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WIN A £500 GIFT CARD - Champion Newspapers

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8 • Visit us @ www.ChampNews.com WK The <strong>Champion</strong> • Wednesday 17 April 2013Prince’s Trust team put fundraising before fearsYOUNGSTERS from MerseysideFire & Rescue Service’sPrince’s Trust Teamprogramme put fundraisingbefore fears when they held asleep–over at a haunted themedattraction.The intrepid group had to facea torture chamber,dismembered bodies, theelectric chair and a giant coffinbefore bedding down for thenight at Farmageddon inOrmkirk.The challenge was a test ofbravery to raise funds for acommunity project and aweek–long residential stay,which form part of their courseand 14 youngsters took part.Barbara Davies, part of thePrince’s Trust Team atMerseyside Fire & RescueService, said: “To date we haveraised more than £210 for goodcause although we are stillreceiving money from theevent.”Ian Williams at the sculpture which marksthe northernmost point of the Europeanmainland.Arctic herois on top ofthe world!Report by Jim SharpeAN intrepid explorer from Maghull hassucceeded in reaching the most northerly pointof Europe in an Arctic expedition to raisemoney for the Help for Heroes charity.Territorial Army reservist, Ian Williams, waspart of an eight–man Arctic Heroes’ teamwhich made it to Nordkapp in Norway on thetenth day of their 17 day expedition.Severe weather almost stopped them in theirtracks 20 miles from their goal and they had towait overnight for the heavy snow to stop butthe next day they were able to make it.Territorial Army reservist, Ian Williams said:“It was touch and go whether we would makeit.“We couldn’t go at first because of theweather but the next day it relented.“We’d done so well getting as far north as fastas we could, so failing to make our goal wouldhave been devastating.”The 4,500 mile trip took the four–vehicleteam through the Netherlands, Germany,Norway and back through Finland, Swedenand back to Denmark – and the ferry backhome. They were well prepared for theconditions and weather and until they got intoNorway and began to wonder if they would seeany snow. “But boy, did we get our wish!” hesaid.“There had been unprecedented heavy snowas we clawed away the miles northwards andwe encountered every weather system going –from brilliant blue skies to blizzards andcomplete white–outs.“The real shocker was waking up and seeingthe outside temperature was –20 degrees!”But Ian said they were proud to finally reachtheir goal and present a shield from the LordMayor of Liverpool to the Mayor of Nordkapp –and also raise £44,000 for Help for Heroes.1118087INSTALL SOLARNEW 4kW SOLAR PV SYSTEM5,995FROMFULLYONLYINSTALLEDReturn on Investment£32,673And the system willpay for itself in only5 YEARSBased oncurrentenergy costsBased oncurrent FiTrates0800 9777 111Total Complex Overbrook LaneKnowsley Business Park Knowsley L34 9FBEmail. salesteam@totalenergyinstallations.comwww.totalenergyinstallations.com1112035A member of Total Glass Group of CompaniesTOTAL ENERGYINSTALLATIONS

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