Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge Listening 2B

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Unit 1. PeopleExercisesListen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) Of course we do.(B) I love talking.√2. (A) My father gets angry.(B) I have to fix it.3. (A) No, thank you.(B) It’s too far away.√Do you and your friends from high school ever gettogether?번역 고등학교친구들과모임이있니?(A) 물론이지.(B) 난말하는게좋아.What happens if you break your curfew?번역통금을어기면어떻게되니?(A) 아빠가화를내셔.(B) 내가고쳐야해.Why aren’t you going to your high school reunion?번역고등학교동창회에왜안가니?(A) 아니오,괜찮아요.(B) 너무멀어서요.✱ 테이프를 들려주고 어떤 질문 형태인지이해하도록 한다.✱ 어떤 질문에 대한 대답인지 질문유형을추측해 본다.4. (A) I don’t like it.(B) No, never.√Have you ever had a big argument with a friend?번역친구와크게다퉈본적있니?(A) 난그게맘에들지않아.(B) 아니,전혀.T e s t테이프로 질문을 먼저 들려주고 기억 나는 단어들을 말해보게 한다.질문에 대한 답을 추측해 보게 한다.다시 테이프를 들려주고 확인해 본다.Listen and choose the right answer or statement.√1. (A) (B) (C)√2. (A) (B) (C)√3. (A) (B) (C)√4. (A) (B) (C)번역번역1. Do you and your best friend havemuch in common?(A) No, not really.(B) Yes, I can.(C) So do I.너의가장친한친구와공통점이많니?(A) 아니,그렇진않아.(B) 예,할수있어요.(C) 나도그래.3. What do you and your uncle dowhen you get together?(A) We like to go fishing.(B) We’re both outgoing.(C) I don’t like him.삼촌과만나면무엇을하니?(A) 우리는낚시를좋아해.(B) 우리는둘다외향적인성격이야.(C) 나는그가싫어.번역번역2. Where is your family reunionthis year?(A) In March.(B) In New York.(C) At 6:30.올해가족모임은어디서하니?(A) 3월에.(B) 뉴욕에서.(C) 6시30분에.4. Can you come to my housewarmingparty this Saturday night?(A) I’d love to.(B) No, I didn’t.(C) Maybe tomorrow night.이번토요일밤우리집집들이에올수있니?(A) 가고싶어.(B) 아니,안그랬는데.(C) 아마내일밤에.9

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