Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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Unit 11. OccupationsExercisesListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. Why is the woman unhappy?(A) He questioned her.번역√(B) She was out of line.2. When does she advise her secretary?(A) After traveling(B) Two days before a trip번역3. What does she want to be?(A) A trainer번역√4. Why is Robert leaving his job?(A) He will retire.번역√T e s tListen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.1. What is the problem?(A) He is a new employee.(C) He doesn’t want to fire Steve.번역√여자는왜기분이나쁜가?(A) 남자가문제제기를해서 (B) 그녀가부적절한행동을해서그녀는언제비서에게알려주는가?(A) 출장을다녀온후에 (B) 출장가기이틀전에그녀는무엇이되고싶어하는가?(A) 트레이너(훈련자)(B) 신입사원로버트는왜직장을그만두는가?(A) 퇴직을하게되어서 (B) 해고당해서(B) A new worker(B) He has been fired.(B) She is his boss.(D) He agrees with her.무엇이문제인가?(A) 그는신입사원이다.(B) 그녀는그의상사이다.(C) 그는스티브를해고하고싶지않다.(D) 그는그녀와생각이같다.2. How can you be successful in a job interview?(A) √ Look confident(B) Never smile(C) Remember that you need them (D) Ask questions번역취업면접에서성공하려면어떻게해야할까?(A) 자신감있게보이기 (B) 미소는금물 (C) 당신이그들을필요로한다는것기억하기 (D) 질문하기3. What will they do next?(A) Say good<strong>by</strong>e(C) Go home번역이들은다음에무엇을할까?(A) 작별인사를한다 (B) 돈을센다 (C) 집으로간다 (D) 초과근무를한다3. (M) Can you work overtime this evening,Gab<strong>by</strong>?(W) OK. But I have to clock out before 7:30.(M) That should be fine. We just need tofinish these reports.번역√(B) Count the money(D) Work extra hours√1. (W) Listen, Matt. You were out of lineyesterday.(M) Do you think so? How?(W) You shouldn’t question me in frontof the staff.번역 (W) 이봐요,매트.어제당신무례했어요.(M) 그래요?내가어떻게했죠?(W) 직원들앞에서내게문제를제기하지말아요.3. (M) How do you see your future withthis company, Patty?(W) I would like to be a trainer fornew workers.(M) I’m glad you want to share yourexperience.번역 (M) 패티,이회사에서장차무슨일을하고싶나요?(W) 신입사원을교육시키는일을하고싶습니다.(M) 당신의경험을공유하고자한다니기뻐요.4. (W) I can’t believe you’re leaving us, Robert.(M) Stop it, Ruth. You’re going to make me cry.(W) Thanks for 30 years of excellent publicservice to this city.번역 (W) 로버트,우리를떠난다니믿을수가없어요.(M) 그만해요,루스.그러다제가울겠어요.(W) 이도시를위해30년동안훌륭하게공무원생활을하신것에감사드려요.1. (M) I’m sorry but I won’t fire Steve.(W) I’m your boss! You’re out of line, youknow.(M) I disagree with you.번역(M) 개비,오늘저녁에초과근무할수있나요?(W) 좋아요.하지만7시30분전에퇴근해야해요.(M) 좋아요.이보고서만끝내주면돼요.2. (W) I always advise my secretary when I’mgoing to take a business trip. She needsto know so that she can prepare mytickets and arrange my schedule. I try togive her at least two days’ notice.번역(W) 내가출장을가려할때,나는항상비서에게알려준다.그녀가내티켓을준비하고일정을조정할수있도록알아둘필요가있다.나는최소2일전에그녀에게통보하려고한다.(M) 죄송하지만스티브를해고할수는없어요.(W) 나는당신의상사예요!당신이잘못생각하고있다는것을알고있나요.(M) 저는생각이다릅니다.2. (W) To be successful in a job interview,you must be punctual and dressnicely. It is important to smile andlook confident, too. Alwaysremember that the interviewer번역needs you.(W) 취업면접에서성공하려면,시간을정확하게지키고옷을잘입어야한다.미소를띠고자신감있게보이는것또한중요하다.면접관이당신을필요로한다는것을항상기억해야한다.97

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