Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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PART II. Questions & ResponsesW arm-upA. Learn the words and phrases.(빌딩)관리인공공사업,공무말로,구두로시간을엄수하는알려주다janitorpublic serviceword of mouthpunctualgive notice1. 관리인은매일밤학교를청소한다.2. 정부를위해하는일을공무라고한다.3. 이가게에관해입소문으로들었다.The janitor cleans the school every night.Working for the government is called public service.I heard about this store through word of mouth.I am always punctual. I am never late.I will give notice tomorrow. I will leave my job nextmonth.4. 나는항상시간을엄수한다.나는늦는법이없다.5. 내일통보해드리죠.저는다음달에직장을관둘겁니다.B. Match the questions and answers.1. Would you please call the janitor? (A) Why? Did you spillsomething?2. When should I give notice that I’m leaving? (B) I think so.3. Are you going to work in public service? (C) By word of mouth.4. How did you hear about this job? (D) As soon as possible.1.관리인좀불러주시겠어요?2.내가떠난다는걸언제알려줘야할까요?3.공무원으로일할건가요?4.이일자리에관해어떻게알게되었나요?C. Listen and fill in the blanks.(A) 왜요?뭘쏟았나요?(B) 그럴것같아요.(C) 소문으로들었습니다.(D) 가능한한빨리요.941. (A) Do you always arrive at the correcttime?(B) Yes, I’m always _______.(A) 언제나제시간에도착하나요?(B) 예,저는항상시간을지켜요.2. (A) Did you tell the boss that you have anew job?(B) Yes, I _______.(A) 새일자리를얻었다고사장에게말했나요?(B) 네,통보를했어요.3. (A) How did you find out about thisposition in our company?(B) I heard about it _______.(A) 우리회사의이일자리에관해어떻게알았나요?(B) 친구한테들었습니다.4. (A) Where is the _______?(B) He’s in the back room.(A) 관리인이어디있지?(B) 안쪽방에있어.NoteNoteon time/dependable/punctual/reliablewarned her/advised her/gave her notice/informed herthrough the grapevine/<strong>by</strong> word of mouth/through a rumor/from a friendjanitor/superintendent/caretaker/custodian제시간에/믿을만한/시간을엄수하는/확실한경고하다/조언하다/알려주다/통보하다소문으로/입소문으로/풍문으로/친구로부터관리인(청소)/관리인,수위/관리인(박물관,빈건물)/관리인(청소)

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