00R 7,920.00R 6,600.00R 11,000.00R 5,500.00R 1,100.00R 1,100.00R 1,100.00R 1,100.00R 1,100.00Explanatory information in respect of Special Resolution 1Section 66 of the Companies Act, 2008 (“the Companies Act”) requires that members approve the feesof the directors of a company for their services as directors in advance of payment by special resolution.4. SPECIAL RESOLUTION 2 – General authority to provide financial assistance to related companies“It is hereby resolved that, subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, No. 71 of 2008, as amended,(‘the Companies Act’), the members of the Company hereby approve, as a general approval, theCompany providing direct or indirect financial assistance (‘Financial Assistance’) as contemplated insections 44 and 45 of the Companies Act, whether in the form of advances for expenses, assisting withadministration of transactions, loans, loan facilities, extending credit, discharging debts, performingobligations, contractual undertakings, sureties, guarantees, guarantee facilities, mortgages, pledges,cessions, bonds, charges or otherwise, on such terms as may be authorised by the board of directors ofthe Company (‘the Board’) having regard to the funding and commercial requirements of the Companyand its subsidiaries as from time to time and in accordance with the following:(a)the Financial Assistance can be provided to any company which is presently, or in the future,‘related’ or ‘inter-related’ to the Company (and any person in turn ‘related’ to any of any suchcompanies) (as contemplated by the Companies Act) including, without limitation, by way of

5providing Financial Assistance to any third parties providing Financial Assistance or transactingwith any such ‘related’ or ‘inter-related’ companies;(b)the Financial Assistance may be provided for the purpose of, or in connection with, the subscriptionof any option, or any securities, issued or to be issued by a company related or inter-related to theCompany or for the purchase of any securities of a company or corporation that is related or interrelatedto the Company as contemplated in section 44 of the Companies Act or any other purposeregulated by section 45 of the Companies Act;(c)authorisation by the Board of any Financial Assistance pursuant to this resolution must be providedwithin a period of 2 (two) years;(d)this authority is subject to compliance with the requirements of sections 44 and 45 of theCompanies Act, for so long as applicable to the Company; and(e)nothing in this approval shall limit the provision by the Company of Financial Assistance that doesnot require approval by way of a special resolution in terms of sections 44 or 45 of the CompaniesAct or falls within any exemption provided in these sections.”Explanatory information in respect of Special Resolution 24.1. Section 44 of the Companies Act essentially requires, subject to limited exceptions, approval byway of special resolution for the provision of financial assistance for the purpose of, or inconnection with, the subscription of any option, or any securities, issued or to be issued by acompany or a related or inter-related company, or for the purchase of any securities of suchcompany or a related or inter-related company.4.2. Section 45 of the Companies Act essentially requires, subject to limited exceptions, approval byway of special resolution for the provision of financial assistance by a company to, amongstothers, to companies and corporations related or inter-related to such company.4.3. Both sections 44 and 45 provide inter alia that the financial assistance may only be providedpursuant to a special resolution passed within the previous two years.4.4. The Board would like the authority to be able to provide financial assistance to companies andcorporations related or inter-related to SAMRO or related to such persons, where they regard it

