Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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PART III. Short Conversations & TalksW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.조련사,트레이너정비사퇴근하다부적절한,어울리지않는은퇴,퇴직하다trainer The trainer taught us how to use the new computer network.mechanic The mechanic fixed my car’s engine.clock out I am done with work. I am going to clock out and go home.out of line She was out of line when she shouted at her father.retire He will retire when he is 60 years old and never work again.해설3.(타임레코더로)퇴근시간을기록하다1. 트레이너가우리에게새컴퓨터네트워크사용법을가르쳤다.2. 정비사가내차엔진을수리했다.B. Types of Questions: Occupations3. 나는일이끝났다.퇴근해서집에갈것이다.4. 그녀가아버지에게소리를질러댄것은부적절한행동이었다.5. 그는60세가되면퇴직해서다시는일을하지않을것이다.a. Main Idea What does she want to be?What is the problem?b. Inference Why does she think he is kind?Why is Robert leaving his job?c. Cause and Effect Why is the woman unhappy?What will happen next?d. Facts and Details Why will his boss miss him?When does she advise her secretary?C. Read the dialogs or short talks and write the answers to the questions.W: I’ve been working too much overtime this week.번역M: What time did you clock out last night?W: I left at 9:30 last night. And tonight I’ll have to stay late again.1. What is the problem? __________ ❹W: Thanks for fixing my car, Jack. How much do I owe you?M: Don’t worry about it, Mrs. Col<strong>by</strong>. It was nothing.W: Oh, that’s kind of you, but you’re my mechanic! I should pay!2. Why does she think he is kind? __________ ❸I have worked at this company for 40 years, but soon I will retire. I’mglad there will be no more deadlines and schedules, but I will miss thisplace a bit. My boss will surely miss me because I’m so dependable.번역W 이번주에초과근무를너무많이하고있어요.M 어젯밤몇시에퇴근했나요?W 9시30분에나갔어요.오늘밤에도늦게까지일해야해요.1.문제가무엇인가?늦게까지일해야한다.W 잭,내차고쳐줘서고마워요.얼마죠?M 돈은걱정마세요,콜비부인.별것아닌걸요.W 정말친절하시군요.하지만 당신은정비사니까돈을받아야해요!2.그녀는왜그가친절하다고생각하는가?돈을받으려고하지않아서963. Why will his boss miss him? __________ ❶❶❸He is reliable.He won’t take money.❷❹He is out of line.She has to work late.번역나는이회사에서40년동안일했는데곧퇴직할겁니다.이제는마감기일도일정도없게되서기뻐요.하지만이곳을조금은그리워할겁니다.나는신뢰할만한직원이어서사장님도틀림없이나를보고싶어할거예요.3.그의사장은왜그를보고싶어하겠는가?믿을만한사람이어서

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