Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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D i c t a t i o nListen and complete the sentences.1. The _________ cleans the _________ every _________.The janitor cleans the school every night. 번역 관리인이매일밤학교를청소한다.2. I heard _________ this _________ through _________ of mouth.I heard about this store through word of mouth. 번역 이가게에관해입소문으로들었습니다.3. I will give _________ tomorrow _________ I will _________ my jobnext _________.I will give notice tomorrow that I will leave my job next month.번역 다음달에퇴사한다는것을내일알리겠습니다.4. Are you _________ to _________ in public _________?Are you going to work in public service? 번역 공무원으로일할생각이니?5. How _________ you find out _________ _________ position in_________ company?How did you find out about this position in our company? 번역 우리회사의이일자리에관해어떻게알았나요?6. The _________ _________ us _________ to use _________computer _________.번역 트레이너가우리에게컴퓨터네트워크사용법을가르쳤다.The trainer taught us how to use the computer network.7. I clocked out _________ _________ _________ _________, so I am_________.I clocked out at ten last night, so I am tired. 번역 어젯밤10시에퇴근해서지금피곤하다.8. I _________ advise my _________ when I _________ a businesstrip.I always advise my secretary when I take a business trip.번역 나는출장을갈때면항상비서에게얘기를합니다. 해설 advise 말리다,충고하다 cf. advice 충고,권고9. I will _________ when I am _________ years old and _________work _________.번역 나는60세가되면퇴직하여다시는일을하지않을것이다.I will retire when I am 60 years old and never work again.10. The cashier is _________ _________ _________ of the _________register.The cashier is standing in front of the cash register.번역계산원이금전등록기앞에서있다.

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