6as desirable. For example, to provide loans and guarantees for loans and other financialassistance to companies in the group, as and when required.4.5. If adopted, this resolution shall have the effect of authorising the Board to provide the indicatedFinancial Assistance. This is intended to facilitate SAMRO providing Financial Assistance to itssubsidiaries and other related companies if, and to the extent that, the Board regards desirable.5. SPECIAL RESOLUTION 3 – Authority to provide financial assistance to property holdingcompanies“It is hereby resolved that, subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, No. 71 of 2008, as amended,(‘the Companies Act’), the members of the Company hereby approve, as a general approval, theCompany providing direct or indirect financial assistance (‘Financial Assistance’) as contemplated insection 45 of the Companies Act to SAMRO House Holdings (Proprietary) Limited (registrationno.1964/006181/07) and SAMRO House (Proprietary) Limited (registration no. 1962/001266/07) (‘theProperty Companies’), whether in the form of advances for expenses, assisting with administration oftransactions, loans, discharging debts, sureties, guarantees, or otherwise, on such terms as may beauthorised by the board of directors of the Company (‘the Board’) having regard to the operationalexpenses and the funding requirements of the Property Companies and obligations to the banks andother persons funding them and in accordance with the following:(a)the Financial Assistance can be provided to the Property Companies including by way of FinancialAssistance to any third parties providing financial assistance to the Property Companies;(b)authorisation by the Board of any Financial Assistance pursuant to this resolution must be providedwithin a period of 2 (two) years;(c)this authority is subject to compliance with the requirements of section 45 of the Companies Act, forso long as applicable to the Company; and(d)nothing in this approval shall limit the provision by the Company of Financial Assistance that doesnot require approval by way of a special resolution of the members in terms of sections 44 or 45 ofthe Companies Act or falls within any exemption provided in these sections.”

7Explanatory information in respect of Special Resolution 35.1. As explained in respect of Special Resolution 2 above, section 45 of the Companies Act requirethe contemplated financial assistance to be approved of by the members by way of a specialresolution.5.2. If adopted, this resolution shall have the effect of authorising the Board to provide the indicatedFinancial Assistance to the Property Companies. This is intended to facilitate SAMRO providingFinancial Assistance to the Property Companies in order to secure their loan funding and to meettheir obligations in respect of its existing and future funding and their operating expenses.6. SPECIAL RESOLUTION 4 – Consent to establish Joint Venture and approval of financialassistance to Joint Venture(A)To discuss the allocation of expenses flowing from the administration of mechanical rights.(B)The Board is exploring the possibility of entering into a joint venture with the NationalOrganisation for Reproduction Rights in Music in Southern Africa Limited (“NORM”) for theadministration of mechanical rights in Southern Africa and would like authority to conclude anagreement with NORM. The joint venture may take any form to be agreed to by the Company andNORM. It is currently contemplated that initially the joint venture will be purely contractual andsubsequently incorporated, but the terms are still being negotiated and at this stage there is someuncertainty as to the form of the joint venture. Accordingly for the purposes of this resolution thereference to “the Joint Venture” shall be deemed to include any form of joint venture that may beagreed to and any variation thereto.“It is hereby resolved that the members of the Company hereby approve:(a)the Company entering into a joint venture agreement with the National Organisation forReproduction Rights in Music in Southern Africa Limited (NORM) for the establishment of the JointVenture (as defined in paragraph B above) for the purpose of administering mechanical rights inSouthern Africa on such terms and conditions as the Board may approve; and(b)as a general approval, subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, No. 71 of 2008, asamended, (‘the Companies Act’), the Company providing direct or indirect financial assistance(‘Financial Assistance’) as contemplated in sections 44 and 45 of the Companies Act to the JointVenture, whether in the form of advances for expenses, assisting with administration of

8transactions, loans, discharging debts, sureties, guarantees, or otherwise, on such terms as maybe authorised by the board of directors of the Company (‘the Board’) having regard to the fundingrequirements and in accordance with the following:(i)the Financial Assistance can be provided to the Joint Venture and/or to any third partiesproviding financial assistance to the Joint Venture;(ii)authorisation by the Board of any Financial Assistance pursuant to this resolution must beprovided within a period of 2 (two) years;(iii)the maximum amount of the Financial Assistance may not exceed R 3 000 000 (threemillion rand) in the 2 (two) year period;(iv)this authority is subject to compliance with the requirements of section 44 and 45 of theCompanies Act, for so long as applicable to the Company; and(v)nothing in this approval shall limit the provision by the Company of Financial Assistancethat does not require approval by way of a special resolution in terms of sections 44 or 45of the Companies Act or falls within any exemption provided in these sections.”Explanatory information in respect of Special Resolution 46.1. In 2009 SAMRO embarked on a long range planning process which resulted in the Boardconcluding that the sustainability of licensing copyright music would be greatly enhanced byoffering music users a single copyright licence which would include Performing, Mechanical andNeedletime Rights. That was however considered a long term goal requiring the achievement ofspecific milestones. The first, of a series of identified milestones, was the establishment of asingle Mechanical Rights organisation.6.2. At a meeting held between SAMRO and NORM in 2010 it became clear that both organisationshad independently been considering the possibility of a single Mechanical Rights organisationformed out of the merger of SAMRO’s Mechanical Rights operations and NORM’s operations. Aworking group comprising representatives of both organisations was formed to explore theconcept and if they considered it not only desirable but feasible for a merger of that nature to takeplace, to also recommend ways in which that could be realised.6.3. Following a number of discussions and agreements on dealing with potential or real obstacles therepresentatives of the working group presented to their respective organisations and both the

