Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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Unit 11. OccupationsExercisesListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) The salary isn’t good.(B) Yes, I like it.√2. (A) No, she’s never on time either.(B) It’s because she is lazy.√3. (A) I heard about it through the grapevine.(B) No, I didn’t know.√4. (A) I chose the janitor position.(B) I will do a good job.What is a public service job like?번역 공무원일은어때?(A) 봉급이좋지않아.(B) 그래,좋아해.Does your boss get mad if you’re not punctual?번역 시간을지키지않으면사장이화를내니?(A) 아니,그녀도제때오는법이없어.(B) 그녀가게을러서그래.How did you know about this restaurant?번역 이식당에관해어떻게알았니?(A) 소문으로들었어.(B) 아니,몰랐어.Which job did you choose in the end?번역결국어떤일자리를골랐니?(A) 관리인자리를선택했어.(B) 잘해낼거야.해설3.the grapevine 소문,헛소문T e s tListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) (B) (C)√2. (A) (B) (C)√3. (A) (B) (C)√4. (A) (B) (C)번역번역1. Who informed Mr. Jones aboutyour mistake?(A) I’ve had better.(B) I have no idea.(C) I don’t think so.누가네실수에대해존스씨에게알려줬니?(A) 그게더좋았는데.(B) 잘모르겠어.(C) 그렇게생각하지않아.3. Is Cathy a reliable employee?(A) No, she can’t.(B) Yes, her employees are good.(C) Yes, she’s great.캐시는신뢰할만한직원인가요?(A) 아니오,그녀는못해요.(B) 예,그녀의직원들은착해요.(C) 예,그녀는대단해요.번역번역2. Are you going to be on timetomorrow?(A) Yes, I will.(B) Yes, I know.(C) At 6 o’clock.내일제때올건가요?(A) 예,그럴거예요.(B) 예,알아요.(C) 6시요.4. When did you start working inpublic service?(A) Last year.(B) The service is always good.(C) Soon.언제부터공무원일을했나요?(A) 작년부터요.(B) 이일은언제나좋아요.(C) 곧.95

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