9board of NORM and the Board of SAMRO resolved to recommend the merger to their respectivemembers.6.4. As explained in respect of Special Resolution 2 above, sections 44 and 45 of the Companies Actrequire the contemplated financial assistance to be approved by way of a special resolution.6.5. If adopted, this resolution shall have the effect of authorising the Board to enter into a jointventure agreement with the National Organisation for Reproduction Rights in Music in SouthernAfrica Limited (NORM) for the establishment of the Joint Venture for the purpose of administeringmechanical rights in Southern Africa, and to provide the Financial Assistance to the Joint Venture.7. ORDINARY RESOLUTION 3 – Authorisation“It is hereby resolved that the board of directors (or its delegee) be and is hereby empowered to do allthings and settle and sign all returns and other documentation and to take such other steps as may berequired to complete and implement the Ordinary Resolutions and the Special Resolutions adopted at thismeeting. Insofar as such signature or acts occurred before the adoption of the Ordinary Resolutions andthe Special Resolutions, such signature and/or acts are hereby ratified.”GENERAL1. Subject to the conditions set out in each Ordinary Resolution, each of the above Ordinary Resolutions iseffective as from the time of adoption thereof. For each of the above Ordinary Resolutions to beadopted, it must be supported by more than 50% (fifty percent) of the voting rights exercised on theapplicable resolution.2. Subject to the conditions set out in each Special Resolution, unless stated otherwise, each of the aboveSpecial Resolutions is effective from the date of adoption. For each of the above Special Resolutions tobe adopted, it must be supported by at least 75% (seventy five percent) of the voting rights exercised onthe resolution.3. PROXY/IESA MEMBER ENTITLED TO ATTEND AND VOTE AT THE MEETING IS ENTITLED TO APPOINT APROXY (OR MORE THAN ONE PROXY) TO ATTEND, SPEAK AND TO VOTE IN ITS STEAD, BYCOMPLETING THE PROXY FORM ATTACHED HERETO AND DELIVERING SUCH PROXY FORMTO THE REGISTERED OFFICE OF SAMRO. PROXY FORMS MUST BE FORWARDED (IF SIGNED

10IN A REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY, TOGETHER WITH THE POWER OF ATTORNEY OR OTHERAUTHORITY, OR A NOTARIAL COPY THEREOF) TO REACH THE REGISTERED OFFICE OFSAMRO NOT LESS THAN TWENTY-FOUR (24) HOURS BEFORE THE TIME FOR HOLDING THEMEETING, OR THE ADJOURNED MEETING. A PROXY NEED NOT BE A MEMBER OF SAMRO.4. In accordance with section 63(1) of the Companies Act, please note that all members of SAMROparticipating in the meeting, and/or their duly appointed proxies, must provide satisfactory identificationto SAMRO upon arrival at the meeting. In this regard, subject to the chairperson’s discretion, generallyonly a valid green bar-coded South African Identity Book, a valid passport or a valid driver’s licence shallconstitute satisfactory identification. The representative of a juristic member must provide satisfactoryproof of his/her authorisation to represent such juristic member, in the chairperson’s discretion.5. If no quorum is present within half an hour of the time for commencement of the Annual GeneralMeeting 30 November 2012, the Board has determined in accordance with clause 21 of SAMRO’sArticles of Association that the meeting shall stand adjourned to 13h30 on 7 December 2012 at thesame location and, if at such reconvening of the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present by 14h00for the meeting, then any number of members present (in person or by proxy) shall constitute a quorum.By order of the BoardJOHANNESBURG5 November 2012

11SOUTHERN AFRICAN MUSIC RIGHTS ORGANISATION LIMITED(a pre-existing company originally incorporated as a limited by guarantee company)(Registration No. previously 1961/002506/09 currently recorded as 1961/002506/07)(“SAMRO” or “the Company”)PROXY FORMFor completion by members unable to attend the Annual General Meeting of members of SAMRO to be held on Friday, 30 November 2012, at thelater of 13h30 and the time of conclusion of the extraordinary general meeting of the members of SAMRO (commencing at 10h00 on the same dayand being held at the same venue), at SAMRO Place, Ground Floor, 20 De Korte Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg (the “<strong>AGM</strong>”).I/Weof________________________________________________________ (Name in Block Letters)_______________________________________________________________(Address in Block Letters)being a member of SAMRO:do hereby appoint ____________________________________ of ____ _________________________________________or, failing him/her,___________________________________ of ________________________________________________or, failing him/her, Mr Ngomusa Abraham SIBIYA (Chairman of the Board), failing which, Adv. Steven KEKANA (Vice-Chairman), failing which, MrNicholas MOTSATSE (Chief Executive),as my/our proxy to attend, speak, and, on a poll, vote on my/our behalf at the <strong>AGM</strong>, and at any adjournment thereof, and to vote or abstain fromvoting as follows on the resolutions to be proposed at such meeting:1. Ordinary Resolution 1 – Reappointment of auditors For Against Abstain2. Ordinary Resolution 2.1 – Election of Ms. Sibongile Khumalo as director For Against Abstain3. Ordinary Resolution 2.2 – Election of Mr. Johannes (“Joe”) Niemand asdirectorFor Against Abstain4. Special Resolution 1 - Remuneration of directors For Against Abstain5. Special Resolution 2 - General authority to provide financial assistance torelated companiesFor Against AbstainSpecial Resolution 3 - Authority to provide financial assistance to propertyholding companiesFor Against Abstain6. Special Resolution 4 - Authority to enter into a joint venture agreement andto provide financial assistance to the Joint VentureFor Against Abstain7. Ordinary Resolution 3 – Empowering the Board to carry out all such actsnecessary to complete and implement the Ordinary Resolutions andSpecial Resolutions adopted and ratifying all acts carried out before theadoption of the Ordinary Resolutions and Special ResolutionsFor Against AbstainPlease indicate with an ‘X’ in the appropriate spaces above how you wish all your votes to be cast or specify the number of votes you wish to castin the appropriate spaces. The total votes cast on a resolution may not exceed the total votes the member is entitled to cast.

A member entitled to attend and vote at the abovementioned <strong>AGM</strong> is entitled to appoint a proxy or proxies to attend, speak and, on a poll, vote inhis/her stead. A proxy need not be a member of SAMRO.Every person present and entitled to vote at the <strong>AGM</strong> as a member shall on a show of hands have one vote only.Signed at on 2012.12Signature ________________________________________ Name __________________________________________(who warrants his/her authority to do so)Note: Proxy forms must be forwarded to reach the registered office of SAMRO not less than twenty-four (24) hours before thetime for holding the EGM, or the reconvening of the adjourned EGM. In accordance with section 63(1) of the Companies Act,please note that all members of SAMRO participating in the EGM, and/or their duly appointed proxies, must provide satisfactoryidentification to SAMRO upon arrival at the EGM.Documentary evidence establishing the authority of a person signing this form of proxy in a representative capacity (e.g. for acompany, close corporation, trust, pension fund, deceased estate, etc.) must be attached to this form of proxy, unless previouslyrecorded by SAMRO (notarially certified copies of powers of attorney or other authorities are acceptable).SUMMARY OF RIGHTS CONTAINED IN SECTION 58 OF THE COMPANIES ACTIn terms of section 58 of the Companies Act (references to shareholders replaced with members):• a member of a company may, at any time and in accordance with the provisions of section 58 of the CompaniesAct, appoint any individual (including an individual who is not a member) as a proxy to participate in, and speakand vote at, a members’ meeting on behalf of such member;• a proxy may delegate her or his authority to act on behalf of a member to another person, subject to anyrestriction set out in the instrument appointing such proxy;• irrespective of the form of instrument used to appoint a proxy, the appointment of a proxy is suspended at anytime and to the extent that the relevant member chooses to act directly and in person in the exercise of any ofsuch member's rights as a member;• any appointment by a member of a proxy is revocable, unless the form of instrument used to appoint such proxystates otherwise;• if an appointment of a proxy is revocable, a member may revoke the proxy appointment by (i) cancelling it inwriting, or making a later inconsistent appointment of a proxy and (ii) delivering a copy of the revocationinstrument to the proxy and to the relevant company;• a proxy appointed by a member is entitled to exercise, or abstain from exercising, any voting right of suchmember without direction, except to the extent that the relevant company's memorandum of incorporation, or theinstrument appointing the proxy, provides otherwise; and• if the instrument appointing a proxy or proxies has been delivered by a member to a company, then, for so long asthat appointment remains in effect, any notice that is required in terms of the Companies Act or such company’smemorandum of incorporation to be delivered to a member must be delivered by such company tooothe relevant member; orthe proxy or proxies, if the relevant member has: (i) directed such company to do so, in writing and (ii) paidany reasonable fee charged by such company for doing so.SAMRO Place, 20 De Korte Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg 2001P O Box 31609, Braamfontein, 2017Fax number: 011 403 1949Email: secretary@<strong>samro</strong>.org.za.

13Annexure ABRIEF CURRICULUM VITAES FOR NOMINEESSibongile KhumaloBA Music (Zululand), BA (Hons) History of Music (Wits), Higher Diploma in Personnel ManagementAppointed 1 November 2010. Composer member.Sibongile is a former head of the Federated Union of Black Arts, FUBA’s music department and the Funda ArtsCentre’s co-ordinator. She has worked with various artistic institutes, including the Madimba Institute of AfricanMusic. She was a board member and chairperson of the Festival (Artistic) Committee of the GrahamstownNational Arts Festival and served on the board of Opera Africa. As the winner of the Standard Bank Young ArtistAward for Music in 1993, the FNB Vita Award in 1999 and several SAMA awards, she has recorded numerousalbums and performed worldwide. She is involved with the Khongisa Academy for the Performing Arts and in 2007founded the KhabiMngoma Foundation. Sibongile is the chairperson of the Association of South African BusinessWomen in the Arts (SABWA). In the last few years she has honed her skills as a producer, ensuring a legacy forfuture young singers.Johannes (“Joe”) NiemandAcclaimed songwriter and international performing artist, Joe Niemand has released eight albums to date. Hailedas one of South Africa’s most promising talents, this award-winning tunesmith’s music has been heard in morethan 98 countries worldwide.With a career that includes theatre, film music, commercial songwriting, music producing, publishing andmanaging his label Nomansland, Joe is passionate about the South African music industry and what we have tooffer the world.With Gold and Platinum albums Joe is a prolific artist in his own right and has released 5 albums in the past 4years as well as co-producing the hit musical Ester Die Musical at the State Theatre, for which he wrote the musicand starred in as well.In 2012 Joe produced one of the biggest shows in SA history with the celebration of the last ten years of hiscareer, which included a symphony orchestra and a 500 voice mass choir. The concert called "Night of Light" wascaptured from 36 angles on a massive stage built in the middle of the Coca-Cola Dome in Johannesburg. A filmversion of the concert was released in movie theaters country wide.---000---

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